It's time to play online

Chapter 142 Additional Exchange Permissions

Chapter 142 Additional Exchange Permissions
Following Ri Keduo's description, Wang Shuang's train of thought gradually became clearer.

It turns out that the citizens of this steel city cannot leave the city, and all supplies have to be hoarded by trading with foreign adventurers.Because they are all robots, there is no need for food, and there is no shortage of metal here.What the Steel City lacks the most are fresh water, various types of oil, and everything that can burn.And this is also a business opportunity for business people.

It’s not surprising that fresh water can wash things; oil, because they are machines, and occasionally a part is not working well, so rub some oil to keep the parts running; as for all flammable items, these robots rely on them for survival The source of power, in real world parlance, is called potential energy.Potential energy can be converted into kinetic energy, giving these robots the ability to move.

These things are not rare items. Make a dozen or so cars into a dungeon, use them to trade with the citizens of the Steel City, and then sell the special products of the Steel City. It won’t be long before a batch will be born. Regal!
I see, is this what the so-called treasure means?Wang Shuang suddenly realized that Wang Shuang liked this treasure, because it was better than the direct reward of gold coins. It was not a one-time payment and it was over, but it could be continued as a long-term business.

Fuck, yes, brother is worried about having no money to spend, although there are already Xianchen Island and Bounty Island, so there is not much to add a Steel City.It's just that other players should also do this job transfer task. After a large number of players come in and discover the secrets of the Iron City, it is estimated that the prices of the special products of the Iron City will plummet in the outside world.

Fuck, it's a shit, hurry up and make some money now when there is no one around, and leave when you make enough!
Ricodo's continued description interrupted Wang Shuang's thoughts.According to him, the Iron Capital seems to be building a large-scale device called the "Debri Transformation Device" recently, and there is a very urgent need for a resource!
Debri also added a description on the side. After the device is completed, it can protect their citizens for an hour a day to move freely outside the Steel City, allowing them to also have the ability to move outside the Mechanical City.This is why they spent a lot of effort to collect materials and build them.

To build this device, a large number of "Leah crystals" are needed.But what kind of thing is this? Do you have time to collect this thing?

Just when Wang Shuang was a little confused, Ri Kedu excitedly took out a diamond-shaped crystal from his backpack and handed it to Wang Shuang.Wang Shuang took a look, damn it, isn't this the black fragment that I don't know what to use for what my brother dropped when he killed the music box and the guard mechanism before!Fuck, wait a minute—this kid's hidden brother's monster dropped?

Ricto also looked a little embarrassed: "Well, I thought this thing was interesting before, and I thought it wouldn't be worthless - besides, the BUFF I added to you at that time was not to make you kill faster Monster, did you improve your efficiency? You should give me something."

Fuck, what you said makes sense!Wang Shuan rolled his eyes: "Ah, good, after I know, you can pick up these things as you like."

Closer to home, now the mayor of Debri has shown a pitiful look, choked up and told the origin of the city of steel, while crying that they could not get out of the city of steel, although this "debri transformation device" was designed However, it is far away from completion, so there is no hope at all.

"Mayor, that mayor." Wang Shuang coughed, just about to reach out to pat the mayor on the shoulder, but when he thought of the reminder to lower his reputation just now, he finally stopped angrily.Wang Shuang said seriously: "You should have seen that this thing is useless to me, it must be sold to you, but I just don't know how to sell it, and what you can bring to me exchange?"

Hearing this, Debri quickly stopped chattering and took out a piece of soft metal from his pocket.Wang Shuang took a closer look, damn it, take notes!You also use metal for taking notes?Advanced!Debri handed the piece of paper to Wang Shuang: "Adventurer, take a look. This is the price list we gave to other adventurers before. You can refer to this form to redeem what you want."


System prompt: Mayor of Steel City Debri Esses has opened the store mode interface for you, and you can purchase goods from Debri later.

Wang Shuang took the soft metal in his hand. When he first took it, the surface of the metal was still cold. After that, he quickly adapted to the temperature of Wang Shuang's palm and adjusted it to the same temperature as Wang Shuang's palm.Wang Shuang hadn't looked at the items above, but he was very interested in this metal: "Mayor, do you sell this kind of paper?"

"Yes, as long as you exchange it with Leah crystals, we don't have any rare items here, we sell them all." Debri laughed.

There are no rare items, meaning that everything here is in unlimited supply?With many questions, Wang Shuang looked at the strangely soft metal.At this moment, the uneven metal surface and the very obscure handwriting were all scanned by the system and presented to Wang Shuang in the form of screen projection.

