It's time to play online

Chapter 228 The Hero They Are Looking For

Chapter 228 The Hero They Are Looking For

At the end of a certain mine tunnel, after everyone from the Longteng Guild rushed into the room, they discovered that it was actually a place surrounded by magma.The scorching magma raised the temperature of the room a lot, and faint white steam could be vaguely seen slowly evaporating.In the magma pool in the center of the room, a monster with the head of a dragon and the body of a turtle is resting in the magma.It carried a huge turtle shell on its back, and its elongated neck was covered with shiny red fire scales.

The two big eyes raised high like ping pong balls lowered, staring at Long Teng Qianqiu who had just barged in.The jaws of the pliers were opened, and thick steam was blown out.

It suddenly stood up in the magma, the tortoise shell stood up like a mountain rising from the ground, the head on the neck was higher, and the feeling of arrogance was more obvious when looking down.

"This boss looks unusual." Dharma God Long Teng took a deep breath and whispered.

"The appearance is amazing, as long as the attribute is not strong, it will be scum. When we come to see this boss in a week, it must be a random existence." Long Teng Qianqiu said coldly: "Get ready, Fu Feng will go first."

"Understood." Long Teng Fufeng was used to charging into battle, so after Long Teng Qianqiu spoke, he naturally walked forward with his weapon on his shoulders.Seeing Long Teng Fufeng coming up, the boss also came to the edge of the magma pool, leaned against the bank and bent his neck, opened his mouth, and suddenly opened his mouth to bite Long Teng Fufeng!
At this moment, an ice pick next to him arrived first after surgery and smashed hard on the boss's head. Before the boss could scream, a messy and dense rain of arrows also fell.At the same time, the shield and the holy light of healing lit up on Long Teng Fufeng one after another.

When the battle started, several other people rushed up one after another. The output that should be output, the treatment that should be healed, Long Teng Qianqiu walked around behind the boss, raised his sword and slashed at the boss's tail fiercely.

"Oh." The long scream echoed throughout the tunnel.


Wang Shuang is also walking through a tunnel now. After passing the soldier's test, he was transported to another road under the guidance of pathfinding.Like the previous road, the starting point of this road is also a flat stone wall, and the tunnel in front of it winds and circles without knowing where it leads.

If there is a way, let's go.Wang Shuang can't go back now to see how the members of the Longteng guild are doing, whether they have killed the boss.At the end of the tunnel, it was the same room as before. Wang Shuang walked in and saw a guy who was also in the state of a soul.It's just not the soldier just now, this time it's a very young girl.

"Adventurer?" She saw Wang Shuang walking in, and smiled slightly: "Very good, let's accept the trial."

"Eh?" Wang Shuang was taken aback. Before he could speak, a fire burst out behind him. Wang Shuang turned his head to look and was startled—a wolfhound full of flames appeared out of thin air, and its claws touched the ground. With a deep roar.Then he found that the whole room started to burn, and the fire snake crawled along the wall, cheering like a demon with teeth and claws.


System prompt: The leader-level creature, the ancient guardian fire wolf totem appeared.

System prompt: You enter the fire halo of the fire wolf totem, from now on you will lose 3? ? ?Qi and blood, and have 30? ? ?In a state of confusion, holding a gun.

"This is really a shame." Wang Shuang cursed, and immediately summoned Li Muxuan and Mi Lu as two more followers.After they appeared, they were also immediately covered by the halo of flames, and the blood on their heads began to soar.

"My lord!" Mi Luduo exclaimed, and looked at Wang Shuang anxiously: "What's going on?"

"What else can happen?" Wang Shuang pouted his mouth and pointed to the fire wolf that was walking on the flames in front, and the flames were pouring out of his mouth: "Kill this guy, everything is easy to talk about!"

Lose 3 per second? ? ?Blood, which means that if they are not treated in time, they will all die in 33 seconds.Fortunately, Wang Shuang still had some recovery potions left in his backpack, as well as some blood dragon fruits, so he immediately took out three blood dragon fruits and shared them with his two followers.

The blood bar quickly returned to full health, and it only lasted for a moment before it continued to fall.

Wang Shuang wiped the corner of his mouth, drew out his dagger and rushed towards the boss: "Let's go, kill the boss first!"

Li Muxuan agreed, took out her longbow and started shooting at the fire wolf.Miludo was wearing a commoner clothes, looking a little at a loss: "My lord, I, I don't have any equipment!"

Fuck, forget about this!Wang Shuang clicked on the follower panel, and replaced all the second-level equipment in his backpack with the miscellaneous brand-name second-level equipment that had just been dropped by fighting monsters. He glanced at Mi Luduo again, and saw that there were already several pieces of equipment on his body. The head said: "Okay, come up to attract firepower!"

