It's time to play online

Chapter 227 Destiny Exchange

Chapter 227 Destiny Exchange
Wang Shuang first put all the materials into his backpack, then turned on the cauldron, and after learning the prescription, he was ready to start preparing the medicine.


System prompt: potion configuration failed!Your skill yellow-level pharmacist has accumulated 30 experience points, and you have lost the materials Clover x1, Flower of Dreams x1, Memories of the Sky x1...

Fuck, maybe it's my brother's bad luck. If I do it again, I won't believe it. How can I still fail the second time?


System prompt: potion configuration failed!Your skill yellow-level pharmacist has accumulated 30 experience points, and you have lost the materials Clover x1, Flower of Dreams x1, Memories of the Sky x1...

Cold sweat flowed down Wang Shuang's forehead along the contours of his face.

What's the matter with this horse rider?Is my brother's luck value negative 10 points really so scary?Master of the system, brother, the probability of successful configuration is 60%? ? ?To what level can the lucky value be reduced to negative 10?Tried twice but failed once!Thinking of his last chance left, Wang Shuang suddenly began to hesitate.

What to do, although the first two failed, is it possible to succeed the third time?The first two failures should not affect the success rate this time, just like if the success rate is 50? ? ?It doesn't mean that if you try twice, you will definitely succeed once.People with bad luck can't even succeed once ten times in a row.

My brother is almost fainted by the probability of this game, what should I do in this situation?So what if the elder brother is preparing the potion when the time comes?Not to mention anything else, Wang Shuang immediately thought of his own success rate, which must be from 60? ? ? 40? ? ?Fuck, this reversal is cheating, it would be better if there is no reversal!But it is not reversed now, and it is not reversed, how to play?
There is only one last chance left, if you don't succeed... Fuck, it doesn't matter if you don't succeed!The big deal is that the hidden trial failed, so I happened to go out and fight with the Longteng Guild to grab the boss!
Wang Shuang gritted his teeth and was about to use up his last chance. If he doesn't succeed now, he will be benevolent. If he still doesn't succeed this time, it means that he has nothing to do with this hidden trial. The twisted melon is not sweet, so he should quit by himself. up.

It would be great if there is a way to increase luck... Yes, the potion that I am about to configure now can increase my luck, but it is useless if it is not configured!Think about it, is there any other way?
"What's the matter, adventurer?" Maybe Wang Shuang hesitated and hesitated for a long time, and the soldier on the side reminded: "You have one last chance left."

"I know, I know!" Wang Shuang said annoyed.

"My lord." At this time, Li Muxuan, who had been watching from the sidelines, suddenly said, and stretched out her hand to hold down Wang Shuang's right hand, staring deeply at Wang Shuang with eyes as dark as the night: "My lord, you are a pirate, think about it, There is always a way."

"Huh?" Wang Shuang was startled suddenly, looking into Li Muxuan's eyes, swallowing his eyes like a bottomless pit.What does she mean by this sentence?Why did you say that to my brother at this time?

hint?Wang Shuang calmed down suddenly, watched Li Muxuan grab his right hand, raised his head and smiled at her.Glancing at the cauldron in front of him, Wang Shuang opened the sub-profession panel, looking at his only sub-profession Pirate of Doom, lost in thought.

My current lucky value is negative 10, this is not caused by the sub-job of doom pirate, but because I was born with a special account.So even after putting the sub-profession of Doom Pirates to sleep, my luck value is still minus 10. Even if the aura of doom is gone, the luck value of my brother and his followers will not change because of this.

Then what does Li Muxuan mean?Since there is no difference between waking up and not waking up the Doom Pirate, what is she reminding me of?
Could it be that brother thought too much?Wang Shuang was taken aback. All along, he thought that every word the NPC said was useful and a reminder to the players. So this time there is obviously no difference. Could it be that the NPC made a wrong judgment?Although the master of the system sees all this clearly, will he occasionally give the player some wrong guidance? If the brother's inertial thinking does not change, he will fall into the trap of the master of the system.

Ahhh, it's so annoying, you asshole.Wang Shuang was entangled, because if he continued to think carefully, Wang Shuang found that if this was a trap by the master of the system, the theory could not be established.Because even if it was a trap, and Wang Shuang just jumped into the trap, so what?To Wang Shuang, there is no difference between waking up and sleeping doom pirates.

Even if it's a trap, it must be able to trick the player. It's not just a boring thing like asking the player to click more buttons to set a trap for the player, right?Wang Shuang felt a pain in the ass, and inadvertently clicked on the sub-job of Doom Pirates.

Wang Shuang remembered that he hadn't looked at this sub-job for a long time. When he got this sub-job from a pirate, Wang Shuang still didn't take it seriously, thinking that the blind pirate who tried to spread bad luck was too stupid and naive; After taking this job, I found that my skills such as plundering ships can still take effect, and the pirates have a certain affection for Wang Shuang. Wang Shuang's concept of this sub-job has changed from "a sub-job that cheats others" to "sighing Useful sub-professions for the Archipelago".

