It's time to play online

Chapter 216 Krowa's Trial Diary

Chapter 216 Krowa's Trial Diary
Whether it was digging three feet into the ground, or turning around the forest on both sides, everyone in the Longteng Guild found nothing.

"Could it be..." Long Teng Yingying thought of another possibility at this time: "Will Grass Grass be picked by that guy Wang Shuang?"

"That's right, that guy Wang Shuang has been hanging around outside. Maybe the NPC reminded him, and then he picked all the fruits, and because we were fighting monsters inside, he went offline."

After meeting with several people, Long Teng Qianqiu nodded after listening to their thoughts: "It's very likely that's the case."

"Then what should we do?" The others were dumbfounded.

"Then we have to find another way." Long Teng Qianqiu pondered, and couldn't help sighing: "Let's just give up on that BOSS!"

"Give up the boss?" The others couldn't help but screamed.

"Of course, we won't give up in the end, but we won't fight him for the time being. The wooden building has seven floors in total. When we reach the stairs, we will clear all the mobs on all floors, and then come back to kill the boss. At that time Even if all the mobs are killed, even if nothing is lost, we probably have raised a lot of levels, so we can be sure about dealing with the boss at that time."

"What the captain said is true." Long Teng Fashen suddenly realized: "Each death loses 20 of the level???, we can't waste our experience anymore, it's better to go up and clear the mobs slowly, the monsters in this wooden building What a great experience!"

"That's right, and the higher you go, the higher the experience rewards of the little monsters. I think that after we kill all the monsters on each floor, we can be 3-5 levels higher than now! Our whole team is 3-5 levels higher. Isn't it easy to come back and fight this BOSS after leveling?"

"That's right, what do you want Wang Shuang to do! He is the enemy of our guild. If that kind of garbage dares to provoke us, he will kill him every time he sees him. him!"

"Go, go up and continue killing monsters!"

A few people returned to the wooden building, and glanced at the dryad waving the rattan frantically. The dragon stood in front of them, and let the people behind him quickly go up the stairs. Afterwards, he also came up, and was healed twice by the priest. Also full of blood.

When they came to the second floor, they saw a group of wet murlocs as soon as they came up. Their light bulb-sized eyeballs protruded weirdly from their sockets.After Long Teng Qianqiu came up, he looked around. The ground here was slightly water-stained, and there were many more plants growing on the surrounding walls.

"Because there is enough water..." At this time, several murlocs also rushed forward. Long Teng Qianqiu snorted coldly and waved his hands. The person made a powerful collision.


Compared with Longteng Guild who quickly found a solution, Wang Shuang had no countermeasures.

It must be dead if you hit it hard, and there is no place around here where you can get stuck. After hesitating for a while, Wang Shuang chose to return to the mountainside.

I don't know if those guys from the Dragon Soaring Guild are offline now?Thinking of this, Wang Shuang became more active, and after thinking about it carefully, he realized that this was impossible.Even if all the members of Longteng Guild are asleep, they still have power leveling and takeover players. Others can take over their accounts and continue to fight monsters while they are sleeping.

But when Wang Shuang was walking back, he found that there was a lot of fog on the path leading to the wooden building on the mountainside.

Wang Shuang suddenly felt something bad in his heart. He walked up and down the mountain, walked through the fog for a few minutes, and quickly cleared the fog, and the path in front of him still led to the top of the mountain.

Brother is trapped here on the top of the mountain!Wang Shuang said in his heart, what the hell, is it possible that these fogs will only be resolved at a fixed time in a day?So how long do you have to wait?When did the mist open yesterday?Around seven or eight in the evening!That is, the game time is about dusk.It's 11:[-] p.m., do you want my brother to stay on the mountain all day until seven or eight o'clock tomorrow night?
In other words, it is calculated according to the game time, that is, the tomorrow evening of the game time, but that would still take about half a day!
For a while, Wang Shuang fell into a deep egg pain.

But when Wang Shuang was distressed, he suddenly found that the scene around him seemed to be different from before he went down the mountain.Looking around, Wang Shuang found that this was not the path he had taken before walking into the mist.

what happened!Wang Shuang climbed up the mountain along the path in horror, and after about 10 minutes, the path came to an end.

This path does not lead to the top of the mountain, but to a small valley in the upper half of Tianpo Mountain.After Wang Shuang walked into the valley, he found a camp that was no longer populated.


System prompt: You have found the hidden map Dortweedo Valley, and your skill Green Pathfinding has accumulated 30 experience points.

