It's time to play online

Chapter 147 Encountering Longteng Liuguang

Chapter 147 Encountering Longteng Liuguang
It's a pity that this dungeon not only does not drop equipment, but also does not drop other things except black fragments, and there is no hair.

One minute later, Wang Shuang was sent to the entrance of the instance.This time it is not inside the steel castle, but directly out.When Wang Shuang was still in a daze, a group of mechanical dogs rushed up one after another, opened their metal mouths and bit his thigh and fingers fiercely.

"Wang Shuang?"

Suddenly he heard someone call his name, Wang Shuang looked up and saw that there were four unfamiliar players, but from the green names on their heads, it could be seen that they were also human players.Wang Shuang thought that this group of guys had met him on the forum, so they called his name.Unexpectedly, one of the players shouted again.

In desperation, Wang Shuang had no choice but to walk over. When they got closer, the IDs of those players were displayed above their heads.Wang Shuang was taken aback for a moment, because he had seen the other three people before, and they were just the few players he had seen when passing by the mine in front of the Rikus factory.As for the other person, Wang Shuang looked at the ID on his head and said oh.

Vice President of Longteng Guild - Longteng Liuguang LV50, Assassin.

It's been a while since I saw anyone from the Longteng Guild, Wang Shuang thought.Do you want to do it?That's for sure. Just as he was about to use his stealth skills to sneak up on the opponent, Wang Shuang suddenly discovered that his stealth skills were useless!

What's happening here?Confused for a while, Wang Shuang suddenly found that there were several mechanical dogs hanging on his fingers and thighs, and at the same time, the blood bars on his head fell to the bottom.

Fuck!At the moment of crisis, Wang Shuang didn't bother to grab the dagger to kill these mechanical dogs, and immediately grabbed the red potion from his backpack and poured it down.At the same time, he quickly turned his gaze to Long Teng Liuguang, he would not take this opportunity - what the hell, the other party is gone!next to it?nor!By the way, this guy is also an assassin, so he must also use stealth!

Beads of sweat dripped down Wang Shuang's forehead immediately. This is not a good time. He was being bitten by a group of mechanical dogs. At the same time, a group of onlookers didn't know whether they were friends or foes. Stealth state, and his health is still the lowest state, as long as he can send Wang Shuang back to Saiyan City with a dagger!

The sharp wind sounded from the side, it was Longteng Liuguang!His figure was released from the invisible state, because he activated his skills while rushing towards Wang Shuang.what to do?Do you want to parry?Wang Shuang poured a few bottles of red potion on hand, and was about to take out the dagger when he suddenly felt a light around his body. At the same time, five or six mechanical dogs in the surrounding circle all wailed and fell to the ground.

"Eh?" Wang Shuang was taken aback, and glanced at the blood streak on his head.Under the action of the red potion, it has returned to the level of the half pipe.He glanced at Long Teng Liuguang, scratched his head, and sighed: "Thank you for that."

"You're welcome, we're all human players." Long Teng Liuguang put away his dagger and smiled without hesitation.

"They are all human players?" Wang Shuang felt a little funny after hearing this: "You saved me for this reason?"

"That's not true." Long Teng Liuguang shook his head, put away his dagger and walked to stand in front of Wang Shuang: "I'm here to find you."

Brother Chong?Yes, some things do need to be clarified.

Wang Shuang nodded silently.After Long Teng Liuguang turned his head and said something to the other three players, he came over to Wang Shuang and said, "This is not a place to chat. How about we go to Saiyan City and find a place to sit and chat? Like a bar or something?"

Wang Shuang said, "Okay."

The two walked silently all the way, Long Teng Liuguang walked in front, and Wang Shuang walked behind counting his steps.Soon Longteng Liuguang led Wang Shuang into a bar, Wang Shuang looked up, heh, isn't this the place where their studio had a regular meeting last time.

Classical music echoed slowly, unhurriedly.However, Long Teng Liuguang didn't go up to the second floor, but found an empty private room on the first floor, and sat down on one side of the table, while Wang Shuang sat down on the other side.The waiter brought up two small glasses of Pinot Noir, and after placing them on the table, he bowed and walked out slowly.

"What do you want to talk about?" Wang Shuang glanced at the system time: "There is not much time, and I have to go back to complete the job transfer task."

"So fast progress?" Hearing this, Long Teng Liuguang was stunned: "Have you cleared the Rikus dungeon?"

"It works." Wang Shuang nodded.

"What grade?" Long Teng Liuguang asked.

"Yes—why should I tell you?"

"Haha, don't do this, we're just chatting casually."

"Chat?" Wang Shuang squinted his eyes and looked at Longteng Liuguang, remembering that this guy hadn't sneaked up on him just now. You are a woman, and I might be a little interested."

"That's a pity. This game doesn't seem to have any gender-changing props."

"Fuck, do you really want to be a woman?"

"Wang Shuang, stop for a moment." Long Teng Liuguang's expression suddenly became serious: "I want to talk to you about our guild, of course, what I said when I chatted with you today is purely my personal opinion. Does not represent our guild."

"Ah, yes, I know. Anyway, your studio, the Great Guild, and so on all use this tone. I'm used to it."

