It's time to play online

Chapter 152 Interview

Chapter 152 Interview
But it's not full yet, there are still five empties left, isn't it?Wang Shuang decided not to think about this annoying matter for the time being, and wait until he is full!

Now, Wang Shuang looked at his skill panel.There are three more luxurious and beautiful skill icons that are obviously a higher grade.The first one is a round moon.What makes Wang Shuang feel a little strange is that only the right half of this skill is shining brightly; the left half is as dark as death, as if it is in a state of inactive sleep.

Wang Shuang clicked on this skill—Moon Night Transformation, and glanced at the description, Wang Shuang said oh, it's not a skill but a talent!Continue to look down and find that it is now an even-numbered day, physical attack and defense 50? ? ?Law attack and defense -50? ? ?The physical crit probability is 0, and the magic crit probability is 100?

Something seems wrong?
Wang Shuang thought about it for a long time, then suddenly came back to his senses and slapped his head, "Damn it, I'm so stupid, today is an even-numbered day, what a fart, isn't today the time when the luck is triggered, so isn't it an odd-numbered day?"
However, what is displayed on Yue Ye's transformation body is obviously the state of even-numbered days.What's going on here?

System down?Suddenly pumped?Wang Shuang closed the skill panel, opened it again after a while, tapped the icon of Moonlight Transformation with his finger, and the even-numbered day attributes popped up!
How is this going!Wang Shuang was very puzzled.If you have trouble, find the forum. You are right. Wang Shuang entered the three words "odd-numbered days" on the forum. After thinking about it, he didn't know what to add later, so he searched for these three words first.

With a "ding", about 3000 posts popped up.

Wang Shuang casually read a title and clicked on it pleasing to the eye:

Landlord: Hello everyone, my little brother has awakened a strange talent, I would like to ask everyone to identify it, I don’t know what this talent means?
[Talent] Walking in a boat: In odd days, your movement speed increases by 30 on any occasion?

The second floor: The effect is very good, but only works half of the time!

Third floor: The front row is a strong onlooker.

Fourth floor: What a coincidence, I also awakened a skill that increases attack speed on odd-numbered days, but I am a businessman, so this talent is useless, but I am quite envious of the original owner's talent, why don't we change it?

Floor [-] (host): I want to change it too, but you tell me how to change it?

The rest of the posts were idle and nonsense. Wang Shuang was about to close the post when he suddenly felt the eyes of a group of people behind him staring at him, which made his back feel hairy.The hairs on Wang Shuang's back stood up, and he turned around suddenly. It was the guys who called him trash players just now!
Wang Shuang was upset when he saw them, he frowned and asked, "What are you doing?"

"Wang Shuang!" A player immediately jumped out: "Just now you have been photographed by our full name in the process of discovering the hidden occupation. How is it? Have you changed your hidden occupation? How do you feel now?"

When Wang Shuang heard this, he was immediately happy: "Are you interviewing me?"

I never thought that my brother would be interviewed one day.nervous?Are you cramped?I don't feel anything at all, it seems that my brother is a man who should be used to this kind of interview by nature!Wang Shuang didn't even bother to pose, and stood lazily with his head drooped.

"That's right, that's right." The player saw Wang Shuang's conversation, with an ecstatic expression on his face: "I'm the editor of Xinyang News, Hua Bee, and this-- Wang Shuang, a level 50 twin assassin player who just changed jobs, May I ask if this is a hidden profession, how is your experience of changing jobs after changing jobs now?"

Wang Shuang laughed loudly: "This hidden profession is strong, it's ridiculously strong, and combined with my talent, it has doubled or tripled the original role of this profession."

"Two or three times!" The flower bee couldn't help but exclaimed: "My God, this is too exaggerated. Is there any exaggeration in it?"

Wang Shuang shook his head with a smile, and sighed: "Well, the truth is, I can almost affirm that at the level of fifty, no one is invincible."

"This, this is..." The flower bee was so excited that tears were about to flow: "Is this a declaration of war to the whole world? You want to challenge ordinary players at level 50 all over the world, as well as those mysterious and unfathomable players." Are you a professional gamer?"

Nani, the pro gamer?Wang Shuang shivered, and his mind cleared up a little, but what should we do now, this guy, and the group of guys watching the fun behind him, probably had the video recording turned on the whole time, right?Brother is blowing it out now, do you want to take it back?No, this is different from my brother's usual style. Now that I have blown it out, let's blow it to the end.

Wang Shuang coughed and nodded: "That's right, no matter what kind of skills and positioning, it is useless in the face of absolute strength. If someone really wants to challenge me, I will tell them the truth of life .”

The flower bee wept with joy!All along, she has been rushing around for a big news all day long. Wang Shuang, who can't speak brains, is powerful, and likes to pretend to be brainless, is exactly the player she has been looking for.The flower bee began to regret that it was too late to meet Wang Shuang.Although I have been seeing posts about this player on the forum, but the flower bee can see that there are a lot of traces of the navy, so although I have noticed it, I don't pay much attention to it.

