It's time to play online

Chapter 137 Mechanical Lost City

Chapter 137 Mechanical Lost City
Fuck, if you have this skill, you should have said it earlier, so I have to be careful all the time, for fear that this dungeon will kill you if you are not careful!

The situation was stable, and several music boxes around made a lot of noise at the same time, but Wang Shuang and the others could no longer hear it.Theoretically speaking, in fact, such a little rabbit fur, squirrel fluff and the like must not be able to block the ears.Even if it can be blocked, there will be a lot of sound in the ears, and it is impossible not to hear at all.

But this is a game setting, not to mention that it is not harmful to Wang Shuang, what can you do?Then accept it, it's a good thing anyway.Wang Shuang looked up and looked around, suddenly froze for a moment.The surrounding music boxes are still arranged in the same way as before, except that the blood bars displayed on the heads of large pieces of music boxes have been slightly damaged.

That's right, it's broken, at least a small part.Wang Shuang wiped his eyes, it was indeed so, could this explosion have an effect on their allies?

Fuck!Wang Shuang suddenly figured it out, the master of the system didn't mean to let the player stuff things in his ears at all, the master of the system just wanted his brother to shoot a music box to explode, and then found that the explosion damage can also hurt allies!Speaking of which, the previous mechanical dogs are also a large area, can it also be brushed in this way?No, Wang Shuang looked the room up and down, shook his head and denied his thoughts: This is because the room is narrow and there are a lot of music boxes inside, so the serial blasting can be carried out.

What if you wait until the explosion blows up the blood bars of the remaining music boxes to 10? ? ? , then the last wave of explosions can directly take away all the music boxes, and even if there are a few lingering ones left occasionally, they will explode again because of the skills!what is this?This is a prompt from the system to the player, and it belongs to a simple level.Because he was afraid that the player would fall down in front, the system master deliberately released water!

However, the release of water is very level. Firstly, the player needs to observe the blood bars of these monsters. Secondly, the player must be able to attack the music box against the noise until the music box's health bar cannot support it and explodes. You have to adapt yourself in the state of repeated chaos and paralysis, and slowly blow up the music boxes one by one, and finally all the music boxes in the whole room explode. Give it a blast!
It requires certain strength, observation skills, patience and perseverance. Wang Shuang couldn't help but sigh once again that the guy who runs this factory must be a genius.But even though the design is good, in the face of a player like brother who can wear earplugs, it only needs to be able to break the defense, isn't it all right?What operations, thinking, strength... are all floating clouds in front of my brother, what can your noise attack do to me?Haha, wahahahaha!
After that, Wang Shuang and others didn't make any more mistakes, until the vitality of several music boxes were all hit to 15? ? ? , Wang Shuang and Ri Kedo hurriedly withdrew back behind Li Muxuan, while Li Muxuan carefully kept the music boxes from exiting the battle state while carefully retreating, she suddenly opened her bow, and a section of golden transparent bamboo appeared in the room over the sky.

"Quick retreat!" Wang Shuang's scalp exploded when he saw this skill, Sonic Tide, Li Muxuan's only range attack!After releasing this blow, Li Muxuan also turned her head and ran away. The three people rushed to the passage like passers-by hiding from the rain. Li Kedu suddenly stopped a few people, pointed at the edge of the metal passage and shouted: "Have you found it? There is a Door!"

"So what if there is a door?" Wang Shuang looked back in surprise. The three music boxes had been hit by the sonic wave. The surface of the music boxes shook wildly and began to crack, and the parts inside danced wildly on the music boxes.Wang Shuang's scalp felt numb, and he quickly turned his head back.

"We can lock it!" Li Kedo suggested: "Anyway, the door here should be very strong, about the same hardness as the wall, and it can prevent the aftermath of this explosion from spreading."

ha?Can it really be done?Fuck it, if the NPC says yes, it must be yes.Wang Shuang didn't doubt it at the moment, and waved his hand: "Okay, close it."

With a bang, Li Muxuan and Ri Kedo pulled the door out from the gap in the left wall, and fastened it tightly into the gap in the right wall, and Li Kedu turned the outer lock of the doorknob to secure it.After the door was closed, Wang Shuang leaned against the door, plucked the pine fluff in his ears, and pressed his heart with his left hand, which was not holding a dagger, and it was beating...extraordinarily powerfully.Wang Shuang remembered that his character's heart rate was 79 per minute.

"Boom boom boom!" Three explosions almost in no particular order came from behind, and the three bombs with the least vitality had already detonated.Another three seconds later, six music boxes with slightly more blood were also dragged to 10? ? ? , started collapsing and exploding irresistibly.Wang Shuang held his breath, everything depended on the last wave, the first two waves were the explosions they controlled, only a few explosions together were not too powerful, the last wave, but the blood of the music box in the whole room was dragged to 10? ? ?chain effect afterwards.

