Chapter 171
At [-]:[-] p.m., the top live broadcast channels were extremely popular, and some players even dug out the video of Wang Shuang blowing up the ship in the Longteng Guild.

Here are related replies:
2nd Floor: Melon seeds are sold, and the front row is watching.

Floor 3: Longteng guild is dead, Wang Shuang was playing around with him alone, and most importantly, let him retreat completely.

Floor 4: I heard that several presidents and vice presidents of the Longteng Guild are not here. Don't they care at all?
5th Floor: Upstairs, you are wrong. They had to run to defend their territory because they were robbed by elves.

Floor 6: Why is Wang Shuang so strong? He's just beating up the Longteng Guild.

7th floor: Seek to hug the thigh, the upstairs is on the left and I am on the right.


Floor 135: I am Wang Shuang, anyone who wants to hug their thighs, come and worship me.

Floor 136: Upstairs SB.


On Xianchen Island, the situation was in shambles. Qingfeng, the god of war, had begun to mobilize the last available power, and even sent a private message to Wang Shuang to call him back to defend.Wang Shuang, who received the message, had just landed. As soon as he saw the news of the God of War, Qingfeng, he hurried to the central area of ​​Xianchen Island.Hundreds of players on Wang Shuang's big ship followed closely behind Wang Shuang.

Soon they passed through a dense forest and set foot on an endless plain.This place has been flooded with blood and broken and lost equipment. No place is clean. The original verdant turf has been completely overturned, revealing the ugly soil underneath, soaked in blood and bubbling out.

Wang Shuang and the others didn't stop, stepped on the land full of pain and blood, and re-boarded the road leading to the village chief's hall.The messy trees on both sides quickly passed by the corner of Wang Shuang's eyes, and he vaguely heard the screams of some players under the peaceful night sky.

Suddenly, there was a rush of footsteps in front of Wang Shuang. Wang Shuang was startled when he heard the footsteps. Looking at the map, there were dozens of green dots in front—friendly troops?No, Wang Shuang immediately entered the stealth state, and at the same time, a group of players behind him also stopped and looked at Wang Shuang with confusion.

"Stay here first and don't move around. If my qi and blood run low later, come up and help me increase blood and beat people; if nothing happens, we will move on."

"Understood." Everyone replied in unison.Just as Wang Shuang was about to leave, someone suddenly raised his hand weakly: "Well, can you take me with you?"

"Huh?" Wang Shuang turned his head and glanced at her, she was a pastor's girl.Wang Shuang frowned, and was just about to refuse, when the pastor girl saw Wang Shuang turned her head, and hurriedly said, "I can sneak, and I move fast, so I won't hold you back."

"Nani, can you sneak?" Wang Shuang was taken aback for a moment, feeling a little surprised.He focused on the girl's ID, Molu Xinghe, a level 43 priest.

"Yeah, my talent allows me to learn the skills of the assassin profession at the same time." Molu Xinghe nodded quickly, and at the same time showed his talent and skills to Wang Shuang.

——Master of the Shepherd: Your physical attack is 10, your magic attack is 10, and your maximum life is permanently 3? ? ?It can be additionally compatible with learning the skills of assassins and paladins.



Fuck, a priest who knows assassin skills and paladin skills!Just being a priest who can be invisible is amazing.Wang Shuang couldn't help being amazed after reading it. After thinking about it, he said in pain, "It's useless, the opponent is a friendly army. Your stealth won't hide from the friendly army, so it won't work."

Molu Xinghe seemed to still want to win a chance for himself: "But at least the effect of increasing the movement speed is still there. As long as I can increase blood, it should not be useless."

That's true, Wang Shuang thought about it, anyway, with the output ability of himself and Li Muxuan, it's not too difficult to keep a priest, so he might as well bring it along.Wang Shuang didn't think too much about it, so he nodded and agreed: "Okay, then you can follow."

"Okay, okay." Hearing this, Molu Xinghe couldn't help but smile.

The two left the big team and moved forward. After a while, a group of 13 people came into Wang Shuang's sight.Looking at the ID, as expected, it is a player of the Longteng Guild!

"Team leader, Wang Shuang is behind us." Of course, Wang Shuang saw them, and naturally someone also spotted Wang Shuang.Immediately, someone pointed out Wang Shuang who was quietly following behind.

"What, Wang Shuang?" Long Teng Qianqiu immediately turned his head when he heard the words, and immediately saw Wang Shuang showing his head wretchedly behind him, and couldn't help being furious: "Hold the grass, is he alone? Just go up and explode his eggs!" what!"

Several other people nodded one after another, and immediately surrounded Wang Shuang, Li Muxuan and Molu Xinghe who were planning to sneak attack.Wang Shuang couldn't help being stunned for a moment, looked at Long Teng Qianqiu, and said hello first: "Hey, Qianqiu, long time no see, how are you doing?"

"What a peat." Long Teng Qianqiu drew his weapon and pointed at Wang Shuang, and said in a deep voice, "Wang Shuang, you are surrounded now, do you have a last word to say? Don't worry, the video of us killing you in a gang fight will be blocked." Post it online like no one has ever seen you die? They'll see what they want this time."

"Are you sure you can kill me?" Wang Shuang couldn't help being happy.