"Okay, I got it." Mi Luduo drew out his long sword and raised his shield. With a coquettish laugh, he suddenly let out a scream and charged forward. The charge shield swept across, and the small black shield hit the fire wolf's face. Its head was knocked aside at once, and two bloody canine teeth flew out.

"Aw!" the fire wolf roared angrily, suddenly flicked its tail, twisted its body slightly, and hit Miludo with a huge force, sending her flying.Wang Shuang took the opportunity to rush up from behind, and slashed the dagger behind Huolang three times quickly, poking three conspicuous blood holes.The blood in the blood hole flowed out horizontally, met the burning flames on the surface of the fire wolf's body, and burned together with it, spreading upwards, quickly scorching the skin around the blood hole and stopping the bleeding.

The attributes of the fire wolf are average, except for the fire aura and a high-damage skill, other attributes are mediocre. Five minutes later, Wang Shuang stabbed into the Fire Wolf's body for the last time, taking away its last vitality. Suddenly he stopped moving and slowly fell to the ground.

died?Wang Shuang watched the flames in the room recede like a tide, put away the dagger and breathed a sigh of relief.It seems that it is not difficult, this trial is just to kill a fire wolf?

Li Muxuan beside her didn't stop at this time. At Li Er's request, Li Muxuan pulled out a second-order black weapon dagger that she carried with her, and gently sent the dagger into the opponent's body along the fur pattern of the fire wolf, and then slowly cut it. The fur of the fire wolf was completely stripped off.

"Adventurer, congratulations on passing the test." At this time, the little girl behind came up and said.She glanced at the fire wolf lying on the ground, chuckled, and waved her hand, and the fire wolf's body disappeared.At the same time, the scorched black marks and ash residue left after the burning in the entire room disappeared in an instant.

"May I ask?" Wang Shuang knew that after passing the trial, he would probably be teleported to the next tunnel entrance.But before he left, he still wanted to understand something: "What are you doing these trials for?"

"Adventurer, we're looking for someone." The little girl didn't pretend to be as aggressive as the previous warrior, and kept her secret for a long time.As soon as Wang Shuang opened his mouth, she told Wang Shuang: "There is only one person, a hero."

"Looking for a hero?" Wang Shuang couldn't help being startled when he heard the answer. After thinking for a while, he continued to ask, "How many trials like this are there?"

"The next trial is the final test. You can ask the old man for the specific situation." The little girl chuckled and waved her hand decisively, and Wang Shuang's face suddenly darkened.

After a few breaths, Wang Shuang reappeared at the beginning of a tunnel, with a flat stone wall behind him.

"There's something wrong, what's the mystery?" Wang Shuang was at a loss, anyway, the answer is in this trial. If he passes, Wang Shuang should have a chance to know the answers to these trials.

But since this is a trial, what are those people from the Longteng Guild doing outside?It's also a trial, right?Are their trials different from my brother?
Wang Shuang now began to carefully recall the process of this trial.First of all, at the beginning, Longteng Guild seems to have got the information from somewhere else, and they came to participate in the trial when they already knew that there was a trial here.Why did you come here?By the way, brother is here to find the red weapon mentioned in the mission. Why was he sent to the trial of Tianpo Mountain inexplicably after seeing the lost person?

Brother didn't accept the quest about the trial, but Longteng Guild seemed to accept it, so he was able to come in, why did brother come in?Holy crap, besides the Longteng Guild, could someone else have accepted this trial mission, but didn't arrive in time, so the brother who just ran over was regarded as the guy who accepted the mission and was recruited?

The more Wang Shuang thought about it, the more he felt that it was possible. Generally speaking, to enter some special scenes, he had to carry missions on his body.For example, entering the palace, not just any player can enter, and if there is no mission on him, the guards will not let you go.This trial dungeon should be the same.

Hey, I don't know which unlucky ghost was robbed of the mission by my brother. Anyway, since I accepted his trial, let's finish it well.

Now it seems that what Wang Shuang did in the trial of Tianpo Mountain has always been separated from that of Longteng Guild, so will the final reward be calculated separately?
Just when Wang Shuang was about to set off into the tunnel, suddenly a rush of bells interrupted Wang Shuang's thoughts.Wang Shuang was confused for a moment, and remembered that this was the sound of his mobile phone alarm clock in reality. Brother just set the alarm clock?By the way, Mom has found a college girl, and she will come to clean at seven o'clock in the evening.

Anyway, this trial did not say that players cannot go offline. After Wang Shuang logged out and exited the game, he took off his helmet and exhaled.He grabbed the mobile phone beside him and took a look. The time is now 6:50pm, 7 minutes before 10:[-]pm.

For some reason, Wang Shuang's mood suddenly became uneasy.

(End of this chapter)

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