It's time to play online

Chapter 205 Nick Medal

Chapter 205 Nick Medal
"It's done. Watch it, the dagger flutters!" At this moment, a hearty laugh finally came from the uncle.Seeing this scene, Wang Shuang rushed towards him, and at the same time, a group of elf security guards were also attracted to him.Zhao Wencheng pulled out his dagger again, smiled slightly, and suddenly threw it into the air.The dagger doubled in size at this moment, and then began to spin wildly, splitting into hundreds of afterimages of the dagger.

He stepped forward and swirled the dagger over the room like a butterfly dancing on the tip of the knife.Then in the next moment, as if they heard someone giving orders, the daggers all stopped turning, and fell from the sky in handfuls.There were no dead spots in the entire room, and it was riddled with holes from these daggers.Wang Shuang was fine, probably because of the plot, but the group of security guards behind Wang Shuang fell into a pool of blood without exception.

"Come on, let's go deeper inside. There is the passage where I came here." Zhao Wencheng said, walking to the side of the room.Wang Shuang also quickly followed. Looking at the hill of gold coins along the way, Wang Shuang swallowed, but finally resisted the temptation and followed the other party into the passage.

Hey, anyway, brother is also a man who won thousands of gold coins in a minute without blinking an eye.

They turned left and right underground several times before finally crawling out in the grass outside the city.Outside the city, there are lush forests and lush vegetation.After Wang Shuang came out, he couldn't help taking a breath of the fresh air of nature, and Zhao Wencheng also laughed a few times: "I got the thing, I did it! Next, I will inherit the legacy of the ancestors, hahaha !"

It seemed that he still had some plot, but when he heard the words of his ancestor's will, Wang Shuang shrank his head.He faintly smelled the mission.

"Boy, thank you so much this time. It's a pleasure to cooperate with you. I hope to have the opportunity to cooperate with you next time we meet!" Zhao Wencheng said, waving his hand and leaving.

"Nani?" Wang Shuang was stunned for a moment, and quickly asked, "No reward for this?"

"Reward? The reward is to take you out by the way. Why, isn't this reward enough?"

Damn, as expected, my brother was just paddling in this plot, and he killed the main monster, so even the rewards are chilling!If I had known earlier, I wouldn’t have helped you. It’s a waste of time!When I met the security guard of the elves, I should have been hacked to death by him honestly, then returned to Saiyan City to be resurrected, and then immediately went to Bounty Island to save the field!

Wang Shuang was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood, but he didn't have time to hesitate. Finally, he glanced at Zhao Wencheng with resentment, turned around and was about to leave.

"Ah, by the way, although there is no reward, I have something here that I don't want anymore. I think you are an adventurer, this thing should be useful to you." He suddenly took out a Throw a small thing to Wang Shuang from the air: "Put it away, although I think this thing is rubbish, but adventurers seem to be quite rare. Alright, human adventurers wandering around in the elves' territory, we There will be a period later."

As soon as he turned around, he disappeared into the forest with his incomparably swift figure like oil on the soles of his feet.I really didn't expect this guy to walk on the ground in such a complex terrain as the forest.

Wang Shuang saw that he had gone far, so he picked up the thing in his hand and looked at it.It was actually a medal, a gadget equipped in the extra accessories column.

——Nick Medal (Black Weapon): Physical Attack 5, after wearing it, you will get the skill "Holy Light Protection": Every time you die, you get 80? ? ?Unaffected by death penalties.Precondition: Second transfer.Required level: level 50.

Fuck, it is indeed a good thing!What exactly does the death penalty refer to?Lost gold coins, lost experience points, lost equipment!Such a high probability is estimated to be affected by the talent of the time to run, not subject to death penalty, which means that almost every death of Wang Shuang from now on is equivalent to a ticket, and Wang Shuang will be sent back to the Saiyan Church for free ticket!Moreover, the medal is equivalent to an additional accessory, which does not occupy the traditional equipment slot, and also provides an additional 5 physical attacks. Although the bonus is small, it is better than nothing!

Ma Dan, this is so cool, I must commit suicide immediately to celebrate!
Wang Shuang walked around the forest twice, and soon saw a monster of more than 40 levels, but when the monster bit Wang Shuang, the 0 damage that jumped out made Wang Shuang very disappointed.

Since the mobs can't beat you, let's go find the BOSS.Wang Shuang continued to go deep into the forest. Not long after, there was a sudden noise in front of him. This sound reminded Wang Shuang of the scene when the Grand Council besieged and killed the boss in the past!
Could it be that someone is besieging and killing the boss?Wang Shuang got excited, it would be even better if someone had someone, go up and provoke them, kill one or two of them in an attempt to sabotage their actions, and then they will definitely attack in groups, as long as they and the BOSS work together to kill me, it won't work It won't be long before I can take the bus ticket and go back to Saiyan City!

