It's time to play online

Chapter 181 Unexpected New Development

Chapter 181 Unexpected New Development
"If you really want to snatch it, who can snatch it from you!" Yan Ge Wushuang suddenly laughed: "If you start a live broadcast now, you will surely have tens of thousands of viewers every day. This is a conservative estimate, but I think that if it is true If it’s opened, even if it’s hundreds of thousands, or even millions, it’s not surprising.”

"I'm so moved by what you said." Wang Shuang wiped his face hypocritically, and then patted Yan Ge Wushuang's shoulder vigorously: "Fuck, so you had the idea of ​​gaining popularity when you competed with brother before. gone?"

"No, no, I really PK with you just to challenge you."

"Did you record a video during the PK?"

Yan Ge Wushuang's tone suddenly froze, and after a long time of embarrassment, he said slowly: "...recorded."

Wang Shuang chuckled.

After Wang Shuang completed the job transfer task, he had no reason to stay in Qiushui City.After returning to the city for supplies, Yan Ge Wushuang also kindly sent Wang Shuang to the stable, and watched Wang Shuang slowly leave Qiushui City.

Fifteen minutes later, Wang Shuang and Li Muxuan got out of the carriage at the stables outside Saiyan City and walked slowly towards Saiyan City.I met many players along the way, because the IDs above everyone's heads were all stacked together, and I didn't recognize Wang Shuang at first, but when Li Muxuan walked over, because she was a beautiful woman, several players couldn't help but glance at her. After seeing the name on Li Muxuan's head, she screamed suddenly: "Fuck, Wang Shuang's follower."

Wang Shuang was startled when he heard this, and quickly put Li Muxuan back into the star wish space.At this time, many players began to look around: "Wang Shuang? Where is Wang Shuang?"

Wang Shuangmao stooped to use his skills to sneak, and then quickly escaped from the player group.


What's next?By the way, Li Muxuan's job transfer task has been completed, so it's my brother's job.Wang Shuang opened his task list, looked for it, and immediately saw his painful task of finding a mentor.

First of all, go to the professional mentor guild and ask your own assassin mentor.

Wang Shuang came to the Professional Mentor Association and waited in line for a long time. This time, he was not recognized, and Wang Shuang was very low-key and did not speak.When it was his turn, the Assassin Mentor appeared in front of him, and Wang Shuang raised his head and bowed to the Assassin Mentor first: "Hello, Mentor, I want to ask about the Twin Assassin Mentor."

"Twin Assassin?" Hearing this, the assassin mentor frowned, looked Wang Shuang up and down, and let out a smile: "So you are a hidden profession. Indeed, Twin Assassin is not under my control, but who is your mentor?" , I really don't know."

"You don't know either?" Wang Shuang was instantly dumbfounded as if struck by lightning.

"Yes, please search hard, maybe you can find it, if there is nothing wrong, let the next person come up."

what is this?Why can Li Muxuan's professional mentor ask questions from the archer mentor, but brother's can't?Hunter and archer, the two professions with such a big gap, know that the two professions of assassin and twin assassin sound like they belong to the same discipline, but they can't find any clues?What if you can't find a clue?Did you just give up like that?

impossible.Wang Shuang smiled silently, but I didn't believe it. With so many mentors in the Professional Mentor Association, no one would know!

Turning his head and changing teams, Wang Shuang lined up again.

Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, it was three o'clock in the afternoon in real time. Wang Shuang almost collapsed and walked out of the Professional Mentors Association.

No, no clue at all!Wang Shuang asked the mentors of every profession, but no one had any clues about the mentors of twin assassins.Even half of the professional mentors don't even know about the hidden profession of Twin Assassin.

what to do?Cold sweat immediately broke out on Wang Shuang's forehead. If there is no clue here, Wang Shuang's clue will be broken.There is no place to look for it. Do you want to try your luck by looking for a needle in a haystack?Impossible, so how many years will this task take?Wang Shuang opened the task list again, and checked the task in the task list.

[Red level mission] The road to revival of twin assassins - looking for a mentor.

If you really don't need to fight monsters for red-level missions, you just need to rely on your brain.Chou, what is a brain, can it be eaten, I don’t have such a thing!
That's right, Wang Shuang slapped his head suddenly. He couldn't think of it, but it doesn't mean that others can't think of it either.Wang Shuang hurriedly summoned Li Muxuan. After Li Muxuan appeared, Wang Shuang explained the situation to her. Li Muxuan blinked at Wang Shuang with a hint of confusion in her eyes: "But my lord, I have lived in the mountains for decades. , I don’t know about this kind of thing.”

What the fuck you said makes sense!Wang Shuang couldn't help covering his face, and then saw Li Er on Li Muxuan's shoulder, his eyes lit up, and he asked quickly: "Li Er, Li Er, wake up, the female cat next door came to play with you, wake up!"

"Li Er... Li Er is a female cat, and Li Er wants a male cat." It said in an unclear tone.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'll try my best to trick you next time." Wang Shuang bowed slightly to Lier.

