It's time to play online

Chapter 203 Sudden Plot

Chapter 203 Sudden Plot
Wang Shuang couldn't help being depressed when he heard that the handling fee had risen.Thinking of his tough mentor, Wang Shuang couldn't help but get tough again, and shouted loudly: "Why, why do human adventurers have to increase the handling fee? Discrimination?"

"You, you..." The female elf seemed to be frightened by Wang Shuang's momentum, and slightly arched her back.

"What's going on?" The NPC security guard was also alarmed by them at this time, and came up from the door to ask.

"What happened in front?" Many players behind Wang Shuang who were hanging up to browse the forum or chat channel were also attracted by the scene in front of them. Wang Shuang's ID.Immediately, Wang Shuang felt countless malicious eyes gathered on him.

"What happened?" The NPC security guard walked up to Wang Shuang and took a look at Wang Shuang.Then skip Wang Shuang and ask the female elf in the window.

"He, he has objections to our bank's regulations." The female elf calmed down and said, staring at the security guard.

"Is that so?" The security guard turned his head and asked Wang Shuang.However, it was said to be an inquiry, but in fact he had already pulled out the long sword in the scabbard at his waist, and the blade pointed down slightly to lean on the ground.It seemed that if Wang Shuang said a wrong word, he would swing his long sword and cut Wang Shuang in half.

Come on, why is this happening?

Wang Shuang suddenly lost the momentum just now, and muttered about saying something.But at this moment, a harsh alarm bell pierced the entire hall, and the female elf in the window couldn't help but screamed, stood up from her seat and started to run away.The NPC security guard in front of Wang Shuang was also taken aback for a moment, seeing that Wang Shuang was about to be split in half by raising his long sword.

Fuck, what's going on, there's a plot?Wang Shuang looked at the long sword he raised, and took a look at the opponent's level. The blue-level elf NPC security guard, level 80, more information can only be displayed after detailed inspection.But now Wang Shuang has no time to check it in detail. He raised the long sword high and slashed at Wang Shuang fiercely.Wang Shuang only felt that he was surrounded by an invisible wind curtain, and his body could not move at all.

"What's going on, Wang Shuang has already molested the female elf and got involved with the security guard?" The elf players were in an uproar.

At the same time, many elf female players screamed: "Come on, Wang Shuang, if you like her, go after her. Don't be afraid, it's just a few times of death! Race and distance can't stop you from falling in love."

Damn it, love Nima!Brother, I don't understand what's going on at all, okay!

"Go to the vault, hurry to the vault to guard the intersections, the thieves have already succeeded and are trying to escape." At this time, several people came up behind the elf security guard in front of him, and one of them patted him on the shoulder, stopping his movement.Hearing this, the elf security guard in front of Wang Shuang couldn't help but said, "But this guy..."

"He's just a bait. If you lose the contents of the vault, you won't be able to afford to sell all the elves in your family to be slaves to human beings and orcs!" Another security guard yelled at him, who seemed to be the leader of this group of security guards.Hearing this, the security guard in front of Wang Shuang also stopped, and rushed into the bank's internal passage with several other security guards.

Wang Shuang has basically confirmed that it is because he triggered a certain plot that he was able to bypass his life.Otherwise, the sword just now would have been chopped off. It would be easier to cut yourself in half with one sword than to say so many words.So now it seems that this plot seems to be the protagonist.But when did it start?Bro roar that female elf?

Hey, I didn't expect that my brother would be able to trigger a thrilling plot after being tough for a while!There's no way, brother, who can compare with his luck now?It's so strong, it's simply invincible!And it's even more awesome to be able to survive after triggering this kind of plot.

Without security and bank staff to manage order, other elf players immediately exploded: "Wow, I still have to store equipment, what's the situation?"

"It seems that Wang Shuang drove the NPCs away. All the NPCs have disappeared now. It seems that the bank will be closed for a while."

"Hold the grass, I'm still in a hurry to save the equipment and go to a wave of dungeons. If I save the equipment on my body, I will have to worry about playing dungeons. Sure enough, those players of the human race are right, this Wang Shuang is a piece of garbage Players, the scourge! Those trolls on the forum scolded well."

Grass!Wang Shuang was so angry that his seven orifices were filled with smoke, brother is a disaster, brother is trash, right?Have you eaten your meal?Brother stole your girlfriend?Did you dig your ancestral grave?Brother just sucks, you can play as you like, it's none of your business!

At this time, the situation in the bank lobby was chaotic, and suddenly an NPC elf came out of the bank and shouted in a panic: "I'm sorry, adventurers, our bank has an accident today, and it will be temporarily closed for a day. Please, everyone has business needs." Adventurers who are in charge, come back tomorrow..."

"Sure enough, it stopped, it was all Wang Shuang's fault!" There was an endless stream of shouting and cursing.

