It's time to play online

Chapter 219 The Second Trial Scene

Chapter 219 The Second Trial Scene

Wang Shuang was actually not very satisfied with the enchanting effect of his equipment.Because Wang Shuang's current strength lies in the triple crit, so his strengthening direction should be to enhance his own survivability, adding physical, magical defense, and increasing the upper limit of vitality and blood are very good.Either enhance his physical or magical attacks.

As long as the physical and magic attack increases by 1 point, the final damage caused by Wang Shuang can increase by 3 points.In addition to Wang Shuang's time-changing talent, the normal attack can also trigger the skill "Thunder Force" and the skill "Bright Judgment" attached to the inheritance suit. The damage caused by these two skills will also be affected by Wang Shuang's physical and magical attacks. Enhanced power.

Output ability and survivability are the pursuit of almost all players, but these attributes are not simply added to some orange equipment.So Wang Shuang wanted to try to wash away all the special features of his equipment and replace them with enchantments such as blood coagulation.

But these are all things for later, go back and find Luo Xueqianli to ask someone from the guild, give him the introductory manual of purple-level magic, and then ask Luoxue Qianli to help train that guy, it will be no problem.Wang Shuang also threw the magic manual into his backpack.

Finally, a strange prop, what is this thing?Wang Shuang picked it up and saw a ball the size of a baby's fist, covered in purple light. The outside was covered with a layer of transparent material, and inside was a deep purple bead floating in the center.It looks so high end!
——The Fall of Purple Charm: After using it, you can open the second trial scene of Tianpo Mountain, the abandoned mine pit of Tianpo Mountain.

The second trial scene!So that wooden building is only the first layer?Wang Shuang walked forward for a certain distance, and sure enough, he saw a locked wooden door.Although the wooden door looks precarious and can be smashed through with a single knife, it is actually an absolute defense. If you don't have a specific key, even if your attack power exceeds [-] million, you won't be able to get in!
It turns out that this BOSS is just a gatekeeper monster!Wang Shuang suddenly realized it. It seemed that the Runaway Rhino King was just a gatekeeper, and the real meaning was still in the mine!
Without hesitation, Wang Shuang went to the front of the mine and used the bead in his hand. The light on the bead became brighter, and a stream of power leaked out from the small purple bead inside, pouring into the dilapidated wooden door like a river. Inside the lock.Then the door lock moved, and the two wooden doors slowly opened to both sides.

Just as Wang Shuang was about to rush in, he ran forward for a while but was pushed back.Nani, what's the matter?

System prompt: Your follower Li Muxuan is currently in the process of ordering to act alone. You must ensure that your followers and pets are in an idle state when transferring scenes!
Hearing this, Wang Shuang looked back, right? Li Muxuan and Li Er were still training skinning skills over there.Fuck baby, it's obviously more important to quickly pass this trial now, the players of the Dragon Soaring Guild behind don't know when they will find something wrong behind the mist, if they find out, they will definitely chase here!Brother has opened the door now, if you can go in 1 minute earlier, you have 1 minute more chance!
Wang Shuang didn't take much effort, and quickly convinced Li Muxuan. As for Li Er, although he expressed his dissatisfaction with Wang Shuang's actions, Wang Shuang ignored its protest at all, and took Li Muxuan back to his star with a wave of his hand. wish space.As for Li Er, because the owner was taken back, it naturally disappeared.

"Let's go." Wang Shuang turned his head and plunged into the entrance of the dungeon, swallowed by the darkness around him.

At the same time, the second group of the Dragon Soaring Guild finally broke through the fifth floor after being repeatedly ravaged by mobs on the fifth floor.

Now the second group of players in the Dragon Soaring Guild have all reached level 53, not to mention a lot of level up, and they have also harvested some second-level purple suit parts.After Long Teng Fufeng put it on, he found that the equipment dropped by these mobs also had a damage reduction effect, and the reduction rate was not small!

Of course, it only applies to the monsters in this wooden building, whether it is mobs or bosses, when attacking Long Teng Fufeng, the final damage will be reduced by 20?

This immediately made everyone in the Longteng guild cheer. They went back to the first floor and faced the dryad boss. At this time, everyone in the Longteng guild had no confusion before. Everyone knew very well that their healing speed and output The strength has already kept up with the beat of this boss, and they will definitely be able to push this boss down.

Facts also proved that everyone in the Longteng Guild was correct. After 25 minutes, the tree spirit boss fell slowly, revealing three pieces of equipment and a skill book.

"It's actually lost skills!" Long Teng Qianqiu went up to pick it up and looked at it, and was slightly taken aback, and it was a life skill.That's right, monsters don't drop combat skills. Generally, combat skills must be taught by mentors and obtained by completing tasks.

——Purple-level Magic Introductory Manual: After using it, you can learn the life skill "Purple-level Magic".

"It's actually possessing magic!" The Longteng Fashen next to him knew the goods, and suddenly exclaimed.Everyone turned their eyes to Longteng Dharma God, even Longteng Qianqiu couldn't help but put down the skill book in his hand at this time, and turned to look at him: "What's wrong with magic, isn't it sold in the shops in the town?"