"Master's master, you stupid adventurer..." Li Er saw clearly that the person in front of her was Wang Shuang, yawned lazily, stretched out her cat's paw, and said, "Then, listen to the question."

"Hey, I didn't say I wanted to answer your question!" Wang Shuang said anxiously.

"No, you must answer Li Er's question before Li Er can agree to have an in-depth exchange with you."

Dry!Wang Shuang sighed helplessly: "Okay, let's ask, early death and early rebirth."

Finding the answer through the Internet as before, Li Er pondered after listening to Wang Shuang's answer, showing a happy smile.Then Wang Shuang received a reminder that Li Er's attributes had increased, and this time he also passed the test without any risk.

"Li Er." Wang Shuang stopped Li Er who was about to fall into a deep sleep again: "I want to ask you, who is my career mentor. Uh, is it too straightforward to ask this way, let me explain my career first It's a hidden professional twin assassin..."

Before Wang Shuang could speak, Lier yawned, and suddenly opened his mouth and quickly recited: "Your mentor is named N'Zoth Merek, and he is the only 100-level twin assassin in the world. A twin assassin closest to you. If you want to find him, you need to clear the copy of Noisy Dance Party first, and you will find him at the end of the copy. The copy of Noisy Dance will be located in the territory of the Elven Xiasen Kingdom. It is a level 50 second stage copy."

"Second copy?" Wang Shuang hurriedly asked with a thump in his heart for no reason.

"It's a dungeon for adventurers who have changed jobs." Li Er said: "The monsters and monsters inside have been greatly enhanced. Even so, the things they drop have also been enhanced. Ruozhen's equipment, such as some rare materials, are far from what the previous dungeon can match."

"I see." Wang Shuang nodded, and he also felt that the equipment he was wearing now was far less useful to him than before.In the past, almost half of Wang Shuang's own attributes were supported by equipment. Now Wang Shuang's basic physical attack has reached 3300. After deducting the percentage bonus brought by berserk and some skills, Wang Shuang's physical attack also has two or three thousand.Out of the two or three thousand, the bonus from equipment is only four or five hundred, which is obviously very unreasonable.

But now, the opportunity to innovate his own equipment has come before him, why does Wang Shuang refuse?

"But why do you even know that?"

Wang Shuang raised his head slightly in surprise, just because he didn't say this sentence, but his follower Li Muxuan said it.What's going on here, NPCs asking questions to NPCs?You must know that the people standing behind the NPC are all masters of the system, so what's the point of him asking himself a question?
Could it be?Wang Shuang's heart skipped a beat again, is there another plot?Could it be that the master of the system saw that both brother and Li Muxuan had completed their job transfers, so he wanted to show him the reason why he adjusted the intelligence of this pet to such a high level?In fact, Wang Shuang always believed that there was something wrong with Li Er.Not to say that its grade is white, but to say that it asks Wang Shuang a question every day, and knows almost everything, and also has all the life skills of the orange grade, as well as a superhuman character and super intelligence...

Wang Shuang now figured it out. In the past, he was not strong enough to trigger the secrets hidden in Li Er.Now that his wings are full and his strength is sufficient, it is time for him to open the door to these secrets.

Seeing that Li Muxuan started to ask about it, Li Er seemed not to be sleepy at this moment, she stared at Wang Shuang with rounded eyes, and then turned her gaze to Li Muxuan: "These secrets can be found in Wang Shuang's mentor." I'll find out later."

Nani, are you getting involved with my brother's mentor?Wang Shuang was about to ask something, but Li Er stretched out her two paws, clasped Li Muxuan's shoulders, and got under the hair on the back of Li Muxuan's neck.Seeing this, Li Muxuan also helplessly spread her hands at Wang Shuang: "There is no way, let's go to the place that Li Er said. My lord, our destination has been marked on your map, please leave as soon as possible Bar."

So... a ghost!How do you know the destination is marked on brother's map?Wang Shuang almost pointed to Li Muxuan's nose and asked, the master of the system, is it okay to pretend to be a little bit like that? It is clear that Li Er couldn't hold back and went back to Li Muxuan's pet space, and then temporarily pulled Li Muxuan to explain the rest of the information It's clear!

Hey, forget it, why do you care so much about playing a game, in short, it’s good to understand the meaning of the system master.But this time it's the territory of elf players, Xia Sen Kingdom... Wang Shuang opened the map and took a look.Xiasen Kingdom is not far from their Lionheart Kingdom, and the territories of the two kingdoms are closely adjacent to each other.The Saiyan City where Wang Shuang is currently located is in the south of the Lion Heart Kingdom, and a little further down, Qiushui City is the border of the Lion Heart Kingdom.

Starting from Qiushui City, it takes about 10 minutes to enter the territory of elf players.Wang Shuang read what players on the forum said before.

What makes Wang Shuang a little speechless is that although it is easy to enter the elves, that is, the territory of Xiasen Kingdom, but to get to the copy of Noisy Ball, from the map, you have to cross the entire territory of Xiasen Kingdom!
(End of this chapter)

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