It's time to play online

Chapter 184 The building is in danger, who is the pillar

Chapter 184 The building is in danger, who is the pillar

"Wang Shuang?" At this time when the guild of Twilight Language was full of excitement, a player was halfway through slashing monsters in a dense jungle. He saw the news of the discussion in the guild, pondered for a while, and suddenly raised his head with a sneer. Come and look at the sky: "Well done, it's you, Wang Shuang, you are the opportunity I've been waiting for!"

"Please be nice, it's best to wipe them all out, my plan will start with you." The player named Mu Yuqingyun raised an evil smile at the corner of his mouth and looked up at the unknown distance. Where, there is a rebellious and unruly publicity in the eyes: "The building is in danger, who can be the pillar? This Twilight Association, I will accept it with a smile."

In Chenyin City, Wang Shuang just entered Chenyin City and observed the status of several NPCs around. Suddenly, many players ran out from the streets and alleys, blocking Wang Shuang's besieged city in a square.

"Huh?" Wang Shuang was stunned.

"What's going on?" At this time, the players in Chenyin City immediately saw the situation here, and surrounded them one after another, enclosing the originally thick human walls, and deepening the thickness of the human walls in disguise. : "Get out of the way, I can't see inside, what happened?"

"Don't squeeze, I can't see clearly. When there is a situation ahead, it will naturally be conveyed later."

"It seems that Wang Shuang has come to our city! He is a human player, what is he doing here?"

"Wang Shuang? Who is Wang Shuang?"


At this time, Wang Shuang, the protagonist of the incident, sorted out his complicated emotions, looked up and looked around at the players around him, all of them all started with Twilight, and it was easy to see that it was a guild with regular actions.Twilight?Wang Shuang chewed these two words repeatedly, feeling a little familiar.After biting twice, I suddenly remembered that the three players I killed just now didn't all start with Twilight?

Is it for revenge?Wang Shuang looked at the group of players in front of him and immediately became unfriendly.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way!" At this time, the crowd suddenly became chaotic, and several NPCs rushed into the human wall arbitrarily, knocking the surrounding players away one after another: "What's going on? Shoot or kill!" Then his eyes moved to Wang Shuang, looked at his face, then looked down, and finally returned to the top of Wang Shuang's head: "Human adventurer? Your name looks very special, please come with us Shall we go?"

"Oh?" Wang Shuang was taken aback for a moment, then remembered that he was still a celebrity, so he oh and nodded.

"Wang Shuang!" At this time, someone from the surrounding crowd shouted at him: "If you have the guts, we will fight with you at the gate of Lingge Farm outside Chenyin City. You can move freely in the Sound City."

"Cut, primary school student!" Without turning his head, Wang Shuang raised his middle finger in the direction of the source of the voice, and followed the NPC in the hustle and bustle.

"Wow, we're going to do something, there's something exciting to watch!" Some melon eaters who didn't know the truth shouted excitedly.

"Honey, come out to see that the Twilight Guild is chopping trash." Immediately, someone began to send private chats.

Wang Shuang followed the NPC and left. This time, nothing strange happened. After entering the court, Wang Shuang paid the fine, and then left the court with a yellow name, moving slowly in Chenyin City.But it didn't take long for him to be recognized, and within a minute, two players from the Twilight Guild surrounded him.

"How are you guys?" Wang Shuang raised his hand to greet them: "Where is your garbage guild, I'm going to kill you."

"Our trash... guild is outside Chenyin City. If you have the guts, come with us!" said the player prefixed with Twilight.

"Okay, lead the way." Wang Shuang said indifferently.

"Hmph, you just call someone a garbage guild without opening your mouth, no wonder people on the forum will call you a garbage player!" Another person said with an expression of displeasure.

"Oh?" Wang Shuang suddenly felt a little funny: "Didn't you call me trash first, I was just paying back to you."

"Cut, sophistry! It's clear that you called people trash when you saw them, and then you were nicknamed a trash player. Now the villain will sue first?"

"Hehe." Wang Shuang expressed that he was very tired, so he simply shut up and stopped talking to him.The three walked towards the gate of the city, and at the same time attracted a large number of onlookers. Most of the players even put down the task at hand and followed them intently, wanting to see how powerful the rumored Wang Shuang is.

This time, Wang Shuang came out from the west gate and came outside the gate. Wang Shuang saw a small farm at a glance. The windmill in the farm was slowly rotating, and various plants and vegetables were growing in a corner of the farm.At this time, a temporary high platform had already been set up at the gate of the farm, and many players had already lined up around, ready to watch Wang Shuang single-handedly challenge a group of people from the Mu Yu Guild.

"Brother alone... beat your entire guild?" Wang Shuang was slightly taken aback, and couldn't help but despise this Twilight guild even more in his heart.

It wasn't until Wang Shuang approached that he roughly saw the information on the heads of this group of people.All Twilight guild prefixes - of course.

The leader walked up to Wang Shuang, looked Wang Shuang up and down, first reached out and shook hands with Wang Shuang: "Wang Shuang? Hello, I am the president of the Twilight Guild, Twilight Breaks Dawn. Please give me your advice." .”

"You guys, want to be famous?" Wang Shuang let the other side dangle his palm, squinting his eyes at Twilight Breaking Dawn.

