It's time to play online

Chapter 153 This is our era

Chapter 153 This is our era

Wang Shuang left the headquarters of the Legion of Glory, went out of Saiyan City, went to the blacksmith's shop to repair the equipment of the whole body, and then went to replenish the red potion.When refilling the red potion, Wang Shuang glanced at the store list, and sure enough there was no recovery potion.

Wang Shuang couldn't help but miss the effect of the recovery potion, but thinking of his current attributes, Wang Shuang couldn't help but smile slightly: Whether it's the recovery potion or the red potion, it doesn't work much for him now.

Why did Wang Shuang leave in such a hurry?The reason he just gave Flower Bee was that someone asked him to download a dungeon.really?real.Just after Wang Shuang's job change, Luoxue Qianli accidentally sent a message asking for help: Wang Shuang?Are you free now, can you come over and pass a copy for me?
Thinking of what Long Teng Liuguang said yesterday, Wang Shuang's whole body immediately began to boil like chicken blood.What is an opportunity?This is the opportunity!Don't ask about the weather and send postcards, just go directly to make a copy for her, and ask what kind of copy it is, and then see if there is any need for help, and pay attention to her recent situation, so we can start chatting?

That's right, chatting, chatting, presence!These are the key points.Wang Shuang immediately replied with great excitement, yes, I will be there soon.have time?Just kidding, I have to find time for you if I don’t have time!When it's too late to pick up girls, there's nothing left.

Thousands of miles of falling snow: I came out from the north of Saiyan City, bypassed the mines and plains, and then passed through the forest, entering the place where it borders the elves' territory, that is, a small town at the border with Xiasen Kingdom. I sent the map coordinates to You, if you can't find it, can you just let drowning light pick you up?

Wang Shuang quickly replied: It's okay, I have blue-level pathfinding, and such small problems can't stop me.

Luoxue Qianli: Got it, Feixu, Yuguang and Xingyao and I are waiting for you here.

Four beauties are waiting for brother in place!The little deer in Wang Shuang's heart suddenly started to gallop...

According to the route Luoxue Qianli said, Wang Shuang arrived at the destination after walking for half an hour. He also encountered many wild monsters harassing him along the way. After killing one by one with a dagger, Wang Shuang rushed over in a hurry.Lingshui City, a small city on the border between the human kingdom and the elf kingdom, is also very prosperous because of the friendly relationship between humans and elves for nearly a hundred years.

But in the final analysis, it is still a small third-tier town that is not popular.Wang Shuang feels that it is a little different from second-tier cities like Saiyan City and Kuoye City.When he found Lingshui City, he immediately saw four beauties surrounded by a group of players.

"What are you doing?" Wang Shuang frowned and walked over.

"Wang Shuang!" Luoxue Qianli raised her head, and when she saw Wang Shuang, her face was about to come up with joy.

"What, Wang Shuang! Is it Wang Shuang himself?" A player nearby suddenly exclaimed.

In an instant, the players who had been arguing around the four beauties just now fell silent.

Um, what's going on here?Not only Luoxue Qianli and June Feixu were a little confused, but even Wang Shuang himself was a little confused.

A few players hula la immediately threw Luoxue Qianli and June Feixu and four others, and surrounded Wang Shuang.Seeing this scene, June Feixu froze for a moment, then patted Luoxue Qianli on the shoulder and shouted: "My God, sister Qianli, the charm of our four women is actually compared to that of a man named Wang Shuang Oh my god, my fragile little heart hurts so much."

"Why do I feel that the way they look at Wang Shuang is different from the way they look at us?" Luoxue Qianli forced a wry smile.

"Can it be the same!" June Feixu made a big fuss after hearing the words: "It seems that we are admiring at most, but looking at their eyes now, I wish I could just throw myself on Wang Shuang."

"Are you that Wang Shuang on the forum?" After a long silence, one of the players watching Wang Shuang suddenly stood up.

"Although I don't know which one you are talking about, but the forum refers to... it should be me." Wang Shuang poked his waist and looked at him: "Why, do you also want to crusade against trash players? Or are you——you all want to come to replace me?" Heaven’s way, crusade against me, a trash player?”

"Wang Shuang!" Suddenly a player yelled bitterly: "Don't think that you are great because you have changed your job to hide your job. This is outside the city, and it is a non-safe area. There are so many of us. If you kill one person at a time, you won't die. Disaster."

"Oh?" Wang Shuang rubbed his palms, and looked at him with his hands clasped around his chest: "So you think you are the advantage now?"

"Don't wait." The player who stood up before stopped the guy who was threatening Wang Shuang, he continued to take a step forward, completely walked out of the crowd behind, pulled out his weapon and hugged Wang Shuang: "I heard that you have changed jobs Hidden class, I'm level 50 now, but I haven't passed the job transfer yet, I wonder if you can ask me, so that I can know how big the gap is between me and the job-changing players of the hidden class?"

"That is to say, do you want to single out?" Wang Shuang asked, squinting his eyes.

At this time, Luoxue Qianli on the other side probably understood the situation at the scene, and quickly sent a private chat message to Wang Shuang: "Wang Shuang, don't agree, they want to use the name of a duel with you to increase their popularity! Look at the side Eighty percent of the players in that row are reporters and editors from major media and news."

Wang Shuang was startled, and looked to both sides, and sure enough, he saw many players facing him motionlessly, as if they were maintaining some kind of deliberate movement, and that movement was obviously recording!Even when he saw Wang Shuang looking at him, he didn't flinch at all. Instead, he pointed the camera that Wang Shuang couldn't see at him even more blatantly.

