It's time to play online

Chapter 141 Debri and His Citizens

Chapter 141 Debri and His Citizens

The galloping horseshoes raised in the air, waving high-temperature steam, leaving pairs of scattered flame footprints on the ground along the way, leaving burning scars on the metal road.It raised white steam all the way, and smashed the steam with its steel-like body, like a meteor hitting Wang Shuang head-on.

Wang Shuang remained calm in the face of danger. The meteor seemed to be burning and vaporizing. It was not until Wang Shuang was in front of him that he had a chance to take a good look at the details of this guy's body.Strictly speaking, this is a mechanical horse.Different from other horses, it runs fast, the horseshoes on the soles of its feet are branded with plum blossom patterns, its entire head is wrapped in deep black metal, and its silver pupils glow with the cold light reflected by the metal.

- Violent Vanguard (Green-LV49): HP 2000, Physical Attack 1000, Physical Defense 1500; Magic Defense 1600.Skills: rapid charge, self-explosion when hit, natural collapse.

——Rush Charge: Lose 5 per second? ? ? , and raise 500? ? ?speed.

——Self-explosion upon attack: If it is still alive after being attacked or hit, the skill will be triggered directly, causing 35 800?Mark the damage of the current blood, ignoring the effects of undead and invincible skills.

——Natural collapse: After triggering the skill "Explode on Hit", stop advancing and die immediately.

Fuck, this time it's for real!After watching it, Wang Shuang said that he could not calm down for a moment.But this stuff only looks huge on the surface, doesn't it?Wang Shuang looked at this guy's current energy and blood, and only half of the blood vessels on his head were left.

If the avenue was longer, this guy might die if he couldn't run in front of Wang Shuang.Wang Shuang was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and smiled wryly: No, these are the routines of the master of the system, in order to test the limit attack of players entering the instance.

The vanguard still has around 1500 points of qi and blood, and a physical defense of 2500, which means that the player needs about [-] physical attacks to kill this guy.Does Wang Shuang have it?Of course, he was critically hit three times in one blow, even if he only had eight or nine hundred basic physical attacks, not to mention the additional physical attack bonuses of various equipment and skills.

It's getting closer, seeing that the long distance is only a blink of an eye under the almost manic movement speed of this mechanical horse, Wang Shuang stopped Li Muxuan who was about to draw the bow, but asked Li Ke to give himself two more buffs , then aimed at the mechanical horse that had rushed in front of him and stabbed fiercely with a dagger!
The tiger dagger ruthlessly tore open the curtain of high-temperature steam, and pierced deeply into the bottom of the mechanical horse's neck, because Wang Shuang happened to be at this position when he raised his hand.As expected, Wang Shuang, who had undergone a lot of bonuses, easily turned the health bar on the mechanical horse's head into an empty state.The mechanical horse just struggled slightly, and it turned into broken parts like the previous predecessors.

There is also no kill prompt, no rewards for experience and gold coins, and no rewards for props.Wang Shuang looked at the floor, where the mechanical horse was stepping on just now, now slowly emitting unpleasant green smoke.It was the foul smell of molten unknown metal.

All four tests passed, what's next?The obstacle wall behind him shrank, and Wang Shuang and the others returned to the crossroads. Looking at the moonlight pillar in the sky, Wang Shuang's mood was not as relaxed as imagined, but unexpectedly heavy.

Suddenly, the moonlight disappeared, and Wang Shuang looked up to the sky. The clouds and mists in the sky were pushed away, revealing the bare metal dome—yes, this is the curved metal ceiling of the steel castle. What story is about to begin? ?Just as Wang Shuang was thinking, a bright disk suddenly appeared under the top.

It was a silver and serene disc, about the size of a projectile at first glance, but as bright as a pearl, like a real moon hanging in the sky.But Wang Shuang knew that it was not the moon, because the sky was simply fake.At this time, the edge of the moon suddenly blurred, and a round black shadow slowly fell, slowly devouring a part of the moon, and completed a rapid waning and full moon within two seconds.

It wasn't until now that Wang Shuang realized that it wasn't the moon, but someone's pupil.The rapidly changing moon waxing and waning is exactly the movement of this person blinking.

But so what?Who is this guy?The final boss?Or the boss of this level?Just as Wang Shuang was thinking, the moon suddenly disappeared, and even the dark clouds around the moon returned to their original appearance, covering the roof of the steel castle again.

Wang Shuang was still standing in the cold steel city, standing on this familiar cross street with Li Muxuan and Ri Kedo.But Wang Shuang suddenly felt something was wrong.Ri Keduo let out a surprised "ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

"What are you looking at?" Wang Shuang obviously hasn't figured out the situation yet.

"Look at these people who suddenly appeared." Li Muxuan blinked: "They look like citizens of the Iron City."

"Citizen?" Wang Shuang lowered his head and scanned the nearby streets, and sure enough, a large number of metal people with yellow names suddenly appeared in various streets... No, it should be said to be robots.Although they are covered with metal skins, they are actually various mechanical transmission devices and gear shafts inside.

