It's time to play online

Chapter 230 Walking Through the Storm

Chapter 230 Walking Through the Storm
After Wang Shuang went online, he first summoned two of his followers, and then they rushed through a short tunnel. Two minutes later, Wang Shuang arrived at the last trial room.

Unexpectedly, after entering, Wang Shuang didn't see an NPC waiting for him as before, and the room was not peaceful either.The floor of this room seemed to sink four or five steps, and the missing part was filled with a whole pool of water.The whole room is filled with water like a big swimming pool.What surprised Wang Shuang even more was that a boat smaller than ordinary boats was parked on the water on the shore at this moment.

"This is the rhythm of sailing in the swimming pool..." Wang Shuang muttered and got on the boat. The boat was indeed smaller than Wang Shuang imagined. First of all, the space of the cargo warehouse was completely omitted. The deck area Small, except for a cockpit, there is only a captain's cabin and a seafarer's lounge in the cabin.

Wang Shuang was not in a hurry to start the boat, and he didn't know what the boat was here for, but Wang Shuang was a player. What was the player's first reaction when they entered an unfamiliar environment?That's right, exploration.Wang Shuang first walked around inside and outside the boat, looking for things like rummaging through boxes and cabinets.Until the end, Wang Shuang returned to the cockpit with an old piece of paper in his hand—the sea chart of the trial room.

"God damn sea chart, a room the size of a palm, I guess this boat can't even move?" Wang Shuang walked to the side of the boat and looked out. Except for this boat, the range that can be driven in the whole pool is very small, so Wang Shuang said Even trying to turn the boat around was a bit difficult.

Just when Wang Shuang didn't know what to do, suddenly the entire ship's hull trembled suddenly, and then under Wang Shuang's gaze, it began to sink slowly.Fuck, that's right, it's sinking. Just as Wang Shuang wanted to scream, he suddenly felt that his boat was not submerged. What's going on?

Wang Shuang raised his eyes and looked around. It turned out that although his boat was sinking, the water level was also sinking at the same time. The whole room seemed to have opened the floor below, and both the water and the boat began to fall downward. At the starting point of the pipeline, Wang Shuang's boat is like an ant in the current, being washed down by the water in the pipeline.

This kind of fall didn't last long, and then suddenly there was a "bang", and the boat smashed into the sea. Wang Shuang looked up and saw that the boat he was in had entered a vast sea area.Yes, the underground sea area, except that it is covered with various rocks and ores, everything else is completely the same as when Wang Shuang was driving on the sea of ​​the Sighing Islands.

At this time, Haitu also pointed out a clear road to Wang Shuang, and marked a lightning symbol on the road ahead.

"What do you mean, charging?" Wang Shuang was puzzled for a while when he saw this sign, and remembered the icon that appeared when his mobile phone was charging.

There is no wind, and the entire underground sea area seems to be isolated from the world, and the surrounding area is pitch black, and it is impossible to tell whether it is day or night.Wang Shuang drove forward quietly on the water, the boat pushed away the waves and began to speed up slowly.

Because he didn't know what was going on, Wang Shuang didn't ask Li Er to continue to help him drive the boat. Anyway, looking at the chart, their route of action was not long. At the end of the route, there was a sign in the shape of a dragon head and a treasure chest. Does it mean that there are bosses and final rewards?And there were various signs along the way, Wang Shuang didn't dare to be careless, and didn't dare to face risks in order to save a few minutes, so he decided to go out in person.

The ship sailed smoothly on the sea, and soon, the geographic location displayed on the map told Wang Shuang that they had entered the area marked by the lightning mark on the chart.

With a gentle breeze blowing, Wang Shuang sat in the cockpit and looked around nervously, as if, nothing happened?

Just when Wang Shuang felt a little depressed, the wind blowing in front of him suddenly strengthened a lot.Wang Shuang's hair was blown high, and Wang Shuang was startled immediately: "Fuck, tornado?"

That's right, what appeared in front of him were several large storms.It turns out that the lightning marked on the map means that there is a natural disaster in this area?
Wang Shuang hurriedly turned the rudder and slowed down, and the ship also began to slowly adjust its direction.But the speed of the storm was too fast, and one of them was about to hit Wang Shuang's boat head-on.What to do, brother, can this boat withstand this level of impact?Wang Shuang took a look at the durability of the boat, and it was only 1200 points of durability!Needless to say, if a storm hits head-on, the ship will be destroyed!
Wang Shuang didn't dare to continue to pretend, he summoned Li Muxuan and Mi Luduo, and called out Li Er: "Hurry up, take the helm, there is a storm coming!"

