It's time to play online

Chapter 164 The Battle of the Dragon Guild

Chapter 164 The Battle of the Dragon Guild

Wang Shuang, who finally escaped from the sky, looked at the remaining 30 points of durability of the Dragon Tooth Boat, and couldn't help wiping off his sweat.

The life-and-death escape just now scared him so much that he almost thought that he would not be able to escape. Fortunately, at the last moment, they finally saw the endless sea. Seagulls and fish jumping out of the water.Under the driving of Li Er, under the crazy bombardment of Wang Shuang and Li Muxuan, they finally got rid of the siege and interception of the Longteng Guild, and quickly moved away at a speed that they could not catch up with at all.

Even so, it was not enough to relax.Wang Shuang's dragon tooth boat is really crumbling now, with only more than 30 blood points left.If it is touched casually, it will sink.If he met pirates on the road and was attacked by pirates, then Wang Shuang would really feel helpless every day.

Fuck, that's right, my brother is also a pirate, so Wang Shuang quickly started a side job.When teaming up to play dungeons before, Wang Shuang turned off the sub-profession for a while because he was afraid that his teammates would not lose their equipment when killing monsters. Now it is time to wake up again.

Better to be awake than not to be awake!At least there is this sub-profession, everyone is a pirate, even if they want to do something wrong, they will hesitate for a while, maybe they will come up to negotiate with Wang Shuang or something.Even if the negotiation fails, Wang Shuang can still board their ship, use his skill of forcibly snatching the ship, kill all the pirates on board and take the pirate ship as his own.

It has to be said that the speed of Li Er's orange-level navigation is really fast. When Wang Shuang was in a daze and brainstorming, and when Li Muxuan was sitting by the boat and just caught two small fish, a hazy picture appeared in front of them. of fog.This is the sign approaching the Isles of Sighs!

Ah, Sighing Islands, Bounty Island, Xianchen Island, my brother is back!

Wang Shuang was familiar with this place, but Li Er didn't seem to be very familiar with it. He walked around outside the mist, and then rushed into the mist.Wang Shuang glanced at the map and found that the Dragon Tooth Boat seemed to be spinning around in place, changing direction while moving forward, and kept circling in circles.

"Hey, it seems that sometimes brother is more reliable." Wang Shuang sighed, opened the hatch and got out of the cabin, and Li Muxuan followed.They walked through the corridor all the way, walked into the cockpit, and saw Li Er lying on the rudder with a puzzled expression.

"Li Er, hello." Wang Shuang walked to the rudder and pinched its face.Lier opened his eyes at this moment, and glanced up at Wang Shuang: "Adventurer, what are you doing?"

"You are sailing in the wrong direction, let me drive." Wang Shuang said.

"No." Unexpectedly, the cat rejected Wang Shuang's request: "I'm having a good time."

—Ah poof.Wang Shuang spit out a mouthful of overnight food: "Brother Cat, how about the cat god? We are in dire straits now. Although we are temporarily out of danger, we are still surrounded by dangerous Sighs Islands. If we are not careful, our ship will be destroyed." It will become the residue and debris under the pirate artillery. And my small island is also in danger now, a group of lunatics have taken a fancy to my island, and they are thinking about Xianchen Island!"

"Oh. But what does it matter to me?"

"You—damn, get up." Wang Shuang was so angry that he picked up Yushun cat and threw it to Li Muxuan.

"Slightly slightly, stupid adventurer." Yushun cat spun lightly and landed, hooked firmly on Li Muxuan's shoulder, and turned to look at Wang Shuang: "Li Er possesses orange-level reconnaissance skills. Every drop of water on the surface of the sea is under the strict surveillance of Lier. There is no pirate on the surface of the sea beyond the mist."

"Oh?" Wang Shuang looked at Li Er in surprise: "What about inside the mist? What's more, you, a guy wandering around in the mist, have no right to brag about your orange-level reconnaissance skills? It's not as reliable as my map."

After Wang Shuang took over the Dragon Tooth Boat, its speed was obviously slower by several beats.However, with the help of Wang Shuang's map, Dragon Tooth Boat quickly stabilized its sailing direction and quickly approached Xianchen Island.

With a "ding", someone sent Wang Shuang a private message.

Wang Shuang glanced at it, then opened it, it was a message from Xue Yique: "Wang Shuang, I have arrived at Xianchen Island, where are you?"

"I'm still at sea, but I'm almost there. I was beaten so badly by the members of the Longteng Guild just now that I almost died there." Wang Shuang quickly replied.

"That's right, I didn't expect you to survive." Xue Yique sent a message, which seemed to contain a hint of surprise: "The star of the world just said that more than 1000 people from the Longteng Guild have been besieged on the forum." In your video, their ambush circle can hardly see the end at first glance, but Longteng Guild concealed the final result, and announced that all personnel have assembled and set off for Xianchen Island. So you successfully escaped from their encirclement escaped?"