A "citizen" came towards Wang Shuang and stood in front of Wang Shuang.Wang Shuang realized that the other party was looking for him, and was about to take out his dagger, but the other party stretched out a generous palm, which seemed to be to shake hands with Wang Shuang.

"Hello, adventurer from afar." The other party uttered a middle-aged man's voice, which made Wang Shuangshu frown. The other party's voice did not feel imposing, but was full of magnetism, which made people feel like a spring breeze.

"Hello." Wang Shuang handed the dagger to his left hand, stretched out his right hand and shook it with the other party: "May I ask what's the matter?"

Although Wang Shuang has a lot of questions now, such as why this seemingly lifeless mechanical city suddenly came to life, why there are so many robots on the street suddenly, and why all the names on the heads of the robots are yellow names, and this There is a green name on the head.However, Wang Shuang first figured out the other party's intention.

"I am the mayor of Steel City, Debri Esses. I have traded with human, undead, and dwarf adventurers before, so I am relatively familiar with you." He was as dark as metal A kind smile suddenly appeared on Wang Shuang's face, which made Wang Shuang feel a little creepy.


System prompt: Debri Esses, Mayor of Steel City, has changed his favorability towards you to "familiarity", current favorability: 50/100.

Does this increase your favorability?Wang Shuang gave him the same kind smile in return, but this time, there was no obvious sense of joy in the increase in favor.Why?It's so easy to come, it's as if all the players who come here can immediately get his favor.

Yes, why did he increase his favorability towards Wang Shuang?Because he communicated with human adventurers.After contacting Li Keduo, Wang Shuang immediately guessed that the communication he was talking about should refer to the exchange of materials, or transactions.At some point in the past, many adventurers also came to make a lot of friendly transactions with the mayor of Steel City, leaving a good impression on the mayor.

No, wait, isn't it because human adventurers are easier to kill, so he has a good impression?

In any case, it has nothing to do with Wang Shuang for the time being.Ricodo seemed to be chatting with the robots around him, and Li Muxuan followed behind Wang Shuang, stretching out her finger to tease the half-sleeping cat's head on her shoulder.Wang Shuang and Debri walked in front side by side. They left the intersection and walked towards the street ahead.Both sides of the street are not as deserted as before. Many shops are opened from the numerous mechanical columns, and three or two robots are surrounding various shops, as if they are picking products.

"I know you must have a lot of questions to ask when you come here for the first time." As he walked, Debri said with a smile: "It's nothing strange, every adventurer before is the same as you, and the questions are one after another. , answering them that I have a big head.”

"Hehe, then you really worked hard." Wang Shuang laughed.

At this time, Wang Shuang suddenly felt that he was not in a dungeon, but in a very ordinary map, where there were many friendly NPCs waiting to trade with him, which was completely different from the dungeons he had hacked all the way through before. .

There is no feeling of killing all the way to the end. This dungeon also has a lot of connotations. It is indeed a dungeon that needs to be cleared for the job transfer task.

But since it is a dungeon, there must be a way to clear the level, right?Wang Shuang stopped suddenly and grabbed Debri's shoulder at the same time.


System prompt: Because of your physical actions, the Mayor of Steel City, Debri Esses, has a favorable opinion of you -4, and the current favorable opinion is 46/100.

Fuck!Wang Shuang withdrew his hand in shock.

At this time, Debri also stopped, and Wang Shuang clearly saw that the other party still had a cheerful smile: "What's the matter, what's the matter with holding me suddenly?"

"Of course." Wang Shuang nodded: "I don't have one question after another. There is only one thing I need to do right now, which is one question. After I ask it, I promise not to ask it again."

"A question?" Debri was a little surprised when he heard the words, stopped and turned to look back at Wang Shuang: "Please tell me, as long as it's not the kind of problem that makes people in danger, I can tell you."

"How to clear this dungeon?" Wang Shuang looked directly at Debri's two silver pupils. After asking the question, Wang Shuang only saw the silver light flickering in the two pupils.

"Of course it is to defeat the ruler of this copy." Debri clapped his hands and laughed.

"The ruler?" Wang Shuang was stunned: "Who? How to find him?"

"This is already the second and third question." Debrey patted Wang Shuang on the shoulder and laughed.

"Fuck!" Wang Shuang didn't expect that one day he would also be choked by his own words, and couldn't find a reason to refute the robot mayor for a while.

"But it's okay, I'll tell you if you don't ask." Debri said, patted Wang Shuang's shoulder heavily, turned around and said, "You'll know as long as you come with me, City of Steel the secrets, who the ruler is, and how you're going to get out."

"That's really great." Wang Shuang heaved a sigh of relief.At this time, Ricodo chased up from behind with a face full of excitement: "Brother, hey brother, I know what the treasure here refers to!"

treasure?There is really a treasure, could it be hidden in this steel capital?Wang Shuang glanced back at Li Keduo, but he didn't hold anything in his hand.

"The so-called treasures are actually the citizens of these mechanical cities!" Li Keduo ignored Wang Shuang's surprised gaze and continued to say excitedly.


(End of this chapter)

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