It's time to play online

Chapter 196 Beheading

Chapter 196 Beheading
Wang Shuang was glad that he turned off the pain sensor system, but the feeling of his own blood spraying out from his neck made him feel very uncomfortable.And after the blow from the housekeeper of the Duke's Mansion, Wang Shuang fell into a dizziness for 2 seconds.

After 2 seconds of uneasiness and anxiety, Wang Shuang's vision recovered from the darkness. Wang Shuang's first reaction was to look up at his health bar—fortunately, there are still 30 left? ? ? !Fortunately, I had been prepared for a long time, and kept my energy and blood at a relatively high level. Otherwise, I would have died if I was hit by the Duke's Housekeeper's combo just now.

At this time, the qi and blood of the housekeeper of the Duke's mansion had dropped to 50? ? ? .I have to say that Li Muxuan's quick shot can be triggered every time, and the damage is too high.After Wang Shuang drew up his energy and blood, he also joined in the battle to kill the butler of the Duke's Mansion.In less than a minute, the butler of the Duke's Mansion was finally exhausted by Wang Shuang and Li Muxuan, let go of the two daggers in his hand, and stared at the ceiling with wide eyes: "Could it be that our plan has already been leaked? Otherwise? Why was I killed in advance..."

He fell down screaming, and a piece of equipment exploded.Wang Shuang picked it up and saw that this was the weapon held by the housekeeper of the Duke's Mansion before, that is, the pair of daggers that impressed Wang Shuang deeply.But if you look at the level, it is the same white level equipment as the mobs exploded before, and the attributes are similar.Although it is still so-so, it is not suitable for Wang Shuang now.

Wang Shuang hummed the song slowly, and finally glanced at the butler of the duke's mansion.He still doesn't understand why the Duke of Shatiga is a friendly army in his eyes, but the butler of the Duke's mansion is an enemy.

Could it be that the duke will become an enemy after recovering his memory, is it the final boss?

As soon as this idea appeared, many clues were automatically spliced ​​together.Including this dungeon, this kitchen, and the monsters that Wang Shuang encountered along the way after entering this dungeon, these are all monsters in the Duke's mansion. Since the whole Duke's mansion regards Wang Shuang as an enemy, then the duke didn't kill his brother just now. , is still righteous!

Bah, what a fart of righteousness, when my brother wakes up his memory later, I guess he will kill him to death.Wang Shuang walked out of the kitchen, and there was a long corridor outside the kitchen.It was almost exactly the same as the opera house before Wang Shuang came in. Wang Shuang couldn't help turning his eyes to the corner. Sure enough, there was also a big pendulum clock there.

One side is the end of the corridor, and the other side is the corner of the corridor.There are beautiful patterns on the walls on both sides of the corridor, and there are incomprehensible portraits of Minggui hanging on them.Wang Shuang and Li Muxuan walked around the corner of the corridor and walked forward.

It wasn't until the end of the corridor that Wang Shuang heard the familiar music slowly.opera?No, on the other side of the wall, it seems that someone is holding a dance party. The brisk and bright mid-world music resounds in this area, and you can vaguely hear many men and women reveling next door.

So that's it, noisy, dance...these two words match the name of this dungeon.Is this dungeon named because of this?

For some reason, Wang Shuang vaguely still felt that something was wrong, as if a treasure chest was in his palm, but at this moment only the most critical key was missing.

Wang Shuang was leaning against the wall along the corridor, listening to the dancing party next door while walking. Just as he was approaching the end of the corridor on the other side, Wang Shuang suddenly saw a brightly lit and spacious room.When I walked in, I saw a chef wearing a white hat was waving a huge kitchen knife, spinning it like a hot wheel.

"Behela?" He didn't look back, and while continuing to chop meat on the cutting board, he said to Wang Shuang behind: "The dishes have been processed, go and serve them to Duke Satiga to taste!"

"Serving food?" Wang Shuang couldn't help repeating.

At this time, the chef suddenly stopped chopping the meat in his hands, and the house fell silent for a moment, only the people at the dance party next door were swaying wildly, and the music playing with a steady melody was echoing... The chef slowly turned his head and stared at Wang Shuang and Li Muxuan behind him looked very quiet.He turned his head and held the kitchen knife on the backing board, lifted it up, and pointed it at Wang Shuang: "Who are you and how did you get here?"

"Ah, this, I get lost occasionally, haha." Wang Shuang smiled awkwardly.

"Get out!" he suddenly growled.Not only that, he also threw out the kitchen knife in his hand.The kitchen knife seemed to have the function of tracking. Wang Shuang avoided a certain distance to the side, but was still hit by the kitchen knife.Immediately, the blood on Wang Shuang's head began to surge.


There is no crit, it is really just the damage of throwing a kitchen knife casually!Is it a skill?Wang Shuang quickly calmed down, checked his recovery agent reserves, and sneaked up to read the opponent's attributes.

——Chef of the Duke's Mansion-Timara Rose [Strong Body][Rage][King Kong] (White-LV50 leader-level creature): Vitality 1300000, physical attack 4500, physical defense 3600, physical resistance 70? ? ?Magic attack 4000, magic defense 3200, magic resistance 90? ? ?Functions: normal attack, overlord body, kitchen knife throwing, bloodthirsty rage, near-death rage, and near-death acceleration.

