It's time to play online

Chapter 195 The Duke of Satiga

Chapter 195 The Duke of Satiga

The sink in front of him is undoubtedly a teleportation array. Without any prompt at present, Wang Shuang glanced at the tableware wandering around. At first glance, it looked like a flock of sheep grazing on the grassland, as if endless .It is not a wise decision to spend time with tableware, Wang Shuang decided to try to see if he could find any clues in this sink.

The monsters and obstacles ahead have all been cleared, Wang Shuang and Li Muxuan stepped forward, and Li Muxuan returned to his star wish space.And Wang Shuang jumped forward, with a splash, the water splashed as high as a person, and a lot of bubbles appeared on the water surface.Two seconds later, Wang Shuang came up from the bottom of the water.After entering the edge of the vortex, he felt his body being pulled by a huge force. Although it was very uncomfortable, the blood bar on his head was still perfectly still.

At this time, the whirlpool began to twist, and Wang Shuang's body gradually caught up with the whirlpool's rotation speed, and gradually shortened the distance towards the center of the whirlpool in the reverberation circle after circle.


Suddenly, the sink disappeared, and the whirlpool also disappeared. Wang Shuang raised his head and looked around, and the surroundings were pitch black.When he was in a daze, he suddenly saw a man with a transparent body blue sitting in front of him. He was wearing a neatly ironed tuxedo, a well-proportioned tall hat on his head, and was holding a jeweled scepter, sitting on a stone slab. On the ground, holding the scepter in both hands, he squinted at the ground in front of him, showing a bit of confusion and bewilderment.

Who is this person, he looks like he has dementia, a mission NPC?

Wang Shuang walked up, and soon saw his own name displayed on this person's head - the soul of the Duke of Shatiga.

"Duke Shatiga's...soul?" Wang Shuang looked at him with his arms folded. No wonder this guy's body was a strange blue color, and he focused his eyes on him, giving him a vague feeling of transparency.But because the name on the opponent's head was green, Wang Shuang let go of his guard and put away the dagger in his hand.

"Do you know me, adventurer?" The soul raised his head to look at Wang Shuang, and tapped the ground lightly with the scepter in his hand.

"I don't know you, Duke Satiga." Wang Shuang replied truthfully, and sat down beside him casually.

"Oh, then you go, I'm going to continue to think about it here." After speaking, the soul hit the ground with the gemstone scepter, and put its chin against the top of the gemstone scepter, entering a meditative state.

Wang Shuang suddenly felt a huge pain in his dick, and couldn't help persuading: "Well, if you want me to stop you, but I can't go out now, watching the plot seems to help you remember your own memories, so Any clues?"

The Duke of Satiga shook his head: "Except that my name is Satiga and I am a duke, I don't remember anything else. I don't know why I'm here, and I don't know why I lost my memory."

Nani, no clue, no clue recall shit.Just when Wang Shuang couldn't help complaining, the Duke suddenly turned his head and glanced at him: "Do you want to go out? I have a way to send you out."

"What way?" Wang Shuang was taken aback.

"That's it." Soul said, stretched out his hand and gently pushed Wang Shuang. At some point, the stone slab under Wang Shuang's butt suddenly disappeared, and he fell towards the bottom.Looking up, there was neither happiness nor sadness on that thinking face, as if Wang Shuang's arrival could not arouse any emotional waves in him.

With a "ding", after the system loaded the map, Wang Shuang landed on a stable ground.Looking around, the place is magnificent, with a touch of aristocratic style permeating the entire room.

Wang Shuang turned his head to look, and was suddenly taken aback again.Just to his left, there was a huge table against the wall, which was filled with all kinds of knives, forks, bowls and spoons.A small sink, a tabletop often covered with a tablecloth, and a sink.It is the place where Wang Shuang just fought with the knives and forks.But now it seems that Wang Shuang has returned to normal size, and those table knives and forks that were still barking their teeth and claws just now are lying motionless on the table, as if they have never lived.

"Tell you to pull! Madan, isn't it very majestic to kill brother just now?" Wang Shuang, who had returned to normal size, couldn't help but become arrogant when he saw these forks.He knocked on several cutlery on the table, and laughed loudly: "What the hell, the mountains and rivers take turns, if you don't return to your real body, do you really think that brother is easy to bully?"

Looking around the table, the forks, knives and spoons are all there, but...why are there no chopsticks?Wang Shuang was a little annoyed that the chopsticks that were the most enjoyable to abuse his brother just now were not there.

But for some reason, Wang Shuang felt that there really shouldn't be chopsticks in this room.

While Wang Shuang was fiddling with the tableware, footsteps came from outside the door.Wang Shuang was startled when he heard the voice, subconsciously bent his back, got under the table, and watched a familiar figure enter the room.

And this guy is none other than the elf attendant who just led the way for Wang Shuang and let him enter the copy of the noisy dance party.

"Fuck." Wang Shuang couldn't help cursing in a low voice.

"Who?" The elf attendant suddenly became alert, screamed and drew out his weapon to look around.Seeing that his hiding place was about to be revealed, Wang Shuang simply overturned the table and jumped out from below: "Kill me!"