Now Wang Shuang opened the sub-profession information, saw the origin, introduction, and skills of the sub-profession, and frowned aimlessly looking for it.Suddenly, Wang Shuang was shocked. He really found useful information among a bunch of information!
—— Doom Pirates (sub-profession): This is a group of pirates who represent disasters. Wherever they go, there will be smoke everywhere, and their families will be destroyed.Wherever there are them, there is disaster.

Occupational Skill - Destiny Exchange: Select a non-leader-level creature, and exchange luck with it within 10 seconds.Cooldown time 120 seconds.

Exchange lucky value!This is a skill that Wang Shuang would not have noticed at all in the past. Generally, Wang Shuang would kill him instantly, or let Li Muxuan kill him instantly.When luck points are needed, Wang Shuang usually uses the talent of time to deal with it, and reverses the probability to achieve an astonishing success rate.At this moment, when Wang Shuang played all his cards, he saw this long-forgotten skill in the corner.

Is there anyone on the scene who can exchange lucky points with Wang Shuang?Li Muxuan?Come on, she is brother's follower, the luck value is the same as brother's, and so is Mirudo.From this point of view, there is only one guy left who can exchange lucky points.

Wang Shuang suddenly looked at the warrior's soul, and then at his own skills, appearing a little hesitant.

Can it work?The other party is already dead, so where is the luck worth talking about?But how do you know if you don't try?After all, this is a game, anything is possible!With this in mind, Wang Shuang gritted his teeth and pointed the skill at the soul of the warrior in front of him.


System prompt: You use the professional skill Destiny Exchange, you and the warrior's soul exchange luck points, you get the opponent's current luck value: 8, the other party gets your current luck value: -10, there are 10 seconds before the luck value is exchanged again...

Fuck it, it worked!Wang Shuang was taken aback for a moment, then he was ecstatic, overjoyed, and couldn't help himself!And what surprised Wang Shuang even more was that the opponent's lucky value was not only a positive number, but also a very high 8, -10 lucky value made Wang Shuang at 60? ? ?Failed twice in a row under the high rate, so what about the lucky value of 8?


System prompt: Potion configuration successful!Your skill yellow-level pharmacist has accumulated 60 experience points, and you have lost the materials Clover x1, Dream Flower x1, Memory of the Sky x1... You have obtained a yellow-level potion: Lucky Potion!
Lucky Potion: After taking it, the upper limit of luck value will be increased by 5 points within 5 seconds, and the effect of taking it multiple times cannot be superimposed.

Fuck, what a godlike potion!Wang Shuang couldn't help but get excited.According to the setting of Star Wish, the lowest value of hidden attribute lucky value is -10, and the highest value is 10.The lucky value cannot be superimposed infinitely. Even if the player has bought a lot of equipment that increases the lucky value, the upper limit of the lucky value is only 10 points.

And now the bottle of lucky potion in Wang Shuang's hands has increased the upper limit of luck value by 5 points at once. From a percentage point of view, it has increased by 50?

But to Wang Shuang's disappointment, although the name of this lucky potion does add the upper limit of luck value, it does not add luck value!Players need to have an overflow of lucky points to be useful, otherwise, it will be 10 lucky points, and the upper limit of 5 points will still be ten points!After all, it looks like the effect is awesome, but it actually places a lot of restrictions on players.

And it's only 5 seconds... Think of it as killing the boss, before the last slash, take a bite first, and then slash?

However, Wang Shuang has a blood limit to reserve this skill. Even the boss can't move for 1 minute, and maintains 10 points of blood, which can really be considered.

These are all things for later, now that Wang Shuang has successfully configured the potion, he turned around and laughed with the warrior's soul: "How about it, does this count as passing the test?"

The soldier looked at the potion in Wang Shuang's hand, raised his mouth and smiled: "Yes, adventurer, I did not misunderstand you, this is the lucky potion I want! You have successfully configured it, which means you have the strength. You can make the potion yourself. Keep it, I'm just a soul, I don't need it anymore."

There was no task prompt, no system prompt, and Wang Shuang was peaceful after the configuration was successful.That's right, brother didn't take any missions at all, how could there be these?What did he just say, Brother Yao keep it?It’s so good, I provided the materials for my brother, and kept the potion that was successfully prepared for my brother. Overjoyed, Wang Shuang saluted the warrior’s soul: "Thank you for your hard work, in every sense."


System prompt: The skill Destiny Exchange is triggered, and you and the warrior's soul have exchanged luck values ​​again.

Wang Shuang passed the warrior's test. On the other hand, everyone in the Longteng Guild was also encouraged by Longteng Qianqiu, and the monsters on the road who dropped all the equipment crazily, pushed to the door of the boss's room...

(End of this chapter)

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