"Huh?" Long Teng Liuguang showed an intriguing expression on his face: "So you are not a professional gamer? What the forum said is true, you work in a studio that collects gold coins?"

Wang Shuang was stunned for a moment, not knowing how to answer this sentence, seeing the corners of Long Teng Liuguang's mouth gradually curled up, but he didn't want him to confirm this matter so easily: "No, that's all happened in the past."

"So you also joined the studio. I didn't expect that a guy like you would choose that kind of lifestyle. How much monthly salary did your previous studio offer you? Our guild can guarantee double, why? So, come or not?"

"It's not a matter of money." Wang Shuang suddenly softened his momentum, lowered his head and shook his head.

"Hey, brother." Long Teng Liuguang showed a happy expression on his face: "It's not because of money, who wants to join the studio to earn gold coins for others to play? There are only two types of people in this game, one is to play games and enjoy the game Local tyrants, the other type is those who spend gold coins and equipment for local tyrants to make them happier. You are not for money, are you just born to like selfless devotion?"

Wang Shuang stopped talking.Seeing Long Teng Liuguang's expression of "I guessed it all", Wang Shuang didn't bother to complain.He looked out of the window and began to recall the scene when he met Luo Xueqianli for the first time. It seemed that it was Xinshou Village at that time. Wang Shuang, who did not believe in evil, stayed up all night outside Xinshou Village to kill rabbits, but he still couldn't get the equipment.The level is also stuck at level 10 because there is no job change. Without equipment, it means that he cannot beat the graduation boss of Xinshou Village, which means that Wang Shuang cannot graduate from Xinshou Village.

The next morning, Wang Shuang was still killing a monster that was fast but had no powerful attributes—yes, it was the Lightning Rabbit with well-developed thigh muscles, and it didn't look like the monster in Xinshou Village at all.Wang Shuang even remembered that when he was about to go offline to eat, he suddenly heard the discussions of the players around him. At the beginning, he didn't pay attention to it, but later Wang Shuang found that there were two beauties he had never seen standing in front of him. He watched as he killed Lightning Rabbit.

"Wang Shuang?" A player who has already changed her job tilted her head and called Wang Shuang. She was wearing white cloth armor, with light gray patterns growing upward from the middle of her waist, spreading across her chest like two roses. , and then spread out to the shoulders.Holding a snow-white long sword issued by a professional instructor in her hand, she smiled with bright eyes and bright teeth, and the sun shone on her, like an angel descending from the world.

"Wang Shuang?" She called Wang Shuang's name for the second time, and finally nodded in panic when she saw Wang Shuang, showing a happy smile: "Great, I thought I misread your ID. Hey, our studio is accepting people. Would you like to join our studio? We can send you equipment to get you out of Novice Village immediately, and we can also provide you with a little financial assistance every month, so that you can enjoy playing games Earn some pocket money."

The discussions of the surrounding players suddenly stagnated at this moment, and the lightning rabbits were moving around Wang Shuang like lightning bolts coming and going quickly. The sun shone on her face, making her bright smile shine brightly .Wang Shuang didn't even think about it, a wave of dog blood rushed into his brain, he didn't even know what kind of studio the girl in front of him opened, so he agreed firmly with a burst of enthusiasm: "Okay."

It was like the end of a bad relationship. From this day on, Wang Shuang graduated from Xinshou Village, and officially stepped into Kuoye City to start a pathetic adventure.Because he couldn't connect with the guides on the forum, Wang Shuang simply gave up the guides and began to study the plot by himself.

Now it seems that he was too young at that time.In fact, the strategy is correct, it's just that Wang Shuang's negative luck value of 10 is really against the sky.

"What do you think of our Longteng Guild now?" Longteng Liuguang suddenly interrupted Wang Shuang's memory.

"Hate, trash."

"Damn, it's so straightforward! It's okay, I won't be angry... But you'd better not let our boss, that is, the president, hear it, he will be furious, put down the task in hand and ask someone to cut you .”

"Put down the task in hand? He is so idle, and me, a casual player, cares so much?"

"That's not true, but sometimes he is a little more loyal, and there is another vice president, Bei Jianzhu... These two people care more about their own feelings. After you offend them, they will put their interests at the expense of the guild." Put all the development aside, let's concentrate on dealing with you."

"That's how it is, but I can always accompany them if they want to come, no matter how many people come."

"Hold the grass, as expected of the legendary Wang Shuang, it's enough. By the way, big brother, can you not do it next time you see me, I just saw that you are going to use a weapon to fuck me."

"Well, it depends on your mood. If you block my way, I will definitely kill you."

"Okay... don't talk about me, let's talk about the guild. Are you willing to let go of your hatred for the Longteng guild, if the boss of our guild asks you for reconciliation?"

"I don't think he would take the initiative to come over to apologize to me, and the Dragon Guild is now the largest guild in the human race. They shouldn't come and attack me madly for the sake of dignity, right?"

"PKing you is not beneficial to our guild. Now the death drop rules have been changed. I can't kill you like before and drop a lot of equipment at once. It's pointless for us to do this kind of useless things. Things that can only hinder our own development."

"I think so too, maybe you guys like to hinder your own development?"

Long Teng Liu Guang was stunned: "Hold the grass, your theory is full marks."

(End of this chapter)

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