Chapter 138
"Let's go, nothing will happen if we stand here." Ricoto said.

Wang Shuang nodded, and the three of them slowly walked into the mechanical lost city in front of them.Unlike the buildings outside that Wang Shuang had seen, because the city was built in a steel castle, the sky was shrouded in endless gray and white fog.The sky above the entire city is like a flowing sea, rising and falling one after another.

As they got closer, Wang Shuang could see clearly the specific appearance of the buildings in the Mechanical Lost City.There are no tall buildings or bungalows here, but only tapered cubic buildings. Compared with ordinary buildings, the buildings here are almost as thin as lightning, rising from the ground, towering into the sea of ​​air flowing above.Some are a bit thicker, some are a bit thinner, and some have not pierced into the gray sea of ​​air above, and the sharp conical top of the tower just stands like this.It is like a city made of steel pillars.

Wang Shuang came to the entrance of the Mechanical Lost City. There were two rusted statues, one on the left and the other on the right. Due to the single color and severe corrosion on their faces, Wang Shuang couldn't see their expressions clearly, but there was no doubt that from their hands Looking at the weapons and their actions, it seems that someone placed them here to defend the safety of the city.

"What kind of danger is there?" Wang Shuang couldn't help but patted Li Keduo on the shoulder. The latter was not in a hurry to enter the Mechanical Lost City. After sensing Wang Shuang's movements, he stopped and glanced back at him. .

"I don't know either." He looked up at the huge statue in front of him: "According to people in the past, it's really difficult to start from here. As for what's inside, they haven't gone in. Although some people have gone in , but never came out again."

That is to say, all NPCs without resurrection ability died in it?
Wang Shuang groaned, and suddenly said: "By the way, if you look at it this way, what treasures are there, and why are you so obsessed with the treasures inside, even risking your life to explore?"

Ricoto smiled slightly: "One must always have an adventurous spirit. If I don't take risks, how can I be considered an adventurer?"

Damn, brother is speechless!But if you directly say what the plot requires, maybe I will accept it faster!
"As for the treasure, there are many theories. Some people say it's the formula of pharmacy, some say it's the architectural blueprint, and some even say it's the fief order... I think it's all possible, but we can get it What kind of treasure you find, you have to resign yourself to fate."

Is it still a random reward?Wang Shuang thought.

There was silence for two seconds. Seeing that Wang Shuang had nothing to say, Ri Kedo continued to walk into the Mechanical Lost City, and Wang Shuang also followed.The moment he passed the statue, Wang Shuang suddenly had the feeling of being watched, which was subtle but very clear.Wang Shuang stopped and looked up. The statue was only three meters high, almost twice the height of Wang Shuang. Standing under the statue, Wang Shuang almost reached the waist of the other party.

At this time, Wang Shuang found that the statue's face was in a mess, but its two eyes were completely different silver beads, shining with a faint white light at the entrance of the dark mechanical labyrinth.The direction of the eyes is always looking at the sky in front of him, and his fingers clasped his weapon, like a loyal general defending the country.But Wang Shuang looked at the faint white light and was still a little confused. He decided to trust his own feelings and slowly took out the dagger from his backpack.

"What's wrong with you?" Li Ke saw that Wang Shuang didn't follow up from behind for a long time, and turned back after walking a certain distance.Li Muxuan had been standing by Wang Shuang's side all the time, suddenly her face froze, Wang Shuang quickly glanced at her, and Li Muxuan's face turned pale instantly.

"The smell of metal is suddenly very strong, as if some mechanism is being activated."

Fuck, what did brother do?Wang Shuang was so startled that he clenched the dagger in his hand and looked around. He suddenly thought of the statue above his head. When he raised his head, Wang Shuang was shocked to find that the statue's eyes no longer looked into the distance, and that most of the eye sockets were corroded. Eyes, the gray and white dull eyes slid down, and their eyes fell on Wang Shuang.

In such an instant, the hairs on Wang Shuang's whole body exploded, regardless of whether Sanqi 21 activated the skill "chisel blood".


System prompt: You have activated the guard mechanism of the Iron City, the guard mechanism joins the battle, and the battle begins.

Come on, sure enough, there is a problem with these two statues!Wang Shuang activated his skills and slashed the dagger at the guard's leg, but this blow only drew a large spark and a light white mark on his foot.



System prompt: The target state is abnormal, immune to the "bleeding" effect triggered by blood gouging.

"Damn it." Wang Shuang cursed, looking at the head of the statue in front of him, the blood had hardly lost much, and the blood vessels were still full.Brother Tama's full-body orange outfit has an attack power of 1100, and it's still a triple crit, so he can't beat this guy. Who can pass this dungeon?
Look at the attributes first, Wang Shuang saw that his blow did not get any significant effect, so he immediately retreated and read the attributes of the guy in front of him.

——Activated guard mechanism (green-LV48): HP 150000, physical attack 1500, physical defense 1800, physical resistance 70? ? ?magic defense 1600, magic resistance 85? ? ?Functions: normal attack, start program, counter sword energy, speed attack.

