It's time to play online

Chapter 182 Adaptation

Chapter 182 Adaptation
Traveling long distances is still going to the stables, but after Wang Shuang arrived at the stables in Saiyan City, he quickly discovered that there is no such cross-kingdom route.

Under the pain of the egg, Wang Shuang could only take the carriage to the stables of Qiushui City again. Thinking about the plot, Wang Shuang would cover his face.

After getting off the carriage from the stables outside Qiushui City, Wang Shuang did not enter Qiushui City, but drove around Qiushui City to the border between Xiasen Kingdom and Lionheart Kingdom.There is no way to do this part of the road, so Wang Shuang and Li Muxuan can only trek on foot.During the period, Wang Shuang even activated equipment skills and character skills to help him speed up.

About half an hour later, a checkpoint appeared on the horizon.

When Wang Shuang came to the checkpoint, there were rugged mountains on the left and right sides, and only here could he continue to move forward.As they got closer, Wang Shuang looked up and was surprised to find that this level also had attributes.

——Storm checkpoint (red-kingdom border checkpoint): durability 4000000000, vitality 10, physical defense 360000, physical resistance 70? ? ?Magic defense 520000, magic resistance 80?

Fuck, with a durability of 40 billion, I kneel down to you!At the same time, although the specific attack and defense values ​​were not written on the level, Wang Shuangguang couldn't help shivering when he saw the densely packed arrow towers and mage towers on the level.A little further away, it seems that you can still vaguely see some forts and giant crossbows erected on the walls around the checkpoint.The entire checkpoint is fully armed, and the soldiers on it are like stone statues motionless, with expressions on their faces that are close to petrification, and they haven't moved for a long time.The front of this checkpoint is not deserted now, and several merchants are being inspected by the human soldiers above the checkpoint.

Wang Shuang also leaned forward, and after a while, an NPC soldier came up. Wang Shuang looked up at the basic information of the other party——Soldiers who stormed the storm level [Strong Body 90] [Extreme Violence] [King Kong]- LV[-].Fuck...

Is this always ready to fight...

After Wang Shuang's backpack, props, and even the equipment on his body, as well as Li Muxuan and Li Er were checked, they let Wang Shuang go and waved his hands to signal that he could move on.

"Wait, adventurer." Wang Shuang walked a few steps forward, and suddenly an NPC soldier popped up from the checkpoint and waved at him: "Please pay 7503 gold coins, or we won't let you go."

"Nani, do you still have to pay?" Wang Shuang couldn't help being surprised again.

"Of course." The NPC soldier rolled his eyes at him, stretched out his hand and urged: "Hurry up, the people who are delayed behind are in a hurry! Compared with those guys who loaded a lot of goods, you are still few Woolen cloth."

"Oh, ok." Wang Shuang could only open the wallet, and suddenly became a little embarrassed: "Well, the trading system has been cancelled, how can I give you the gold coins?"

The NPC soldier seemed too lazy to talk nonsense this time. After seeing Wang Shuang's item wallet, he snapped his fingers. Wang Shuang suddenly felt his wallet tremble. Looking at the number of gold coins, it was really less than 7000!

"Okay, let's go, hurry up." The NPC soldier waved impatiently.

People have to bow their heads under the eaves!Wang Shuang walked slowly all the way with his waist bent, and quickly passed the checkpoint. Behind the checkpoint was an endless plain. There were few plants on the plain, and the grass was short, protruding from the ground about one or two centimeters.There are also a few wandering monsters roaming the plains.

Although there was no need to fight monsters, out of curiosity, Wang Shuang found a random monster to come over and scan it. Looking at it, Wang Shuang almost bit his own tongue.

——Man-eating ants [strong body] (black-LV50): blood 400000, physical attack 3300, physical defense 1900, physical resistance 35? ? ?Magic attack 3800, magic defense 2300, magic resistance 40? ? ?Functions: normal attack, magic pattern shell repelling, giant pincer attack, thorn aura.

Bro, it’s really cool, just any monster, it’s not a BOSS, and it’s only a black monster, it’s even stronger than the previous BOSS!Wang Shuang suddenly felt a little dizzy, glanced at his own attributes, and Wang Shuang chuckled: Fortunately, he can still beat him now if he is reluctant!

It seems that this man-eating ant should be regarded as a Tier [-] monster. Like the Tier [-] dungeon, it is for players who have changed their profession to practice their hands.It's just that the properties of this man-eating ant did not explain that it is a second-order monster, which makes it easy to confuse it with the previous monsters, so it looks a little more terrifying.

Moreover, it comes with a strong body attribute... If I remember correctly, the effect of strengthening the body is to increase the body by 30? ? ?upper limit.In this way, this man-eating ant can also be enhanced by the berserk attribute!

Wang Shuang almost knew the tricks of the monsters behind him. The monsters he would face in the future would probably be strengthened monsters. Not only did their attributes suddenly double, but they would also use some props and cheats to strengthen their own attributes just like players.

