It's time to play online

Chapter 229 Wang Shuang's Last Trial

Chapter 229 Wang Shuang's Last Trial

The difference from Wang Shuang's imagination was that he originally thought it would be a female college student whose family had no money to go out to work and study, but the person who came seemed to have a higher temperament than the owner of his room.A plain white and clean face, slender fingers clasped on the bag, and smooth and soft lips.His eyes wandered around the room, glancing around coldly.

"You are Wang Shuang?" The girl walked in after knocking on the door, looked up and down the room, and then set her eyes on Wang Shuang.

"I, I... I am." Wang Shuang was suppressed by her aura, and the evil thoughts in his head quickly dissipated.

Girl: "I have class on Wednesday night, so I can't come on Wednesday night, is that okay?"

Wang Shuang nodded immediately when he heard the words: "Yes, yes, you don't have to come every day, after all, the room is so small, just clean it and keep it clean, and you can go back after cleaning."

"Go back?" The girl turned her head to look at Wang Shuang after hearing the words: "I want to stay, and your mother agreed."

"My mother?" Wang Shuang straightened his spine in shock, and couldn't help smiling bitterly, "What did she tell you?"

"She just told me that she bought an extra set of Xingyuan game equipment, so that I can play here when I have time, and go back when I have enough."

Fuck, it's really straightforward, but this is too disrespectful to my brother, right?My mother has no nerve in her mind and thinks it's okay to do this. Don't you have a brain too?
Wang Shuang said in pain: "Well, when you play games, you can't see what happens in the real world, are you really not afraid?"

"Don't be afraid, I think your room is small, but the door is quite strong." The girl turned her head and reached out and pressed the doorknob hard.

Wang Shuang was speechless for a while, and suddenly didn't know how to speak.You are not afraid of thieves, are you not afraid of men?Just when she was about to speak, the girl suddenly saw through what Wang Shuang wanted to say, and sneered, "As for you, judging from your performance just now, I don't think you dare to do anything, do you?" charming smile.

——Ah, Wang Shuang spat out a mouthful of old blood.Fuck, discrimination, this is discrimination!My brother is not disabled, my development is normal, and I have normal physical and psychological activities, why can't I dare to do it?I'm going crazy, I'm afraid of myself, okay?
But the other party said so, Wang Shuang naturally didn't dare to say anything, opened his mouth, and finally closed his mouth obediently: "You are awesome, brother can't beat you, anyway, do what you should do according to your mother's orders." Things, everything else is up to you."

After finishing speaking, he was about to go back to the room when the girl behind him stopped Wang Shuang: "Hey, Wang Shuang, aren't you going to ask me what my name is?"

Oh, forgot about this.Wang Shuang turned his head and looked at her: "Yes, my mother must have told you my name, so what's your name?"

The girl smiled sweetly when she heard this: "Ji Ge, how about it, is it a common name?"

"Chicken brother? Pass?" Wang Shuang muttered, "The name is okay, but it feels a little strange."

"I look older than you, you should call me sister Ji." Ji Ge said.

"Okay, got it." Wang Shuang turned his head, waved his hand, walked into the room and closed the door.Before putting on the helmet, Wang Shuang first checked his wallet and valuables, and then sadly found that he could not find any valuables except game equipment and wallets. Even his mobile phone was stolen two years ago. Eliminated goods.

Fuck, come to think of it, mom, why would you hand over a set of game equipment to the other party so easily, what if the other party empties out my brother's house while he is playing games?
Wang Shuang stood up and lingered at the door of his room for a while, debating whether to lock the door or not, when the sudden knock on the door startled him again.After calming down, Wang Shuang said, "Please come in."

The door was pushed open, and the sharp-eyed Ji Ge just now had put on a white apron and a mask at some point.After walking into Wang Shuang's room, he first took a look at the layout of the room, then took off his mask and couldn't help but admire: "I didn't expect that your room is quite clean, I thought that the rooms of ordinary nerds are dirty Shit, the kind with paper towels all over the floor."

Wang Shuang was in a cold sweat after hearing this. Fortunately, his mother cleaned the room first, otherwise he would not have been laughed at by her.

Although he said so, Ji Ge walked in with a broom, pointed at the gap between the wall and the floor and cleaned it repeatedly, then put on a mop and came in to wipe it vigorously, brushing around the room like a person holding a huge brush calligrapher is concentrating on practicing calligraphy.

Wang Shuang was slightly dazed, Ji Ge finally cleaned the door with a broom, then collected all the things, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and smiled at Wang Shuang: "It's really clean, it's pretty good, isn't it? Keep it up in the future."

