It's time to play online

Chapter 140 Metal Symphony

Chapter 140 Metal Symphony
——Stable Mechanical Giant (Green-LV48): HP 100000, physical attack 0, physical defense 2000; magic defense 2400.Skills: normal attack, self-destruct device.

——Self-explosion device: After 120 seconds, if the HP is greater than 0, the self-explosion device will be activated, causing 200 targets within the range immediately? ? ?The real harm of life.


Fuck?After watching the skill introduction, Wang Shuang was in a bad mood.This thing has such a high physical defense, and it still has 10W vitality, you want me to kill it within 2 minutes?Well, brother has three people, at least in a state of luck, it is not difficult to kill this guy.

Wang Shuang suddenly remembered Li Keduo's cheating father, and couldn't help but tremble all over. He turned around and pressed Li Keduo's shoulder: "Brother, can I get rid of you?"

"Oh, brother, you... tell me." Li Keduo took a step back in shock and fear, but Wang Shuang pressed his shoulders hard and couldn't move.Wang Shuang looked at his face from a close distance, a drop of sweat was slipping from the midline of his chin to below his neck.

"Don't use the skill that increases the chance of a critical strike against us." A ticking sound came from his ears, making Wang Shuang suddenly remember that the countdown to the self-destruct device had already begun. He had no time to waste, so he could only speak faster, to make a long story short .

"But this..." Li Kedo might still want to ask the reason, but finally swallowed the words back: "Got it."

That's right, as an NPC adventurer who follows your brother, you don't even have the ability to output. Of course, you must follow your brother's command when walking in the dungeon!

System prompt: Can the NPC merchant adventurer use the bard professional skill "Beautiful Flower" more, and your physical attack increases by 15? ? ?Follower Li Muxuan's physical attack increased by 15?

System prompt: Can the NPC merchant adventurer use "War Sonata" more, and the attack speed of nearby friendly forces will increase by 6 within 20 seconds? ? ?Decrease cooldown time by 10?

That's right, it's these two skills, with these two status bonuses.Wang Shuang looked up and showed a terrible smile.Damn, thank you brother, thank you, thank you for not coming to cheat brother!
The battle began. In fact, Wang Shuang already knew about this battle and the target's 0 physical attack.This is indeed a test. The first round tests their combined physical defense and vitality, and the second round looks like it should test their output ability.What is Wang Shuang's output ability?Of course there is no problem, not to mention that in the state of talent reversal, to kill this guy, it is easier and more enjoyable for the three of them to go up together!

In less than 25 seconds, the health bar on the head of the cargo returned to zero, and it fell to the ground and turned into metal parts scattered all over the place. Round metal beads rolled all over the ground, and there were a few parts that looked like pieces bouncing around. All the way, piecemeal.

died?It's a good pass.Wang Shuang didn't even feel any pressure. Not long after the mechanical giant died, the barrier wall behind him shrank, and Wang Shuang and the others returned to the center of the intersection again. Above the intersection, a column of faint moonlight fell down, a star-shaped The pattern of a pattern and a pattern of waves are circling around this column of faint moonlight, which are the two tests that Wang Shuang has just passed.

So what's next, what test is there next?Wang Shuang looked at the other two intersections and began to think.This time Wang Shuang didn't wait for the huge metal pillar to roll over, and made a preemptive strike!He took Li Muxuan and Ri Kedo to the avenue below, stepping on the pattern of spiral roses.The ground shook, and Wang Shuang looked in the direction just now, and there was a metal pillar rolling from right to left!

What will be the next test?Seeing the barrier wall rising rapidly and closing the space, Wang Shuang took a deep breath. In any case, it is always right to give Li Ke two more buffs first!
The BUFF is good, the red potion has been distributed, and Wang Shuang, Li Muxuan and Li Keduo are ready to go.At this time, a strong shock came from the dark avenue ahead, what the hell is that?Hundreds of elephants?No way, I feel like my body is not strong enough for them to step on!
As they get closer, those hazy figures gradually become real images.It's a slow-moving... mechanical building!Moreover, it is covered with all kinds of metal barbs and chain thorn balls, lying in a groove, what do you want to do?
——Clumsy mechanical anti-building car (green-LV48): blood 100000, physical attack 1800, physical defense 3000; magic defense 3200.Skills: normal attack, rapid trap dash, natural collapse.

——Snap into the rush: Enter the charge state of slow acceleration, causing 700 150 to the first unit in front of you?deal with the damage of the attack.

——Natural collapse: After using the skill "Dash", stop advancing and die immediately.


This, this is... Wang Shuang was shocked, it looked like a limit attack, no, it should be said to be a test of limit defense!There is only one test, life or death depends entirely on the opponent's punch, if he survives, this test will naturally pass, otherwise Wang Shuang - no, it can also be Li Muxuan or Ri Kedu's death.

