Chapter 170
Before the Longteng guild and the five guilds began to fight, Xinyang News reporter Hua Bee also mingled on Xianchen Island immediately, and started the live broadcast early: "Now is the live report broadcast by Hua Bee, We can now see that in this battle, the players of the Dragon Soaring Guild have already taken an absolute advantage, both in terms of numbers and quality, they are much stronger than several guilds joining forces..."

At least 10,000+ people were watching the battle online, watching every move of the Longteng guild, as well as the defensive measures of Wang Shuang and several major guilds.From the live video broadcast of Huabee, what they saw was the dark night that had been rendered red, and what they saw were countless players fighting and charging, fighting each other in a chaotic ice, snow and flames.

The scene was extremely hot, and many spectacular scenes that were rarely seen in normal times continued to emerge.What appeared in the live video broadcast now was a neat shield.Behind each shield stood a strong and powerful warrior. At first glance, it looked like a solid shield wall, as solid as a rock and impregnable.

But under the full charge of players such as warriors and paladins, such a seemingly indestructible shield wall was torn into shreds in an instant, and slowly dissipated in the chaotic army and sea of ​​flames.

Such scenes can be seen almost everywhere on Xianchen Island now. As more and more players from the Longteng Guild land on Xianchen Island, there are more and more places for hand-to-hand combat. The red-eyed warrior rushed into the long-range players whose blood and defense were particularly weak, and killed them all.In an instant, the long-range players turned into white lights and went back to be reborn under the siege of the melee players and the opponent's long-range firepower.

The balance of victory is slowly tilting towards the Longteng guild, and the defense circle of the five guild players is also constantly shrinking, shrinking towards the village chief's hall under construction in the center, and it is approaching the edge of the project.However, even though they had exerted their full strength, they couldn't stop the Longteng Guild from continuing to advance.

The battle has completely entered the fierce stage, and the battle reports came one after another like snowflakes. Xue Yique completely gave up the battle on the front line, focused on processing one battle report after another on the back line, and allocated reasonable manpower to different places.Each of them now has a big role to play.And at this moment, the players of the Dragon Soaring Guild marched forward triumphantly, all the way to the center of Xianchen Island.

"Okay, this is the rhythm, continue to rush forward and destroy their projects first, this is our first step!" Long Teng Mogi saw his blood boiling, and couldn't help but wave the flag for the frontline players.

The god of war, Qingfeng, was not in a hurry.Seeing the line of defense that was about to fall and collapse, God of War Qingfeng finally sighed and waved his hand: "Let them come out, and stabilize the situation first."


In the center of Xianchen Island, a door of an inconspicuous building was suddenly pushed open, and a group of well-equipped players rushed out from inside.It's like a steady stream of water... It's still coming out, it's unimaginable, it's unimaginable that there will be so many people!
The flower bee who was broadcasting the battle on Xianchen Island was shocked by the almost endless players in front of him, and ran to the source quickly. The tens of thousands of people who watched the live channel also looked at the center of Xianchen Island. What an eye-catching building!Why can there be so many players in a building?Could it be that there is a teleportation array inside?

At this time, several players from the God of War Alliance came up to stop the flower bee: "I'm sorry, this player, please stay. The front area prohibits unrelated people from entering."

"Well, if I want to interview, can I?" Flower Bee asked cautiously, while pointing the camera at the building where players are pouring out continuously.

"Sorry, the guild is confidential." The two players of the God of War Alliance smiled at her, and then "friendly" invited the flower bee out.

"Look, it's no wonder they looked confident the whole time, so they actually have a teleportation array!" The flower bees who couldn't get the answer could only start to talk nonsense, but the audience in the live broadcast room also listened with gusto: After all This is now a very reasonable explanation.

And these new players who joined the battlefield immediately stabilized the battle situation when they first came up. Long Teng Xingchen couldn't help frowning when he saw this news, and sent a private message to Long Teng on the distant Bidri Machu Motegi asked: "What's going on, have they really developed a teleportation array?"

"This, our intelligence department has no relevant records." Long Teng Motegi wiped off his cold sweat, and quickly replied: "But our attack was indeed contained by them!"

