It's time to play online

Chapter 144 Extreme Jump

Chapter 144 Extreme Jump
The metal dragon in the sky suddenly completed a very difficult somersault in mid-air, turned around and roared suddenly, Wang Shuang and Li Muxuan didn't have time to react, they were blown unsteadily by the roar.Wang Shuang just felt that he had just been pushed hard on the head by a strong force, and his body fell backward uncontrollably.Curled up and rolled back several times before stopping.

Li Muxuan was blown to the ground, and the longbow in her hand was blown away.The metal dragon flew down from the air. It twisted its neck, making a series of metal collisions and rolling sounds, and a mouthful of ice dragon's breath came towards it again.

"Grass mud horse!" Wang Shuang couldn't help cursing, if it was just the dragon's breath, it would be fine. Anyway, he and Li Muxuan would not be frozen due to their talents, but the metal floor became very smooth due to the cold dragon's breath.Standing on it, Wang Shuang felt like he was standing on a skating rink wearing a pair of roller shoes, completely unsteady.

On the other side, Ri Kedo, who hadn't escaped from the frozen state, was swept away by the dragon's breath again, the blood bar on his head dropped sharply, and he quickly approached the air traffic control... Wang Shuang couldn't bear to look at it anymore, even if that guy If he died, he probably died in the ice, and returned to the embrace of the system god with this frozen appearance, or went to the church to be reborn.

For the details of this update, Wang Shuang is not very clear, so whether the NPC adventurer will be resurrected from the church or not, Wang Shuang does not know.It's just that I have a little affection for protecting him all the way here, just like the marbles I collected everywhere when I was a child. Even if I don't use it, I don't know what use it is, so I hide it carefully.

Because you value it, it has value to you.And when marbles are confiscated by adults and things of value are destroyed, there is always some sadness.

"Muxuan!" Wang Shuang turned his head to look for Li Muxuan's figure. At this time, Li Muxuan was picking up the tiger longbow from the ground, just aimed at the metal dragon, and was about to shoot at it with a feathered arrow.Wang Shuang gave her a thumbs up, and she grinned silently, the feathered arrows in her hand melted into three, and the three arrows flew into the air in a row.

"Clang clang..."

Unexpectedly, with the sound of the wind, when the three fierce feathered arrows hit the metal dragon, they were bounced away like three weak steel needles.As for the damage?Also not at all.

Wang Shuang was dumbfounded, and quickly read the properties of the metal dragon before it flew far away.

——Milgen Dragon (green-LV50 leader-level creature): HP 650000, physical attack 2300, physical defense 1600, physical resistance 25? ? ?Magic defense 1800, magic resistance 20? ? ?Abilities: Man of Steel, Ice Dragon's Breath, Holy Dragon's Breath, Mirgen's Spike.

——Man of Steel: The monster personally created by the mayor of the Iron City, Debri, has received an increase of 10 physical damage? ? ?Reduced magic damage received by 10? ? ?Body has 80? ? ?is invincible, and the damage received in the non-invincible area is regarded as weak point damage, and an additional 20? ? ?addition.

——Ice Dragon's Breath: Deal 160 72 to the front cone area?Reason attack damage, and have 75? ? ?Freeze the creatures in the target, the freeze lasts for 2 seconds, and the damage received by the target during the freeze is reduced by 40?

——Holy Dragon Breath: Deal 480 130 to the front cone area?damage from the attack.

——Milgan Spikes: A large number of metal spikes with piercing damage randomly grow in the invincible area on the body surface, and each spike deals 160 8?The real damage marked with maximum vitality.


After scanning the attributes, Wang Shuang was speechless. This is too perverted. It's okay if the attributes are stronger, but this surface is 80? ? ?What is it like to be directly invincible?And with 65 qi and blood, how can I use up the qi and blood of this dragon?

And, Mayor Debree, this dragon looks like your masterpiece again?Brother really kneels down to you, the ruler of this dungeon of feelings is also created by you yourself!

"My lord." Just when Wang Shuang was dumbfounded, Li Muxuan beside him suddenly spoke.Wang Shuang turned his head and glanced at her. She had put away the tiger longbow, tilted her head and stroked the bangs on her forehead with one hand. Give it a break.

"Actually, to deal with this guy, we need a little bit of tactics."

Wang Shuang stayed for a while, and suddenly put down the dagger in his hand, allowing the dragon to fly around and roar in the sky. Wang Shuang calmly took out a bottle of red potion and poured it calmly.The faint sweetness of the red potion slowly melted in his throat.

"What tactics?" Wang Shuang asked.

"We should go up." Li Muxuan suddenly reached out, took out a feathered arrow from the quiver behind her back, and pointed the feathered arrow at the dragon in the sky: "Go to that dragon, its back is full of weaknesses, But the abdomen has very few weak spots."

"How do you know?" Wang Shuang asked in surprise.

At this time, Li Muxuan didn't answer, but took out the tiger longbow again, and shot three arrows at the Milgendragon that was swooping over.The three arrows hit Milgenlong head-on one after another, but they had no effect as before, and all three arrows were bounced off.

But this time, Wang Shuang observed carefully, and suddenly found that when the three arrows hit Milgenlong respectively, a large area behind him flashed red light three times in a row, and the whole back flashed three times like a traffic light with power off. Down.