"Cutting blood!" Wang Shuang took advantage of the chaos to attack, and the dagger hit the head of the elf attendant, causing him to let out a sharp and piercing cry. After that, Wang Shuang jumped a few steps and quickly entered the stealth state with the dagger in his hand.

"You, what are you...!" The elf attendant screamed, and suddenly his ears moved. Wang Shuang felt a sudden thump in his heart. Why did this movement seem familiar?


System prompt: Behela, the butler of the Duke's Mansion, activated the skill "auditory tracking" and saw through your stealth state. You are now exposed in the opponent's field of vision!
My grass, I have the same auditory tracking skills as Li Muxuan, and I'm still a housekeeper?You didn't become a hunter, did you?
Now that it had been exposed, Wang Shuang simply let go of his hands and feet, and bullied him with a dagger in his hand.When they got close, Wang Shuang first scanned the opponent's attributes.

——The Housekeeper of the Duke's Mansion-Behira Nasha [Strong Body] (White-LV50): Vitality 640000, Physical Attack 2900, Physical Defense 2900, Physical Resistance 20? ? ?Magic attack 2300, magic defense 2000, magic resistance 20? ? ?Capabilities: normal attack, poisoned blade, night raid, auditory tracking.

——Poisoned Blade: Each attack has 30? ? ?Make the target enter a poisoned state, losing 3 points of vitality every 200 seconds, lasting for 9 seconds, the poisoning effect can be superimposed up to 5 layers, and the maximum damage effect can be reached at 5 layers, losing 3 points of vitality every 1000 seconds.When actively using skills, deal 200 40 to a target?Magic attack 400x the number of layers of poisoning effect on the target, clearing the poisoning effect of the target and causing 2 seconds of stun.

——Night Assault: Deal 600 160 to the target?Deal damage from attacks, and add a layer of poisoning status.


Fuck, this guy is a bit strong. With the two skills cooperating with each other, if I'm not paying attention, I will really take away a lot of blood with a set of combos.

"The butler of the Duke's Mansion?" But Wang Shuang was obviously taken aback when he saw this prefix, recalling the soul Duke Satiga he just met. Could this room be that guy's kitchen?

"You, how did you get in here!" His expression suddenly became very angry, he pulled out two daggers from his waist, and roared at Wang Shuang, "Get out of here, if you're in the way!"

"Is it in the way?" Wang Shuang couldn't help being amused: "Isn't it usually an intruder? Why, what's wrong with you? Could it be that you were having sex with the maid of the Duke's mansion just now?"

"Die!" However, the housekeeper of the Duke's Mansion completely ignored Wang Shuang's nonsense, held the two daggers in his hands, stared at Wang Shuang, lowered his head, and swooped in front of Wang Shuang almost instantly.

Wang Shuang was taken aback, and watched the opponent's dagger fall on him, his hand speed was too slow compared to it, the dagger was already inserted into Wang Shuang's bone, and he hadn't pulled the dagger out of it Take it out of your backpack.


This is normal attack damage.This was not over yet, a layer of green mist appeared on Wang Shuang's body, Wang Shuang felt his stomach churning, and an uncomfortable feeling rushed to his brain.Damn it is poisoned, do you want this special effect to be so realistic?By the way, didn’t you turn off the pain sensor? Damn, it’s not considered pain, so don’t block it!
"-200" At this time, poisoning damage began to appear on Wang Shuang's head.

"Do it." Wang Shuang didn't talk nonsense. He took two steps back and raised his hand. Li Muxuan appeared in the room out of thin air. With a quick look in his eyes, he took out the tiger longbow from behind and drew the arrow without saying a word. The three arrows flew out quickly, tearing through the curtain of wind, and nailed the butler of the Duke's mansion hard, beating him to the point of blood on the top of his head Crazy shock, violently fall!



Quickly shoot three arrows, all critical hits, and the total damage is stable over 2W!The housekeeper of the Duke's Mansion probably also sensed Li Muxuan's strength, and rushed forward angrily.Wang Shuang randomly grabbed a few bottles of recovery potions and stuffed them into his mouth, while rushing up to help.

During the fight, Wang Shuang couldn't help but complained repeatedly. I don't know why, but it seemed that it was because of his natural talent. Almost every time the duke attacked him, he would add a layer of poison state to him.Wang Shuang could barely free his hands to deal with the duke, and kept stuffing the recovery potion into his mouth, barely holding back his blood.However, Wang Shuang's role as a meat shield has been fulfilled, and Li Muxuan's attack speed behind her is not slow. Almost every attack can trigger a quick shot, taking away [-] blood from the housekeeper of the Duke's Mansion.

The blood of the butler in the Duke's Mansion dropped to 50? ? ?He suddenly yelled and raised his dagger. At this moment, Wang Shuang saw a bright green luster emanating from his dagger, as if venom was flowing on the entire surface of the dagger.Is it a skill?Seeing that the situation was not right, Wang Shuang just had the idea of ​​stepping back and raising his dagger to parry, when suddenly the elf in front of him swung his knife almost twice as fast, and the bright green dagger brushed past Wang Shuang's neck, leaving a trail of emerald green Green wound.Blood gushed out of it like a fountain.

I rub it, but fortunately I can't feel such pain, otherwise my brother would not go crazy.

(End of this chapter)

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