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Chapter 197 The Duke Is a Good Man

Chapter 197 The Duke Is a Good Man

The blood overflowing from the chef's body was still flowing across the ground. Wang Shuang took out a breastplate from under his corpse, and when he was about to get up to leave, he suddenly saw his other hand clenched tightly, as if he was holding something. thing?
Wang Shuang took a little effort to break off the chef's fingers, and what he saw was a golden key.key?This place doesn't even have a door, what's the use of this key?Just thinking about this, Wang Shuang looked up and saw a tightly closed wooden door on the left side of the kitchen.


When I got closer, I saw a few vines wrapped around the surface of the wooden door, and a few emerald green leaves grew out, which almost merged with the wall. If Wang Shuang hadn't scanned around after getting the key, he really didn't notice it.But then again, who's so dumb as to put a door in the kitchen?What is behind this door?Treasure house?Library?
Turning the key in the door lock, it was easy to open.Wang Shuang opened the wooden door that hadn't been touched for a long time, and several vines that had grown to the wall were torn off by Wang Shuang. The room in front of him, which hadn't been entered for a long time, opened the entrance to Wang Shuang.

Walking into the room, Wang Shuang realized that it was a very narrow room.There are two rows of bookshelves on the left and right sides, and the bookshelves are full of various books. In the center of the room, there is an open skylight above the head, and the faint light shines from above, falling on the desk in the center of the room. and chair.

Wang Shuang pulled out the chair and sat down in front of the desk.Pick up a few brown paper folders on the desk.These things seem to be of a certain age, but at this time they seem to be new, not even the expected dust.Wang Shuang turned the kraft paper bag over and saw the words "Duke Shatiga incident" written on the front.

It seems that this is what reminded Duke Satiga of his identity. Wang Shuang was just about to put these file bags in his backpack and go back to the sink to look for the soul of Duke Satiga. The file bag was shaken by Wang Shuang, and all the papers in it fell out suddenly.Wang Shuang looked at the paper all over the floor, and his heart was like a thousand-character grass-mud horse roaring past.

Aligning with the serial number at the footer, Wang Shuang folded all the documents in order. During this process, Wang Shuang glanced at the above documents curiously, but he couldn't stop immediately because he didn't want him to look at them.

The beginning of the incident was written about a dance party, which seemed to be the birthday of Duke Satiga’s mother. In order to celebrate her mother’s birthday, Satiga called many people to hold a party at his Duke’s mansion.This was a perfectly normal thing, but unfortunately, the Duke of Shatiga died on this day, and the murderer has never been known.

Wang Shuang's eyes quickly browsed through the pages of information, as if there were broken pieces of a jigsaw puzzle in his mind, he was slowly restoring the whole incident.

After the death of the Duke of Shatiga, his soul persisted in the place where he died. It seemed that he wanted revenge, but he seemed to have nowhere to go. He held various thoughts and resentment all the year round. Everyone has forgotten.Afterwards, he fell into a deep sleep. Although he forgot about himself, Shatiga knew everything about how he died.

He was poisoned by his chef, and then he had the butler as an accomplice. The two of them worked together to deceive everyone, and at the last moment of Shatiga's unconsciousness, they bared their fangs at him and brutally killed him up.For his own death, the Duke of Shatiga has always been unable to let go, so even when he is dreaming, it is painful.

So that's the case, so brother helped him get rid of the housekeeper and chef, so he was actually his enemy?Wang Shuang continued to look down while thinking.

And the root of the pain started from his poisoning, so those tableware became hideous in Satija's eyes, as if they had participated in the killing of him.

Nani, could it be that my brother had been in his dream before, and those tableware were dancing and attacking him, could it be because in his memory, the tableware became his accomplice to kill him?As for the particularity and quantity of the fork, it seems that it is because Shatiga is used to eating with a fork!
At the same time, these materials also pointed out that Satiga's mother was an oriental.Having said that, Wang Shuang suddenly remembered, why are there no chopsticks in the kitchen?Because this Duke of Satiga is a Western Duke, and as a Duke of the Western world, the kitchen is naturally completely Western-style. If chopsticks, which are Chinese tableware, appear in this kitchen, it will be inconsistent!

But although the Duke of Satiga has never seen chopsticks, he knows that his mother likes to use them, and often praises the use of chopsticks, calling them "the greatest tableware"!
So for those who are riding horses, because everything in the dream was imagined by Duke Satiga, that's why the chopsticks will appear as the boss in the tableware!Although he has never seen it before, he has always respected his mother in his heart, so the chopsticks have also been honored by his mother and become the boss of the tableware!

