It's time to play online

Chapter 183 The first kill of the elf player

Chapter 183 The first kill of the elf player

"Really, I'm covered in armor, and there are really human players here." A player wanted to come up, but was stopped by his companions: "Wait, the guy who can come over must have changed his job." , what are the few of us who have not changed jobs joining in the fun?"

"And that guy is not an ordinary player." The third person stared at Wang Shuang, and suddenly opened his eyes: "Hold the grass, he is the trash who dominates the human race on the forum!"

"Garbage that dominates the human race?" The other two suddenly became interested.

"Garbage player Wang Shuang!" The third person's tone was extremely fast, and suddenly exclaimed: "No, he saw us too."


Wang Shuang didn't want to pay attention to them at first, but when he heard that he was called a garbage player, Wang Shuang felt uncomfortable for no reason.Ma Dan, and called it three times, rubbish!Damn, no amount of rubbish is better than you guys.

Maybe it's because they are used to being arrogant this month, or maybe it's because they have been on a winning streak recently, even the mighty Longteng Guild was repelled by Wang Shuang.Wang Shuang is now a little confident.Hearing that someone was still calling him trash, Wang Shuang felt uneasy, not to mention how upset he was. His anger rushed directly into the veins of Wang Shuang's hands. He turned around skillfully on the spot, drew out his dagger, and stepped on it lightly. His figure was as light as a flying swallow.

Wang Shuang activated the skill Stealth, while Li Muxuan stood still and drew the bow and arrow towards the three players from a distance.The three players were all taken aback, and before they could react, Li Muxuan shot at them with an arrow.

If they hit the target, according to Li Muxuan's powerful physical attack after changing jobs, one of them will definitely die.Wang Shuang thought as he sneaked closer to a few people.But I didn't want to, there was an accident at this time: the three of them suddenly stood up and one of them pointed at Li Muxuan's bow and arrow and stretched out his hand——

If it is reality, it will definitely not be possible to catch it like this.The flying speed of the bow and arrow is so fast, it hits the target in the blink of an eye, where will there be time to catch it?Grabbing a bow and arrow with bare hands is just a plot in martial arts novels.But he did it, the player not only grabbed the bow and arrow, but also turned the bow and arrow around and reflected it back.

"Wang Shuang, don't think that elf players are so easy to bully. Our elves are very skilled in long-range attacks!"

At this moment, not only Wang Shuang felt very unexpected, but even Li Muxuan herself was taken aback.Seeing the bow and arrow she shot flying back, Li Muxuan subconsciously wanted to hide to the side.But unexpectedly, her arrow followed her all the way, as if the effect of Li Muxuan's tracking and shooting was still on the bow and arrow!
This time Li Muxuan knew that she couldn't stop her, the arrow pierced through her thigh, and blood spurted out!


More than 2000 damage with one arrow!And there was no crit hit yet, Wang Shuang was terrified when he saw the damage figure, and several players were dumbfounded when they saw the damage figure: "Hold the grass, if this damage hits us, it will die directly, Wang Shuang's followers are all so smart?"

"Where is Wang Shuang, where is Wang Shuang!" Their level is also quite poor. Li Muxuan, who had been paying attention to archery before, realized that Wang Shuang was gone.

But just as they were screaming, Wang Shuang appeared ferociously from behind them, glanced at the backs of the three, and first aimed at the player who had just grabbed Li Muxuan's bow and threw it back.The qi and blood of the elf players are much lower than Wang Shuang thought, and the cut feels very light.In just one click, the blood bar above the head of the player in front of him was emptied.

Seeing this scene, Wang Shuang's eyes flickered, and the dagger spun around on his fingertips. When they didn't notice, he aimed a cross cut at the player on the left!

"Wang, Wang Shuang..." It wasn't until this time that the first player who was fatally injured shouted out.The other two were startled respectively. At the same time, they also found a small red dot behind them on the map. They just wanted to turn their heads to look, but they hit another one.

"Idiot, don't look at it, run, run back to the guild." The second player who died in battle exhausted his last words, his neck tilted, and he also fell down.

"Sure enough, it's a garbage player, a mad dog, who will bite whoever it sees!" The third player was about to run away with great fear on his face.But just a few steps away, he was killed by Wang Shuang, who was chasing up from behind, with a dagger.

At the end of the battle, the three players revealed five pieces of equipment. Wang Shuang picked them up and looked at them. They were all ordinary purple and black equipment.Throwing the goods from the store, Wang Shuang threw all the pieces of equipment into the backpack, and then returned to the NPC. The NPC just witnessed Wang Shuang killing three elf players, but his eyes were still very indifferent.When Wang Shuang came back, he still told him that he could not use the stables here.

"Then what conditions do you need to use it? Is your stable not open to foreigners?" Wang Shuang's expression hurt.

"That's not true, even humans are fine, we don't engage in species discrimination." The elf in the stable clasped his hands together.

discriminate!What you said is Chiguoguo's discrimination!Wang Shuang was so angry that he almost jumped up and smashed the NPC's face.After thinking about it, I'm still on the other party's territory, so I better bear with it. The NPC elf seems to have something to say, so let's just listen to it.

