It's time to play online

Chapter 226 Hidden Trial

Chapter 226 Hidden Trial
Other members of the Longteng Guild also entered the hall one after another. After learning about the attributes and skills of this boss, Longteng Qianqiu established the tactic of "slowly deplete its health bar, and finally win it with a burst of output". Afterwards, Longteng Fufeng took the first place as usual Rush out one by one and grab the hatred of the BOSS.

Wang Shuang also entered this small hall, but after entering the hall, Wang Shuang suddenly received a reminder.


System prompt: Your skill "Green Pathfinding" has found a hidden passage. Your skill Green Pathfinding has accumulated 30 experience points. Do you want to enter the hidden passage?

Nani, does pathfinding still have this function?Fuck, there is a hidden copy, do you have any reason to give up?
Anyway, being idle here is also idle, and the members of the Longteng Guild must not have pushed to the end of the fork so quickly, as long as I come out before they push the boss and snatch their boss.

Wang Shuang typed yes to the multiple-choice question in front of him, and then his face suddenly went dark, and then lit up again.He was still in the hall just now, but in the blink of an eye he arrived at a strange tunnel.

Wang Shuang looked behind him, and behind him was a closed stone wall. The surface of the stone wall looked very smooth, without any flaws, but he didn't know how the pathfinding technique brought him here?

Hey, never mind, there is still magic in this world, and there are even things like portals, so why is it so strange that pathfinding can find hidden passages?Wang Shuang casually found a reason to perfunctory himself, and began to explore into the tunnel.

Not long after walking, a thin and broken voice came into Wang Shuang's ears.There are monsters?Wang Shuang became vigilant all of a sudden. Now that there was no need for stealth, Wang Shuang simply summoned his two followers to prepare to deal with unknown enemies.

"Oh, my lord, I miss you so much." After Li Muxuan came out, she was as calm as usual, but when Mi Lu came out, she immediately came up and gave Wang Shuang a big hug.

Although female players and female NPCs are sacred and inviolable in the setting of Star Wish, if someone wants to eat tofu while they are not paying attention, they will be forcibly restricted by the system rules, but if women take the initiative to throw themselves into their arms, they will It doesn't violate the rules of Star Wish.

This was the case at this time. When Wang Shuang came back to his senses, he felt Mi Luduo's gentle body was pressing on him.

Fuck, welfare!As expected of a dark elf without integrity, I like it!Could it be an easter egg sent by the master of the system to the players who subdue the dark elves?Wang Shuang was excited and said repeatedly: "Okay, I miss you too, I miss you very much too!"

This NPC is too unrestrained, even Wang Shuang is a bit overwhelmed.But at this moment, Li Muxuan on the side suddenly coughed twice, her eyebrows slightly furrowed like a butterfly.

"My lord?" She looked at Wang Shuang suspiciously, as if she was very dissatisfied with his current appearance.

Fuck it, baby has an opinion.Shocked, Wang Shuang quickly explained: "No, no, you see, she pounced on herself."

"My lord!" Mi Luduo suddenly hugged him even tighter, his feet left the ground and wrapped around Wang Shuang's thigh.

Wang Shuang was so excited that he almost spat out a mouthful of old blood. Finally, in the midst of extreme reluctance and nostalgia, Wang Shuang slowly pushed Mi Luduo away, and smiled awkwardly at Li Muxuan: "Hehe, this, hehe."

What else can I say?Hey, no amount of explanation will help.Seeing the extremely contemptuous eyes of Li Muxuan and Li Er who just appeared, Wang Shuang finally shut his mouth.

"Stupid adventurer, you will only be blinded by sex. I really don't know how my master fell in love with you." Li Er shook her head regretfully.

"Fuck, I want you to take care of it!" Wang Shuang said angrily.

"Okay, stupid adventurer, hurry up and listen to the questions." Lier suddenly put on a serious expression, stretched out her cat's paw and said.

Daily answering time?Wang Shuang quickly opened the browser that comes with the system, and said at the same time: "Okay, let's ask."


At this time, the Longteng Guild exhausted the vitality of the tauren boss, and finally the tauren whimpered and fell to the ground slowly, bursting out a lot of equipment and gold coins.Seeing this, the others couldn't help cheering.

Long Teng's shadow also smiled and said: "I don't know why, since the beginning, our luck seems to have improved in this trial copy!"

At this time, Long Teng Qianqiu almost forgot about being tyrannized by the boss on the seventh floor before, and laughed loudly when he heard the words: "No, no, it's just that our luck has recovered. We were always lucky when we were in the wooden building. After entering this hall and starting to fight the BOSS, a subtle feeling disappeared from my body, I wonder if there is a magic here that allows players to improve their luck?"

"Then what are you waiting for? If there is such magic, it should have a duration. Let's take advantage of this time to kill a few more monsters!" Long Teng Fufeng said eagerly.

