It's time to play online

Chapter 225 Dragon Guild's Mine Raiders

Chapter 225 Dragon Guild's Mine Raiders

A few minutes later, when Elrodun's HP dropped to 40? ? ?position, the opponent repeats the previous action again.


System prompt: The master of the magic tower-Eroton Klaga used the skill "Magic Riot" and randomly used a magic "Destroying Front and Breaking Demons". The physical attacks of all other units within a radius of 25 meters were reduced by 40? ? ?Law attack reduced by 30? ? ?Continue for 300 seconds.

"Nai Nima, it's endless!" Long Teng Qianqiu couldn't help roaring at this time.After Arrowton played like this, their physical attack and magic attack all dropped a lot, and the most terrible thing was that the reduced attack power could no longer break through Arrowdon's defense.In other words, during these 5 minutes, they could only watch the boss slowly recover blood, and they could only be beaten passively.

The scope of this skill is so large that it almost covers the entire seventh floor, even Wang Shuang is shrouded in it.

"But brother doesn't output." Wang Shuang shrugged indifferently, and continued to lurk leisurely on the side.

After 5 minutes of egg pain, everyone in the Longteng Guild finally lifted the abnormal state, and threw all the output that had been suppressed for the past 5 minutes on Arrowton like a wolf.

After 10 minutes, Arrowton's blood dropped to 20? ? ?According to the previous rules, everyone in the Longteng guild has almost concluded that Elrodun will release a random skill at this time, so all the team members are on alert nervously, and even Wang Shuang has set his sights on the battlefield.

Once this skill is released, it is estimated that there will be no next time.In other words, this will be the last random skill.

"Struggle, beg, tremble! Crush these ants!" Arrowton called out loudly.


System prompt: The master of the magic tower-Eroton Klaga used the skill "Magic Riot", randomly used a magic "Psychic Riot", randomly obtained the control of seven surrounding enemy units, and lasted for 10 seconds.

"I fucked the neighbor next door!" As soon as Long Teng Qianqiu saw this system prompt, he couldn't help but groaned in his heart, and then his vision went dark, and he felt that he had lost control of the character.

Ten seconds may not seem long, but it was enough for the seven members of the Longteng Guild to kill the remaining three.Ten seconds later, the seven members of the Longteng Guild finally regained control of their respective characters.

"Isn't it just three output points missing! Kill, he has no skills now, kill him!" Long Teng Qianqiu was trembling with anger, pointing his sword at Elrodun and shouting.

The remaining six people also rushed to the boss, Long Teng Fufeng continued to take the role of resisting damage in the front row, and the priests on both sides also started to increase blood with him.

Everything is the same as before, except that the Longteng Guild has reduced its staff by three, and its output capacity has dropped a bit.

"It's time to make a move." Seeing that the situation was right, Wang Shuang raised his dagger, opened the follower's panel, and was about to rush up to grab the boss.

The three people who died from the Dragon Soaring Guild were still on their way to the seventh floor. After 20 seconds, the Dragon Soaring Shadow hid the sword and slashed at the boss, causing huge damage.Wang Shuang also rushed forward, ready to take advantage of the chaos to grab the head of the boss.But at this moment, the boss suddenly stopped attacking, raised his staff and shouted to the sky: "No, Elrodun can't die here! The supreme god of magic, Siris Lita, please give your believers rebirth !"

Rumble!A thunderbolt struck down from the sky as if responding to his words. The arc lightning shook like a twisting snake, but was as fast as the speed of light. Disappeared, turned into scattered arcs of lightning.Wang Shuang and Long Teng Qianqiu didn't see what happened clearly, but Elrodun's health bar returned to full health immediately after this split!

"Nani, it's all right?" Wang Shuang was so shocked that his eyes almost fell out of their sockets. How could he still play like this? Could this be the extraordinary feature of this boss?Quickly restore full blood in the dying state, what the hell, is there no limit? If this is the case, even if I team up with the members of the Longteng guild from the beginning, I can't beat it!

No, it's impossible, one sentence can fill the blood, you let the player beat the fart!
"I'm stupid!" Compared to the shocked Wang Shuang, Long Teng Qianqiu was so angry that he was about to explode. After spending a long time thinking that he was going to conquer this boss, he didn't expect the other party to shout a strange slogan. full of blood.If he knew that there was Wang Shuang lurking next to him, he would probably be even more depressed and want to die.

Long Teng Fufeng in front was also stunned. At this time, Arrowton's mind trembled and a normal attack fell, and the two priests next to him didn't react. So Longteng Fufeng was instantly killed by Elderton.

As soon as Long Teng Fufeng, who suffered the damage, died, Long Teng Qianqiu knew that their situation was over, and hurriedly called the rest of the people to run to the stairs: "Come on, let's go back and rectify before coming back!
——The Lord of the Demon Tower-Eroton Klaga [Rage] [Boiling] [Strength] [Magic Gang] [Group Strategy 5] (Purple-LV58 leader-level creature): blood 3350000, physical attack 6400, physical Defense 3500, physical resistance 45? ? ?Magic attack 7000, magic defense 4300, magic resistance 40? ? ?Abilities: normal attack, domineering body, group strategy, mental crushing, mind tremor, soul roar, mental shock, decadent aura.

