Chapter 148 It's Better to Fight the Boss Together
"Ahem, we are not such boring guys. Every guild has its own style of doing things. Maybe it's just that our style is a bit more extreme."

"Maybe." Wang Shuang sighed, saying so much nonsense, it's the same as not saying it.

"Wang Shuang, in fact, I have said so much, I just want to ask you for one thing."

"What's the matter?" Finally got to the point?

"I want you to fight a boss, not in the dungeon, but a boss in the wild." Long Teng Liuguang said in a serious tone.

"What about the rest of your guild?"

"They can't, otherwise why call you."

"Then can you promise not to bother me in the future?"

"To be honest, it's not something I can decide. These guild activities are managed by the guild leader, and I'm not in charge of the members' action plans."

"Then why should I help you? It's not like I'm bored when I'm full."

"I can pay you."

"But I don't need money now, thank you."

"You..." Long Teng Liu Guang's words froze for a moment, his eyes rolled, and he smiled suddenly: "Then... where is the woman?"

"What do you mean?" Wang Shuang's heart throbbed inexplicably, and then he quickly shook his head: "I'm not the kind of casual person, I have someone I like."

"Oh? Can't tell. Does she play this game too? Is she better than you?"

"Yes, as for whether he is better than me...I don't know who can beat me now." Wang Shuang said with a sigh.

"Hold the grass, pick it up." Long Teng Liuguang gave a thumbs up: "But there are some things that you can't solve by playing games, such as chasing girls. Get it."

"Can you still help me catch her?"

"I can give you some advice. After all, I have been through many battles, so I can give you some advice from the perspective of a senior, right?"

"...You won't go to the Internet to find some information to fool me, will you? Or lead me on the wrong path, and the result will be even worse?"

"No, no, it's been half an hour since you just saw me. Do you think I'm such a worthless person?"

"No, I think the word Longteng is as unpleasant as eating garbage."

"Hold the grass, I will bear it." Long Teng Liuguang showed an exaggerated expression on his face, and then he slowly calmed down.

"To be honest, will you make a deal? Although my set of experience can't guarantee you 100% success, it's better than you looking around for information by yourself, and then trying carefully?" Long Teng Liuguang showed a little Anxious look: "What's more, the time for this boss to refresh seems to be quite short. If you hesitate for too long, you may miss this opportunity."

"What boss do you want to kill?" Reason collided with desire in his heart, and after a long time, Wang Shuang let out a long sigh.

"Agreed?" Long Teng Liuguang was overjoyed, and quickly unfolded the map: "Look at the map of Saiyan City, we are in this bar, right? Go north, go out of the city gate and walk 20 degrees northwest for about 5 minutes , you can see an abandoned camp, which is now occupied by a group of bandits, our goal is to eliminate these bandits in the past. But if the speed is slow, they will refresh and disappear. If you want to kill, you have to wait until tomorrow."

Wang Shuang couldn't help but asked curiously: "What is so strong about these bandits that even a big guild like you can't do it?"

"As I said before, the BOSS is too strong. Not to mention that our entire guild is extremely busy, even if we are free, this BOSS cannot be defeated by a lot of manpower. As for you, I think it is just a big deal for you. Small problem."

Long Teng Liuguang coughed and put away the map: "Anyway, you and I will know why once you go there. What about your follower? Why haven't you seen her?"

Wang Shuang didn't answer, but summoned Li Muxuan out.It is estimated that this is the first time Longteng Liuguang has seen a player summon followers, and he couldn't help but wonder: "What a great setting, sister, can you say something?"

Li Muxuan looked at Long Teng Liuguang in confusion, but Li Er poked out half of her head on her shoulder and glanced at Long Teng Liuguang: "What are you talking about? My master never talks to adventurers of unknown origin."

"Fuck, what is this cat? A pet?" Long Teng Liuguang reached out and was about to grab Li Er, but Li Muxuan took a step back calmly, making his grab miss.

"A follower's pet." Wang Shuang explained, and patted Long Teng Liuguang on the shoulder: "Okay, don't argue with a cat, go and kill the robber boss you mentioned, time is running out Is not it?"

"Oh, yes." Long Teng Liuguang slapped his head and walked out of the box: "Efficiency is paramount, we will set off immediately."

Ten minutes later, in the abandoned Ashes camp, Wang Shuang stared blankly at the cottage in front of him that had been armed into a small castle, and turned his head to ask Long Teng Liuguang: "This doesn't seem to be a small problem. There is even a cottage here. Are you sure?" Didn't you cheat me?"

"Of course." Long Teng Liuguang said anxiously: "Let's go in and have a look first. The bandits outside will be refreshed at any time, so it's meaningless to kill more. It's more practical to drive straight in and kill the boss."

Wang Shuang nodded: "Okay." He turned to call Li Muxuan, and the three raised their weapons and began to charge.

