It's time to play online

Chapter 202 The flood washed the Dragon King Temple

Chapter 202 The flood washed the Dragon King Temple

Open the friend list, several avatars are flashing.Nani, my brother who is usually unpopular, why do so many people come to look for him all of a sudden today?Wang Shuang was startled, and quickly looked at the first profile picture——Wang Shuang looked at it for a long time, but he didn't have any impression of this profile picture, and it didn't matter if he looked at the ID.Who is this? Have you ever added this person?

Suddenly Wang Shuang saw the word NPC in front of this person's ID, and couldn't help but be surprised: Fuck, this person is an NPC!

Wang Shuang suddenly remembered that when he was on Bounty Island, he had taken in a housekeeper, who would help him manage the situation on Bounty Island, and draw Wang Shuang's wages on fixed days for him to spend.Doing the math now, the time seems to be almost half a month. Is it time for my brother to collect his wages? Bah, no, what a fart salary, my brother is now the owner of the bounty island, who has the right to pay my brother? salary?They should be the ones who paid my brother protection fees!
Could it be that the protection fee has arrived?Wang Shuang excitedly opened the message and saw a row of message prompts.

[13:47] NPC Sykes: Captain, the adventurers from the Lionheart Kingdom were found near Bounty Island. According to the rough estimate of the pirates, there are more than 200 small ships and more than 520 medium ships. About 580-[-] people.Although the overall level is slightly higher than ours, surrounded by several of our medium ships, it is basically not a problem to want to destroy them all.

[13:48] NPC Sykes: Captain, an adventurer from another faction was found near Bounty Island. They seem to be our neighbors. They drove over hundreds of small boats, and all of them were equipped with powerful artillery. Those who are not good!
[13:48] NPC Sykes: Commander, urgent battle report, the adventurer from the Lionheart Kingdom fought with our neighbors, and it was on our territory!Of course we can't let them run amok in our waters, please attack!If the leader does not reply within 2 minutes, I will act according to the result of my own judgment!

[13:50] NPC Sykes: Captain, the fourth and fifth teams of the idle combat readiness fleet of the Jojin Pirates have entered the pier and are loading pirates and inspecting artillery, decks and maintenance equipment. We will depart in 3 minutes .

[13:53] NPC Sykes: Captain, the Qiujin Pirates are officially attacking!


Afterwards, it was full of this kind of live battle report. After watching it, Wang Shuang thought that his brother was in the territory of the elves, and it was too late to go back now.

However, it is better to give a formal reply.Wang Shuang touched the keyboard and typed two words on the keyboard, suddenly feeling a little confused.How to reply to the NPC, and this person is still his subordinate, a housekeeper who was single-handedly promoted by Wang Shuang.Since you are a subordinate, you should behave casually.No, it can't be too casual——

"Understood, just try to reduce our losses."

After sending the message, Wang Shuang suddenly felt something was wrong.Shaking his head, Wang Shuang closed the chat window and looked at the next guy who sent him a private message.

The next private chat was from Luoxue Qianli, how strange that Luoxue Qianli would take the initiative to send a message to his brother.

[12:50] Luoxueqianli: "Wang Shuang, we are now planning to attack the largest island in the Sighs Islands, Bounty Island, to speed up the completion of the mission. God of War Qingfeng and Xue Yique expressed that we are in this mission Too much time wasted on it.”

Attack Bounty Island!Wang Shuang almost spit out a mouthful of blood after reading it. Damn, I know what's wrong. The neighbors that Sykes mentioned just now are them!What to do, before my brother can say anything, several other guilds are already planning to attack Bounty Island!That's my brother's island!
Fuck, this really flooded the Dragon King Temple!Brother should have expected such a day when he took over the bounty island, what should I do now, where should I help?Both sides are their own territory, neither side can help!On one side are Luoxue Qianli and the others, and on the other side is my brother's private island, how do I choose?
Wang Shuang suddenly came up with the idea of ​​just pretending to be invisible, as long as I disappear for a few days, you guys are done fighting, and I can show up again after the result is obtained.

It's just that this is obviously impossible. Abandon the Bounty Island, or have a showdown and make it clear to a few other people, or directly tear up the contract for the joint development of Xianchen Island, and announce that I will stick to the Bounty Island, so that if they have the ability If so, call me.

what to do?How do you choose?Wang Shuang was very confused and couldn't think of a result, so hey, let's put it on hold for now.

That's right, just one word, procrastination.When Wang Shuang encounters some things that he can't solve or is unable to solve, he usually just drags his words.If there is something you don't want to do or can't solve, just procrastinate.

Distraught, Wang Shuang also closed Luoxueqianli's chat box.

who is the next?Wang Shuang saw that the next message was actually sent by Liuguang Longteng: "Wang Shuang, is this bounty island your personal island?"