Fuck it, even if it is full of blood, all attributes have also increased by a bit!Wang Shuang was as angry as Long Teng Qianqiu after watching it.It's just that when he saw the skills, Wang Shuang was stunned for a moment. The majestic magic riot just now disappeared. What does this mean?This means that the most difficult part of the boss is gone!
Without that skill, the difficulty of the Longteng Guild's leveling the boss and the possibility of being wiped out by the group will be greatly reduced!
In short, all the members of the Dragon Soaring Guild have run away now, and I don't have so many recovery potions by myself, so I can only choose to retreat.Glancing at Arrowton who was about to use his skills to Wang Shuang, Wang Shuang patted his butt and followed Long Teng Qianqiu down the stairs.

Outside the wooden building, in front of the cross, Long Teng Qianqiu hammered the cross in resentment: "Oh shit, how could this boss be so strong, it doesn't make sense! Even if we have the blood dragon fruit, there is nothing we can do about it, it can satisfy you with just one word." Blood is too invincible, there must be some way to restrict his skill!"

The second group of the Longteng Guild was holding a small meeting at this time, and Wang Shuang, who had nothing to do, was also watching on the sidelines.Hearing Long Teng Qianqiu's words, Wang Shuang couldn't help but rolled his eyes: "Silly brother OSS lost a skill after returning to full health. I guess there won't be a second chance for this kind of full blood. You guys Now go up and push again and you will succeed."

Although Wang Shuang was clear, everyone in the Longteng Guild didn't know, and he couldn't tell the other members of the Longteng Guild about it, so he could only murmur in his stomach.At this moment, Fashen Longteng suddenly asked: "Yes, there should be some kind of props that can check and balance the performance of this boss, but we didn't find it!"

"Is there any place we can look for? Besides this wooden building, where else can we go to find props?" Long Teng Fufeng asked.

"No, there's actually one place we haven't been to." Long Teng Yingying said suddenly, while turning his gaze to a higher mountain top.

"That's right, it's time for us to go up." Long Teng Qianqiu thought for a while, and then finalized their next action plan: "It's decided, we will start to explore up. It’s a great opportunity for us to go up.”

"That's right, and if we go up, we might still meet that trash, kill him a few times, and force him to hand over the blood dragon fruit." Long Teng Shadow waved his fist viciously.

"Hmph, even if it's handed over, even if he is obedient, we have to turn over his rubbish." Long Teng Fufeng laughed.

Fuck!Wang Shuang's nose twisted when he heard the conversation between the members of the Longteng Guild.I really want to go up and stomp on their faces now, but if I go up now, I will kill two or three people at most, and Wang Shuang will be counterattacked by several other people.It's not worth it when you think about it.

If they know that Wang Shuang now has the ability to block auditory tracking, what will happen!Since they are professional players, they should think of some new tricks to deal with brother, but brother's hole card is the stealth after strengthening, and it is better not to expose this hole card casually when there is no card to play.

In this way, when the fog cleared on the mountain road, Wang Shuang followed the Longteng guild up the mountain and came to the entrance of the mine.

Looking at the mine that had already been opened, Long Teng Qianqiu snorted softly: "The garbage seems to be in there. Let's draw out our weapons now. If we encounter him, we will hack him to death immediately!"

"Understood." The others nodded.

Wang Shuang gave a light slap at the end of the line.

They passed through the mine that Wang Shuang had cleared before, turned around the corner, and then came to a fork in the road.Long Teng Qianqiu entered the first fork almost without thinking, and Wang Shuang and several others followed.

This is not the fork in Wang Shuangjin's previous path, so all the monsters inside have not been killed.Not long after entering, the members of the Longteng guild encountered the first monster here, a kind of armed caveman living in the mine.Of course, strictly speaking, they are not intelligent species, they just have a similar appearance to monkeys, and they are actually monsters.

After Longteng Qianqiu read the attributes of the armed caveman, he waved his hand. Longteng Fufeng was the first to charge up, and the rest of them also spread out in this small space. Healers kept up with it in time, and the output was also quickly in place. And began to bombard the armed cavemen indiscriminately. Two minutes later, the first armed caveman fell, dropping dozens of gold coins.

"Keep going." Long Teng Qianqiu pointed his sword forward vigorously.

After walking forward for a while, the second group of the Longteng Guild soon encountered two armed cavemen gathered together. Unlike before, this time Longteng Qianqiu asked Longteng Fufeng to go up and first reduce the hatred value of an armed caveman. and attention, and then lead the caveman to start running and fighting tactics, and on the other side, the remaining few of them will bear the damage of the armed caveman respectively, and start to concentrate all firepower on the armed caveman.

Five minutes later, the two cavemen fell to the ground one after another.

Wang Shuang couldn't help sighing, as expected, the grand guild could play, and the soldiers came to cover up the water and the earth.

In this way, the Longteng Guild moved forward all the way, and Wang Shuang was watching all the way from the side.Soon they entered a small hall in the mine.

"Boss coming so soon?" Long Teng Qianqiu was taken aback for a moment, and walked into the hall. A glaring tauren lowered his head and stared at him.

(End of this chapter)

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