Chapter 204

"Where is Wang Shuang, what about others!" After all, those players didn't come close to Wang Shuang. They didn't see which way Wang Shuang was going, so they hesitated at the three intersections.

But they hesitated, and those behind them didn't know it.Still pushing forward one after another.Many people actually didn't have any bad feelings towards Wang Shuang, but because everyone rushed over, many people became interested in joining in the fun and joined the team to hunt down Wang Shuang one after another.

Now the team behind Wang Shuang, although the people in front stopped, but the people behind were still squeezing in, so the people in front were forced to squeeze into three different passages.If Wang Shuang was here and witnessed this scene, he would probably complain: he doesn't even know what he is chasing, so why are he working so hard.

But now, after Wang Shuang entered the No. [-] passage, the terrain began to descend rapidly. Wang Shuang used his inertia to dive all the way down. The passage in front gradually became narrow, and then the terrain leveled off suddenly, and Wang Shuang rushed into a huge room .

"Who is it!" As soon as he got down, two elf security guards surrounded him.One of them was the one who was about to attack Wang Shuang just now!Seeing that it was Wang Shuang who came, the security guard snorted and pulled out his long sword from his waist: "It's you again, adventurer, look at the sword!"

Fuck!This time Wang Shuang hurriedly lurked in the dark, and quickly rolled out to the side.Fortunately, he reacted quickly and operated neatly. This time, the security guard's sword failed to hit Wang Shuang, but lost Wang Shuang's figure instead.Because their level is much higher than Wang Shuang's, coupled with the talent of time to run, the probability of them discovering Wang Shuang is immediately reversed and becomes extremely low.

"Where did you go?" Just when the security guards were confused, a loud voice suddenly came from behind Wang Shuang.Fuck it, chasers!

"There are a large number of adventurers breaking in, stop them all!" Another security guard stared at him, quickly shouted and rushed out.

"Understood!" Another security guard also rushed out of the room. Wang Shuang leaned against the wall and watched the two rush out, secretly letting out a sigh of relief.

At this time, Wang Shuang, who finally had a chance to take a rest, began to look at the room. It was a very large room, at least the width and height of the walls were very large.On the huge walls on both sides, there are several large cabinets.Each cabinet has at least tens of thousands of criss-cross drawers.The drawers are big and small, and there are different things for different players in them.It seemed that there were faint and organic sounds including twisting and iron tongue pulling constantly coming from these drawers.

Just as Wang Shuang looked up at the cabinets, there was a sudden bang, and the iron door on the other side seemed to be kicked open by someone.A vigorous figure jumped out from inside all of a sudden, somersaulting, and landed on both feet at the same time.He suddenly shrank his body into a ball like a hedgehog, and then spread out his limbs like an ape, swinging his limbs like a cheetah, whizzing forward with the storm and stars.

Wang Shuang was still in a state of darkness lurking at this time, and the other party jumped in suddenly and surprised him.Then, the opponent's actions made Wang Shuang even more unexpected. Seeing that the opponent was in front of him in the blink of an eye, there was only one last thought in Wang Shuang's head——

Damn damn it...

Then he was knocked into the air by the comer, and his whole body was crushed into a meatloaf and hugged the wall tightly.The guy who knocked Wang Shuang into the air just took a step back, he was stunned for a moment, looked up at Wang Shuang, and suddenly let out a little snort.

"Human race?"

Wang Shuang opened his eyes and took a look at the sneaky figure in front of him. He was dressed in black, and at this moment he also pulled off the black scarf on his face, revealing his entire face; come—he is also a guy of the human race!And this guy is an NPC!

Oh oh oh, there is a plot?
Wang Shuang struggled for a while, just about to get off the wall and go up to say hello to the other party, but the other party suddenly grinned at Wang Shuang, then tied up the black face scarf again, and regained the wretched and awkward look. A vigorous look: "Okay, adventurers of the human race, we will meet later."

"Hey, aren't you going to save me?" Wang Shuang was stunned for a moment, and shouted loudly towards the back of the other party.

The man in black disappeared at the door of the room. After a few seconds, the surrounding area was still quiet. He must have gone far away.

Wang Shuang just sighed, broke free from the hole in the wall, patted the dust on his body, glanced at his health bar which was missing by a third, and couldn't help laughing bitterly.

At this moment, hurried footsteps came from the door, and the man in black who ran away just now turned back.Wang Shuang was taken aback when he saw him, and then couldn't help being overjoyed: "Damn it, I know you won't leave me alone, right?"

"What are you talking about?" The man in black glanced at Wang Shuang, and rolled his eyes happily: "The door is also blocked, it seems that I can only find another way out."

"Yes, just bring me another one." Wang Shuang immediately stretched out his hand to stop the opponent.

"Heh, adventurer, what's your use other than dragging me down?" The man in black folded his arms around his chest, and looked at Wang Shuang with a half-smile on his face under the black scarf.

"I can still be resurrected after death, so I can be cannon fodder." Wang Shuang immediately cited an advantage of his own, which Wang Shuang could think of without thinking about it.Then he paused, and continued to add: "By the way, my stealth is difficult to detect! If necessary, it may even cause a surprise effect."