This is the first one, the first one is about Wang Shuang fighting back head-on, the first one is about a man, officially sending out a letter of challenge to players all over the world.Although there is a bit of self-control in it, and I don’t know what the sky is high and the earth is thick, but it doesn’t matter, she is not Wang Shuang, she is just the editor of Xinyang News, as long as there is breaking news, it doesn’t matter whether it is good or bad, it will come out Always right!
Flower Bee even had a title in mind.It's called "Too arrogant! Hidden professional players take the gauntlet to players all over the world".Bee Bee, who has been an editor for many years, even has a premonition of the reaction of those readers after reading this news.

First of all, there will definitely be a lot of people who step on Wang Shuang in the forums and news comments, and because of Wang Shuang's notorious reputation in the forums, many players will attack him personally, make appointments, and so on.If Wang Shuang avoids the battle, or engages in the battle, and wins in the end, Huabee will have news to write again!

If things get bigger and bigger, opponents get stronger, and Wang Shuang wins all the way, it will definitely attract more people's attention to relevant news... Hua Bee almost sees her bright future beckoning to her.

"Hey, wake up." Wang Shuang shook his hand in front of her, "Do you still have any questions? I'm leaving."

"Ah? What?" The flower bee was startled, and quickly pressed forward: "I, I still have some questions that I haven't asked, can you give me more-"

"No, someone told me to take them to make a copy, I have to go." Ruthlessly rejected the flower bee, Wang Shuang turned his head and walked out of the office door.

Leaving a room full of excited and melancholy players, they exploded this video on various forums and communication platforms, while spreading it crazily in the circle of friends.Huabee was also writing a press release quickly, and when several people were overwhelmed with their own affairs, another player pushed in at the door: "Damn, I'm exhausted, and I finally finished this Lao Shizi's job transfer task!" !"

Someone got it done again?Hua Bee hurried up: "Hello, I am Hua Bee, the editor of Xinyang News, can I wait for 2 minutes..."

"No, I'll talk about it after I've changed jobs." The player waved his hand impatiently, took a photo of a certificate on Kesma's desk, and shouted impatiently: "Hey, leader! , I have already completed the job transfer task you posted, I don’t know where I should go to change jobs next?”

Kesma glanced at him, took away the certificates on the table, nodded, and threw the notebook that Wang Shuang had just changed his job to.The player caught it like a treasure, opened it, and wailed after only turning two pages: "Why, why are there only three job transfer directions? And it doesn't seem to be much better than the original fighter!"

Kesma snorted: "Who told you that you only handed in a black-level job transfer certificate? The only things you can choose are these relatively low-level third-tier jobs."

"Okay, then just choose one of these, anyway, I can't beat the harder one..." The player scratched his head, looked at a name that was pleasing to the eye, threw away the notebook and shouted: "Warrior Musheng !"

With a ding, a golden light descended from the sky, showering the player to his heart's content.This process is exactly the same as when Wang Shuang changed jobs just now.The golden light didn't last long, before it turned into fragments and scattered, annihilated in the air.

"Damn it, the level cap of level 50 is finally unblocked, and I can continue to farm monsters again, great!" The player roared excitedly, and was about to turn around to go out when he was stopped by the flower bee: "Wait!" , Wait a minute, this player, do you have time for an interview..."

"Interview?" The warrior player who was about to walk around the Blossom Bee was stunned for a moment, then suddenly stopped: "Okay, this is the first time I have been interviewed when I grow up. Will there be a video?"

"Yes, yes, of course." The flower bee said with a chuckle: "Okay, let's start, then I would like to ask this player--the player of Qianjun Tremor, judging from the scene just now and the professional name you called, are you Is it a player who has changed his career as a fighter?"

"Of course." The rough-behaved player nodded vigorously, with a slightly excited expression on his face. I don't know if it was because he felt like he was on TV for the first time.

"However, according to the NPC, the job transfer certificate you just submitted is a black grade certificate, isn't it?"

"Yeah." Qianjun sighed generously and shook his head: "The latter difficulty is really too difficult, I can't beat it, so I can only settle for the next best thing. It's not worth wasting too much time on changing jobs , or quick upgrade is the kingly way."

"It turns out that I'm still a player who pursues crazy leveling." Huamibee smiled, rolled her eyes, and asked suddenly: "You seem to be dissatisfied with your attributes after changing jobs?"

"Of course." Qianjun nodded in dissatisfaction: "This task is so difficult, and the copy is so stingy. I thought I could make up for it after changing jobs, but the result is not much."

"But, do you know." The flower bee suddenly showed a faint smile, and the whole person was stunned for a moment, and the flower bee smiled coquettishly: "Just now there is a player who has handed in the red certificate. A hidden profession that is said to be very powerful."

"Red...hidden occupation?" Qianjun froze in place as if struck by lightning.

(End of this chapter)

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