It's time to play online

Chapter 224 Conquering Arrowdon

Chapter 224 Conquering Arrowdon

The first is about the attributes of the boss. After Wang Shuang slowly approached the boss, he was finally able to read the attributes of the boss.

——The Lord of the Demon Tower-Eroton Klaga [Rage][Boiling][Strength][Magic Gang][Group Strategy 5] (Purple-LV57 leader-level creature): blood 3200000, physical attack 6300, physical Defense 3400, physical resistance 45? ? ?Magic attack 6800, magic defense 4200, magic resistance 40? ? ?Abilities: normal attack, domineering body, group strategy, mental crushing, mind tremor, soul roar, mental shock, magic riot, decadent aura.

(There are too many skills, so it is not enough to make up the word count.)

The attribute of this boss is so strong that it cannot be added, even Wang Shuang felt faint after seeing it.The few bosses he fought before were all black-ranked, but now he met the purple-ranked ones, and his vitality broke through Wang Shuang's cognition limit again, reaching 300W.After seeing it, everyone in Longteng Guild was only slightly taken aback, and then began to attack the boss.

Wang Shuang found that all the boss's attacks fell on Long Teng Fufeng, who was in the front, and that Long Teng Fufeng didn't know what kind of medicine he had taken. The physical attack as high as 6000 fell on him, and it only caused about 1000 points of final damage. , this is still the state where he has not triggered the parry.Damn, Dragon Guild is so powerful now?Looking at the damage caused by others, Wang Shuang was even more surprised.

Although under the extremely high attribute bonus of the BOSS, there is also the group strategy effect to increase the overall attributes, but the general members of the second group of the Dragon Soaring Guild can still deal about 1000 points of damage, and the Dragon Soaring Qianqiu is an odd number among them. Can cause close to 2000 points of damage!
Fuck, when did this group of guys become so strong? Could it be that, like Brother, they also gained the proof of being able to handle the first trial?

Wang Shuang was thinking wildly, when suddenly his heart trembled slightly, he looked up, just in time to see that BOSS glanced at him at this moment, what the hell, was he discovered?

System prompt: You have been discovered by the master of the magic tower-Aerodon Claga, and you have entered a combat state.

Fuck, this was discovered!Wang Shuang was so shocked that he wanted to back away subconsciously, but what happened next made him dumbfounded.

Although Wang Shuang was discovered, his stealth effect did not disappear, that is to say, Wang Shuang was still in a stealth state in the eyes of other players in the second group of Longteng Guild.After the BOSS found him, because the players of the Soaring Dragon guild held the attention and hatred of the BOSS tightly, the BOSS waved his head and continued to fight with the players of the Soaring Soaring Dragon. They were still fighting as before.

Wang Shuang felt like a gecko watching from the sidelines. Although he was prompted to enter the fighting state, the battle between them had nothing to do with him at all!
What to do next?Of course, when the boss is about to be killed by them, go up and make up the knife!Anyway, my brother has the ability to lurk in the dark, even if those guys from the Longteng guild find out, what can they do to me?At worst, I picked up the equipment after making up the knife, and then lurked in the dark and left—that's how confident and chic it is!
The battle continued, and about 3 minutes later, Elrodun suddenly raised his head, and the beard under his chin began to dance wildly like a snake, and the staff and magic book in his hand were also held high above his head: " Come, my revered god of magic, Sirius Lita, save your poor servant!"


System prompt: The master of the magic tower-Aerodon Klaga used the skill "Magic Riot" and randomly used a magic "Mind Control". The player Long Teng Fufeng temporarily lost control of the mission, and will Begin to help Aroldon in the fight.

"Grass holding, mind control, that's okay?" Looking at Long Teng Fufeng who suddenly left the team and whose name instantly turned blood red, Long Teng Qianqiu almost spat out a mouthful of old blood. "It's stupid, the front row output is coming back soon, everyone pay attention to your health, be careful of Fufeng, and at the same time be careful of the boss. After he controlled Fufeng, he didn't lose his ability to move!"

"Boss, boss, I can't control my character now, my God!" Long Teng Fufeng immediately sent a private chat message.

At this time, Longteng Shadow, the player closest to Longteng Fufeng, had been found by Longteng Fufeng. Longteng Fufeng held the big ax high above his head, and shouted in a voice that wasn't his own: "Slash the mountain!"

"Shadow, dodge quickly!" Long Teng Qianqiu frowned as he watched, and at the same time saw the appearance of Long Teng Fashen on the other side and the BOSS moving to hate, deeply frowned, first comforted Long Teng Fufeng, then rushed When you come to the boss, you only want to delay the boss's time, not for effective output!
"This boss, why does it feel that the attack power is much sharper than before!" Someone from the second group of the Longteng Guild soon discovered this.

Wang Shuang, who was watching from the sidelines, couldn't help being happy when he heard it: Do you know why?I don't know, because my brother came and joined the battle, so the boss's skill group strategy was triggered again, and all attributes were superimposed by 5 on the original basis? ? ?Haha, but anyway, you are busy dealing with the boss now, so no one should look at the numbers on the boss's head, right?