"That's right." The player in front of Wang Shuang, who had already taken two steps, nodded, once again clasped his fists with a weapon in his hand, and bowed lightly: "I'm offended!"


System prompt: Player Xueli Feiyan has applied for a sparring match with you. Do you agree?

Do you want to use your brother's fame to hype your popularity?Wang Shuang squinted his eyes, snorted and sneered: "Okay, but don't regret it, my advice is very direct and cruel."

"No problem, please feel free to come." Seeing that Wang Shuang accepted the application for the competition, Xueli Feiyan was suddenly ecstatic.

Although Wang Shuang had hidden his job and passed the job change, he didn't feel any fear.Instead, he was thrilled.Regardless of success or failure, the first person to challenge Wang Shuang is destined to be reprinted by a large number of media and news, and tomorrow this battle will appear in the headlines of people's attention.

Of course, if Wang Shuang is successfully defeated, the reputation of Xueli Feiyan will rise even higher. Just the title of crusade against the garbage player Wang Shuang and the crazy face-slapping player Wang Shuang can make Xueli Feiyan gain countless fans up.

Is it possible to defeat Wang Shuang?It's entirely possible, the level is the same, you are a hidden profession, but so am I!Xueli Feiyan's profession is a hidden professional berserker who changed from warrior to profession. At the cost of negative status and blood deduction, she can burst out the most powerful melee damage in a short period of time!
Rough calculations, even if Wang Shuang's physical defense is around [-], Xueli Feiyan's combo can cause more than [-] points of damage to him in just five seconds.Are there any players with more than [-] HP at this stage?Have!There are many more than [-], but if you want to exceed [-], don't even think about it unless you are a meat shield profession that adds all physique!

Wang Shuang is an assassin, right?Assassin is also recognized as a profession with less qi and blood, high damage and high critical strike!Not to mention four thousand, it would be nice to have around two thousand and five thousand!Wang Shuang, so what if you change jobs?If one is not careful, he will still be defeated by this set of explosions!

So Xueli Feiyan is very excited now, thinking that after defeating Wang Shuang, various news and media will frantically reprint this matter. He became famous overnight, stepping on Wang Shuang's position , appeared in the public eye!

"Are you ready?" Aside from being excited, Xueli Feiyan even had time to care about Wang Shuang's state.

"Hehe, come on." Wang Shuang didn't care about Xueli Feiyan's expression that almost had her feelings written all over her face. After pulling out the dagger, she hooked her hand towards him.

"Okay." Xueli Feiyan nodded, closed her eyes and raised the big ax in her hand.The weapon he holds is a double axe, which is a two-handed weapon with high damage, but it is not very flexible to swing.


System prompt: The battle begins.

The battle started, and the surrounding players all straightened their waists and watched the situation on the scene, and the editors and reporters even pointed their cameras at the battlefield one after another.At this moment, the area where Wang Shuang and Xueli Feiyan are duel has turned into a blue circle, and the two of them are standing in the center of this circle.

Xueli Feiyan yelled, and the big ax in her hand suddenly glowed blood red.At the same time, Xueli Feiyan's whole body seemed to be dyed with a layer of blood-colored fuel, the armor, the cloth in the gaps, the skin, the face... even his entire eyeballs were blood-red, protruding, The blood streaked like tiny little snakes swimming wildly.He looked extremely violent, like a lion losing his mind.

System prompt: Player Xueli Feiyan has activated the skill "Blood War", physical defense -10 within 20 seconds? ? ?Reasonable attack 20? ? ?Hitting speed 20? ? ?Moving speed 20?

System prompt: The player Xueli Feiyan used the skill "Break the boat", and the next hit caused an extra 20? ? ? , and have 100? ? ?Stuns the target for 2 seconds.

System prompt: The player Xueli Feiyan used the skill "Big Kill", the attack caused a splash effect, and the damage overflowed to both sides by 40? ? ?If there is only one enemy within five meters, the attack speed is 40? ? ?The splash effect caused by the hit becomes an additional 20? ? ?harm.

System prompt: The player Xueli Feiyan's professional talent is triggered, and enters a deadly battle state within 15 seconds, unable to recover blood, physical defense and magic defense -15? ? ?Ignore target 15 while attacking? ? ?Defense and 15? ? ?resistance.


Wang Shuang was stunned by the long series of reminders, Xueli Feiyan jumped up and slashed up, followed by a gorgeous circle, three four-digit damage numbers suddenly floated in the air, After turning around, he aimed at Wang Shuang's head and hit him on the head. With a bang, blood splashed everywhere, and Wang Shuang's blood lost 1200 again!

This set of combo damage exceeded [-]!

The onlookers were excited, and the reporters who were recording couldn't help but join in their excited commentary, and the editors were also writing hard to record the situation on the scene.Even Xueli Feiyan didn't expect to hit a set of combo damage so easily, and looking at the damage figures just now, it seems that there were two critical hits!

That's right, the hidden profession of Berserker has a high critical strike probability!Thinking of this, Xueli Feiyan couldn't help but waved the ax vigorously.

"Wait." At this time, some players noticed that something was wrong: "Look, Wang Shuang doesn't seem to be dead!"

"What?" The surrounding players were shocked, the reporters stopped explaining, and the editors also stopped writing.Someone pointed at the blood bar on Wang Shuang's head in surprise, and said in a trembling voice, "He, his blood bar... more than 5000 damage, not even a third of his blood bar!"

As soon as these words came out, the scene was suddenly dead silent!
Wang Shuang sighed helplessly, and suddenly said in a deep voice, "So, this is our era."

(End of this chapter)

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