Chapter 154

What else did Feiyan want to say in the snow, Wang Shuang suddenly used his stealth skills, and activated two equipment effects that increase the movement speed. Suddenly, Wang Shuang's movement speed was so fast that he appeared in the snow in just a blink of an eye. In front of Feiyan, Wang Shuang glanced at him, took out a dagger and slashed at his neck, then turned his head without looking.


Xueli Feiyan stared at the damage number on her head with wide eyes, wanted to say something, but finally fell down powerlessly.

At the end of the sparring, Xueli Feiyan was resurrected on the spot without any injuries. Wang Shuang put away the dagger and asked him, "How is it, do you know the difference now?"

Xueli Feiyan had an expression of reluctance on her face, but she could only cup her fists at Wang Shuang: "Be willing to bow down, the difference between a job-changing player and a non-job-changing player is really not something that can be measured by level and equipment."

At this time, several players gathered around one after another, and several editors even took advantage of the chaos to get in front of Wang Shuang: "Wang Shuang, wait a minute, may I ask if that was your crit damage just now, your physical attack is now What level has it reached?"

"Wang Shuang, just now we saw that Xueli Feiyan caused more than 5000 damage to you, but you still have more than one-third of your blood. Does this mean that your blood has exceeded [-]?" ?”

"Wang Shuang, may I ask that you have suddenly become so strong, is it because of the job change, or because you changed to a hidden job?"

Wang Shuang looked at the chaotic crowd in front of him with a dark face, and was at a loss for a while, not knowing how to answer.

At this moment, an angry shout suddenly came from the crowd: "Who? Who stabbed me just now? Stand up for me!"

The onlookers were shocked. At this time, Wang Shuang noticed in the middle that several red-named players suddenly appeared in the crowd, and these red-named players were quickly bypassing the crowd and moving towards him!
For me?Wang Shuang was startled, and quickly took a step back. At the same time, he searched for Luo Xueqianli in the crowd... I'll go, but I can't find what's going on!Wang Shuang suddenly shifted his gaze to a farther place, and found it!They didn't mix in the crowd to watch!
So this group of famous players didn't come for them.Is it really for my brother?Wang Shuang doesn't know where their courage came from, since it's like this, it's just right, brother is so hung up now, you guys have the ability to try it in seconds, brother?
A white light flew up, and the crowd in front of him became chaotic. Even the Snowy Swallow just now was accidentally killed, so Wang Shuang had to be careful.

Now that this group of people knew that brother was hanging like this, why did they dare to come out?Just when Wang Shuang was confused, suddenly a black shadow appeared in his field of vision, translucent, with a red ID on his head.

sneak?Wang Shuang was stunned for a moment. It turned out that these red names were just bait on the surface, and there was a secret sneak attack army behind it.This group of people didn't know why, but everyone was able to sneak successfully and deceived every player present.It seems that their stealth has a very high success rate of hiding from people, but unfortunately, with Wang Shuang, all the probabilities will be reversed.Originally, the higher the success rate of sneaking, the easier it is for Wang Shuang to see through.

Watching several people slowly emerge from the crowd, holding short knives and daggers, Wang Shuang smiled contemptuously, pretending to be looking around to watch the scenery and be on guard, observing the actions of several people from the corner of his eyes.Looking at Wang Shuang's appearance, several people seemed to believe that Wang Shuang didn't notice them.One of them raised his left hand and clasped his five fingers backwards, and waved forward. After receiving the order, the others quickly walked up to Wang Shuang.

Wang Shuang released Li Muxuan calmly. Just when these people thought they had succeeded, Li Muxuan suddenly bluffed the bowstring in the air, and released a sonic wave without warning!





The damage around Wang Shuang suddenly increased, and because the damage range of this blow was too large, it also affected many innocent players. Suddenly, many players turned their heads and cursed: "I am stupid, so it was this trash player who moved!" Come on, everyone, he only has two-thirds of his vitality left now, just now a snow swallow can cut off one-third of him, I don't believe so many of us haven't cut off his remaining blood Two-thirds of the bottom!"

"Come on, kill him, tell him to mess with us secretly." After someone yelled a slogan, everyone immediately charged together, and those players who were hiding in the stealth state also took advantage of the situation to mix in the crowd and follow.After Wang Shuang saw this scene, he didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and then said sternly: "That's good, since you are looking for your own death, then don't blame brother."

Use the skill Twin Life and Double Darkness to deal 8 80 damage to enemies within a radius of 110 meters.Manage the damage of the attack!
A black ring centered on Wang Shuang and began to spread around, engulfing a large area of ​​players in an instant.Including those hidden players with red names.But the black ring just spread out and did no harm.Just when everyone felt strange, the dark figures flickered and danced in the black ring, coming and going, usually stabbing a dagger at a player from three or four directions, reaping the lives of many players like cutting wheat.