"Adventurers from the human race, if you want to use our stables, you only need to have a friendly reputation in Morning Sound City."

"Will it be enough if the reputation is friendly?" Wang Shuang was taken aback. It's not difficult, just do a random task.By the way, the reputation of Star Wish is generally neutral. If the world reputation is high, most towns may appear to be friendly as soon as they enter.Although Wang Shuang has received a few regional announcements, his world prestige is not too high, at least not meeting the friendly conditions, but it is almost the same.

Wang Shuang checked the panel, and the prestige level of Chenyin City is neutral to him now, as long as he increases his prestige by 300 points, he can become friendly.Cut, [-] points of reputation, trivial matter, just send a few letters and it will be fine!

So Wang Shuang patted his chest and said, "No problem, I will come to you after my reputation becomes friendly."

The NPC elf in the stable clasped his hands together and said, "Please go all the way, and may the god of elves, Narende Qingyu, bless you."

God of elves?Wang Shuang muttered the strange name, and left the stables of Chenyin City with Li Muxuan.


In the Twilight guild, the death of three pawns caused an uproar in the guild's chat channel. Regarding Wang Shuang's killing of three ordinary members for no reason at the first meeting, the entire guild became popular in almost 2 minutes. Everyone knows.

"Are you sure it's him? Have you seen it clearly?" Vice President Mu Yu Zhanfeng anxiously comforted the guild members: "Don't get excited, don't get excited, he is notoriously trash, you and a trash Care about, aren't you afraid of losing your value?"

"Zhanfeng." With a ding, another vice president, Mu Yu Qingyan, sent a message to Muyu Zhanfeng through the private chat channel: "Could it be that our hostile trade union sent us to trip us up today's mission? of?"

"Impossible." Mu Yu Zhanfeng immediately vetoed the news when he saw the news: "Who is he, Wang Shuang, who can invite him? The day before yesterday, the Longteng Guild was defeated by Wang Shuang, who would be full?" Come on, please ask Wang Shuang to disturb the situation of a second-rate guild like ours?"

"Is it true that Wang Shuang is a piece of rubbish as said on the forum, and he likes to kill and steal equipment when he sees players in the wild?" Mu Yu Qingyan's words seemed a little dubious.

"Hmph, everyone said that, so of course it is." Mu Yu Zhanfeng knocked out the news, and continued to appease the members on the guild channel with a gloomy face.At this time, the three players who lost their equipment also began to report, asking the guild to compensate them for a total of five pieces of equipment.

"Compensate the peat, whoever did it, you can go to whoever it is." Mu Yu Zhanfeng was replying with a dark face, and suddenly another player replied in the guild channel: "Hold the grass, that garbage has entered the city! Brothers, Use the human wall tactics to block his way!"

"I'm X!" Mu Yu Zhanfeng was dumbfounded. He also knew that his commanding power was insufficient, and the group of players under him usually didn't listen to his orders very much, but this time it was a major matter related to the reputation of the guild.Why is it called a major event related to the reputation of the guild?If they had a conflict with Wang Shuang in the city, regardless of success or failure, they would definitely be posted on the top post.It's okay to win, but if you lose, then the pinned post on the forum tomorrow morning will be "Wang Shuang's manpower fights all the players in the Elven Twilight Guild, no one can win"!
Will they lose?Very possible!Before Longteng Guild and Wang Shuang's shocking battle, I don't know how many people died under Wang Shuang's strong output.Often when Wang Shuang went down with a cannon, more than a dozen players lost their combat effectiveness, and sometimes even dozens of players!Some players were not hit by Wang Shuang, but they sank for no reason!
Wang Shuang's awesomeness is not scary, but this unreasonable and incomprehensible awesome way really made Muyu Zhanfeng very confused.Since Wang Shuang dared to come this time, he swaggered into the elves' territory alone, and it was hard to guarantee that he would not have a similar hole card.

Therefore, Mu Yu Zhanfeng is also desperate this time, trying to turn the tide on the guild channel, and strive to stabilize all members: "Everyone, don't get excited, don't get excited!"

That's all he can say, and the way to turn the tide is to add a few exclamation points at the end of his sentences.However, the members of the guild are still passionate, and they are aggressively planning to ask Wang Shuang for an explanation.


[Guild Channel][President] Twilight Breaking Dawn: Haha, it’s okay, Zhan Feng, let them go.Anyway, they are so enthusiastic once, we can't stop them.Besides, we have at least 700 players in Chenyin City, are we afraid of Wang Shuang alone?
Ah poof!Mu Yu Zhanfeng almost spit out a mouthful of blood, and hurriedly yelled in the guild channel: "President, think twice, although on the surface, we do have an absolute advantage in numbers, but let's not talk about changing jobs, we will go to fifty There are not many players at the level!"

[Guild Channel][President] Twilight Breaking Dawn: I have made up my mind, no need to say more, I will also participate in the siege of Wang Shuang this time, just treat it as killing a powerful BOSS, hahaha!

You want to be famous and you want to go crazy!Muyu Zhanfeng went limp all of a sudden, if he lost...

The consequences are immeasurable.

(End of this chapter)

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