It's time to play online

Chapter 215 The Insanely Strong Boss

Chapter 215 The Insanely Strong Boss
When Wang Shuang finally wiped out all the runaway rhinos around him, the experience bar had already soared to 98? ? ? , if you kill the big guy in front of you, you will probably be able to upgrade!
Wang Shuang walked forward a few steps. At this time, he was close to the top of the mountain. The top of the mountain was a small flat land with no trees or other creatures. There was only a big guy and a sharp boulder growing from the ground.Wang Shuang climbed to the top of the mountain and tiptoed to the big guy.

Steel-like skin, eyes like copper bells, raised soles of feet, could even crush Wang Shuang into meatloaf!

This is the BOSS, this is the first BOSS that Wang Shuang met in Tianpo Mountain, and he is also the king among the group of rhinos just now.

——Rampaging Rhino King [Extreme Rage][Strong Body II][Boiling] (Black-LV54 leader-level creature): Vitality 2000000, physical attack 5300, physical defense 2400, physical resistance 20? ? ?Magic attack 4300, magic defense 2800, magic resistance 20? ? ?Capabilities: normal attack, domineering body, group strategy, brutal charge, headbutt, extreme riot aura.

——Group strategy: When the number of players participating in the battle exceeds 5, each additional player will get an additional 5? ? ?sex bonus.

——Brutal Charge: After charging for one second, charge the target, dealing 850 140?Reasonable attack 50?Magic attack damage, and additional 3 seconds stun state.

——Head bump: Push an enemy in front of him up, dealing 600 205?The damage of the rational attack, if the target is stunned, it will cause an additional 50? ? ?And prolong the stun time by 2 seconds.

——Extreme riot aura: All friendly forces within a radius of 50 meters increase their physical attack by 25? ? ?Hit speed increased by 25? ? ?Physical defense and magic defense decreased by 20?


Damn it, it's not a big deal to have a skill enhanced, but the physical attack of the god TM5300 is only nearly 200 for labor and capital now!This is simply not giving others a way to survive, and there is still 2000W of blood, and the attributes that are not considered high are physical defense and magic defense, only more than 800.Brother, if there is no critical strike, it is estimated that one knife will cause about [-] points of damage, what a fart!
Wang Shuang suddenly realized that something was wrong. After thinking about it carefully, he quickly realized: Damn it, brother's current recovery potion can't last that long. This boss can step on both brothers with one foot. Three thousand qi and blood only need 6-8 feet, and my brother will be trampled into flesh by it, not to mention that he still has skills. If a set of skills is used in a row, if all hits, at least about 15000 will be lost. blood!

Brother is under a lot of pressure!Is this boss really for brother?For a moment, Wang Shuang couldn't help feeling a deep sense of despair.

If, only if.If Wang Shuang and everyone in the Longteng guild fight together, maybe there is still a chance.It's just that Wang Shuang immediately shook his head as soon as he thought this way. Apart from Longteng Liuguang, he and the Longteng Guild probably have no chance to cooperate.


In the wooden building on the mountainside of Tianpo Mountain, everyone in the Longteng Guild was also quite desperate.

This is the third time their group has been wiped out. The rebellious and twisted tree spirit king is simply much stronger than ordinary tree spirits. The reason why they have tried many times is because everyone in the Longteng Guild always sees a glimmer of hope.It's just that this glimmer of hope is usually snuffed out in the last few minutes.

The first is the attribute data of the twisted and twisted Treant King:
——The Reversed and Twisted Treant King [Blood Soul King Kong] [Strong Body] [Magic Gang II] [Group Strategy 5] (Black-LV51 leader-level creature): blood 1850000, physical attack 3800, physical defense 4600, physical Resistance 37? ? ?Magic attack 3900, magic defense 5400, magic resistance 37? ? ?Functions: normal attack, overlord body, group strategy, natural entanglement, poisonous invasion, vine whipping, devouring and absorbing.

——Group strategy: When the number of players participating in the battle exceeds 5, each additional player will get an additional 5? ? ?sex bonus.Current full attribute bonus: 25?

——Natural Entanglement: Use plant roots to entangle all enemies in the target area, causing 350 100?Reasonable attack 100?Damage from magic attacks, and an additional 3 seconds of entanglement. At the same time, in the entanglement state, all targets lose 3? ? ?Qi and blood, and replenish half of the damage to itself.

——Toxic Invasion: During a normal attack, each attack will add a poisoned state to the target, losing 3 HP every 150 seconds, and 10? ? ?Paralyzed for 1 second and interrupts attacks.

——Vine Slash: Swing an enemy with a vine, causing 2200 70?Manage the damage of the attack, and add the effect of poisonous invasion.

—— Devouring and absorbing: Whenever an adventurer or monster dies on the first floor, it will restore 15 of its own maximum blood? ? ?blood value.

The following are additional supplementary settings for attributes:

Blood King Kong: On the basis of [King Kong] attributes, an additional 30? ? ?Defense bonus.

Demon Gang 30: On the basis of [Magic Gang] attributes, an additional [-]? ? ?Defense bonus.


The ridiculously high physical defense and magic defense are nothing. The priests and mages of the Longteng Guild have a lot of ways. They concentrate all the blessing effects on a main long-range output, and then let the long-range crazily shoot the boss. The skill of deducting blood proportionally can cause tons of damage to the boss.

