It's time to play online

Chapter 218 Popular Enchantment

Chapter 218 Popular Enchantment

——Blood Roar Order: After using it, make yourself a target, and summon countless level 32 brutal bears to besiege the surrounding area. The number of summons depends on the terrain.

Sure enough, after the order was given, Wang Shuang and Li Muxuan were immediately engulfed by the Xiongshan Xionghai.The runaway Rhino King who just stood up in shock didn't seem to have figured out what was going on. As soon as he lifted his foot, he found that there were countless more brutal bears around him.

The runaway rhinoceros king trampled to death a ferocious bear immediately after landing. Seeing this scene, Wang Shuang's heart suddenly began to fluctuate.

Will brother play off?No way, anyway, if this tactic of using brutal bears to block positions fails, I can still succeed through conventional tactics, but the cost is a bit higher.Wang Shuang waved his hand, Li Muxuan drew the bowstring, and shot an arrow at the head of the runaway Rhinoceros King.A gleam of light flashed across her eyes, like a shooting star flashing across the night sky, and her finger movements were light and skillful, and she threw two arrows in a row again!
Because now Li Muxuan's attack has a penetrating effect, as long as the damage on the bow and arrow is not exhausted, it will keep flying forward until it reaches the maximum range or the damage is exhausted.Naturally, Wang Shuang didn't want all of Li Muxuan's firepower to be absorbed by the brutal bears on the road, so he asked Li Muxuan to raise the bow and arrow to throw.

All three arrows flew smoothly and reached the head of the rampaging rhinoceros king. All three arrows pierced through the superficial skin and penetrated deeply into the rampaging rhinoceros king's body.The runaway Rhino King let out a shrill scream, and his body kept shaking.

There is a show!Wang Shuang saw that although it was angry and distressed by Li Muxuan's attack, it was still trapped by the surrounding Xiongshan Xionghai, and couldn't walk in front of Wang Shuang for a while.Can it really be stuck in this way until it is directly killed?

By the way, it also has the skills of savage charge and head-butt, do you know if it can be used?
Wang Shuang watched nervously as Li Muxuan's second attack landed on the head of the Raging Rhino King, who continued to scream and get angry... It's okay, it's completely okay!Is this the arrangement of the system?Haha, wahahahaha!It seems that even without the help of those guys from the Dragon Soaring Guild, I can still kill this runaway Rhino King!
This proved that brother's previous guess was completely wrong, and it was true, how could the master of the system arrange pig teammates like Longteng Guild for him!

70? ? ?The Rhino King kept screaming, but there was nothing he could do about Wang Shuang and Li Muxuan.At the same time, a group of ferocious bears waved their paws furiously and attacked Wang Shuang and Li Muxuan, but because they were only level 32 monsters, even the combined attack of several ferocious bears could not break through Wang Shuang's defense at all.

40? ? ?The Rhino King continued to scream.

20? ? ?It seems that the rhino king can't move...

0? ? ?The rhinoceros king roared like a flash of light at the end, and the sky responded with a rumbling sound.Then it fell slowly, and the fallen corpse crushed a brutal bear to death.

Wang Shuang saw the shadow of purple-grade equipment on the dead runaway Rhino King. It seems that there is also a skill book and a strange prop...Made, I am so lucky to be able to kill this guy. Let’s talk about the two proofs of Vera It didn't work at all either!
It doesn't matter if it's useless, as long as you can kill this guy.Why do you want to kill it?Nonsense, kill monsters and get equipment to collect experience, players kill monsters and kill bosses, no reason is needed!
At this time, there was also a golden ring spreading around Wang Shuang's feet, and he had risen to level 52 at this moment.

Looking back at Li Muxuan, it may be because the experience points are shared equally with the pet, and the other party is still at level 51.

If I didn't bring any followers, maybe that level No. 1 is my brother's, right?I didn't expect that I would hit No.50 at level 1 unknowingly, but it's a pity that I missed this opportunity.

Fuck, no, if I have no followers, how can I kill this boss?Not to mention the BOSS, many monsters on the road came here by relying on Li Muxuan's powerful long-distance output ability and skills. Without Li Muxuan, Wang Shuang's upgrade speed may not advance but retreat.

The next step is to deal with a group of brutal bears.The overwhelming brutal bears, Wang Shuang drew his dagger at them and slammed at them, and the power of thunder was triggered. Amidst the flashes and roars of thunder, the brutal bears were as fragile as pieces of paper, and they fell one by one under Wang Shuang's hands. As for Li Muxuan, three times With continuous shooting, all the brutal bears in the three straight directions in front of them will all fall down.

With Li Muxuan's efficient output, it's not a problem to have more brutal bears in large groups.About half an hour later, the top of the mountain, which was still bustling just now, became deserted again.However, the difference from just now is that there are now more brutal bear corpses on the top of the mountain, and all kinds of equipment are shining on the ground.