This monster Wang Shuang can fight now, but is it necessary to fight?It is already 04:30 in the afternoon, Wang Shuang has wasted a lot of time on the way to find a mentor and come here, it seems that today he will not be able to reach the copy of the noisy dance party, and Wang Shuang will have to travel all night after that.After such a simple comparison, Wang Shuang decisively gave up the idea of ​​competing with this man-eating ant.

No, it would be easy to say if I had the talent to turn around sometimes, because at that time, maybe I spent a little effort to kill a man-eating ant, and then the second-level equipment would explode, and a set of second-level equipment would be good for him. It is still very necessary for Wang Shuang now.

Wang Shuang now took Li Muxuan with him, and the two began to move forward.All the monsters encountered along the way chose to avoid them as much as possible.About an hour later, when Wang Shuang was exhausted, he finally arrived at a place where the trees grew wildly.

As before, this time there are also towering mountains on both sides, and a checkpoint in the middle just guards the narrow entrance.To get in, Wang Shuang had to pass the interrogation.It was the checkpoint of the Lionheart Kingdom just now, and this time it is the checkpoint of the Xiasen Kingdom.

Unlike the Terran side, the main level of Xiasen Kingdom is not a large number of stones, but a large number of trees intertwined together to form a natural barrier.A few long-eared elves are interrogating businessmen in the checkpoint.Wang Shuang took a closer look and found that most of the merchants were also from the elves.

"Hey, you!" Suddenly Wang Shuang felt that he was locked by someone, raised his head hurriedly, and saw an elf pointing at himself with a bow and arrow in one hand: "What are you doing sneakily!"

Fuck, brother looks very sneaky now?Brother is obviously just peeping openly!

But the bow and arrow seemed to be very sharp, and Wang Shuang saw the row of information on the opponent's head, as well as the opponent's level, so he swallowed, bowed his head and walked over: "Well, I'm here to do a mission, it's not suspicious guy."

"A task?" A certain elf chief walked around Wang Shuang two or three times, squinted his eyes and looked at Wang Shuang, and suddenly snorted: "Come here, take him to check."

Soon two elves with long ears came up expressionlessly, one of them hooked Wang Shuang's arm, and even Li Muxuan was not spared. The two were thoroughly checked twice, and after confirming that there was no problem , the chief of the elves stared at Wang Shuang for a while, squinted his eyes, and suddenly raised his hand and said, "Let go."

"Adventurer, adventurer." At this time, another NPC waved to him: "Here, please come here and pay 12017 gold coins first."

"Do it!" Wang Shuang couldn't help roaring.

"What's going on?" There were several sounds of the bowstring being drawn behind him.Because Wang Shuang is often by Li Muxuan's side, he is very clear about the precursor to opening the bow.As soon as his scalp became cold, his momentum suddenly withered: "No, it's okay, I'll just shout..."

After paying more than 1 gold coins, Wang Shuang finally passed the level of the elves.After Wang Shuang came out of the checkpoint, he turned his head to look at them, and couldn't help making a contemptuous gesture towards their backs, and added a big grimace by the way.How is the quality of this level made of wood?Sooner or later, I will come over and dismantle it!
——Fengyin level (red-kingdom border level): Durability 2000000000, vitality 10, physical defense 480000, physical resistance 75? ? ?magic defense 560000, magic resistance 75?

"Guys who suck human blood without blinking an eye, you exploit human players like this, you will be hacked to death by human players sooner or later." Wang Shuang finally gave them a resentful glance, and took Li Muxuan to set off again.

In Xiasen Kingdom, Wang Shuang unfolded the map and found his location after searching for a while. They were on the edge of the Fengyin checkpoint, and the nearest second-level main city was Chenyin City.

"Chenyin City, OK, let's go." Wang Shuang muttered, took Li Muxuan and left quickly.

The two moved quickly in the territory of the elves, and soon it was six o'clock in the evening. Wang Shuang finally found the Chenyin City drawn on the map, and identified the direction. They found the Chenyin City stables outside the Chenyin City.Ha, it seems that although the kingdoms are different, the basic layout is still the same!All the stables of the Lionheart Kingdom are located outside the town, as is the Xiasen Kingdom.

"Human adventurer?" An elf NPC warmly received Wang Shuang and Li Muxuan. When Wang Shuang explained his intention, the elf NPC first looked Wang Shuang up and down, and then showed a distressed expression on his face: "I'm sorry, We can't give you the service of opening a stable."

"Why?" Wang Shuang was struck by lightning.Tomorrow's dungeon arriving at the Noisy Ball is still estimated on the premise of taking a carriage. If Wang Shuang can't take a carriage and let Wang Shuang walk there, it will take at least half a month of game time!Even if it is converted into real time, it is about a week.This week, Wang Shuang had to travel all the way without killing monsters or doing tasks, so that he could cross the entire territory of Xiasen Kingdom and reach the entrance of the copy of the noisy dance party!
"Can't you really be more flexible?" But why do you have to go on foot, your elves just don't accept players from other races?Wang Shuang was so anxious that his balls hurt.

"Hey, that, it seems to be a player from the human race?" At this time, the voices of several people suddenly came from a distance. Wang Shuang looked up, and there were some names with long ears and a faint yellow light on their heads - elves family players!

(End of this chapter)

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