It turns out that this place is really a hidden map!
In the center of the camp was a pile of charcoal that hadn't completely burned, which turned dark black and formed a quiet circle.There are five temporary tents near the camp, with several boxes outside. At the door of one tent, there is even a roast suckling pig tied to a wire.

Could this be the legendary treasure-hiding place?Excited, Wang Shuang rushed up, glanced at the roast suckling pig who didn't know how long, first found a box outside the tent and opened it.


System prompt: You explored the gold coin box, and you got 829 gold coins.

Fuck, there are so many gold coins in one box, so cool!Wang Shuang couldn't help but rummaged through all the boxes around him.


System prompt: You explored the gold coin box and got 653 gold coins.

System prompt: You have explored the equipment box and obtained the equipment "Humble Millie".

System prompt: You have explored the item box and obtained the "Blood Howl Order".

System prompt: You have explored the item box and obtained the "Solota's Treasure Box Key"


After rummaging through all the boxes and finding some useful and useless things, Wang Shuang stuffed his backpack.Fortunately, when he was in Kuano City, Wang Shuang emptied out the useless Tier 2 white equipment in his backpack.At this time, Wang Shuang took out the sword equipment he had just obtained, and glanced at it. They were all Tier 2 equipment, and the grade was not low, even purple grade!
Although it is purple-grade Tier 2 equipment, its attributes are still not as good as Wang Shuang's red and orange equipment.Wang Shuang also threw it into the backpack after reading it.Now that we're done exploring outside the tent, it's time to explore inside the tent.

When Wang Shuang walked into the first tent, the air inside was still very fresh, and there was no pile of dust falling from the tent as Wang Shuang imagined.It doesn't look like there's a long history here.Wang Shuang searched in the tent, and soon found a book with the cover still in good condition.


System prompt: You have obtained "Krowa's Trial Diary".

Crova's Trial Diary!What Wang Shuang cares most about is not the name of this prop, but that this book can be opened, and every word on it is clearly visible, as if there is any particularly important plot!
Could it be that the five tents here all have similar diaries?Wang Shuang pondered for a while, and suddenly thought of the lost man below. There was no one in this camp, but it didn't seem like much time had passed, so where did all the NPCs here go?Even if he died, there should be a body.

But along the way, Wang Shuang didn't see anyone's body.

Perhaps the content of this diary is related to the identity of the lost person?Could it be that the diary is used to help him retrieve his memory again?
Wang Shuang felt that his guess was well-founded. He licked his fingers and pinched the cover of the book, and began to turn the pages to read.

Monday, sunny.Mood: Calm.

Today is the one-year anniversary of the meeting between Verla and I. I walked on the streets of Kuoye City, thinking about what to give him all day, but in the end I just bought a windmill made of wood. He will use it when he gets the windmill. He twirled the blades of the windmill with his fingers and smiled happily.I don't know why such a powerful guy would encounter such a pitiful thing.

A guy with great power?Suffering from misfortune?Although Wang Shuang had already guessed that it was Verla who possessed great power, the diary on this page did not detail what power he possessed and what pitiful things he had encountered.

Look down to probably get the answer.Wang Shuang raised his hand to pinch the next page, and gently lifted the page.

Tuesday, sunny.feeling bad.

Vera was punished again. We all comforted him after he came back, but he didn't seem to care much.I think the leader's behavior is indeed a bit too much, but unfortunately, after talking about asking the leader for an explanation, everyone shut up one after another.Are you afraid of accepting the same punishment?I couldn't help but feel a burst of anger and sadness.Overall, it's been a really bad day.

Wednesday, rain.Mood: happy.

It's raining today, but the leader still didn't intend to let us rest. He asked us to come to Tianpo Mountain for a trial. I'm very happy, because we can finally not have to meet the annoying leader.After going up to Tianpo Mountain, we found that the monsters here are really strong at first, but as expected of Vera, we immediately saw through the weakness of these monsters when attacking. Under the guidance of Vera, we easily withstood the monsters Onslaught, broke through the wooden building and got what we wanted.

Nani, weakness?Wang Shuang was slightly taken aback, but before he could think, a system bell rang in his ear.


System prompt: Obtain "Sivir's Guidance Certificate". After equipping this certificate, you will get 20? ? ?Defense and 20? ? ?Defense bonus.

Fuck, there is such a good thing!Wang Shuang saw that this page of the diary suddenly became light and light, and the paper full of words slowly fell in the middle of the page.When Wang Shuang picked it up, it quickly shrunk into a ball again, turning into a square certificate.

That's amazing, with this proof, maybe I can beat that runaway Rhino King!

(End of this chapter)

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