Wang Shuang rushed out of the grass excitedly, and immediately saw hundreds of players besieging a huge rhinoceros.Sure enough, there is a big boss!Wang Shuang laughed, lifted the dagger and rushed towards the boss.

"President." Sun Huo Yusha, the president of the Sun Guild, was in high spirits when the boss was in high spirits, and a subordinate suddenly sent him a private message: "A player is approaching our boss, and it's not from our guild."

"Who!" Taiyang Huoyu's heart tightened, and he looked around but did not see Wang Shuang, because the direction of Wang Shuang's rush was blocked by the huge body of the boss.Sun Huoyu didn't care, and quickly commanded in the guild channel: "Come on a few people, go up and stop the person who broke in suddenly, if you don't listen to the advice, you will be killed on the spot!"

"Understood." Someone reported Wang Shuang's coordinates on the guild channel, and then about a dozen people immediately left the battlefield to kill the boss and rushed forward to intercept Wang Shuang.

"Stop!" A player rushed to Wang Shuang first, and put the long sword in his hand on Wang Shuang's path: "The Sun Guild is besieging and killing the Rhino Horn King, please take a detour."

The first time he saw Wang Shuang, he felt that there was something wrong with this man.But in a hurry, he didn't recognize Wang Shuang as a human race player for a while.

"Sun Guild?" Wang Shuang laughed: "What, I've never heard of it!"

After all, he raised the dagger and stabbed at the opponent's face.

The opponent froze for a moment, probably not quite as straightforward as Wang Shuang, and attacked him with a dagger.And this person doesn't know why, the name on his head is as bright red as blood.You just killed someone, and you dare to come here to provoke us?Aren't you afraid of the death penalty of being killed in the red name state?The player just snorted in disdain, and was about to slash at Wang Shuang with a sword, but suddenly found that he couldn't move.


Before he fell down, he didn't even see the expression on Wang Shuang's face clearly. He only saw his blood bar being air-defended in an instant, and at the same time, system prompts followed one after another.

System prompt: You were maliciously killed by the famous celebrity player "Wang Shuang". When you died, you dropped the whisper of the sleeper. When you died, you dropped the blocking helmet. When you died, you dropped...

Wang Shuang?

After being confused for a while, the member of the Sun Guild suddenly remembered.Wang Shuang, isn't this a trash player who was extremely popular on the forum some time ago? I heard that he broke into the territory of elf players some time ago, and singled out the entire guild in a certain town.

At first, he didn't think too much, because the Sun Guild recently moved its strategic center to the west. Some time ago, it failed to grab the territory with the human players, and now it started to grab the territory with the orc players.They have been leveling and fighting monsters here for the past few days, and the distance from the place where Wang Shuang haunts is far away.

But why did he appear here all of a sudden?And why are you attacking me?
Grass, who can understand the behavior of garbage players?But does he want to overthrow another guild with his own power?
After contemplating, the player of the Sun Guild was shocked. Immediately after his resurrection, he identified Wang Shuang's identity on the guild channel and expressed his conjecture.

"What, rubbish player Wang Shuang? Want to overthrow our entire guild on his own?" Sun Huoyu was also taken aback for a moment, unexpectedly it was this guy who came. Take it too seriously.But Wang Shuang's previous record made him have to pay attention to it.Taking a look at the little blood left on the boss's head, Sun Huoyu suddenly put away his weapon, ready to stop Wang Shuang himself.

No matter what his purpose is, just kill him!

Sun Huoyu flipped through Wang Shuang's coordinate records, moved in that direction, and soon saw a human player moving quickly among the crowd.It's just that the opponent is just moving now, letting a group of elf players shoot at him, but he is just moving around.

What does he want to do?Sun Huoyu suddenly became suspicious again. He couldn't understand why Wang Shuang didn't fight back. After pondering for a moment, he asked everyone else to stop in the guild channel. At the same time, he stepped forward and stood in front of Wang Shuang and asked: "Well, are you Wang Shuang, a player from the human race?"

"Who are you?" Wang Shuang was losing blood, and he was about to die, but suddenly a guy with a bad face rushed out of the crowd, and the players next to him stopped shooting, which made him Wang Shuang's egg hurts unceasingly.

"I am the president of the Sun Guild, Sun Huoyu." Sun Huoyu cupped his fists at Wang Shuang.

"Oh." Wang Shuang responded, embracing Sun Huoyu with his arms and staring at him.

Hold the grass, what the hell do you want to do!Taiyang Huoyu, who was so embarrassed by the look, spoke first again: "So what are you looking for us for?"

"No, I'm just here to die." Wang Shuangdan was so hurt that he didn't bother to make fun of himself, so he directly revealed his ultimate goal when he came up: "Please kill me."

"Huh?" Sun Huoyu was dumbfounded. It was the first time he heard such a strange request after playing games for so many years.

"Can you say that again?"

"I said, kill me quickly, I'm in a hurry." Wang Shuang repeated.

(End of this chapter)

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