——启动程式:在被激活的十秒内,物理攻击-50???理防御 50???击速度-50???动速度 50?0秒后失效。

——Murderous Countermeasure: When receiving long-range damage, there are 15? ? ?Swing murderously in the direction of the source of the damage, dealing 500 108?Deal damage from attacks and stun for 1 second.

——速度破击:造成450 116?理攻击的伤害,并使目标攻击速度下降45???目标施加减速效果的成功率为85???续15秒。


Wang Shuang found the reason why he couldn't hit the opponent after reading it. Physical defense 50? ? ?No wonder.But when he saw the other two skills, Wang Shuang was so angry that his lungs were about to burst.Murderous counterattack, this looks like a skill that restrains long-range attacks.Who is the remote attacker?That's Li Muxuan!The physical damage caused by a counterattack is about 2000 points!It could almost directly knock out more than one-third of Li Muxuan's blood.

If there is a crit... no, there won't be.Wang Shuang thought that he had been driving the sub-professional Doom Pirates. Although these statues were of a strange type, not humans or creatures, but machines, they should also be affected by the aura of doom. As long as they can't crit, Li Muxuan can move in time And eat the red potion, you will not be killed in seconds.

The last speed attack, Wang Shuang will also do it, but the effect of the skill is three or four times inferior to this guy's.

Wang Shuang hates it, if there is no talent to reverse the probability, the success rate of the deceleration is also 85? ? ? , After reducing the attack speed of these two guards, it will be much easier for me to fight!

Now, one on the left and one on the right, two guards stepped down from the metal square platform of the original statue, and the weapons in their hands were also sharpened, and the two axes fell towards Wang Shuang's head.

"Li Keduo, add status to me!" Seeing this scene, Wang Shuang's face turned green. One second, he was worried about whether Li Muxuan would be killed in seconds. The next second, the two agents killed him together. Come here, can Wang Shuang stop it?I don't know, the two guys add up to 3000 physical attacks. If they use the skill speed attack at the same time, the damage is estimated to reach about 2500. Wang Shuang has no other choice but to die immediately.

Now it depends on whether my brother can successfully parry, Wang Shuang looked at the short dagger in his hand, and felt guilty.It just so happened that Li Keduo's skills arrived at this time.


System prompt: Can the NPC merchant adventurer use the bard professional skill "Beautiful Flower" more, and your physical attack increases by 15? ? ?Follower Li Muxuan's physical attack increased by 15?

Damn it, Wang Shuang said anxiously: "It's not this, give me something that can improve physical defense or physical resistance-by the way, don't give me skills that increase the probability of parrying, add it and I will fight with you!" !"

Ri Kedo also anxiously said: "I don't know how, my support is more offensive and defensive support skills - I haven't learned it before!"

Fuck, what use are you!The two huge axes blew against Wang Shuang, and Wang Shuang gritted his teeth, and pushed the tiger dagger, which looked vulnerable on the surface.


"The parry was successful!"


The dagger in Wang Shuang's hand really couldn't complete the task satisfactorily. When the two axes fell, Wang Shuang was able to block one side, but he couldn't take care of the other side. He could only watch helplessly as the other ax fell on his shoulder, making a deep cut Deep bloodstains.

It was also time for Li Muxuan's three consecutive shots. All three arrows hit the guard that Wang Shuang had attacked before.

At this time, the guard suddenly shouted, raised the ax in his hand and slashed towards Li Muxuan, a white air blade flew out through the air.Li Muxuan seemed to be aware of the power of this move immediately, she leaned her body, and even avoided the edge of the air blade.

You are worthy of brother's follower!Feeling relieved, Wang Shuang quickly picked up the red potion and poured it down, squandering six bottles of red potion in one go, filling up his qi and blood.

The battle entered a stalemate, Wang Shuang began to drink red potion, and kept parrying the attacks of the guards.And Li Muxuan in the distance has been shooting and dodging steadily.The situation of the battle is very stable, except that the trigger probability of the murderous counterattack is a bit high, there is nothing else.

Hehe, did my talent cheat me again?Wang Shuang couldn't understand this talent at first. The probabilities related to himself were all reversed. Li Muxuan was a follower, so the critical strike probability was also reversed. I have nothing to say, but the opponent's skill trigger probability is the same as What does it matter, brother, why should it be reversed?

After drinking a group of red potions, a guard organization finally fell under Li Muxuan's continuous firepower.Oh yeah, a triumphant start.Wang Shuang felt that the pressure on his body was much lighter, and there was only one defender left, and Wang Shuang even had the strength to spare to attack.In less than 5 minutes, the second guard mechanism also fell down.


System prompt: You killed the activated guard mechanism, your experience has met the upgrade requirements, but because you haven't changed your job yet, you can't gain experience for the time being.Your follower Li Muxuan gained 120 million experience points, you got 50 gold coins as a reward, and you got rusty black shards.

(End of this chapter)

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