Although the great wish is beautiful, the fact before them is that the healing and recovery potions can't keep up with the boss's output ability, and the soldiers in the front row often lose their blood bars after only a few minutes.And once one person in the front row is killed, the pressure on the other front rows will increase a lot. After one person is killed at the same time, the boss will recover 15? ? ? !This is completely unacceptable blow to them.

Every time before the group is destroyed, there are less than 20 bosses left? ? ?Blood, after angrily killing a few people, suddenly rose all the way to 70? ? ? 90? ? ?The few members of the Teng Guild were obviously quite irritable.

It's just a little short of riding a horse!
After being repeatedly crushed by the BOSS, Long Teng Qianqiu was speechless. Every time they summed up the reasons for their failure in great detail, and then went in with hope to challenge the BOSS again, but in exchange they were still defeated by the BOSS group. Destroy!Why, obviously the physical output is enough, the magic output is also enough, and the treatment and front row are also top-notch...

Is there something they don't know?Long Teng Qianqiu thought for a while, and suddenly remembered that Wang Shuang hadn't been seen the few times they came out.

"Wang Shuang, did any of you see it?" Long Teng Qianqiu raised his head and asked.

"I don't know, I guess I have nowhere to go, so I'm offline." Long Teng Fufeng shrugged.Now the shimmering mist began to permeate again, and there was no way to see that it had ever thinned.

"That's right, we have reserved all the places for leveling, so he will go offline if he has nowhere to go." Long Teng Qianqiu nodded.

At this time, Long Teng Shadow suddenly thought of something, and clapped his hands: "Wait, could this be the intention of the Lost One?"

"What's the intention?" Long Teng Qianqiu turned to look at him.

"I mean, the appearance of Wang Shuang, could it be the intention of the Lost Ones? Because the few of us are so close to killing the boss anyway, even if we use the system to give us a full team every half an hour." The blood chance is still a little bit worse, if you add Wang Shuang, will it be better?"

"This..." Long Teng Qianqiu couldn't help being stunned, he thought for a while, and frowned.

"No, no, I think our strength is still insufficient." The strongest mage in the second group, Longteng Dharma God said at this time: "This has nothing to do with Wang Shuang. On the way here, Wang Shuang looked more confused than the lost ones." , I looked around for a long time after seeing him coming up. The appearance of Wang Shuang may be just a variable."

"Then why are we only a little short each time?" Long Teng Yingying frowned.

Long Teng Qianqiu sighed, and raised his hand to stop other people from arguing: "It's useless for us to continue guessing, why don't you let me ask the lost."

"Lost one? He doesn't even know who he is, how could he know anything else?"

"No, no, there are some things that you have to try to know. Besides, he brought us here, so he must know more than us." Long Teng Qianqiu stopped other people from making a sound, and walked alone In front of Liu Hecheng, the Lost Man, looking into the confused eyes of the other party, Long Teng Qianqiu asked softly: "Hello, senior, I want to ask, why do we almost eliminate the first floor boss in that wooden building every time?" ?”

"King Dryad?" asked the Lost Man.

"That's right." Long Teng Qianqiu seemed a little excited when he heard that the lost man knew about it.

Hearing this, the lost man lazily said: "It's easy to deal with that guy. With your current strength, if you think about it, there won't be any problem."

"But we didn't kill it three times in a row, but we were wiped out by it three times!" Long Teng Qianqiu said urgently.

"That's why you didn't pick the blood dragon fruit?" the lost man asked.

"Blood Dragon Fruit?" Not only Long Teng Qianqiu was shocked, but the others were also stunned. There really was something they didn't know.This sounds like a fruit or something. Could it be possible to temporarily increase attributes?
"Excuse me, what is the effect...?" Long Teng Qianqiu hurriedly asked after recovering.

"Give back blood to yourself in proportion, and at the same time temporarily increase your own attributes in the next few minutes." The Lost said lightly.

"Damn it, restore blood, and add attributes!" The second team of the Longteng Guild boiled all of a sudden, and suddenly realized: "It turns out that the key to breaking the game is here!"

"If you want to pick blood dragon fruit, you need to go to the nearby forest to look for it." Seeing the passionate appearance of the Dragon Teng Guild, the lost person kindly reminded again: "Oh, by the way, once the blood dragon fruit is picked, the next growth cycle will be short." It is very long, and you may not be able to wait."

"Let's go immediately, go to the forest to find the blood dragon fruit!" But how could Long Teng Qianqiu be in the mood to listen to his last words at this time?He immediately gave the order to rush to the forest with the members of the second team.

The ten people immediately dispersed and shuttled through the small forest.A few minutes later, they searched the entire forest inside and out, but they couldn't find the blood dragon fruit.

"What's going on, why isn't there any?" Long Teng's shadow was quite restless when they gathered at the entrance of the forest.

The master of the system gave them hope again this time, and then destroyed it with his own hands again!The expressions of the others were also quite gloomy.Dharma God Longteng suddenly thought of something, and asked, "Could it be that this blood dragon fruit doesn't grow on a tree, but grows in the ground?"

(End of this chapter)

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