It's already 12:30 in the morning, and Wang Shuang's innate ability to run from time to time ended half an hour ago, but the equipment on the ground is still accumulated like the hill.This is not the first time I saw the cruel bear Wang Shuang. When Wang Shuang first awakened the talent of time to turn, the first purple outfit that Wang Shuang brushed was made by the brutal bear.But today is not what it used to be. Wang Shuang has long since looked down on these red sandalwood suits, even putting them in a backpack is too troublesome.

"Stupid adventurer, can my master train skinning skills?" Just as Wang Shuang turned his head to see what the runaway Rhino King had dropped, to his surprise Li Er stopped him.

"Skinning?" If Li Er didn't remind, Wang Shuang would have almost forgotten this skill. At this time, there were brutal bear corpses around, and Wang Shuang couldn't help asking: "Can you peel it off? She seemed to tell me that she didn't peel it last time." I also forgot to buy a knife or something."

"It doesn't matter, just pick up a small knife here and you can skin it." Li Er said, "What's more, if I, an orange-level skinning master, personally teach me, it must be much faster than ordinary people to learn skinning."

"Fine, you can do whatever you want." Anyway, there are more materials like light leather, Wang Shuang can't use it, and can't sell it for a little money, but at least Li Muxuan didn't let Li Muxuan idle, do something to practice Skill proficiency is also good.

Wang Shuang stepped forward, opened the corpse of the runaway Rhino King, and saw a few items below. Wang Shuang picked up the equipment and checked the attributes of the equipment first.

——Revived Magnificent Necklace (Tier 2 Purple Item): Parts of the magnificent set, physical attack 132, physical defense 73, strength 33, agility 32, constitution 24.Additional feature "Recovery": After you use a skill every time, the next normal attack will come with this equipment 20? ? ?addition.Precondition: Second transfer.Required level: level 50.

It's a good piece of equipment, but it's a pity that the necklace hanging on Wang Shuang's neck is a red weapon, and its attributes are better than this second-order purple weapon.Wang Shuang put this necklace in his backpack. Although it will not be used temporarily, it can still be used by others in the future, such as the snow falling thousands of miles.

The next thing was a skill book. Wang Shuang took out the skill book. Unexpectedly, it was a skill book of life skills.

——Purple-level Magic Introductory Manual: After using it, you can learn the life skill "Purple-level Magic".

Magic?Wang Shuang doesn't intend to continue to learn these life skills now, not to mention the pain of idleness, and waste of brother's time and affection.However, Wang Shuang is still a little interested in this magic. After looking it up in Starwish Encyclopedia, he found that the life skill of magic is quite interesting.

First of all, the life skill of enchantment is prepared for combat players.Enchanting is mainly divided into two directions: enchanting and exorcising.Enchanting, as the name suggests, adds magic to the equipment, that is, adding characteristics in front of the equipment.Because of Wang Shuang's talents, the equipment that he drops when he kills monsters is always the best. Because the drop probability of enchanted equipment is small, so on Wang Shuang's side, it becomes a high probability, and it drops every day. Enchanted equipped.

However, even if it is the same equipment, there are good and bad points after enchanting.Although some enchantments are not considered rubbish, they are useless to some people.If the original equipment is called "Baimo Scimitar", two people who can enchant magic come to enchant it, one enchanting "fighting will" and the other enchanting "brightness", it is completely different.

The effect of the fighting spirit is: the equipment will add a certain amount of physical attack, and the specific additional value depends on the quality of the equipment and the level of magic.

The brilliant effect is: the equipment will give the wearer an additional magic recovery speed, and the specific recovery speed depends on the quality of the equipment and the level of enchantment.

If there is a choice between the "Baimo Scimitar of Fighting Intent" and "Brilliant Baimo Scimitar", Wang Shuang will definitely choose "Baimo Scimitar of Fighting Intent".Because the mana recovery speed is completely useless to Wang Shuang!He doesn't lack magic, so why do he need magic recovery speed?It's better to add a little more physical attack!
And the second direction of enchantment, "elimination of demons", is to remove the original characteristics of the equipment on the basis of the equipment has been enchanted.The attributes of some equipment are very high-quality, but the effect of enchanting is very unsatisfactory. At this time, you can remove the demon and then enchant it.

This life skill can be said to have cut the hearts and minds of many people. In many cases, the equipment dropped by monsters either has strong attributes, but the attached characteristics are garbage, or weak attributes but rare characteristics.And magic can solve the troubles of such players, so the life skill of magic is more popular with players than other life skills such as fishing, sailing, etc.

But welcome to welcome, but I don't have time to practice, and my followers don't seem to have time to practice this.Sure enough, I still need to find someone else to practice.

By the way, Luo Xueqianli has established a guild now, so there should be a lot of people in her guild who have used it. I find someone to learn enchanting, and then let her wash the enchanting effect of the equipment on my brother. It shouldn't be difficult!

(End of this chapter)

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