It's time to play online

Chapter 145 The Legendary Plot Kill

Chapter 145 The Legendary Plot Kill
Just when Wang Shuang was about to be proud, a metal thorn pierced Wang Shuang's shoulder silently.Wang Shuang looked sideways, and saw a sharp black metal sticking straight into his right shoulder. His shoulder began to overflow with a lot of blood, which looked very scary.

"Doesn't the skill mean that metal thorns will not form in the weak point area?" Wang Shuang was dumbfounded, and when he looked up, he met Milgenlong's cold golden lantern-like pupils. Although it didn't speak, Wang Shuang still clearly I felt a kind of cold pride from its eyes.

"Grass." Wang Shuang looked away and quickly found the source of the injury.It turned out that this metal thorn did not grow in this weak point, but grew out of the metal dragon's long neck, but for some reason, this thorn could be shot, like an arrow!Wang Shuang thought he had to stand on a non-weak spot to be stabbed!
Pooh!Another thorn flew towards him, causing Wang Shuang's blood bar to drop again.Wang Shuang was so anxious that he wanted to stand up and pull out the two metal thorns stuck on his body, but he couldn't move on the dragon's back now.The strong wind above his head was still roaring, if Wang Shuang didn't stand up holding the dagger tightly in his hand, he would be swept away by the irresistible strong wind in an instant.

what to do?Wang Shuang thought of Li Muxuan, would it be useful if she was there?Wang Shuang looked at the follower panel, yes, Li Muxuan's 10-minute summon cooldown time has expired, and she can be summoned again!But is summoning useful?Will it be swept away by this powerful inertia and wind force as soon as it comes out?
What else is there to rely on?Wang Shuang thought of Li Keduo again, that guy...was already dead?

Do it, do you have to rely on brother alone to slowly wear down Milgenlong's blood while bearing the attack?Even if I want to agree, I won't agree with the little red potion left in my backpack!

"Bang!" Suddenly a metal thorn pierced Wang Shuang's dagger on Milgenlong's back. The huge shock caused Wang Shuang to flip over from the dragon's back and float up in the air for a short time. .

"Fuck!" Wang Shuang was so angry that he wanted to scold his mother, the next second, the roaring wind rushed towards him, like a raging wave, and swept Wang Shuang a hundred meters away in an instant.Wang Shuang was thrown into the sky again, as if he was hit head-on by a pirate ship's artillery, and rolled so that his internal organs were about to be vomited out.

Wang Shuang's perspective was dizzying. Amidst the turmoil, Wang Shuang saw Milgenlong flying out of the corner of his eyes, flicking his tail, and the pair of golden lanterns in the pupils of his face shone with disdain.

Wang Shuang swayed and fell in mid-air like a drowning man, waving his hands indiscriminately.He wanted to grab something, but there was nothing in midair that could provide him with leverage.

Are you going to fall to your death?As soon as Wang Shuang had this idea, the next second, he fell to the ground hard. The huge impact forced all the air in his lungs to be blown out at once. Wang Shuang struggled a bit, looked at the top of his head The blood vessels in his body suddenly became empty, and an idea popped up in his head.

Brother, how long has it been since you died?

System record: You were killed by the Milgen dragon, the Milgen thrust (14??? damage was 288, and the high-altitude fall (86???) damage was 4893! You died and dropped the armor-piercing tiger necklace, and you died The tiger dagger of the bloody battle is dropped, and the tiger helmet of spirit is dropped when you die. You lose 1800 million experience points when you die, and you lose 363 gold coins when you die.

System prompt: If you are killed again, you will be directly sent out of the instance.

With a flash of light, Wang Shuang revived at the entrance of the steel castle. Wang Shuang looked around. This is the place where he just entered the steel castle. Behind him is the gate of the steel castle. It seems that he can hear the mechanical dog at the door. The sound of non-stop roaring.

The setting of death drop seems to have been changed. It can only drop one to three pieces of equipment at most, and it starts to drop from relatively bad equipment... Brother's talent is really not covered, whichever has the lowest probability, just use whichever one .Wang Shuang checked it out. Luckily, Li Muxuan had a lot of equipment, otherwise he would have felt even more heartbroken.

Anyway, Wang Shuang is dead, if he dies again, he will have to get out of this dungeon.And if you die the first time, you can go back and pick up the equipment, but what about the second time?The second time I died, I was kicked out of the dungeon by the master of the system, and those equipments could never be picked up again.

Wang Shuang summoned Li Muxuan, and saw that Wang Shuang was missing a few pieces of equipment, and the scene changed to the entrance of the castle. Li Muxuan shrank her head and asked cautiously, "You——were killed by that dragon?" ?”

"Ah, yes." Wang Shuang nodded, and admitted generously to his followers: "Maybe I am unlucky, but it may also be that our tactics are not good. In short, I was shocked by force majeure , and was blown down from the dragon's back by the strong wind, and fell to pieces."

"Gust?" Li Muxuan asked.