"Your stealth... is indeed a bit weird." Hearing this, the other party also nodded with concern: "Okay, this is enough. Adventurers, follow my footsteps, let's continue to move to the elf treasury. Something came out! Oh, by the way, I haven't introduced myself yet, I'm Zhao Wencheng, a Dark Lurker from the Lionheart Kingdom."

The NPC said to himself, and led Wang Shuang through the passage he escaped from just now, and continued to walk forward for a certain distance.After they walked through two or three doors, they suddenly walked into a huge room, and several hills of gold coins almost blinded Wang Shuang's eyes.

"Adventurers, don't look, those money is not something we can take out, prepare to fight." Zhao Wencheng patted Wang Shuang on the back, smiled, and took out two daggers from his waist and threw them at Wang Shuang. air.Wang Shuang found that the opponent's dagger was curved, and the blade on it was not a simple blade, but several overlapping blades stacked together, cutting down with one knife was actually equivalent to several blades cutting the target he was attacking at the same time.

Needless to say, the power of these two daggers must be quite high.

Just when Wang Shuang walked into the room, the surrounding alarm bells started buzzing again, buzzing like a noisy bee swarm.Wang Shuang became alert immediately after hearing the voice.In several other corners of the room, at least thirty NPCs were rushing towards their door.

"Adventurer, it's up to you next." Zhao Wencheng glanced at the others, suddenly pushed Wang Shuang forward, and then threw the two daggers in his hand into the air, his hands interlaced in mid-air, the two Following his movements, the dagger was firmly slapped into his waist.

"Look at me?" Wang Shuang was dumbfounded: "What are you looking at, I can't beat them!"

"It's okay, you just need to block it for me, I'm going to zoom in!" Zhao Wencheng said with a smile.

Fuck it, zoom in!Wang Shuang almost spit out a mouthful of old blood, master of the system, is it really okay for you to play with NPCs like this!But Wang Shuang understood the meaning of the other party, and the NPC of feelings wanted to use him as a shield!
"But if I die, the equipment may be lost. My equipment is very valuable!" Wang Shuang couldn't help but said anxiously.

"Cut, trouble." Zhao Wencheng looked a little impatient, and waved one palm in front of his fingers, while the other palm suddenly freed up and patted Wang Shuang lightly.


System prompt: Dark Lurker Zhao Wencheng uses the skill "Death Cycle" on you. Within 1 minute, when you die in battle, you will have 0? ? ?Resurrection without the corresponding death penalty.

Seeing "0??? For a moment, Wang Shuang's expression became numb.

"Okay, you've been strengthened, hurry up!" Zhao Wencheng pushed Wang Shuang impatiently, and pointed to the menacing elf security guards in front of him.

Fuck, strengthen the hair!Wang Shuang was impatient. Originally, according to the normal plot, he should be resurrected infinitely within 1 minute without being punished by death. Then, when Wang Shuang delayed the security of the elves, Zhao Wencheng prepared a big move to overwhelm the audience. The NPC was killed in seconds, and then they started on the road to escape.

But now there is one most critical point, the probability of being resurrected with full blood after death is reversed by his talent!
Fuck, pit, master of the system, can you rely on the score, don't write 100 in this kind of place? ? ?Resurrection in situ, just write in situ resurrection!If you write these more words, you will be tired and hurt. Most importantly, the probability of resurrection will be reversed by your talent!

If Wang Shuang can't stop the elf security guard, God knows how the plot will go.If these security guards from the elves rushed forward, Zhao Wencheng might not be able to make a big move.If you can't use your big move, you will be surrounded by elf security guards.Wang Shuang glanced at Zhao Wencheng's level. Although he was also a level 80 blue NPC, there were obviously a lot more people on the security side of the elves.

"Adventurers, go, I need you to delay them for ten seconds!" Zhao Wencheng shouted behind Wang Shuang at this time.

Dry!Brother is tangled up, the big deal is to give away equipment, even if it is given to NPC, it is better than giving it to players. As for the equipment, it is also simple, I will go back and do a few dungeons before I come back!
Thinking of this, Wang Shuang gritted his teeth and rushed forward. At the same time, Wang Shuang also called out Li Muxuan. Li Muxuan pulled all the hatred of everyone to herself with a sonic wave, and was then brought up by Wang Shuang.

Suddenly, Wang Shuang had an idea, yes, even if the original routine was cheated by the system, it would be great if he created another routine immediately!
Wang Shuang rushed forward, and before being attacked by these elf security guards, he immediately released the black and white storm on the spot, which is the original version of Twin Life and Double Darkness, a large-scale skill that raised the hatred value of these elf security guards first. .

Then Wang Shuang retracted Li Muxuan, and at the same time, he made a wrong step and started running against the wall in the other direction.That's right, I will take advantage of my moving speed and run a marathon with you guys!As for delaying time, kite flying is the strongest.

"Okay, ten seconds early...don't cheat, Uncle Stalker!" Looking at the elf security guards behind him who were moving a little faster than him and constantly shortening the distance with him, Wang Shuang thought in his heart Also getting more and more nervous.

(End of this chapter)

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