Fuck, it turned out to be like this... Nani, according to the direction of the plot, why do you feel that the Duke of Satiga has the possibility of turning around and becoming a good person? Could it be that the Duke is really a good person?

The data even described the death process of the Duke of Shatiga in detail: he was stabbed blind first, then stabbed in the chest, and at the last moment when he suddenly realized, he died with unwillingness and resentment, and turned into a soul wandering in place, using his own The obsession has gone through a long time until now.Although he even forgot his own past, those scars and pain were all sealed in his dream.

After reading all the materials, Wang Shuang folded them up and put them all together, rubbing his temples with some headaches.What's the situation now?Brother has already known the cause, process and result of the whole thing through these materials, but he just doesn't know what to do now.

By the way, since I guessed it just now, the function of these materials is to help players understand the death process of Duke Satiga, so since these materials are provided, they are definitely not for the sake of looking good.What is it for not to look good?It must have something to do with the plot, so these materials have only one purpose - to help Duke Shatiga recover his memory.As for what would he think of Wang Shuang who killed the housekeeper and chef after he regained his memory?

Fuck, but if he is dead, why can brother help him kill the housekeeper and chef?And from the reaction of the butler when he first appeared, what he said when he was killed, and the chef just told the butler to "serve the finished dishes to Duke Satiga to taste", all these evidences point to Satiga, who was not actually dead at this time!

Just when Wang Shuang thought he had discovered something, the desk in front of him suddenly became blurred, and the scene in front of Wang Shuang also changed rapidly. When it became clear again, Wang Shuang saw Shatijia in the state of soul again.

Looking up quickly, he found that the name on the opponent's head was green.

Wang Shuang breathed a sigh of relief, squeezed the information in his hand, looked at the other party who was still in deep thought, and couldn't help asking: "Are you still unable to remember?"

"Yeah," he said.

"I have some information here about you, why don't you take a look?" Wang Shuang asked.

"I..." He raised his head, hesitated to speak, "Sorry sir, I can't see."

That's right, the information just now pointed out that this guy's eyes were poked out before he died.Although Duke Satiga cast his eyes on Wang Shuang, Wang Shuang carefully observed the pupils of the other party this time, and found that the inside was pitch black, and the two eyeballs that should have stayed inside had already "disappeared".

"Then, shall I read it to you?" In desperation, Wang Shuang had no choice but to change the method.

"That could not be better, sir." He moved his body immediately, and straightened his back from the state of a meditator, with a blue mouth slightly evoking a nice smile, like a child waiting to hear a story.

The soft part of Wang Shuang's heart was touched lightly, and he picked up the paper in his hand and began to read.


Ten minutes later, Wang Shuang put down all the materials in his hand. Satiga, who was opposite him, was looking down at the ground at this moment, his expression had changed from being confused to thoughtful: "Adventurer, although What you said was very vivid, but unfortunately, I still don't have the slightest impression. Listening to you read about me is like listening to someone else's experience."

"Damn it." Wang Shuang couldn't help but be careless, what the hell is going on, this can't restore Satiga's memory, what else can I do?Wang Shuang couldn't help but said anxiously: "Did I speak too fast, do you want me to repeat it for you?"

"No, I think, some things need to be confirmed by me before I can know." He was talking to himself, and suddenly raised his head to look in Wang Shuang's direction.Wang Shuang's heart skipped a beat. Although he knew that the other party couldn't see him, Wang Shuang still felt a chill.

"Adventurer, let me use your body," he said, and stood up.Only then did Wang Shuang see a dagger sticking out of his chest, shining brightly, and he had no intention of pulling it out.I don't know how many years, so long that he has forgotten what he is obsessed with, but the dagger in his chest has been stuck in his body.

At this time, Duke Satiga opened his arms and hugged Wang Shuang.Wang Shuang suddenly found that he couldn't move at all, and couldn't help but be horrified!But he can only watch the opponent invade his body, feel that he has lost control over his game character, feel his body clenching his fist uncontrollably, and look up to re-examine the world.

"So, I've been staying in such a place." He said to himself, and jumped down.The floor that was just stepped on suddenly disappeared out of thin air at this moment, and Wang Shuang's vision also fell all the way with Shatiga until it reached the ground!

System prompt: You were killed in a special scenario. Due to the impact of the special dungeon, this death will not cause any loss.

The next moment, Wang Shuang was revived in the pool, crawled out of the pool, and looked at the forks and knives flailing their teeth. At this time, "Wang Shuang" pondered, with a faint smile on his face: "Yes, I He really likes to eat food with a fork."

He waved his hand lightly, and in the next second, a piece of tableware in front of him was instantly wiped out.

(End of this chapter)

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