"Yes, there is no place to sell them. General logging skills, navigation skills, and pathfinding skills are sold in grocery stores. Even if you don't have enough gold coins, you can go to the system store of Star Wish to buy them. But the life of strengthening player equipment such as magic Skills are not only available in stores, even the system store of Star Wish does not sell them, which leads to the fact that once the Purple Level Enchanted Magic Introductory Manual appears, it is often sold for a very high price in the auction house!"

"So that's how it is, magic..." Long Teng Qianqiu checked Starwish Encyclopedia for the first time, learned about the effects of magic, and couldn't help but nodded: "Indeed, if this kind of life skill is open for sale, it will be instantly It can attract a lot of people to buy, and the player's attribute level will change a lot after a week. For example, some players can only pile up physical defense, and they can bring a few skills that increase physical defense in proportion, then no one can fight Don't move him."

"That's right, that's it. It's actually possible to use enchanting features by the players themselves, and wash out unwanted features and replace them with new ones... This is really against the sky. If equipment with additional physical attacks is mass-produced, then our guild's The long-range strength will be greatly improved!"

"Okay, it has nothing to do with us whether he sells it or not. The important thing is that we have released this life skills book now!" Long Teng Qianqiu smiled happily: "The president will be very happy too, our guild is here After getting this skill book, it can finally be regarded as the real start of Dragon Soaring."

"Yes, yes, the time to lead other guilds in China is just around the corner!" The other members of the second group congratulated and flattered.

"Okay, to celebrate, let's go offline to rest and replenish our strength. Now go offline to sleep, and when the server reopens tomorrow morning, we will go online and continue to push the BOSS!"

"Understood!" Everyone came out of the wooden building, and when they were about to go offline for a rest, Long Teng's shadow suddenly grabbed Long Teng Qian Qiu and shook him: "Damn it, boss, look over there, look over there on the mountain road!"

Long Teng Qianqiu was taken aback, and subconsciously looked towards the mountain road, only to see that the mist that had been misty before had completely dissipated, revealing a clear path.

"Grass, so Wang Shuang is also on it?" Someone quickly responded.

"That's right, the rubbish must have gone up to kill the monsters and bosses after picking the blood dragon fruit. I said why I haven't seen Wang Shuang's shadow all day!" Long Teng's shadow echoed.

"Go off the assembly line first." Long Teng Qianqiu glanced at the misty mountain road lightly, and snorted coldly: "Come explore again tomorrow, shadow, you pay attention to the changing law of this fog tomorrow, after we flatten this wooden building, go up Get rid of Wang Shuang."

"Understood." Long Teng Ying nodded.

Several others went offline one after another.Long Teng Qianqiu frowned and looked at the path leading to the top of the mountain, and remained silent. He opened the system menu to check the time, sighed, and finally went offline to rest.

As for Wang Shuang?After entering, Wang Shuang saw a group of densely packed and strangely shaped monsters. Anyway, he planned to stay overnight until the server was closed tomorrow morning.Seeing so many monsters, in Wang Shuang's eyes, they are just a group of experience waiting for him to gain.He drew out his dagger, summoned Li Muxuan, jumped forward, and killed the monsters.

——Stone-eating Polycorn [Rage][Boiling] (Black-LV53): Vitality 280000, Physical Attack 3400, Physical Defense 2000, Physical Resistance 25? ? ?Magic attack 3800, magic defense 2800, magic resistance 40? ? ?Functions: normal attack, multi-angle strike, bombardment by avalanche, earth aura.

-Multi-horn strike: 50 45 per attack?The physical damage of the reasonable attack, causing a total of 7 damages, and ignoring the target 35 each time the damage is caused? ? ?defense.

—— Boulder Bombing: Summon boulders to bomb the target area, causing 600 50?Reasonable attack 75?AoE damage of magic attack, and has 20? ? ?Stuns the target.

——Aura of Imperial Earth: The movement speed of all targets around you is reduced by 20? ? ?Physical defense increased by 10? ? ?Magic defense increased by 10?


There's nothing to say, it's just a monster with decent attributes.Wang Shuang jumped between two rocks, and was quickly attacked by two rock-eating polyhedrons.Li Muxuan began to draw a bow and set an arrow in the distance, and Wang Shuang also drew a knife at the same time, leaving random tearing marks on the rock-eating polyhedron. At the same time, the sound of rocks collapsing began to echo in the mine. .

At four o'clock in the morning, Wang Shuang entered a fork in the mine, killed the final boss of the rock-eating polyhedron, picked up two pieces of equipment and a skill book as rewards, and escaped unscathed.Back at the fork in the road, looking at the other seven forks in the road, Wang Shuang suddenly felt a pain in the ass.If we don't fight for the time being, Wang Shuang, who has been killing monsters all night, decided to take a rest.

Walking out of the mine, the game time has already arrived in the morning, the morning sun, the crystal dew on the leaves, the hazy mist... I always feel that something is not right?
(End of this chapter)

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