So it is!Wang Shuang couldn't help looking up to the sky and laughing. It turned out that all the weaknesses of this dragon were concentrated on its back. As long as he tried to climb up, he could slash at its back.And this metal dragon doesn't look like it can turn its head 180 degrees and blow its breath on its back. Could it be that the player can only let the player slash its blood bar wildly?

"But how do we climb up?" Wang Shuang suddenly thought of a crucial question.

"My lord, don't worry." Li Muxuan suddenly said in a very indifferent tone. She reached out and touched Wang Shuang's forehead, and brought that pretty face closer. Turning his face to the metal dragon flying fast: "Observe carefully, is it very close to the ground when it is spraying the ice dragon's breath?"

Wang Shuang looked at Milgenlong and nodded subconsciously, and the cold touch on his forehead left quickly.At this time, Li Muxuan put away the tiger longbow again, and said calmly: "Seize this momentary opportunity, jump up and grab the metal groove on its jaw, and climb up in one fell swoop."

"Can it work?" Wang Shuang couldn't help doubting the plan, which sounded unreliable.

"Yes, as long as you believe in yourself, it's fine." Li Muxuan replied firmly, and then changed the subject and became hurried: "Look, my lord, it's here, whether it succeeds or fails, you'll know if you try it."

"Is there a more detailed method, such as a specific action plan?" While Wang Shuang was still hesitating, the Milgen Dragon approached the ground again, and opened its mouth to breathe out a lot of cold dragon breath.In the snow-white and splashed ice, Wang Shuang actually saw that on the metal dragon's chin, there were indeed several rows of small metal grooves like pull rings.

Can you really catch those grooves by jumping up?

If it is a reality, Wang Shuang must deny it, because it is simply impossible.Even if you catch it in an instant, you will soon fall down due to violent shaking and weak follow-up.But this is a game, and Wang Shuang's strength is not as untrained as in reality. Anyway, his attribute panel now has hundreds of points of strength.

As they got closer, the ice shards flying all over the sky and the deep blue dragon breath that Wang Shuang saw had already arrived in front of them. Li Muxuan said that her mission had been completed, and it was useless to stay any longer, so she simply returned to Wang Shuang's star wishing space Now, Wang Shuang is the only one left. Looking at the metal dragon's chin, Wang Shuang gritted his teeth.

"Yeah, I've worked hard."

Wang Shuang jumped, and this time he was not frozen by the cold dragon's breath. After being baptized by the dragon's breath and ice chips, Wang Shuang jumped to the chin of Milgenlong. When he raised his head, a row of pitch-black The cold metal grooves are close in sight.Wang Shuang put his hands together, stretched his fingers into the grooves and clasped them backwards. Then he felt the huge inertia of the Milgen Dragon ruthlessly ravaged his body, as if he was about to tear a puppet apart.Wang Shuang's feet left the ground involuntarily, and followed Milgenlong to the sky and began to lift.

"Oh oh oh oh oh--"

It was the first time that Wang Shuang came to such a high altitude without any safety protection, and his two feet could not step on anything. It will let go and fall, falling to pieces.

Milgenlong made another difficult turn in the air. It raised its neck high, and Wang Shuang, who was still hanging on his chin, instantly felt that the opportunity had come.When Milgenlong raised his head, Wang Shuang landed firmly on Milgenlong's neck.After reacting, Wang Shuang turned on the acceleration effect of all skills and equipment, and before Milgenlong adjusted his posture, he ran along his neck all the way to Milgenlong's back, which was as wide as half a playground.

"Brother, brother did it!" Wang Shuang was so excited, the huge head of Milgenlong suddenly turned his head and glanced at him, as if he had spotted Wang Shuang.A golden light suddenly lit up in the pitch-black eyes.

come yet?Wang Shuang's heart sank, he pulled out the dagger without hesitation, and inserted it deeply into the metal under his feet.The metal, which was still extremely tough before, is now under Wang Shuang's dagger, like a piece of tender tofu, and everything will open——


The damage is okay, although it is not a big deal for its 65W thick blood.At the same time, Wang Shuang once again clearly saw this red flashing area, probably from the dragon's two wings to the entire area in front of the neck, which is its weak point.

Suddenly a gust of strong wind blew in front of him, making Wang Shuang almost unsteady on his feet and rolled over again.This time, if it rolls a few more times, it is estimated that it will fall.The result of falling is to fall to pieces, and then it will show that the dungeon pass has failed.

"Don't underestimate people, you won't be fooled a second time if you use a trick once." Why wasn't Wang Shuang swept away?Because he inserted the dagger into the body of Milgen Dragon, holding the tiger dagger tightly with both hands.The gust of wind that blew just now only made him flutter like a flag, and the dagger in his hand was inserted into Milgenlong's body, which was very stable.

"Go to hell, so is Mayor Debri, and so are you!" Wang Shuang lay on his back, lying on the back of Milgenlong, pulling out the dagger and inserting it back, black oil smeared from Milgen The dragon's wound flowed out, and at the same time, the blood bar of the Milgen dragon was constantly trembling.Puff puff puff, Wang Shuang gritted his teeth and insisted on poking Milgenlong's back on his stomach.

Another strong hurricane blew past his back, and Wang Shuang's equipment stood up one after another.Wiping the oil splashed on his face, Wang Shuang smiled brightly: "Very well, I can hit you, but you can't hit me. This is very in line with my brother's rules for killing monsters."

(End of this chapter)

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