"You can think so." Muyu Lixiao raised her head, squinted her eyes, and said in a low voice.There was a faint gleam in his narrow, straight-line eyes, and an incomprehensible smile hung on his face.

"You picked the wrong person." Wang Shuang shook his head at him, and said coldly, "I'm afraid you have to pay some tuition fees to buy this lesson."

"Tuition fee?" Mu Yu was taken aback at Lixiao.

"Equipment, equipment, are you planning to retreat completely?" Wang Shuang said with a sneer.

"Ah, that's of course." Mu Yuli took back his palm, clapped his hands and laughed, "But that's only if I have a chance to pay the tuition."

Grass.Wang Shuang was upset when he saw the smile on Twilight's face, and he had another reason to hate the Twilight Guild.

"Let's get started." Mu Yu turned his head and took a few steps at Lixiao, returned to the group of players, and spread his hands towards Wang Shuang: "Come on, you attack first."

"The president of Twilight Language Guild is so arrogant!" A player next to him exclaimed.

"There are so many families. I just counted the past, and there are more than 700 people from the Twilight Guild." Someone said.

"There are so many people here, just to beat Wang Shuang, how can you kill a chicken with a sledgehammer?"

"But Wang Shuang may not be a chicken waiting to die..."

Wang Shuang smiled. At this time, he was not in a hurry to attack, but raised his hand to summon Li Muxuan, who aimed at the front row of the Twilight Guild and shot an arrow in the air.The bowstring vibrated violently, and a sonic wave erupted among the crowd.

"It's started!" Muyu Lixiao suddenly roared.Completely different from the calm look just now, now Mu Yu's face is full of ferocity.

"Kill, kill the garbage player Wang Shuang!" Someone took the lead in the charge, and the crowd suddenly expanded, and the black mass of heads gave people a sense of pressure.At least a hundred players got out from the crowd, and rushed towards Wang Shuang with shields in their hands.The mages and archers in the back row also began to charge up, and an extremely unequal battle kicked off!

Seeing the rain of arrows falling all over the sky, Wang Shuang didn't even think about it, so let's do a sneak first.After entering the stealth state, Wang Shuang immediately rolled to the side, bypassing the location where the rain of arrows fell, and at the same time killed Chao Muyu and Breaking Dawn.

He wants to get rid of the guy who makes him most uncomfortable, Muyu Poxiao first.

But unexpectedly, Twilight's eyes turned towards Lixiao!Why?Did he discover Wang Shuang's whereabouts?Confused for a while, Wang Shuang categorically denied the result.If Twilight Breaking Dawn's level is higher than his, it's a little possible.It's just that Mu Yulixiao is at level [-] just like him, even if it's only one level higher, the probability of seeing through Wang Shuang will be greatly increased.It's a pity that Wang Shuang's stealth is almost invincible in the same level.

But this time Wang Shuang's stealth skill, which is often used as the killer's trump card, really failed. Muyu Lixiao pointed at Wang Shuang's position, took out a brown wooden longbow from behind, pulled it to the full moon, and suddenly let go!
The arrow flew towards it with the sound of piercing the air, like an eagle plundering its prey!But Wang Shuang was not the prey. The moment he felt something was wrong with the other party, Wang Shuang predicted the attacking point of Muyu Lixiao, and quickly dodged to the side.

Mu Yupoxiao was slightly taken aback, smiled and sighed: "It's a pity."

"Wang Shuang, do you really think you can win?" Seeing that Wang Shuang was still running towards them, Mu Yu could not help but said, while stepping back quickly, the two players around him quickly stepped up.Sure enough, he could see Wang Shuang!At the same time, several players with shields surrounded Wang Shuang, and Wang Shuang was about to be surrounded. Before the encirclement circle was formed, Wang Shuang jumped out of a hole in the encirclement circle.

"Look at your followers." Dusk Whisper broke dawn.

Hearing this, Wang Shuang looked at the position where Li Muxuan was standing just now, but happened to see the scene where the blood bar on Li Muxuan's head had returned to zero.The sky was filled with endless gray and thick clouds, and the hollow above Li Muxuan's head seemed to be part of the background in the sky. The next second, the hollow opened rapidly, and Li Muxuan fell slowly, turning into a white light that slowly floated back to Wang Shuang's position.

"The Congyun Arrow Formation of the Twilight Guild!" Someone said from the side.

Wang Shuang was completely stunned this time, what's going on, why was Li Muxuan killed in an instant?Could it be that the strength of these people is not as weak as it seems on the surface, but is actually hidden?
When Wang Shuang didn't notice, several long-range attacks came from a distance. It turned out that through the position where Li Muxuan's white light floated over just now, the opponent had already judged the location of Wang Shuang, and someone immediately launched an offensive against Wang Shuang.Three cones of ice and three arrows with various lights were inserted into Wang Shuang's body, causing his body to shake slightly!




Fuck!Wang Shuang remembered that Li Muxuan was not killed by them, but by his own long-range attack. These guys will throw back the bow and arrow that Li Muxuan shot!Fuck, just say it, how could you scumbags break the defense of brother Kai and Li Muxuan!

(End of this chapter)

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