How big is the whole room?How many music boxes are there?How powerful would it be if they exploded at the same time?The next moment, the facts gave Wang Shuang the answer.

"Boom boom boom..." Wang Shuang was nearly deafened by the series of explosions, and the blood on his head trembled violently.Moreover, Wang Shuang also clearly felt the whole room behind him shaking, and he groaned weakly like a seriously ill old man.

Is this room going to collapse?After waiting for a while, the vibration behind him slowly stopped.

There was no movement, Wang Shuang breathed a sigh of relief, and glanced at the blood on the heads of several people.After learning the lesson just now, Ricodo will also keep his blood bar full at all times, so now he has become a state of residual blood.But because Wang Shuang and Li Muxuan practiced [Strengthen Body] and ate a few Ten Thousand Insect Soup, their qi and blood rose rapidly, and even Wang Shuang, who had never used qi and blood as an advantage, still had more than half of it left.

The three of them turned their heads and saw that the insurance that Ri Kedo had just taken out was blown off, which made Wang Shuang horrified.At this time, Li Muxuan just stretched out her hand and pushed lightly, and the door, which was stretched from side to side just now, fell forward.

it's over?Seeing the mess all over the room and the black ashes spreading linearly all over the wall, Wang Shuang felt like he was alive after a catastrophe.Just as Wang Shuang let out a long breath, the next second, system prompts almost swarmed in.


System prompt: You kill the rusty music box, you get 5 experience points, you get 2000 gold coins, your follower Li Muxuan gets 5 experience points, you get rusty black fragments .

System prompt: You kill the rusty music box, you get 5 experience points, you get 2000 gold coins, your follower Li Muxuan gets 5 experience points, you get rusty black fragments .

System prompt: You killed the rusty music box, you get 5 experience points, you get 2000 gold coins, and your follower Li Muxuan gets 5 experience points.


System prompt: You killed the rusty music box, your experience has met the upgrade requirements, but because you haven't changed your job yet, you can't gain experience for the time being.Your follower Li Muxuan gained 10 experience points, you got 4000 gold coins as rewards, and you got rusty black shards.

System prompt: You killed the rusty music box, your experience has met the upgrade requirements, but because you haven't changed your job yet, you can't gain experience for the time being.Your follower Li Muxuan has gained 10 experience points, and you have been rewarded with 4000 gold coins.



System prompt: Your follower Li Muxuan has reached level 50.

Fuck!Seeing the prompt message from the screen, Wang Shuang was stunned for less than two seconds, and then ecstatic: Damn, the kills of these music boxes are all counted on my brother?Fuck, it’s a good time. The more ferocious the head counting is, the more I like it. As for the fact that the level can be transferred to followers after the level is full, Wang Shuang is even more overjoyed.

That's right, Wang Shuang was a little worried at first. If he couldn't upgrade, wouldn't most of the experience points of this dungeon be wasted?Now it's all right, with Li Muxuan helping him share the experience points, he can continue to collect dungeons.Even at the back, even Li Muxuan is full, isn't there still Li Er!

Fuck, let the experience rain come more violently!

Ricodo also clapped his hands in relief: "Brother, your strategy is admirable, and you actually wiped out all these guys at once. This saved us a lot of time on the way to find the treasure, and I sincerely wish you You, brother!"


System prompt: Because you quickly defeated the rusty music note x120 in a short period of time, the favorability of NPC merchant adventurers can be increased by 10, and the current favorability is 60/100.

It's only increased by ten points. It seems that he is only admiring him verbally, not from the heart.Wang Shuang chuckled: "Brother, I am honored. It is my duty to defeat these music boxes. Besides, helping you remove obstacles on the road is actually helping me explore deeper into the dungeon."

"Okay, okay." Li Kedo laughed and waved his hand forward: "Then let's move on. Starting from the front is the real difficulty of the Rikus factory."

Nani!Wang Shuang was surprised, that is to say, the system no longer provides BUG, ​​and everything depends on the player to deal with it?If I understand it from another angle, can it be understood that the novice teaching of this copy is over, and the ones that will come up later are not the miscellaneous fish in the novice teaching?
Of course, Rikodo didn't know that his words had caused so many speculations from Wang Shuang. At this time, he was striding across the room and entering the next passage.Naturally, Wang Shuang followed without hesitation, while Li Muxuan quietly followed Wang Shuang's footsteps, and the three of them walked deeper into the passage.

After walking a few steps, the eyes suddenly opened up.Wang Shuang opened his mouth in shock, and looked up at the scenery in front of him.

Coming out of the passage, Wang Shuang thought they were about to face the next scene boss, but he didn't expect that they were clearly on a sophisticated, metal-made suburban avenue.At the end of the avenue, there is a mechanical labyrinth built with precision machinery and instruments.

(End of this chapter)

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