It's time to play online

Chapter 165 Victory means no prestige

Chapter 165 Victory means no prestige

When Lier finally opened his eyes, he said to Wang Shuang slowly, "There are thirty ships nearby, all of which are in the northwest direction, and from the outside, they seem to be friendly troops."

Allies?Fuck, what I'm afraid of now is the friendly army.In the eyes of NPCs, the players of the Dragon Soaring Guild are allies.However, the possibility of being another NPC or another player is not ruled out.Wang Shuang decided to put safety first and avoid them.

But brother doesn't seem to be able to run fast now?Hey, the fog is out anyway, so let Li Er continue driving.

So there was only one Yushun cat lying on the rudder with its eyes closed, and according to Wang Shuang's request, it quickly moved away from those so-called "friendly troops" and quickly headed towards Xianchen Island.

Time flies, Wang Shuang usually takes about an hour to travel by sea, but Lier only takes 10 minutes to complete the journey.When Xianchen Island appeared in the field of vision, even if Wang Shuang was mentally prepared, he couldn't help but be taken aback.

The periphery of the original stretch of beach has been completely replaced, and it has all been rebuilt into a verdant fortress.Many melee players raised their shields and waited behind the fortress. Looking back, they were paladins, mages, priests, and finally archers.

Wang Shuang didn't know the rationale for this arrangement, but he knew that if he didn't show it again, those players who erected their shields and staves one after another would shoot his dragon tooth boat into a sieve.

what to do?Now the boat of dragon teeth will sink if you touch it casually, brother can't let them come up!Wang Shuang quickly boarded the bow and waved to them, but after waving for a long time, there still seemed to be no movement on the other side.Damn, can't you see?
Wang Shuang was in a hurry, thought for a while, quickly opened the friend list, scanned for a long time to find Xue Yique's ID, and sent a message: "I've arrived, I ask players from your guild not to shoot at my boat, my The ship is sinking!"

Sure enough, not long after the news was sent out, the players in front immediately dispersed, Wang Shuang let out a sigh of relief, and Li Er quickly sailed to Xianchen Island.After landing safely, Wang Shuang hurriedly took Li Muxuan and Li Er all the way across the fortress, passing through a group of tight player defense layers, and finally came inside, where he saw a few people who hadn't looked back for a long time.

Including the God of War, Qingfeng, who had disappeared for a long time.

Seeing Qingfeng, Wang Shuang was a little surprised, he was stunned for a while and didn't dare to go up to talk to him.On the other hand, Qingfeng, God of War, laughed and came up to shake hands with Wang Shuang: "How about it, Wang Shuang, I haven't seen you for a while, I feel like I need to look up to you now."

"Fuck, pretending to be invisible is the deadliest thing." Wang Shuang patted the God of War Qingfeng on the shoulder, and asked, "It's a more practical issue, such as the Dragon Guild, what percentage of our chances will we have against them this time?" ?”

"To be honest, I don't know." Hearing the topic of the Longteng Guild, Qingfeng the God of War stopped laughing immediately, with a rare serious expression on his face: "However, I can be sure that this will be a crucial battle. The battle. The five guilds on our mission are united this time, and they will deal with the great enemy of the Longteng guild together. It's okay to win. If we lose, I'm afraid it will be like a dike burst. We have been on the side of the human race for a long time General Nei couldn't lift his head up."

"Can't lift your head?" Wang Shuang couldn't help asking in surprise.

"It's just that those whose hearts are still unstable, who have not yet developed a sense of belonging to our guild, and those guild members who were already vacillating, will all choose to quit our guild after we lose and join the camp of Longteng guild. "Xue Yique explained.

"That's really bad." Wang Shuang felt the seriousness of the problem all of a sudden.If he loses, I'm afraid there will be too many things involved in it. Although he has nothing to do with Wang Shuang, he has always been a lone player.

Oh, at least until today I was still a casual player.

At this time, a player that Wang Shuang had never seen came up from the side. He greeted Wang Shuang intimately and shook hands as soon as he came up.Wang Shuang was a little dazed, but when he looked up, he immediately understood.

President of the World Promise - Heroes of the World - LV50.

It turned out to be the president of Tianxia Wuji!Wang Shuang looked to the side, and sure enough, Molu Shengxiao, the president of Molu Elegy, had also arrived at the scene.

The president of the Alliance of God of War, God of War Qingfeng; the president of the Blood Seal Guild, Xue Yique; the president of Tianxia Wuji, the heroes of the world;The five people are all here now, which is enough to show how much they attach importance to this battle!

Seeing the scene of five people gathering and chatting, Wang Shuang suddenly felt a glorious and sacred sense of mission—yes, he wanted to win, not only for himself, but also for the people around him.

After all, he has been playing stand-alone games, and Wang Shuang is actually very easy to be moved and used.It can also be seen from the fact that he joined Luoxue Qianli's studio from the very beginning, Wang Shuang's experience of playing online games is still very simple.