But is Wang Shuang willing to let them die?Obviously reluctant.The trials of the Iron City came one after another, without giving people a chance to breathe. If Li Muxuan died, it would take 10 minutes to be revived. Can Wang Shuang cope with the last trial within 10 minutes?
Besides, Wang Shuang doesn't know what it is useful for yet, but he keeps talking about the treasure, and he also said before coming in that he waited for a long time for an adventurer like Wang Shuang. There is a plot, but I just don’t know how much it is worth.If such an NPC dies, Wang Shuang will face the most immediate problem—the NPC cannot be resurrected, so he doesn't know how to get out of the dungeon.

Will Brother sacrifice them?Won't!This level is to test brother's ultimate defense, right?Fuck, even though Wang Shuang is dressed in an orange outfit and has added a lot of energy and blood by eating the Strong Body and Ten Thousand Insect Soup, it seems a bit difficult to deal with this guy in front of him!
Damn it, Wang Shuang slapped his head suddenly, brother is stupid, why did brother let the crispy himself go up?Li Muxuan's qi and blood are about 800 higher than her brother's, which makes Li Muxuan, who is born with a part of qi and blood bonus, go up!If it was Li Muxuan, there would be no problem.

The speed of the double car was getting faster and faster, and soon it came to them. Wang Shuang felt the ground under his feet tremble. This double car was so huge that the rotation of the axle felt like an earthquake.Facing such an opposing car, Wang Shuang, who could have used parry to block half of the damage, couldn't help but feel helpless.

Block your sister, this is a wall sweeping across, brother, can you block the sharp end of the dagger?Damn it, my brother has no brains!
Seeing the car directly hitting Li Muxuan, Wang Shuang broke into a cold sweat.How's it going?The opposite car and Li Muxuan were both shocked by the collision. Li Muxuan took two steps back, the blood on her head began to drop wildly, while the opposite car was stopped by this gear, and slowly disintegrated on the spot. It quickly collapsed from top to bottom, and was dismantled into a mountain of parts in a blink of an eye.But this is not a problem, as long as the metal pillar sweeping across everything is rolled over later, these parts will be crushed to a pile of unidentifiable slag.

"Baby, drink the red potion quickly." Wang Shuang was still most concerned about Li Muxuan's situation at the moment. Seeing that the other party still had the strength to wave, Wang Shuang breathed a sigh of relief.The qi and blood on Li Muxuan's head finally stabilized at about one-fifth of the position, and there was an expression of ease on her face: "Fortunately, it's much lighter than I imagined."

"Oh, that's good." Wang Shuang nodded in relief.

"But my lord, you let a girl stand in front of you?" Li Muxuan turned her head to look at Wang Shuang, her eyes were very resentful!
Uh, this... This brother can't help it, if he can't be dropped in seconds, he will go up by himself.Wang Shuang chuckled, reached out and touched Li Muxuan's head: "Thank you for your hard work, I have wronged you."

"I really can't help it." Li Muxuan shook her head, as if she was a little displeased with Wang Shuang's perfunctory attitude, but she didn't say anything else.

"Metal pillar..." Li Ke on the side murmured a little more, but still said.

Fuck!Wang Shuang suddenly felt the vibration on the ground, and realized immediately: something big might happen!He immediately pulled Li Muxuan and Ri Kedo to the other side, and the metal pillar behind him rolled over with a destructive momentum, running over the parts of the car just opposite, and the intensive sonic boom sounded crazily behind Wang Shuang!

"Ding ding ding..."

Wang Shuang has already reached the limit of the character's movement speed. Seeing that the huge metal pillar is about to overwhelm them and turn them into minced meat, Wang Shuang suddenly shouted: "Jump!" After the crushing of this last metal pillar.

"Bah, bah, next time if I'm still like this, I deserve to be crushed to death." Wang Shuang stood up in disgrace, patted his buttocks, and at the same time quickly checked the situation of the two people around him: "Are you all okay?"

After Wang Shuang asked this sentence, he felt like an idiot. The vitality and blood of the two of them had already been fully charged, and they could not be fuller.

The three adjusted their condition and prepared to deal with the fourth round of offense.Wang Shuang had already vaguely guessed what was going to be tested next. He had passed the test on survivability, output ability, and limit defense, and there should be only the last one left.

That's right, the limit output capability.

So, what kind of guy will this come back?Wang Shuang looked forward to it.In terms of extreme output, he is the absolute king. Although Li Muxuan has three consecutive shots and can compete with him for the position of strong output, but when it comes to extreme output, Wang Shuang, who has the same equipment and triple critical strike, has an advantage.

This time, a monster wearing iron armor came out slowly from the darkness. Yes, it was indeed a monster. Its nose was still exhaling, and it was on all fours. —Isn’t this a horse?
When Wang Shuang was thinking this, the horse suddenly went berserk, Yang Tian roared, lowered his neck, raised his hooves, Wang Shuang found that its hooves were burning.Then it moved, the speed was like lightning, and a large number of sparks were emitted from the soles of the feet when the footsteps were replaced. The speed was about 5 times that of Wang Shuang's limit speed.

Wang Shuang prepared the dagger and held his breath. This time it might be a win-or-go situation.

(End of this chapter)

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