It's time to play online

Chapter 206 Boss Come On

Chapter 206 Boss Come On

Seeing the expressions of the people around him looking at him like a fool, Wang Shuang trembled with anger.Fuck, you have something wrong with riding a horse, don't you? Okay, you don't do it, brother!
Wang Shuang looked around, and just met Sun Huoyu's eyes.They stopped shooting just after this guy came out, right?Alright, I'll fuck you to death, let's see if you still don't fight back!

As soon as he said it, Wang Shuang pulled out his dagger and pointed it at Sun Huoyu, and suddenly he smiled, seeing that Sun Huoyu's whole body was hairy.

Sun Huoyu took a step back subconsciously. At this moment, Wang Shuang also glanced at his skill bar, and a skill was shining among a bunch of skills at this time - road blocker.This is a forward attack skill. If the opponent chooses to run away, Wang Shuang can attack and stun him.This... Although the probability of being stunned is 0? ? ?Fortunately, the effect of the breakthrough is still there!As long as he can teleport to the opponent's side at once, brother can kill him with one blow!
Now that Sun Huoyu hadn't finished this step, Wang Shuang's figure suddenly disappeared, and then appeared in front of him like a ghost. Sun Huoyu subconsciously raised his hand to block Wang Shuang's attack. It worked!
But at this moment, a huge force burst out from Wang Shuang's weapon, shaking Sun Huoyu's whole body, and the blood bar on his head fell to the bottom.

Wang Shuang launched the hidden skill "Thunder Force" learned from his mentor, with a normal attack of 85? ? ?Triggered, causing a damage equivalent to a normal skill after being triggered.This is so powerful, it is equivalent to every time Wang Shuang performs a normal attack, he can release a skill without mana consumption and cooling time, and this skill also mixes physical and magic damage!

"-6915!" This is the damage caused by Wang Shuang's normal attack after being blocked.

"-7682!" This is the mixed damage caused after the power of thunder is triggered.

Cooperate with Wang Shuang 320? ? ?The effect of damage is too strong after the addition.And because half of this skill is physical damage and half is magic damage, the critical strike probability is taken according to the higher part of the two, so it also caused a critical strike.

After a normal attack, the two damages completely took away the entire vitality of the opponent, and Sun Huoyu's whole body shook wildly. Even if he changed his job, he couldn't stop Wang Shuang's blow at all.His occupation is not red, but just a cyan grade. He was easily taken away by Wang Shuang's two normal attacks.

"Hold the grass, he killed the guild leader!" At this time, the players of the opposing guild beside Wang Shuang also reacted.

"Wow, it's so strong. Are we going to repeat the mistakes of the Muyu Guild, where Wang Shuang singled out the entire guild?"

"Idiot, we only have more than 100 people here, at most one-tenth of a guild will fight him!"

The scene was chaotic, and the BOSS just started to go berserk at this time, a large AOE swept away several players in the front row.A gap suddenly appeared in the shield wall of the players in the front row.

The rhinoceros boss seemed to have spotted the gap, rushed out with a roar, and began to wreak havoc in the team of long-range players.At the same time, the skill "serial trampling" was activated, and four or five huge pits immediately appeared around them when they stepped down. At least one-third of the long-range fire players had no time to escape, and they were trampled into flesh and returned to life.

"Crash crash, let's go!" Someone shouted in the guild channel. When the remaining players saw the news, they put away their weapons and retreated towards the edge of the forest.

Seeing this scene, Wang Shuang was speechless for a long time. He really wanted to go up to pull someone, pointed to the blood on his head and said to him, "Brother, there is only so much blood left on my head, I don't want to take this opportunity to kill me. And become famous overnight?"

But Wang Shuang didn't even have the chance to do so now.The players around them scattered in an instant, running faster than rabbits, and quickly evacuated from the scene.

Looking at the BOSS whose health bar was soaring red and in a runaway state, Wang Shuang sighed. It seemed that he could only pin his hopes on the BOSS.Brother Rhinoceros, you must work hard and send me back to Saiyan City!

Because Wang Shuang was the only player nearby, the Rhino Boss rushed up and stomped on Wang Shuang, but the damage was pitifully low.Doesn't it look like a second-order monster?Wang Shuang couldn't help feeling a pain in his ass, but fortunately he didn't have much blood left now, as long as the rhino stomped on him a few more times, he would die.

But at this moment, Wang Shuang slowly realized that something was wrong.That's right, the rhino's attack speed is obviously getting faster and faster, and its attacks are becoming more and more manic, like a crazy mental patient, desperate to destroy everything!
Although this is a good sign, but... Wang Shuang silently looked up at the opponent's health bar.When it was just approaching, the rhino boss had 15 left? ? ?His blood, but now there are only 5 left? ? ?Arrived.

what happened?Brother with thorn equipment?

As we all know, the characteristics attached to the front of the equipment can enhance the value of the equipment.And the equipment with the thorns prefix has the effect of reflecting damage.It's just that Wang Shuang scanned his equipment now, and found that he didn't have any equipment with thorns, so why is the boss losing blood?

In desperation, Wang Shuang began to check the attributes of the boss.