My mother was a former professional player, but she never taught Wang Shuang anything, but she often played various stand-alone games with Wang Shuang when she was a child.As for his father... Wang Shuang's father is an Internet addiction therapist, a profession that has only recently emerged. After dropping out of high school, Wang Shuang accepted his father's treatment, gradually gave up the game, and found a stable life in society. Peaceful work.

Now Wang Shuang recalled that when he just walked through the fog, the more than 30 "friendly ships" that Li Er mentioned, now it seems that they are also very likely to be players of the Longteng Guild.So Wang Shuang briefly explained the situation, including the more than 30 friendly ships he encountered before coming to Xianchen Island, and the whole process of Wang Shuang's just being encircled and suppressed.

"It seems that the time is almost here." After hearing the first sigh, God of War Qingfeng.

"When is it almost?" Wang Shuang's heart tightened for no reason.

"Of course it's time for a decisive battle." War God Qingfeng said: "Don't look at us as the defensive side, but Xianchen Island has a large area and a long coastline. If they take advantage of their numbers, they will continue to harass our long coastline If we don't, we will soon fall into a passive state, running around and getting beaten, and will be exhausted by their crowd tactics in the end."

"But generally speaking, isn't the defensive side more advantageous? We have an advantage in terrain, and we saw you build a fortress when we came here. These advantages should be able to resist for a while, right?"

"Not enough, not enough at all, our numbers are too short."

As Qingfeng, God of War said, he suddenly raised his head, his eyes shone with a gleam that made people dare not look directly at him: "But we are far from giving up. We have prepared everything in advance, and all the manpower and guild members have arrived. They are all together. Although they have a lot of people, it takes more time to assemble, and the more people there are, the more difficult it is to manage. I don't believe how strong the cohesion and obedience of the players who have just recruited into the guild during this period of time can be. Teamwork!"

"That's right." Luoxue Qianli, who had been silent all this time, also stood up at this time. After she stood up, she immediately set her sights on Wang Shuang: "Besides, as far as the top players are concerned, we also have Wang Shuang. Shuang, and his followers can support us, if we want to give up, it's too early now."

"That's right, it's not time to give up yet. We still have Wang Shuang." Star Under Heaven patted Wang Shuang on the shoulder and smiled lazily: "Wang Shuang, please take me with you."

Fuck, fly your sister!Wang Shuang complained in his heart, but did not act on the surface.

It seemed that the attacking time of the Longteng guild was a little closer. At this moment, Qingfeng, the God of War, suddenly ended the small chat between several guild leaders and vice-guild leaders, and gathered all the players around.

Fear, uneasiness, and irritability... All Wang Shuang saw on their faces were pessimistic expressions.

That's right, it would be fine if they were elites with one against a hundred.But the problem is, most of them can't even meet the Longteng Guild's membership standards.Some players came to these guilds because they were rejected by the Longteng guild.And later on, you will have to face people who are stronger than you, and even the number of people is several times the sum of several guilds. How can you not despair?
"Everyone be quiet, listen to me first." At this moment, Qingfeng, God of War, began to speak.His voice suddenly became several times louder, and the entire Xianchen Island echoed the voice of the God of War, Qingfeng.

Wang Shuang knew that God of War Qingfeng used props now, and they were sold in Xingyuan’s shopping mall. A speaker cost 88 soft sister coins. Using a speaker can amplify one’s own voice three or four times, making everyone around Being able to hear one's own orders clearly is a must-have tool for many guild leaders.

Facing the players with low morale and players with dejected expressions on their faces, Wang Shuang just stared into their eyes, and suddenly felt that if he was Qingfeng, the god of war, even if he was full of confidence in the battle, the result would be After all, this group of people is listless, and it seems that they have already decided that they will lose, maybe I will also have the confidence in my heart.

But unexpectedly, the God of War Qingfeng did not give up, not only did he not give up, there was no sign of wavering on his face, even the outline of his face was as resolute as before.

"I think, at this time, it's useless to say more. But you have to open your eyes and ears to hear clearly. If we win this battle, I won't allow you Use this expression on me again! If we win, I want you all to welcome our future with a new look and a new spirit!"

"I know that it is our powerful opponent, the Longteng guild, who is here. Even if the guild leaders of our five guilds are gathered here, we are not sure at all. We dare not say that we will definitely win, but there is nothing we can do. I’ve already done it, if you want to give up, are you willing? Are you willing to admit that the players of the Longteng Guild must be better than us?”

There was still silence below, but most of the people looked up at Qingfeng, the god of war.The god of war, Qingfeng, was already blushing and angry, and Wang Shuang didn't know why, but he always felt that looking at his appearance, the distorted veins on his skin, and the way he opened his teeth and claws in a frenzy, he The blood in the veins was also stirring for no reason.

At this time, Qingfeng, the god of war, suddenly pulled out his weapon with one hand, raised it above his head, and shouted loudly: "If you win, you will have no prestige! If you lose, you will all be hurt... It's time to do something to prove yourself! "

"Brothers and sisters, take up your weapons, fight side by side with us, and protect our Xianchen Island!"

(End of this chapter)

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