"Ah, good..." Wang Shuang nodded silently. Could it be that what my mother liked was that she couldn't tolerate stains in her eyes, so she asked her to come over to supervise my brother's life?I thought my mother simply hired a cleaner to clean up.

She seemed to remember something, and turned back after walking out of the door, her cheeks were slightly flushed: "By the way, I... I just looked at those devices, but I don't seem to know how to install them, you can come and help me install them later ?"

Wang Shuang was taken aback for a moment, and with an oh, he put down the gaming helmet in his hand and followed Ji Ge out of the room.Although the area where Wang Shuang lives is small, all the necessary rooms are available, even the living room has a main and a spare.Now Ji Ge seems to have naturally used the next door as a place for her temporary game equipment, brought the whole set of equipment and placed them neatly.Although Wang Shuang assembled it once, but because it took too long, he consulted the instructions for a while before slowly assembling the equipment.

After working until nine o'clock in the evening, I finally helped Ji Ge assemble the equipment, connect the circuit and network, and the gaming helmet quickly lit up.Ji Ge smiled and clapped his hands when he saw it: "Okay, sister, I can play this game too!"

"Hehe." Wang Shuang looked back at her: "This equipment should not be expensive, it doesn't look like you are short of money, why didn't you play it before?"

"Those guys won't let me buy it!" The girl pursed her lips angrily as if recalling some terrible past events: "When I queued up in front of the sales point, they told me that guys with criminal records can't buy it, why? !"

Well, I have a criminal record!Wang Shuang was so frightened that he almost jumped up, and hurriedly asked, "Nani, what criminal record?"

Damn, although I guessed that my mother would be unreliable, I didn't expect it to be so unreliable. I found a guy with a criminal record to be his nanny!Wang Shuang trembled. Would she plant a bomb at home while she was playing the game, or would she move out all the things in her brother's house and sell them, so that she would have nothing when he came out of the game? Leftovers!Or, if her criminal record is that she killed someone...

Thinking of this, Wang Shuang's face turned pale, and he couldn't help but move back a few times. This move happened to be caught by Ji Ge. She sneered softly, and the temperature in her eyes dropped a little more.

"Um, this, that's not what I meant..." Wang Shuang was embarrassed, and quickly waved his hands to explain.

"It doesn't matter, other people are like this, anyway, everyone is quite afraid of me, I'm used to it." She shook her head, her gaze fell on the game helmet in front of her, carelessly fiddled with a few button.

Wang Shuang originally wanted to ask about his criminal record, but he quickly shut up after seeing the other party's appearance.Anyway, it's all here, and if it comes, it will be safe, as long as she doesn't hurt brother, then everything will be fine.What's more, since the other party dared to disclose that he has a criminal record, it means that the other party is calm!
That's right, that's right, brother should be more careful, if she wants to kill brother, she just had a lot of opportunities.Hehe, hehe...

"Okay, you can go back, I will naturally go back to school to sleep when I get tired of playing." Ji Ge suddenly stood up, pushed Wang Shuang out of the room, and then there was the sound of the doorknob being locked inside the room.

Fuck, this is my brother's house, and you still lock it up!Wang Shuang was even more distressed. If the other party wanted to do something, he couldn't even rush in to stop it immediately.

In short, Wang Shuang now feels as if a time bomb has been planted around him, very uncomfortable.The time and method of explosion of this time bomb are unknown, maybe it will be detonated in the last few days, or when Wang Shuang almost forgot about it.

Now Wang Shuang also returned to his room, closed the door, and then put on the game helmet to go online.Judging from the reaction of the other party, it seems that it is the first time to play this game, but since it cannot be purchased because of a criminal record, why did it take so long?It has been more than two months since the game server was launched, even if you can't buy it in the first time, you will find another way to buy it later.

Wang Shuang felt that there were more and more mysteries about this girl named Ji Ge.He suddenly felt a little fear. He was not afraid that she was an enemy, but he was afraid of not knowing what kind of enemy she was. Unknown things always make people feel a wave of fear.

Now Wang Shuang has entered the world of Star Wish.It's better to concentrate on playing the game. Entering the game world has nothing to do with these disturbing clouds in reality. In the game, brother is the undisclosed player Wang Shuang who dominates one side and makes the largest guild of the clan tremble.

At this time, Wang Shuang had already passed the trial in the hidden tunnel twice before, and now Wang Shuang has entered the tunnel for the third time, and according to the reminder from the last little girl, this is also the last trial that Wang Shuang will go through. After practicing, Wang Shuang was confirmed as the "hero" they were looking for!
Since he is a hero, there should be a lot of gold coin rewards, right?

(End of this chapter)

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