Nani, the Longteng Guild is so powerful, they even know this?Shocked, Wang Shuang quickly replied, "You are the ones hunting for the bounty island, right?"

As soon as the message was sent out, the other party immediately responded with a "hmm".

In other words, in the waters of Bounty Island, there are now pirates on Bounty Island, and several guilds of Dark Dragon Lane and Longteng guild are fighting in a scuffle.Wang Shuang stared at the "um" on the screen for a long time, then came back to his senses, replied "OK, thank you." and closed the chat window.

Ah, okay, you guys are fighting like crazy, but brother is so far away from you now, what can you do?I'm afraid the day lily will be cold when I go back.But even so, Wang Shuang still had to go back and take a look.It would be fine if Bounty Island was captured by Dark Longlan.However, if it is robbed by the Longteng Guild, then you must
Just as Wang Shuang was about to close his chat window, he suddenly saw a message beating at the bottom. Looking at the name, it was actually sent by Molu Baicai.

[12:58] Molu Baicai: "Wang Shuang, are you in a certain opera house now? It is said that the elves dispatched a lot of players to block your way, and there was also a riot on the forum to kill you back to the human race voice."

Kill the human race!This word was dropped like a heavy bomb, hitting Wang Shuang's heart.Wang Shuang suddenly understood, yes, even if it is too troublesome for my brother to go back, he can die back!As for equipment or something, it can also be stored in the bank.Put a few pieces of white-grade equipment on your body, save all the others, and then let the elf players kill yourself, and you will be reborn in the church in Saiyan City!
But I don't know if I can take out my equipment on the human side after saving my equipment on the elf side?After all, I have never used the equipment storage system before.

Just as Wang Shuang was thinking and walking, suddenly a group of elf players gathered around him. He was stunned for a moment. Wang Shuang faced the last elf warrior player. He looked Wang Shuang up and down and hummed softly. Said: "You are Wang Shuang?"

Are you here to trouble me again?You big guilds are really a pain in the ass.Wang Shuang was forced to have no choice but to use the skill Dark Lurking on the spot—that is, the enhanced version of the original skill Stealth.

Seeing Wang Shuang disappear suddenly, the warrior player snorted and waved his hand: "Archer, illuminate the arrow."

Another young man.Wang Shuang let those illuminating arrows land on the position where he was standing, but he didn't show Wang Shuang's figure at all.Seeing that a group of elf players in front of him were still shooting lighting arrows everywhere, Wang Shuang couldn't help grinning, found a gap and got out of the encirclement.

The player murmured from behind: "It's strange, it shouldn't be, stealth usually only lasts 20 seconds, and 20 seconds have passed, why hasn't he shown up yet?"

Haha, are you young?Stupid?Brother's dark lurking has no time limit.Wang Shuang laughed, opened the map to find the location of the bank, and walked towards the bank.

There are three banks in Tianma City, and Wang Shuang chose the nearest one.As soon as I arrived at the gate of the bank, I found that there were many players queuing up here.

After the last update, players lost gear and gold for whatever reason they died, making it even less safe to keep these items on players.Unlike reality, the bank in the game can store equipment and gold coins.So after the last update, the size of the bank has also increased a lot, and the number of windows in the bank has almost doubled.

Wang Shuang appeared in a low-key manner, submerged his name in a piece of ID, and stood quietly in line.After about 5 minutes, I followed the team into the bank.

The sound of gold coins jingling sounded without warning, and the crackling sound was very pleasant. Players, NPC security guards, windows, and some NPCs who came to the bank to handle business, crowded the entire hall.This is just an ordinary bank in Tianma City.Wang Shuang's entry did not attract anyone's attention. He looked up and saw several windows in front of him.There are deposits and withdrawals, deposits and withdrawals of equipment, and even the business of renting equipment and some props.

These equipment and props will be refreshed once a day. Generally speaking, the highest-grade equipment that can be rented here is purple.And the price is very expensive.But business is also booming.The reason seems to be that a certain player rented a set of purple equipment, went to brush the purple-grade dungeon for a whole day, and earned back a set of blue-grade equipment.It may seem like a lot of money to rent equipment, but it is actually cheaper than buying a set of purple equipment directly, let alone buying a set of blue equipment.

And this example is not the only one. I heard that similar incidents have happened to players of many races, so after players have some gold coins in their pockets, many people have dreamed of renting a set of purple outfits and brushing blue ones.

However, very few people actually realize it.

Wang Shuang waited for a while, and the players in front finally finished saving and left the window.Wang Shuang hurried up, it seemed that Wang Shuang's sharp ears and peculiar appearance attracted the other party's attention, the female elf in the window did not open the business window for Wang Shuang immediately, but asked first: " A human adventurer?"

"Ah, yes." Wang Shuang replied.

"The handling fee has increased by 5??? The female elf brushed a strand of hair flying from the side of her head and said.

(End of this chapter)

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