"If there is a portal, it means that they can continue to replenish their troops." Long Teng Xingchen murmured: "No, you can use our star assassination team to sneak in to see what happened. If the situation is true, even Expose the Star Assassination Squad and make them all sacrifice, and also destroy the teleportation array! Otherwise, our battle will be very dangerous."

"Understood!" Long Teng Motegi replied quickly.

God of War Qingfeng has a hole card, and the Longteng Guild naturally has it, it's just the difference between whether you want to use it or not, and whether you can use it or not.Long Teng Motegi served as the general commander of this battle, so he naturally knew something that they didn't know before. For example, this star assassination team is actually composed of high-attack and violent assassins. The high explosiveness made them special, even if Longteng Xingchen was targeted by this team, they would be quickly killed within ten seconds.

Such a team was originally used to hide in the snow and deal with enemies other than the human race in the future. Even Long Teng Xingchen could not have imagined that it would come in handy at this time.But it's even worse if they don't send them out, they can't lose this battle no matter what.

It's a pity that they guessed wrong this time. There is no so-called teleportation array on Xianchen Island, otherwise Qingfeng, the god of war, would definitely use the advantage of the number of all the members of their guilds to reverse the situation from being crushed by the crowd tactics.

So where did the continuous reinforcements come from?It turned out that God of War Qingfeng and the others just used the mine tunnels left by the Long Lan Pirates and the underground palace to store several hidden guild main forces.But due to time and condition constraints, there are only more than 3000 players waiting underground.After the backup of these 3000 people came out, they had no more cards to play.

What exactly does it take to win?The god of war, Qingfeng, has been thinking about this question just now. Is it true that all players in the Longteng guild must be wiped out before they can be considered a winner?How is it possible, there are more than 5 people, and their guilds add up to only 3 to [-] people. Can they beat the Longteng guild?
And it wasn't these players on the surface that worried Qingfeng the God of War the most.The God of War, Qingfeng, was afraid that the Longteng Guild would also play a hand of cards and hide a hand, so as to trap them to death without knowing how they died.


"What's the situation now?" Long Teng Motegi wiped his sweat and glanced at the time. It was already 11:30, and they were about to enter the mode of capturing the island overnight.

Like the God of War Qingfeng, the Longteng Guild was also anxious at this time.The former Longteng Mogi's subordinates also lost their complacency at this time, and there was only a touch of anxiety on their faces: "It can't be done, our troops in areas E and F are all wiped out, and we are strongly blocked in area D, and the progress of area A is also slow." At the beginning of stagnation, it was those players who appeared suddenly, which dragged our troops back. While advancing slowly, we were consumed by the opponent's long-range, if this continues, we will definitely lose!"

"It doesn't matter, stay safe and don't be impatient..." Long Teng Mogi pressed a few cadres who were about to speak with his hand to calm his brain, and then asked in a deep voice: "Tell me, how many troops do we have left? How much chance do you have at this point?"

"Report, our No. 11 to No. 23 squads are all wiped out, and the 35th to 40th squads are the same as above. The rest of the squads have varying degrees of casualties. According to the latest statistics of each squad leader just now, we still have the remaining troops - two More than 3000 people!"

"That's right, it's really embarrassing." Long Teng Motegi smiled: "It's okay, it's okay. We still have cards that are useless. The president has given us permission to use his star assassination team, as long as the opponent's teleportation array is destroyed , we will be able to keep the fruits of our victory and everything will go as planned."

"Star Assassination Squad?" Hearing this, several other people's faces brightened: "As long as the opponent's reinforcements are eliminated, we still have the power to fight with the number of them left!"

Fear and uneasiness seemed to disappear at this moment.The faces of several people regained their spirits, shining with hope.


Wang Shuang has already used the third big ship and wandered around the coastline for a long time.But this time Wang Shuang really didn't encounter any gains.On the one hand, most of the players from the Longteng Guild have landed on Xianchen Island. If he wants to attack, he has to disembark and fight in close combat, but how many can he kill alone?One kill at a time, killing at most a dozen to twenty players in one minute.What's more, those players run away when they see Wang Shuang now, and it is even more difficult to kill them.