Are you on the forum so soon?Wang Shuang groaned, and quickly replied: "Yes, it's really vicious. If I didn't have a powerful booster temporarily, I would really die there. If I can't come to Xianchen Island, I will be in trouble. What is the current situation on Xianchen Island?"

Xue Yique: "It's okay. The construction progress of the village chief's hall on the island has been completed 80??? It will be completed in two days. At that time, we will establish a complete defense system around the island, and settle on the island. With the teleportation array, we are not afraid of players from the Soaring Dragon Guild coming to attack us."

Wang Shuang: "That's good, that's good. How is the Longteng Guild going?"

Xue Yique: "Not too good, at least the battle is quite big. A total of about 56000 people participated in the battle against Xianchen Island. Even if the entire Xianchen Island is allowed to land at will, the entire island may not be able to hold it." There are so many people. It seems that the Longteng Guild is determined to eradicate us from Xianchen Island this time, and destroy all our construction in the past few days."

Wang Shuang: "Is it an all-out attack? Very good, the more ruthless they are, the worse they will lose this time."

Xue Yique: "Why, are you sure to repel them?"

Wang Shuang: "To be honest, I'm not sure. But there are some things, you have to try. If you don't try, you won't know where the future will be, and you won't know how strong you are. Even if Knowing that you will fail, at least you must recognize where you are now and what efforts you need to make. After reflection and summary, you will be closer to success next time. Besides, are you willing to give up the villainous pirates and dragons we have subdued? Those NPC defense forces of the Lan Pirates, the three big ships, and the villagers who migrated from Bounty Island? If you want me to give up in vain, I can’t do it anyway.”

Xue Yique: "That's right, what you said is very reasonable. Since they want to fight, we will fight with them. Don't forget, there are four guilds on our side—no, five guilds. "

Five guilds?Wang Shuang was taken aback for a moment, then thought about Luoxue Qianli's guild establishment, has it already been done?

Xue Yique quickly received another message at this time: "Wang Shuang, you have to be careful, the deployment of the Longteng Guild in Saiyan City is just a part of their plan. In fact, the 5.6 people of the Longteng Guild will be from more than 20 people. Different human races set off from the docks and ports of cities and integrate together thousands of miles away, and then come to attack us. So if you encounter players from the Longteng Guild on the road, don't panic, they will probably have about 2000 people, you just need to stay away from them That's good. I just experienced the siege of their guild, so your ship probably doesn't have much durability left."

Wang Shuang: "Understood. I will do what I can, and I will judge by myself if there is a situation."

Xue Yique: "Then, I wish you good luck."

After finishing the conversation with Xue Yique, there was a ding, and there was new news!Wang Shuang saw that it was Luoxue Qianli who sent the message this time.Almost subconsciously, Wang Shuang guessed that the other party was going to talk about the new guild.

Click on the news of Luoxue Qianli, and it is about the new guild as expected: "Wang Shuang, our guild has been established. The dark rose is named after your follower Li Muxuan. After you come, find me, and I will pull you in." guild."

Name it after Li Muxuan?Wang Shuang was slightly startled, seeing the news of Luoxue Qianli, he froze on the spot and didn't know what to say.After a moment of silence, Wang Shuang sighed heavily, and quickly replied: "Understood."

Does Luo Xueqianli have any special meaning in doing this?

Wang Shuang didn't know.However, according to his original understanding, he thought Luoxue Qianli would use his and June Feixu's IDs together to come up with a name like "June Luoxue" or "Qianli Feixu".

But now it seems that the thinking circuits of the two are not the same.

The boat of dragon teeth sailed in the fog for a while, and slowly, the surrounding fog was lifted, and Wang Shuang finally saw the clear sea again.

Oncoming is Wang Shuang's private island, Bounty Island.

Wang Shuang did not move on, but turned his head and anxiously looked at Yushun Cat, who was lazily leaning on Li Muxuan's shoulder: "Hey, Li Er, quickly use your orange-level detection skill to look around and see if there is any Pirates! Now that you are out of the foggy area, your orange-level scouting technique should be able to work, right?"

Hearing this, Li Er looked up at Wang Shuang, and yawned lazily: "It's fine. But Li Er doesn't want to use the orange-level reconnaissance right now."

Fuck, anything that is not completely under your control is trouble!Wang Shuang quickly asked Li Muxuan for help with his eyes. To Wang Shuang's surprise, Li Muxuan understood what he meant, and patted Li Er's head sideways: "Li Er, my lord is confused now, so please help me." Your Excellency."

"Well, for Master's sake..." Li Er was still muttering reluctantly.

Fuck!My brother's words are not as easy to use as my followers!Don't forget, who subdued you.

(End of this chapter)

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