It's time to play online

Chapter 172 The Battle of Bidri Machu Ends

Chapter 172 The Battle of Bidri Machu Ends

No, it's definitely not that you can't see it, that is to say, you are really not around Wang Shuang anymore!
Wang Shuang was startled, and quickly looked back. At this time, Li Muxuan was being besieged by three or four players, and Molu Xinghe was also being hacked by two players. She raised the weak-looking staff in her hand in a hurry , Blocking the attacks of the two players from the Longteng Guild time and time again, while slowly recovering blood for himself and Li Muxuan.

But at this time, Long Teng Qianqiu appeared.Not beside Molu Xinghe, but Li Muxuan!When Wang Shuang saw it, Long Teng Qianqiu raised the long sword in his hand above his head, his body floated in mid-air, making a downward jumping movement, and at the same time roared loudly: "Splitting the air!"

Li Muxuan also seemed to sense the attack, and suddenly raised her head to meet Long Teng Qianqiu's gaze.She gently raised the longbow in her hand, as if she wanted to block the blow, but Long Teng Qianqiu smiled contemptuously, and slammed down the long sword in her hand.

"You think you are Wang Shuang, you can block every time?" He growled with a ferocious expression.

But the facts slapped Long Teng Qianqiu once again.

"The parry was successful!"


"Fucking shit!" Long Teng Qianqiu wanted to drop his weapon. What a fart, a long-range man can now casually raise his longbow to block the blow he had carefully prepared for a long time, and then The priest next to him is even more weird, he can not only increase blood, but also be invisible, and he can even block!Every time they block, their final damage is halved. How can this game be played?
In fact, the blocking probability of Li Muxuan and Wang Shuang can be explained by the operation of talent time, but what about Molu Xinghe?Although she doesn't have Wang Shuang's talent bonus, but among her proficient paladin skills, there is a skill that increases the success rate of blocking to 3.5 within 100 seconds? ? ?Although Wang Shuang is currently driving the Doom Pirates, which makes their critical strike and block success rates drop to almost zero, but because they are not affected by Wang Shuang's talent, Molu Xinghe can still block as usual.

So the few members of the Longteng Guild were very tragic. They had considered their own injuries well, and this blow would definitely kill Li Muxuan in seconds, but in the end, Li Muxuan used a block to shatter the fantasy.

But Long Teng Qianqiu didn't know this. What he saw now was that the three of them easily blocked their damage output, and Li Muxuan and Wang Shuang could take away a player every time they attacked. what!Seeing Wang Shuang's menacing attack all the way, Long Teng Qianqiu's figure flashed again, but Wang Shuang was still in vain.

Fuck.Wang Shuang felt pain to death watching this scene.Doesn't Longteng Qianqiu have a cooldown and no usage restrictions?Unlimited use?Then isn't he directly invincible?
Helpless, Wang Shuang didn't know much about this skill. When he couldn't kill Longteng Qianli, Wang Shuang could only kill a few other players from the Longteng Guild next to him to vent his anger.One knife at a time, watching the blood splatter on their necks, Wang Shuang felt very happy.Damn, it's so cool to kill!
At this time, Long Teng Qianqiu also changed his tactics. Since Wang Shuang's qi and blood were too thick, and Li Muxuan would continue to regenerate blood, he might as well kill the nurse first.You, even if you can block every blow, I will kill you by force!

Just doing what he said, Long Teng Qianqiu sent a private chat to a few guild members who were still alive, and marked Molu Xinghe at the same time.Molu Xinghe suddenly had an obvious mark on his head, which was very eye-catching among several people.A few of them tacitly nodded with Long Teng Qianqiu, wandered around the area, suddenly turned their blades, and killed Molu Xinghe.

"Eh?" Molu Xinghe was stunned for a moment, she was running happily, and suddenly found that several routes around her were blocked by people, and at the same time, several people held shining weapons and rushed towards her like a hungry tiger. When he came over, Molu Xinghe's hair stood on end, and he couldn't help but let out a scream.

"Damn it." Wang Shuang looked up after hearing the call, Long Teng Qianqiu and several others had already rushed towards Molu Xinghe!I couldn't help scolding in my heart, although it doesn't make much sense for Molu Xinghe to die or not die now, but in the future battle, it is always good to have one more priest alive.What's more, this is a priest who can sneak and block!

"Muxuan, the sonic tide." In desperation, Wang Shuang beckoned to Li Muxuan directly: "Shock them with the edge, don't hurt them, but be sure to control them!"

"Understood." Li Muxuan lifted her spirits, and raised the tiger bow in her hand at a 45-degree angle to the sky, and shot a false arrow like a bluff.A golden bamboo knot like a building appeared beside Molu Xinghe, rising straight into the sky, and then quickly exploded from top to bottom.

Under Li Muxuan's precise control, the four people who were charging towards Molu Xinghe were all greatly decelerated by the sonic wave.Wang Shuang didn't have any joy on his face at this time, because they were only temporarily slowed down, and it wasn't time to be happy yet.

The blood bars on the heads of the four people are still more than half, and Wang Shuang will not be able to catch up even if he drives Gui Ying and rushes up.what to do?Does Wang Shuang have group skills?Assassin's skills are mainly single-target skills, right?Not to mention, there really is, and it's a trick I just learned when I changed jobs, twin lives and double darkness.