"Hmph, don't you think you'll be invincible if you change your job?" Long Teng Qianqiu couldn't help but hum slightly, freed up a palm and pinched it in the air, a five-star revolving pattern appeared out of thin air, and in the next second, a A three-tailed fox jumped lightly from the magic circle and landed firmly on the ground.

"Pet?" Wang Shuang was stunned.

"Soul pet mode." Long Teng Qianqiu roared angrily, and the three-tailed one jumped up, turning into a yellow light and melting into Longteng Qianqiu's body.The character image of Long Teng Qianqiu immediately changed rapidly. His height was raised a lot at this moment, slender and spiral black lines extended outside the eye sockets, and the originally normal-looking arms became thin and long. Thickened, protruding from slender arms.

Wang Shuang couldn't see any more details. Long Teng Qianqiu breathed out his breath, and opened his eyes again. There were already a few streaks of dark red astigmatism in his eyes, giving people a feeling of indifference and aloofness.

This is the first time Wang Shuang has seen someone other than Li Muxuan perform the fusion of the pet soul mode. After entering the soul pet mode, some characteristics of the pet will also be brought to the fusion person.Now Long Teng Qianqiu changed from looking at Wang Shuang at the same level, to being a head taller than Wang Shuang, looking down at him: "Wang Shuang, yellow-grade pets are much stronger than you think, otherwise why would we attack?" So many difficult dungeons?"

While Long Teng Qianqiu was talking, several players around him also summoned pets and merged them in the soul pet mode.Their pets are different from Li Er, they are all yellow-grade pets, so the bonuses are also different.

The addition of the soul pet mode to the owner is mainly affected by two aspects, one is the grade of the pet, and the other is the attribute of the pet.For example, Li Er has relatively high qi and blood and physical attacks, so when Li Muxuan enters the soul pet mode, the bonus ratio of qi and blood and physical attacks is higher.

"Wang Shuang, er, are we at a disadvantage?" Molu Xinghe hugged Wang Shuang's arm tightly, and the girl's soft body plunged Wang Shuang's head into chaos.Although some places are absolute domains, they are only for male players, and female players have no such scruples.If they are willing, it is not foul to take the initiative to rub up. For example, Molu Xinghe is hugging Wang Shuang's arm now.Although he is still unable to move, he can also enjoy it passively.

It's not fair, it's so unfair.When Wang Shuang found this explanation, he almost jumped up in anger, but now Wang Shuang feels extremely happy.It's just that the eyes of the dozen or so people around who want to eat people are all on Wang Shuang, so he doesn't have the slightest idea of ​​continuing to enjoy it.

"Xinghe, wake up." Wang Shuang yelled in a low voice: "It's about to start, you hurry up and get ready to escape, I'll hold them back."

"Oh." Molu Xinghe quickly let go of Wang Shuang's arm, hugged his staff and looked around nervously.

"Go." Long Teng Qianqiu frowned, and suddenly shouted.In an instant, almost a dozen people shot at the same time, all rushing towards Wang Shuang, Molu Xinghe and Li Muxuan.

"Keep an eye on Li Muxuan's health bar, and at the same time make sure you don't get hit by them!" Wang Shuang shouted, and at the same time stepped quickly.Although the effect of stealth has disappeared, Wang Shuang has another acceleration skill. That's right, Guiying, like stealth, belongs to the second batch of skills Wang Shuang learned from NPCs.

——Returning Shadow Lv3: Ignore unit collisions, and can freely pass through living obstacles. After opening, the movement speed increases by 25? ? ?Continue for 5 seconds, cool down for 15 seconds, and consume 45 mana.


Between flashes and flints, Wang Shuang almost stuck in front of Longteng Qianqiu. Longteng Qianqiu was not slow to react, even a little faster than Wang Shuang. Forced Wang Shuang's chest, seeing that he was about to hit, Wang Shuang suddenly raised the dagger and pressed down, just on the edge of the sword.

"Whirlwind thorn!"

"The parry was successful!"


Nani, one ordinary skill has destroyed 800 blood of my brother!Wang Shuang was shocked. You know, his defense plus physical resistance and parry also blocked half of the damage. After many cuts, he still had 800 damage!If brother hadn't changed his job and failed to parry successfully, wouldn't he have been stabbed to the brink of death with a single sword?
Wang Shuang suddenly glanced at the top of Long Teng Qianqiu's head.There are several buffs with different luster shining on his head, some of which are very familiar to Wang Shuang. It turns out that a priest gave him a temporary status. No wonder this sting is so painful!

Even so, this product is still dangerous now!Wang Shuang's heart suddenly became ruthless. Looking at Long Teng Qianqiu's astonished face, he slowly picked up the dagger with his right hand, and first marked Long Teng Qianqiu with his mind to increase the damage of the next blow. A stab was about to fall on Long Teng Qianqiu's body——

At the critical moment, Long Teng Qianqiu suddenly gave an uncharacteristically weird smile, and at the same time grinned and shouted loudly: "Wang Shuang, let me break your invincible myth!"

"Miss!" The three large characters of "Miss" were shot, and at the same time, Long Teng Qianqiu's figure completely disappeared at this moment.

Nani?Wang Shuang was startled, and then quickly looked around.No, Long Teng Qianqiu was nowhere to be seen.This guy is invisible?No, aren't they allies? Even if they are invisible, wouldn't I be able to see them?
(End of this chapter)

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