"Haha, let's go, move forward quickly!" Long Teng Qianqiu waved his hand, and the group divided the equipment and gold coins, and rushed towards the entrance on the other side of the hall.

They didn't know that the reason why they suddenly became lucky was actually because after Wang Shuang left, the aura of bad luck that came with him also disappeared.



System prompt: You have answered the question correctly about follower Li Muxuan's pet Lier. Lier has been strengthened, with a life limit of 50, physical defense of 5, and magic defense of 5.

Wang Shuang suddenly became interested, looked through Li Er's attributes, and couldn't help but be surprised.Compared with when Lier was just obtained, the attribute value of Lier now has more than tripled.This is related to Wang Shuang's daily questions and answers with it, and Li Er's level is gradually improving.It's just that if the attributes can be increased infinitely through daily questions and answers, will it eventually become an existence that crushes everything?

However, judging from the current situation of rising a little every day, it may take a long time to wait until this day, maybe until the game closes down, there is no way to realize this wish.

Speaking of this, the same is true for Li Muxuan's task of destroying the Underworld. To complete the task, one must destroy all over 1000 of the Underworld. Is there really a day when I can complete the task?Could it be that this red mission is just a trap, just like this forever trapping one of my brother's mission bars?The more Wang Shuang thought about it, the more he felt that his guess was reasonable. He would recall Shen Zhuqing's words back then, and he couldn't help but smile wryly.

Damn, I picked them up anyway, even if I was a cheater, I jumped.And if you sacrifice a position on the taskbar, you can get a follower whose level and attributes continue to grow, and eventually slowly approach the follower of the red level, I am willing.What other followers can't do even if they spend their entire lives, brother has hope!Although the process is a bit difficult, it is better than the guy who can't even see hope.

For example, Xue Yique, when she subdued the boss of the villain pirate group on Xianchen Island, she fixed the boss of the villain pirate group as a yellow rank.Although the yellow rank is indeed very strong, and he was much better than Li Muxuan in the previous battle against the Dragon Association, but no matter how hard Xue Yique tried, he could not break through the limit of the yellow rank.But Li Muxuan is different. As long as Wang Shuang is diligent and hardworking, Li Muxuan's grade may reach yellow in the future, or even surpass the yellow grade.

Thinking of this, Wang Shuang unconsciously had the motivation to move forward.Turning his eyes to the deeper part of the tunnel, Wang Shuang took Li Muxuan and Mi Luduo to continue exploring inside.

After a short walk, they entered a stone room.There was a young heavy armored warrior in the stone room. He was sitting in the stone room, with black hair curled up on his forehead, holding his chin with one hand, and gently pinching his beard with the other hand.

"Adventurer, I have been waiting for you for a long time." He saw Wang Shuang, stood up from his seat, and said to Wang Shuang.

"Wait for me?" Wang Shuang looked at the stone room on tiptoe. Except for this soldier in heavy armor, there was no one else in the stone room, and the stone room was the end of the road, and there was no way to go down.

Looking back at the soldier, Wang Shuang suddenly found that his body was a little transparent. Looking at the door of the stone room, there was a faint blue light... Why is this situation so familiar?That's right, the Duke of Shatiga was in the same situation back then, the soldier in front of him should be just a soul!
As if knowing that Wang Shuang saw his current situation, the soldier smiled faintly: "I was an unknown soldier before my death, and I belonged to the Longguang Legion of Kuoye City. , I died in the endless tide of beasts. I thought I would be arranged to reincarnate safely, but unexpectedly, someone in Kuano City left my soul and invited me to participate in the assessment of recruits in Kuano City trials."

"Is this why you are here?" Wang Shuang suddenly realized.

The soldiers of the Longguang Legion nodded: "That's right, if you pass my trial successfully, I will be able to guide you on the right path."

Upon hearing this, Wang Shuang quickly asked, "What is the right path? Where does this path lead? What will happen if it fails?"

He stretched out his hand and pushed Wang Shuang away: "Adventurer, you will know what kind of honor you will get when you reach the end of this road. The most important thing for you now is to accept the test. As for failure? Don't worry." , nothing will happen, but this will also prove that you are not the person we are looking for, and we will send you out of this special trial."

It turned out to be a reward for my brother.Wang Shuang was pushed back a few steps by him, and suddenly felt that he had bumped into something.Looking back, it turned out to be a huge cauldron.

"There is a prescription and three materials next to it. Try it, adventurer." At this time, the soldier changed his gaze and looked at Wang Shuang.

Wang Shuang was stunned for a moment, picked up the prescription on the cauldron and looked at it, and couldn't help being happy.

Lucky potion, yellow-grade potion, required materials four-leaf clover, dream flower, memory of the sky... Success rate: 60?

50.00% success rate!This is really rare, my brother is now a yellow-ranked pharmacist, and he doesn't have the influence of the time-running talent.What's more, brother still has three chances, no matter how bad luck is, there will always be one success in three times!
(End of this chapter)

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