This can't be done, Wang Shuang felt a deep pain in his egg.He is still in the time when the time will come and go. As long as the time passes later, he will lose the advantage of reversal at that time, and it will be even more difficult to make any advantage.But now players run away almost as soon as they see Wang Shuang, so Wang Shuang has nowhere to use it!

Ma Dan!Wang Shuang was so angry that he wanted to go up and fight. Aren't you guys always so hung up? Didn't you see my brother and shouted to come up and challenge him one-on-one? PK, why is there no one here now, cowards, bastards... After scolding in his heart for a long time, there was still no one around Wang Shuang, so he couldn't help but think about it, or just log in, at least he could kill a few people and relieve the pressure on the front line.

But at this moment, Wang Shuang suddenly saw a medium ship approaching gradually.He froze for a moment, and quickly checked the type of the other party's ship and the players on the ship——fuck, several people on the ship are all prefixed with Longteng!Wang Shuang looked back again, and there was a cliff behind him. Because it was an inaccessible terrain, no manpower was arranged to defend here.

But why did players from the Dragon Soaring Guild appear here?What are they doing here, are they planning to sneak in?Hey, it doesn't matter, anyway, if I see players from the Dragon Soaring Guild now, I just go up and do it without asking.Wang Shuang immediately urged Li Er to start the big boat and rushed towards the middle boat of the Longteng Guild.

When the other party found Wang Shuang, he was so surprised that he turned around and wanted to leave.Wang Shuang smiled softly, and snorted: "No, no, no one has played with brother for so long, do you still want to leave when you come?"

Li Er didn't even chase very far. After two salvos of artillery fire, the medium ship of the Longteng Guild also sank in the vast sea.Seeing this scene, Wang Shuang couldn't help laughing, and then pointed at Xianchen Island: Ma Dan, I'm not wandering around in the sea anymore, I'm going to land on the island, I'm going to land to kill people.


When Longteng Guild received the news that the Star Assassination Squad was wiped out, Longteng Mogi couldn't make an expression on his face for a long time.He just sighed lightly, and sat down on the chair.Several of his subordinates also hurriedly surrounded him at this time.

"It's Wang Shuang again, it's him again." Long Teng Motegi lowered his head and muttered to himself.

The few people around heard this, and fell silent for a long time.One person hurriedly said: "It's okay, even if the Xingchen Assassination Squad is killed by Wang Shuang, we still have the advantage now! The opponent's teleportation array seems to be no longer effective. It seems that there is a time limit. We don't need it yet." Give up so easily!"

"Yes, yes, although Wang Shuang is strong, we are almost pushing to the gate of their territory. As long as we are given a little more time, as long as they make any mistakes, we will definitely be able to enter the center of their territory and destroy their already established territory. A completed project!"

The other few people were passionate and talking about it.At this moment, Long Teng Mogi suddenly waved his hand, making the others fall silent.After hesitating for a long time, Long Teng Mogi raised his head and glanced at the crowd: "You said, could it be that our initial decision-making was wrong, and Wang Shuang shouldn't be allowed to sabotage our plans frequently?"

No one answered, Long Teng Motegi leaned back on the chair again, and smiled self-deprecatingly: "I just figured out this truth, although a player cannot change the situation of the battle, but it can be the most critical pawn, let us even We have the advantages of numbers and quality, but we have nowhere to go, we can only watch them continue to eat away our troops."

"Captain, we..."

"Okay, needless to say." Long Teng Mogi got up resolutely, and took out his weapon from his backpack.He was originally an assassin, not suitable to appear in this kind of war, but at this time he had to raise his weapon and go to the battlefield.Several other people were also moved when they saw this, and each drew out their weapons to catch up, but was stopped by Long Teng Mogi: "You have an additional task to control the attacking forces from other directions. All the people gathered in area A, and made the last desperate fight."

"Concentrate our strength and make a one-line breakthrough. If we still fail to succeed, we are doomed to have no results on Xianchen Island." Long Teng Motegi said as if he had made a lot of determination.

(End of this chapter)

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