A large number of players fell down and turned into a white light that floated away.And those sneaking players were also exposed because of the black rings, and several holes were pierced by the dark shadows in the black rings.They also appeared and fell to the ground.Wang Shuang took a closer look, and found that the IDs and equipment of these people were no different from normal people. If he didn't look carefully and knew about their stealth in advance, even Wang Shuang wouldn't be able to recognize them.

In less than two seconds, all the players around Wang Shuang died.There were only a lot of equipment and system prompts flooding towards Wang Shuang.

Wang Shuang almost didn't bother to look at it, Madan, anyway, it's just to remind me how much crime value has increased, come on, I will accept as many times as I come, the big deal is going to the city to pay, anyway, I have plenty of money now.

"Wang Shuang?" Luoxue Qianli who came after seeing the equipment and corpses in this place was so shocked that he was speechless.Feixu, on the other hand, clapped his hands and cheered as if he was not afraid of big things: "Okay, okay, it seems that tomorrow's forum is going to explode, tomorrow's topic about Wang Shuang may be on the forum, and there will be major news headlines on the forum." Oh?"

"Yes, Wang Shuang." Star Key on the side also blinked: "How many things have you done today, claiming that you are the strongest player at level 50, and survived more than 5000 damage in the sparring, and nearly nine times in one blow?" A thousand points of damage, and you took the initiative to attack and killed a group of onlookers. The most important thing is that [-]% of the people you kill are journalists and editors from major media. Maybe they will judge you tomorrow .”

Holy crap, Wang Shuang thought about the consequences, and he was indeed very overwhelmed.Ma Dan, anyway, brother did nothing wrong, and brother also acted in self-defense.

As for other players?Fuck, who told them to watch, who told them to like to watch the excitement when encountering unexpected situations, making troubles and making troubles... every day I know that I am making troubles, I don’t have any headlines anyway, if I want to make troubles, I just Make it big!Others want to go, but there is no such opportunity.

"But now your reputation is solid again." The drowning Xiaoguang laughed: "The garbage player Wang Shuang... I don't know why, it sounds so happy."

Several other people also laughed. Wang Shuang could hear that Niu Guang was teasing him, and he was not angry. After reading it twice, he couldn't help clapping his hands and laughing: "Yes, it's really joyful. I didn't expect to read it twice. It's pretty easy to say, so I was born to be a trash player?"

In short, these equipments should stay where they are. After Wang Shuang settled the matter here, he looked at Luoxueqianli: "By the way, what dungeon do you need my help with? Team dungeon?"

Luoxue Qianli nodded: "And it's a copy of ten people. We were wondering if it would not be enough even if we brought you, but now it seems that there is no need to worry at all. You alone are enough There are more than a dozen people."

Wang Shuang laughed: "It's not that exaggerated, it's not that exaggerated, but Luoxue, you can think of me when you can't beat the dungeon, which makes me a little flattered."

That's right, if you want to chat, you have to open up the situation. Wang Shuang used his mind here: if Luoxue Qianli laughed off Wang Shuang's words as a joke, Wang Shuang would climb up the pole and continue to say: "In the future, if there are dungeons you can't beat, just come to me."

However, the actual situation is not the same as Wang Shuang thought.

Seeing Luoxue Qianli's expression, Wang Shuang was indeed taken aback for a moment. She seemed to blush slightly. Just as she was about to say something, suddenly the conversation was snatched away by June Feixu next to her. She reached out and patted Wang Shuang vigorously. Shuang's shoulders, and laughed: "Sister Qianli said at that time that this dungeon can't be beaten by us now, but if Wang Shuang can come, he will definitely be able to pass. Since returning from the Sighing Islands, sister Qianli is already right now. You believe it blindly, even lovers—"

"Feixu!" At this moment, Luoxue Qianli couldn't listen anymore, and quickly interrupted Feixu in June: "Stop talking nonsense, if Wang Shuang happens to like someone, he will feel embarrassed if you say that !” After speaking, his eyes turned to Wang Shuang.

"Uh, this..." Wang Shuang's throat felt as uncomfortable as a fishbone stuck, and the words that were choked in his throat were swallowed back: "It's not embarrassing, it's not embarrassing, hehe. I will definitely take you flying, don’t worry.”

"That's natural." June Feixu said with a smile.

Walking on the road, Wang Shuang felt a little uncomfortable for some reason, was it because of Luoxue Qianli's words just now?Or was it because Liu Yue Feixu interrupted him and made him feel uncomfortable?

Shaking his head, Wang Shuang couldn't help sighing.At this time, they had arrived at the entrance of a forest, in front of a relatively primitive wooden house.

(End of this chapter)

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