After a while of flying around, all the players in the Longteng Guild finally settled down. Longteng Fufeng also regained control of his own characters. Members of various professions returned to their positions one after another. They took out the recovery potions one after another and began to return blood.

"Crap, if there wasn't Wang Shuang's trash, we could eat blood dragon fruit now, not only will it return blood, but it can also add some attributes!" Long Teng Shadow couldn't help roaring.

Fuck, it's my brother's fault too, all right, brother snatched your blood dragon fruit, brother's mistake, right?But even though I was wrong, it won't be the last time.After all, I'm going to grab your boss later.

The battle continued. After releasing this skill, Arrowton was quiet for a while, but when his blood dropped to 80? ? ?Suddenly, he started to raise his staff and magic book again, and shouted towards the sky: "Respected god of magic, Siris Lita, please descend your boundless divine power again, and save the people of the world from suffering! "

here we go again!What is it this time?In order to avoid being affected by the skills, Wang Shuang retreated a little further.


System prompt: The master of the magic tower-Aerodon Klaga used the skill "Magic Riot", randomly used a magic "Phantom Clone", and randomly copied the mirror images of three players.The mirror image retains all the skills and equipment of the player, and has 70? ? ?properties and 40? ? ?blood, and creates a firestorm upon death, dealing 8 magic damage to players within a radius of 1600 meters.

Phantom clone cut?This skill is interesting, Wang Shuang looked at it from a distance, these three avatars are almost exactly the same as their real people, they are Longteng Qianqiu, Longteng Shadow and Longteng Fashen!Fortunately, Longteng Fufeng was not copied, otherwise this short-range meat shield would probably cause headaches for everyone in the Longteng Guild for a long time.

"Let a few of us deal with these avatars, and the others continue to hold the hatred and attention of the boss, and don't let him hinder us. After we kill the mirror image, we will continue to fight the boss at a normal pace."

"Understood." Long Teng Fufeng and the rest of the thieves, archers, and priests rushed up, while the cloned people stayed behind to hold back the hatred of their mirror images.

"Hmph, only 70??? Sex and 40??? Blood, can it beat our body?" Long Teng Yingying had just said this, and suddenly his mirror image cast his gaze on him.With a thump in his heart, Long Teng Yingying snorted coldly: "What, did I say something wrong, my Mr. Mirror Image?"

"Kill!" Unexpectedly, the mirror image Dragon Shadow also spoke!He opened his mouth and yelled the word kill, raised his long sword and charged at Longteng Yingying.The original version of Long Teng's shadow was naturally not to be outdone, and rushed forward with a cold snort, and the two immediately became a ball.

"Damn it." After fighting three times, Long Teng's shadow retreated instead of advancing, and was knocked back two steps by his own mirror image.He suddenly raised his head, looked at his own mirror image, his eyes were full of disbelief: "How is it possible, the mirror image is even more impressive than me!"

"No." Long Teng Qianqiu, who was fighting with the mirror images, suddenly shouted: "Although the attributes of these mirror images are weak, the operation is absolutely top-notch. Every attack and skill used is completely at the level of a first-class professional player, even surpassing it. And nothing less than that! They are computers, and after calculating their moves, every move is almost perfect!"

"That's how it is." Long Teng Yingying nodded, snorted, but the corner of his mouth curled up into a smile: "That's a good relationship, life is only fun if you have some challenges. Whether it's my mirror image or first-class operation level, my All must be defeated!"

As for Dharma God Longteng on the other side, he had already started fighting magic with his own mirror image.The frequency was so fast that he almost didn't even have the time to speak!
Five minutes later, the three of them solved their respective mirror images one after another, and then let out a sigh of relief.Long Teng's shadow operation was relatively poor, he consumed two bottles of recovery potions to kill his own mirror image.Fortunately, although the mirror image copied their skills and backpacks, they did not copy the props, recovery potions and other things in the mirror image, which gave Long Teng Shadow a chance to breathe.

Now that the battle was back on track, they continued to focus on the boss who had been dragged by Long Teng Fufeng for 5 minutes.And Wang Shuang next to him was also browsing the forum while paying attention to the situation here.

There are a lot of content in this update, and the most related to Wang Shuang should be the new official trading window. Trading from this window supports the trading of virtual items and real currency, and also supports the trading of virtual items and virtual items, such as Transactions such as gold coins and equipment have become more standardized.But while there are new functions, there is naturally a price-a certain amount of gold coins is charged as a handling fee for each transaction.

Thinking about it, players are now swiping gold coins too fast and fiercely. Although the demand for gold coins has been increasing, the potential of players is also unlimited.What's more, many large guilds have cultivated their own salary members, and it is gradually becoming more common for one person to spend thousands or even tens of thousands of gold coins a week.

(End of this chapter)

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