Wang Shuang explained: "Isn't the Milgenosaurus flying very fast? When it flies, it's like a hurricane, and I have to bear the relative movement while lying on it, so I will be driven by the wind force when it flies." It blows the center of gravity unsteady."

Does that mean she can understand?Wang Shuang was thinking about this, but Li Er, who was on Li Muxuan's shoulder, suddenly raised a paw: "It seems that in this case, we can only go to the mayor just now."

Nani, looking for the mayor?Shouldn't you tell me what to do? Don't you need the player to promote the plot in order to tell the player what to do?But why is it so tiring for me to play a dungeon!Wang Shuang was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood. Seeing that Li Muxuan had nothing to say, he seemed to have acquiesced to Li Er's statement, so he could only helplessly say, "Okay, let's go back to the Steel City again now."

Two people and one cat set foot on the metal road again.Go into the room that was previously filled with music boxes.Because Wang Shuang hasn't exited the dungeon yet, Wang Shuang is still using the dungeon of clearing the Rikus factory for the first time twice a day by default.So these music boxes will naturally not be refreshed.

Along the road he just walked, Wang Shuang quickly got out of the passage and came to the avenue in front of the vast steel city.Looking at the bustling Steel City in front of him, Wang Shuang also sighed. He didn't expect to see the mayor again so soon.

"Welcome back, adventurer." Sure enough, as soon as he entered the Iron City, Debri suddenly jumped out of nowhere, startling Wang Shuang.Wang Shuang calmed down and was about to tell what he had just experienced.Unexpectedly, Debri smiled and waved his hand: "This time, I still know what you want to say, come with me, this time I will tell you everything you want to know."

"Huh?" Wang Shuang was taken aback when he heard the words, and then suddenly realized that it seemed that the omniscient and omnipotent system master had possessed him.

So Wang Shuang shut up and followed Mayor Debri. This time they didn't wander around the streets of the Steel City, but walked into a rather special building.It is said to be special, but it is actually a steel pillar standing on the ground like the surrounding buildings, but the difference is that this steel pillar goes straight into the cloud, as if it is the tallest one among the steel pillars. .

When Wang Shuang walked into this strange building, he discovered that there were various large and small shops inside the building, and the main body of the building was a spiral staircase constantly surrounding it.Taking the center as the axis, it spirals continuously and extends upwards, seemingly leading to the top of the steel building.

Wang Shuang walked with Mayor Debri for 3 minutes before finally reaching the end of the stairs.Wang Shuang didn't know how long he had walked up, and he didn't know if he was close to the top of the column now. The scenery inside the building remained the same, except for some shops and windows along the road, the rest were cold and hard metal edges and corners, and there was no Patterned metal inner ring column wall without pattern.

At the end of the stairs is a wide landing, where the stairs disappear and become part of the landing.There is a carelessly built fence around the edge of the platform. It is very thin. Although it is made of metal, Wang Shuang suspects that if he pushes it lightly, the fence will collapse in an instant, and the guy standing on the edge of the fence will also fall. Fell to pieces on the bottom floor.

"Look over here, come into my office and talk." Debri took out the key, opened the door of a big house on the platform, and invited Wang Shuang to enter.

Wang Shuang glanced at him, walked into the room.The layout inside the room was as monotonous as the outside, except for the bookcases on the walls and windows, there was only a large square table surrounded by a dozen metal chairs.

"Please sit down." Debri closed the door from behind, locked it, went to sit opposite Wang Shuang, and knocked on the table.A clean-looking glass of gasoline floated out from under the table, Debre shook it, poured it into his mouth and drank it down.

"Well, Mr. Mayor?" Wang Shuang felt uncomfortable in this room: "Is there anything you want to talk about here, I think it's good for us to talk privately."

"It was just a few temporary words that I didn't want people to hear, so I chatted privately." Debri smiled, put down the metal cup in his hand, and suddenly said in a deep voice: "You should have seen that guy, right? By."

"I've seen it." Hearing that the other party wanted to talk about the boss, Wang Shuang's expression became serious.

"Defeated?" Debree asked, rubbing his fingers.

"Yes, it fell to pieces." Wang Shuang admitted generously without hesitation.No matter how you look at it, you can see it, and you can't hide it even if you want to.

"Actually, it's a matter of course." Ke Debri suddenly said something that Wang Shuang couldn't understand.

"I mean, it's normal that you can't beat it, because I didn't give you anything." Debri said sternly.

What the fuck?

"As for the reason..." Debri touched his mechanical nose: "Because this thing is limited and we are in short supply, so I have to confirm whether you have the strength to truly threaten that guy's rule before you can Decide whether to give this thing to you or not."

"Could it be..." Wang Shuang stood up from his seat all of a sudden, and said excitedly, "Could it be that just now, the legendary plot kill?"

Ah!Wang Shuang, who knew the truth, now felt like a thousand grass-mud horses whizzed by, and turned back several times.But what does it mean that this thing is limited? Do you want to limit the number of transfer players?
(End of this chapter)

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