At this time, the abandoned camp that had been transformed into a cottage also reacted, and several bandits rushed out of the cottage one after another, killing them with various weapons.Li Muxuan pulled the bowstring in the back, and a sonic wave exploded among the bandits. With the mighty Feather Arrow, many bandits were instantly killed.

"That's enough, rush in through the passage in the middle, don't love to fight, these bandits can't be killed, they refresh too fast." Long Teng Liuguang suddenly shouted.

"Muxuan, let's go." Wang Shuang immediately pulled Li Muxuan after hearing the words, and the three of them broke through the formation of swords, guns and swords. Fortunately, although there are a large number of these robbers, they are not very good at physical attacks, and the damage is generally between 0-25 points. Left and right, falling on Wang Shuang's body is not painful.With the speed of drinking a bottle of red potion in a few seconds, it can completely hold the blood bar.

The three of them broke through the gate of the cottage while constantly breaking through. It seems that Longteng Liuguang has come here more than once or twice. They all fell down!

"Wang Shuang, follow up!" Perhaps realizing that he was advancing too fast, Long Teng Liuguang stopped and shouted, while raising his dagger to show his position among a group of pirates.

"I see, there is no need to raise the dagger." Wang Shuang growled at a pile of densely packed maps with red dots.

"You must not get separated. You should also pay attention to your followers. If you get separated, if you deal with these bandits alone, the damage will be much more. Even if you are instantly killed, it is not uncommon." Long Teng Liuguang's voice Getting closer, it turned out that he used the same skill to rush back to Wang Shuang.

The three continued to fight forward. Although the bandits were low in level, they could still cause some damage to Wang Shuang and the others.Wang Shuang quickly swung the dagger, chopped off the robbers' heads, necks, and shoulders, leaving bloodstains, and watched a large amount of blood spurt out of it, and then fell down into a corpse .

And the robbers are really as Long Teng Liuguang said, they are endless, as if they are endless.Wang Shuang couldn't help wondering: How could there be such a place?Could it be this guy's mission?
That's right, since you want to kill the BOSS, if you don't go to the easy-to-kill BOSS in the dungeon to fight, if you have to go to the wild to deal with such a difficult BOSS, it can only be a mission.Damn, Ge Tama is actually helping the players of the Dragon Soaring Guild with tasks, and looking at this battle, it seems that there are more than just purple-level tasks!
Is this really worth it?Wang Shuang couldn't help thinking.

"Wang Shuang, the front is the cottage hall where the boss is, are you ready?" Long Teng Liuguang suddenly shouted from the front.

"Huh? Oh, I'm ready. There's nothing to prepare. It's just that my red potion is almost gone. If you have more, you can use it for me."

"Hold the grass, what year is it, who still uses the red potion?" Long Teng Liuguang shook the green ointment in his hand: "Nowadays, all the potions are used to fight bosses, do you want me to give you some?"

"Okay, it's best if you can give it." Wang Shuang was stunned for a moment: "But how to give it? The transaction mode has been cancelled."

"Don't worry, there are still solutions for consumables and medicines." Wang Shuang was surprised when he suddenly received a system prompt.


System prompt: Player Longteng Liuguang requests to be added as a friend, do you agree?

agree.There is no reason for refusal.

Less than a minute later, Wang Shuang suddenly heard a system ringtone, opened the notification, and found that someone had sent him a letter.

The sender of the letter is Longteng Liuguang, the content and title are empty, but 20 sets of recovery potions are attached... Nani, can you still trade in this way?
"Email trading, the system still has a way, so it won't hurt players infinitely." Long Teng Liuguang waved his hand: "It's just that this trading method can only transport equipment and consumables, not other things."

"So that's the case." Wang Shuang nodded, looked at the green healing potion in his hand, and checked the attributes first:
——Recovery potion: a one-time consumable item, restore 400 points of blood after use, and slowly restore 10 points of blood within the next 400 seconds.

The effect is exactly twice that of the red potion!But the original time of drinking two bottles of red syrup, now only need to drink one bottle to solve the problem, which is not bad.Even if the price is three or four times more expensive than the red potion, it is worth it.

Long Teng Liuguang saw that Wang Shuang was still looking at the properties of the recovery potion, he was so angry that he almost vomited blood: "Brother, hey, Brother Wang Shuang, we are being besieged by a group of robbers right now, why don't you hurry up and lure the boss out to fight him?" , we are about to kneel."

Wang Shuang distributed ten groups of recovery potions to Li Muxuan, and waved: "Let's go, fight the boss."

Li Muxuan once again used the range skill Sonic Tide to open the way, and a large group of bandits in front fell down in batches, revealing a large blank area.Wang Shuang and Long Teng Liuguang took this opportunity to rush forward for a certain distance.They had already seen the entrance to the cottage hall ahead.And behind that place, there is not a single robber.

What is this setting?Wang Shuang was shocked, and then he heard Long Teng Liuguang yelling: "Rush over there first, then you don't have to be besieged by these bandits."

(End of this chapter)

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