——Chopper Throwing: You can actively throw your weapon out, causing 300 95?Reasonable attack 70?If the distance between the target and you is more than five meters and your weapon type is a kitchen knife, an additional 50?

——Bloodthirsty Berserk: After opening, physical attack increases by 20? ? ?And every time physical damage is caused, the current 20?The physical damage is converted to restore its own blood, which lasts for 5 seconds.

—— Dying Frenzy: When the HP is less than 15? ? ?Physical attack increased by 45? ? ?Movement speed increased by 15? ? ?To blood higher than 15? ? ?The rage effect disappears.

——Near death acceleration: When the vitality is less than 15? ? ?Attack speed increased by 60? ? ?Movement speed increased by 25? ? ?To blood higher than 15? ? ?The acceleration effect disappears.


This should be the boss of this dungeon, right?There is no end to the corridor outside, and there are no other rooms to explore.The entire corridor is completely enclosed. On a long corridor, there is a kitchen on one side and a kitchen on the other.On the other side of the wall is a dance party... I don't know why, but this plot makes people feel a little disappointed. If the plot is like this, what happened to letting my brother meet the Duke before?Is it just to give brother a little push, so that brother can get out of the shrinking state and appear in the kitchen?
"Kill!" At this time, the chef had already waved a kitchen knife and rushed towards Wang Shuang. Because the boss was a bit tough, Wang Shuang didn't dare to be careless at all. Also rushed up.

When the opponent's blood drops to 80? ? ?Suddenly, the chef raised the kitchen knife in his hand high and shouted towards the ceiling: "Bloodthirsty rampage!"

Here comes the ability to increase physical damage and also suck blood!
Wang Shuang backed away quickly, and immediately used his skills to move forward. If he was cut by the opponent at this time, not only would he lose blood, but he would also suck blood for the chef. It would be useless to spend so long just now.You know, although this chef doesn't look good on the surface, he has a full 130W of blood.And unlike the previous weak chicken monsters, this boss still has 70? ? ?Reason resistance!
70? ? ?What is the concept of resistance?In the past, Wang Shuang's cognition was 1? ? ?Reason resistance can reduce the received 1? ? ? , Wang Shuang knows the front-end time, even if the physical resistance exceeds 100? ? ?It is impossible to be completely immune to physical damage!And at over 30? ? ? , the effect of physical resistance on damage reduction began to weaken, more than 30? ? ?points, every 2? ? ?Physical resistance can only be reduced by 1? ? ?harm, above 40? 0? ? ?There are new damage reduction rules!
If players keep stacking physical resistance, they can only be infinitely close to immune 80? ? ?Injury, this is the official statement.

And the boss in front of him has 70? ? ?Physical resistance, how much physical damage can be reduced?About 42? ? ? !If Li Muxuan completely ignores the opponent's physical defense and physical resistance, plus the bonus of equipment, it is estimated that each shot can reach 10000 points of damage.But after being weakened heavily, the damage of each arrow was actually reduced to around 1700.Although shooting one arrow usually still triggers a quick shot, the combined damage of the three arrows has dropped to around 5000!

The damage of a round of shooting is about 5000 points, and the boss has 130W of blood, which is destined to hurt Wang Shuang again soon.

So what, shit, life is all about pain!Let the pain be more intense—upgrade to labor pains!

After fighting for about half an hour, the chef has two more states on the surface, which are near-death rage and near-death acceleration. Originally, Wang Shuang was struggling a bit, but now that the chef has activated these two states, it is almost Take Wang Shuang's life!
"Baby, shoot him quickly, full of state and skills!" Wang Shuang's face turned green when he saw the speed at which his health bar plummeted.On the one hand, he sneaked in to use a move on the boss to deepen the damage to the boss, and on the other hand, he urged Li Muxuan to attack.Li Muxuan agreed from the back, and at the same time used a few skills to quickly drain the boss' blood bar between the rapid-fire attacks.

So now the situation in the kitchen here is that Wang Shuang and the BOSS's blood bars are falling like crazy. The difference is that Wang Shuang has a recovery potion, but the blood bars are not thick enough; and although the chef still has a lot of blood left, he hasn't responded. Skill, the only blood-returning skill, Bloodthirsty Rage, was also forced out by Wang Shuang just now. This time, he can't do anything except output to Wang Shuang crazily!
In an instant, the chef only had the last 4000 blood points left!And Wang Shuang's qi and blood quickly dropped below [-] points, which was already less than a quarter!
At the critical moment, the chef waved the kitchen knife in his hand at Wang Shuang, and Wang Shuang also raised his dagger to block and parry one by one, minimizing the damage. At the same time, the other hand kept grabbing the recovery potion and stuffing it into his mouth.In the last few seconds, Wang Shuang's whole body suddenly became very clear, and he operated smoothly without any sense of obstruction. The boss's last few attacks were all blocked by Wang Shuang.

He looked unwillingly at the remaining blood on Wang Shuang's head, yelled, and threw away the kitchen knife in his hand. His bloated body slowly fell to the ground, and the chef's hat on his head also fell off, falling on a bloody spot. The ground was stained with a large area of ​​blood red.

After waiting for two seconds, there was no system prompting him to kill the final boss of the dungeon and clear the dungeon.Wang Shuang couldn't help but smiled wryly. Is the duke really the final boss of this dungeon?
(End of this chapter)

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