——Rhino Horn King (Purple-LV49 leader-level creature): HP 580000, physical attack 2400, physical defense 1300, physical resistance 20? ? ?Capabilities: normal attack, dominance, charge, trample, serial trample, near-death acceleration, near-death rage, near-death rage.

——Near-death rage: After the skill "Near-death rage" is triggered, the self starts to lose the maximum blood limit of 0.5 per second? ? ?Blood, and at the same time immune to other damage to itself.The effect of this skill disappears until you leave the combat state.

Fuck, it's all right, Wang Shuang was shocked, the movement speed of this boss doesn't seem to be much slower than Wang Shuang, and it's probably not that fast to get rid of him if he runs around.And if you leave the combat state, the boss will start to recover blood quickly.But not only the BOSS, but also my brother will start to recover blood quickly. The rhino's physical attack is so low. If I wait until my blood is fully recovered, when will I be able to trample him to death?

But maybe he died first?Wang Shuang looked at the blood streaks on his head that were about to fade away, and the blood streaks on Rhino Horn King's body that were also about to disappear, and couldn't help but sweat.

"Oh, come on, boss, come on, boss, kill me and eat meat!" Wang Shuang began to cheer for the rhino horn king, and even he himself felt that this move was extremely stupid.

There were three more, two, one—just before the Rhino Horn King could crush Wang Shuang to death with his last foot, it suddenly raised its head high, raised its head to the sky and howled, and its body began to burn hotly, slowly Turned into ashes, leaving only a huge skeleton and a few pieces of equipment.No one picked up the equipment dropped by several players of the Sun Guild just now after being killed in seconds. The equipment all over the place shone with various colors on the grass in the forest.

Wang Shuang stood in the middle of the mess, with an almost empty blood tank on his head, and beside him was a skeleton that was much taller than him.Lost in thought.


Wang Shuang went to the Sun Guild, trying to use the opponent's hand to kill himself, but failed; then using the BOSS' hand, it also failed!Wang Shuang couldn't help but feel depressed. Before, it was difficult not to die, but now why does my brother take the initiative to ask for death, but it becomes more difficult?Can this game really be played?
In the end, Wang Shuang chose to spend more than an hour climbing the mountain, jumped off the cliff, successfully smashed himself into a meatloaf, and emptied the blood tank at the same time.


System record: You were killed by the ground, and the fall (100???) caused damage of 18032! The effect of your equipment Nick Medal was triggered, and you have no loss for this death.

Oh yeah, it looks like 80? ? ?The probability is that even if my brother is extremely unlucky, it will still be triggered!Soon Wang Shuang's eyes lit up, and he was reborn in the church in Saiyan City.

Bounty Island, brother is coming!
But before Wang Shuang walked out of the church, he was recognized by a sharp-eyed player: "Fuck, Wang Shuang, isn't he on the side of the elf players?"

"Hold the grass, this is the church. Could it be that there is a master from the elves who killed Wang Shuang?"

"But he doesn't seem to have lost any of his equipment?"

"The latest news, the latest news, an hour ago, the Sun Guild of the elves ran into Wang Shuang when they were killing the boss in the wild. Destroyed more than 100 members of the Sun Guild, and killed the BOSS. Then Wang Shuang dropped all the equipment and left... I'll wipe it, Wang Shuang! My God, Wang Shuang is right in front of me..."

"..." Even Wang Shuang was a little speechless, what the hell was going on.

Seeing more and more players around, Wang Shuang couldn't help but feel his scalp tingle. Many people rushed forward to ask Wang Shuang questions, but Wang Shuang just waved at them lightly, and immediately used the skill Dark Lurking.

Looking at the disappointed eyes of several players around him, Wang Shuang couldn't help but sighed, why didn't he want to accept this moment of incomparable beauty, but the situation on Bounty Island really made people care!
I don't have time to spend with you now.Thinking about it, Wang Shuang leaned against the wall and left from the exit of the church, then rushed all the way to the pier of Saiyan City, intending to go to Bounty Island immediately to check the current situation.

By the way, since we want to check the situation, we might as well ask how the situation is going.

Wang Shuang opened the friend list and glanced at it. Seeing that all his friends were online, he searched and found the message box of Luoxueqianli, and sent a message: "What's the situation on Bounty Island now?"

After waiting for a while, the other party's status is in battle, and it is estimated that the battle is still going on.Wang Shuang boarded his Dragon Tooth Boat and asked Li Er to drive the boat.With a slight shake, the Dragon Tooth Boat set off in the direction of Bounty Island riding the wind and waves.

At this time, there was a strong wind on the sea, and the huge sea breeze blew up the sails of the Dragon Tooth Boat, and at the same time, the direction of the water flow happened to be along the water!Wang Shuang stood on the side of the boat, looked at the direction of the water and smiled slightly, so it seems that my brother should still be able to catch up!
At this time, there was a sudden ding, and Wang Shuang quickly checked his message records, and saw Luoxue Qianli replied to him: "The situation is very bad, we have already started cooperation with the Longteng Guild."

"Huh?" Wang Shuang read the news and almost fell off the side of the boat into the sea.

(End of this chapter)

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