"Garbage player Wang Shuang, go back to the player who harmed the human race!"

Fuck, brother hasn't done anything yet, their treasury was robbed, right?This kind of matter has nothing to do with my brother. If I didn't yell at that female elf just now, don't the thieves stop robbing your treasury?

Anyway, this scapegoat, Wang Shuang, has decided against it, so it's better to let the storm come more violently.Wang Shuang glanced at the aisle where several security guards swarmed in just now, and ran towards it.And the NPC who just came out happened to see Wang Shuang's move, and she turned pale with fright, and rushed up to stop him: "Human adventurers, stop here, this is the internal passage of the bank, if you, a foreigner, To enter is to commit a crime—"

"Go away!" Wang Shuang tore his face directly, and swung the dagger at the female elf fiercely, slashing at the opponent's shoulder.The female NPC elf screamed and took a few steps back, clutching her shoulders.Wang Shuang glanced at the blood bar on the opponent's head and sneered. As expected of a high-level NPC, my brother triggered a critical strike with a full blow, causing 3.2 times the critical damage, but after suffering such an injury, the blood bar on the opponent's head Nothing has changed at all.

"He's popular, Wang Shuang is famous!" However, seeing this scene, the players of the elves immediately burst into flames, and the crowd was passionate.

"But why is Wang Shuang able to use weapons in the city?" Some elf players were still in a state of confusion, but most of them had already started shouting slogans such as "kill the trash player Wang Shuang" and rushed forward with weapons. go up.

That's right, why is he able to attack all of a sudden?Wang Shuang didn't want to understand, but the elf players around him had rushed up one after another.Fuck, it's a big deal, I'm afraid that you will kill me?Don't be afraid!If you can die, please do it, come to kill brother, just send brother back to Saiyan City!

However, Wang Shuang still has a little expectation for this plot, because the trigger of this plot is Wang Shuang, so Wang Shuang wants to enter the channel to see if there will be any follow-up progress.Anyway, the worst case is death. Wang Shuang is not afraid of death now, so why not go in?
"Adventurer, stop, stop!" The NPC elf was so angry that he was about to cry. After Wang Shuang rushed into the passage, a large number of players rushed in after him.Usually, there are a large number of security and security forces guarding this passage, but because there are thieves in the vault, the security guards closed all the roadblocks on the road for the convenience of moving forward and increased manpower, and brought all the security forces into the passage. deep.

In reality, this is absolutely impossible.No matter how short the manpower is, the security guards guarding the entrance will not be withdrawn all at once.But this impossible situation has appeared here, what does it mean?It means that the plot is going to go like this!He left an entrance for brother, and withdrew all the defense forces, what does this mean?Explain that the plot is to let the brother enter this channel.

As for the next step?Then there must be a road when the car reaches the front of the mountain.

Wang Shuang rushed forward all the way, and the players behind him also frantically rushed up. They seemed to be advancing without relying on their own movement speed.The players in the back squeezed in one after another, and the players in the front didn't run fast, but they were also pushed forward by the players frantically pouring in from behind. The narrow passage can accommodate up to three people at the same time.So this caused many players in front to move about twice as fast as their original speed at this time.

"Damn it, suck it!" Looking back, after knowing this truth, Wang Shuang almost froze in fright.He quickly turned on all the effects of the equipment, and then activated the Dark Lurking skill again, escaping into the darkness once again.Compared with ordinary stealth, dark lurking can increase by 25? ? ?Movement speed, and as long as it is in the stealth state, it can accelerate.This kind of movement speed enhancement is also not available in stealth.

As if entering a long-distance race and entering the sprint stage, Wang Shuang and other players have already tried their best to rush forward.Wang Shuang ran far ahead to distance himself from the others.I don't know how long I ran, but suddenly the width of the passage changed, and Wang Shuang suddenly became wider in front of him.At the same time, three forks appeared.

"Huh?" Wang Shuang was slightly taken aback, and his brain froze for a second: "What's going on at the fork, hey, what about the agreed plot, why is there such a setting as the fork?"

That's right, there are three forked roads, and the three doors are marked with No. 1 passage, No. 2 passage and No. 3 passage.

What to do, which way to go?The players behind him were about to catch up, and Wang Shuang was sweating profusely. Since it's still a plot, there must be a reminder, right?Wang Shuang raised his head and looked around, but couldn't find it, it's Nima's!It's fine to go into any path, brother's talent is always changing, will the probability of [-]/[-] be reversed to [-]/[-]?But it is impossible, this kind of thing should not be reversed.Fuck, I'm going to play my luck this time, I bet that I can go the right way once and for all!

Wang Shuang started to speed up and rushed under the No. [-] door.At this time, the players behind him also followed Wang Shuang's footsteps to the fork in the road...

(End of this chapter)

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