1. Draal Metal x99 (exchange price: Leah Crystal x1)

2. Millennium Metal x10 (exchange price: Leah Crystal x1)


There was a list of metal names that Wang Shuang had never heard of. Suddenly, in the middle of the list, Wang Shuang saw a line that was familiar to him.

32. Rusty mechanical dog x1 (exchange price: Liah crystal x5)

The mechanical dog... Wang Shuang glanced up at the mayor of Debri. The mayor had a flattering smile on his face, urging Wang Shuang to buy something.

Although he really wanted to ask, Wang Shuang held back.Wang Shuang continued to skip down a few lines, and saw another familiar thing.

36. Rusty music box x1 (exchange price: Leah Crystal x7)

"You guys also made that music box?" Wang Shuang finally couldn't help asking this time.

"Ah, this...yes, we did it." Mayor Debrey still admitted generously.In this way, he is indeed inextricably related to the ruler of this dungeon, right?The more Wang Shuang looked at this guy, the more he felt something was wrong, and he took a step back indifferently.

Skip skip... Along the way, there are many metal products whose names Wang Shuang has never heard of, and some metals that are very rare just by their names.Wang Shuang scrolled down all the way, and finally saw a familiar thing in the list below.

"You guys made this thing too? Those two guards at the gate?" Wang Shuang was so startled that he grabbed the soft metal and pointed at him.

"Yes, to be precise, I made it." The mayor now has an expression of "please throw all the blame on me", and seems a little indifferent to Wang Shuang's questioning.

58. Sleeping guard mechanism x1 (exchange price: Leah Crystal x125)

At this point, there are not many items left on the list, and everything that follows looks awesome, but the exchange price is also scary expensive.Wang Shuang calculated according to the drop rate he just got. He killed the guard and dropped 42 Leah crystals, and killed the music box and dropped [-] Leah crystals. So if he wants to change a guard mechanism, he needs to get three more. Do you need a copy?
In this case, how do ordinary players play?Just now, there were more than 50 music boxes in the room. Wang Shuang had 42 in his hands, and he could steal one more, making a total of 1. This means that the probability of other players dropping them is about 43 each time. Around, that is 7? ? ?drop probability.It takes a long time to struggle if you want to change to another guard.

Wang Shuang glanced at the last few gadgets, then closed the metal piece and returned it to the mayor.He took a deep breath, as if he had just recovered from some profound shock.Debri looked at Wang Shuang nervously, and asked cautiously: "Have you decided? What do you want to change?"

"I'm sorry, I don't want to change anything. It's not that I can't afford it. I have 44 in my pocket—and my friend has another one, a total of 45, but I just don't want to change." Wang Shuang grinned.

"You..." Debri was taken aback for a moment, and then said anxiously: "It's okay, it's okay if you don't like these things, I can give you additional exchange permissions."

Additional redemption rights?Wang Shuang became interested as soon as he heard it: "What the hell, you don't put good things on this list?"

"No, this, I'm ashamed to say that this thing can't be shown to others, especially my citizens." Debri suddenly showed a bit of embarrassment on his face, and looked around to make sure that no citizens were there. Staring at them, he carefully waved to Wang Shuang: "Well, let's add a friend first, and we will talk about the specific situation in private chat."

——Pfft, Wang Shuang took a sip of the overnight meal and sprayed Debri all over his face. When he saw the new friend request, Wang Shuang felt a deep pain in his blood for no reason, but he finally clicked OK.Seeing Debri standing there calmly, as if he hadn't done anything, ten seconds later, Wang Shuang received a private chat message from Debri.

[NPC] Debri: Adventurer, I want you to open the right to exchange the citizens of the Mechanical City. As long as you can get 500 Leah crystals at a time, you can exchange a citizen of the Mechanical City from me.

Fuck, sell your citizens directly!If you want to be in reality, you will be arrested!Wang Shuang was terrified, and hurriedly asked, "Well, will they follow me? And didn't you say they couldn't leave the city of machinery?"

Debri's face was tense all of a sudden. Don't be reluctant to look at Wang Shuang in the past, but quickly replied on the private chat channel: "We can't get out of the mechanical capital, because outside the mechanical capital, the special atmosphere here It will corrode the metal on the surface of our bodies, as long as you dismantle our citizens and put them into backpacks, and then assemble them in the outside world after you get out of the dungeon, won’t you successfully take them out?”

Fuck, what you said makes a lot of sense. It's really cool. Citizens can disassemble it and assemble it at will!Brother this time it seems that dissatisfaction is not enough.

(End of this chapter)

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