A black ring suddenly erupted from Wang Shuang's body, instantly drowning the three players in front of him. This black ring did not cause any substantial damage, but the brief darkness of vision was a fatal tragedy.One by one, pitch-black figures quickly appeared and danced in the black ring. Three or four shadows stabbed a dagger at a player from different directions, and wiped out the three players in an instant!
Not enough, there is still one person who is not within the scope of skills!Wang Shuang thought, what should I do, my brother has no skills, and the one who survived is Long Teng Qianqiu, and Molu Xinghe only has a little blood left on his head, it is absolutely impossible to survive Long Teng Qianqiu once strike!
"Puff puff……"

Three very subtle voices sounded from Long Teng Qianqiu's body.

Long Teng Qianqiu's forward body suddenly stopped, and he looked down at his chest. Long Teng Qianqiu turned his head and looked at Wang Shuang, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he staggered and fell down with two bursts. After the piece of equipment turned into a white light, it slowly drifted away.

Wang Shuang glanced back at Li Muxuan, and couldn't help giving her a thumbs up: "Good assist."

"Good assist." Molu Xinghe filled himself up with blood at this time, and gave Li Muxuan a thumbs up.

Li Muxuan glanced at Molu Xinghe when she heard the words, and suddenly smiled: "The two seem to be a good match."

Fuck!The smile on Wang Shuang's face froze immediately, and then melted into a wry smile.


On the front line of the Longteng Guild, Longteng Motegi has already begun to personally charge forward, following most of the players to advance the front line.Their battle finally came to fruition at this moment. Under their all-out attack, the joint defense of the five major guilds finally showed its flaws. They advanced steadily and pushed to some half-constructed projects, and exposed them. All the projects were destroyed, which extended the construction task of the village chief's hall by a lot.

Just when Longteng Motegi was in high spirits and ready to move forward, bad news suddenly came: "Report, Longteng Qianqiu's team was also intercepted by Wang Shuang halfway, and they were all wiped out."

"Grass mud horse!" Long Teng Mogi seemed to have a flame burning in his chest. He gritted his teeth and waved his hand: "It doesn't matter, just pretend that they are not here. At this time, we can only rely on ourselves. See if we have destroyed some As long as the enemy's project is completely smashed into their central construction site, most of their achievements will be destroyed, and our mission will be completed!"

"Kill, kill, kill!" The players of the Longteng Guild around them were roaring, singing and raising their shields. The mages waved their magic wands tirelessly. The original rough terrain was completely covered.

"Last fight, charge with all your strength!" Long Teng Motegi shouted.

On the other side, God of War Qingfeng also yelled in front of the remaining players: "Hold on, Wang Shuang has already created a huge advantage for us, and the deaths of everyone in front of us have evened the gap between us. Now our overall strength is superior to the opponent, we have won this battle, and the rest is the loss! The further we push the defense line, the smaller the loss in this war! Everyone, come on!"

"Hold it, come on!" Luoxue Qianli also raised the long sword in his hand and shouted.

At this moment, the two sides received a new message almost at the same time: "Report, there is a team of players breaking in from the left side of the battlefield, the number is around 150!"

"150 people?" Both sides were taken aback almost at the same time: "Could it be the other side's reinforcements?"

When these 150 people appeared in everyone's field of vision, the Longteng guild almost scolded, while the players from the five guilds cheered.

"Wang Shuang, Wang Shuang is back!"

Huamibee also pointed the camera at Wang Shuang in the crowded crowd: "Look, everyone, just when the battlefield situation has evolved into a fierce stage, a new variable appeared on our side of the battlefield. It is Wang Shuang, and he is not dead. Instead, he returned to our sight with more than 100 people, I wonder what changes Wang Shuang's arrival will bring to this battle?"

Bidri Machu, Sun Guild's overall attack lost to Longteng Guild with a slight disadvantage.Several people from the Longteng guild won, but it was also very difficult to win. When both sides were almost completely annihilated, Bei Jianzhu, Longteng Xingchen and Longteng Qingming went into battle together and killed the president of the opposing Sun guild together. .

Now that the battle is over, the three of them sat down in the temporary camp. Long Teng Xingchen opened the forum and found the live broadcast room on the top, which is the live broadcast of Huabee. With all the chaotic battle reports, Long Teng Xingchen couldn't help but sighed heavily.

"Did we lose?" Bei Jianzhu also asked after being silent for a long time.

"Yes, I lost." Long Teng Xingchen nodded.

Long Teng Qingming on the side also lowered his head sadly, with unwillingness and resentment in his eyes.But are these all true?False, of course it is false.Long Teng Qingming's heart was already full of joy at this time, it would be good if he didn't win, just want this kind of result that looks similar, but is weaker than the opponent.Ordinary members of the Longteng Guild will not be convinced after seeing this gap, and will think about continuing to challenge in the future. Although the Longteng Guild has not gained anything, it has not lost anything.

This was the best result for Long Teng Qingming. The ruffian on the side seemed to see through Long Teng Qingming's mood under the surface, and couldn't help turning his face away, and smiled wryly towards the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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