Hearing this, Li Er's expression also suddenly became serious. It first closed its eyes and floated in the air for a while, then quickly opened it and looked at Wang Shuang: "My scouting skills tell me that the sea ahead is full of these things." Kind of a storm!"

Fuck, I know it too, it’s written on my chart too!Wang Shuang couldn't help but said in pain: "Is there any way? If you take the helm, how sure are you that you can rush over unscathed?"

"Needless to say, it must be [-]%. The speed of these storms is so slow, they can't catch my eyes at all." Lier let out a cold snort of disdain.

Fuck it, the grandmaster who has reached the orange level in all life skills is Diao.Wang Shuang was overjoyed, and almost knelt down to it: "Okay, okay, then you can take the helm, and I'm going to the captain's cabin to rest."

"That can't be done." Li Er said and quickly climbed onto the rudder. At this moment, the hull of the boat suddenly stopped, and then began to accelerate towards the storm.Li Er frowned, and suddenly made a very humane movement: it stood up from the rudder with two hind legs, and hooked Li Muxuan's shoulders.

"Master, my ability is not enough. I need to fuse with you to fully display my skill strength." Li Er said, her body slowly blurred. Long and pointed, and the back of the ear is like a rabbit with thin fluff.

"Wow, I'm so envious, I also want to have a pet." Mi Luduo excitedly pulled Wang Shuang's arm and shouted.

"I don't have any pets yet, so don't worry." Wang Shuang couldn't help but smiled wryly, watching Li Muxuan, who had already entered the soul pet mode, hold the rudder.Because the pet soul mode can inherit the skills of pets, Wang Shuang didn't even know that life skills could also be inherited.

Now that Li Muxuan has entered the soul pet mode, hold the rudder.Wang Shuang suddenly felt that the boat under his feet suddenly had a soul.When Li Er was at the helm before, Wang Shuang simply felt that the speed and reaction ability became faster, but now, the ship's action mode has several more roundabouts and circles, and after Li Muxuan took the helm, every time the ship turned The rudder allows the ship to travel through those dangerous storms in the most extreme way, while still maintaining the speed of the ship.

"My lord!" At this time Li Muxuan said suddenly: "Although the storm cannot hit us head-on, the huge impact of the storm may still cause our ship to sink, so I have to trouble you to go to various places on the ship to repair the ship!"

Nani, sure enough, the system master won't let the player hang up with peace of mind?Wang Shuang looked up to the sky and sighed, nodded and said, "Understood, I'll go right away."

It wasn't until Wang Shuang and Mi Luduo walked out of the cabin that Wang Shuang understood what "huge influence" was.That's right, although those storms couldn't hit their boat head-on, the huge wind force generated by the storm during its rotation and the combined wind force of several surrounding storms almost crushed Wang Shuang's fragile boat to pieces.Wang Shuang's scalp went numb, and Mi Luduo quickly started to act on the deck.


System prompt: Your follower Miludo has repaired the cracks in the deck of the Qingyan, and the durability of the deck of the Qingyan has been restored to its original state.

System prompt: You repaired the railing on the port side of the Qingyan, and the durability of the port side of the Qingyan returned to its original state.

System prompt: Your follower, Mi Luduo, has repaired the Xu Sink of the Qingyan, and the durability of the Qingyan is 86.


In contrast to these system notifications, there are constant damage notifications from the boat.While Wang Shuang was busy, suddenly there was a loud bang from below. Wang Shuang was taken aback, and hurried to the side of the boat to look down—fuck, at some point, a floating log hit the bottom of the boat The shell of the ship caused a hole in the bottom of the ship, and water began to seep in!
Fuck, why are you still playing like this?Ordinary players don't have two followers like my brother, I'm afraid the ship has sunk long ago, this trial is really for players?Wait, could it be that brother's luck value is as low as minus 10, so there are so many nonsense and nonsense?After suddenly trying to understand why he was so unlucky, Wang Shuang was so angry that his eggs would explode.

At this time, a hole in the bottom of the ship was seen, and a large amount of seawater began to seep into the bottom of the ship.The news of the decrease in the durability of the ship frantically flashed in front of Wang Shuang, and Wang Shuang and Mi Luduo were also shocked: "It's over, there is no way to go down and repair it, God will kill me!"

Boom!The boat suddenly accelerated and rushed out of the area where the storm was prevalent, and then the cabin was kicked open, and Li Muxuan rushed out from inside. With a calm expression, she quickly jumped over Wang Shuang and Mi Luduo, and grabbed the boat on the side of the boat with one hand. The other hand supported the railing——she turned over and jumped down, firmly grasping the hull of the boat with both hands, like a skilled gecko, and crawling down quickly like a nimble spiderman.

Wang Shuang's jaw dropped to the ground, what kind of skill is this?Is it one of the many orange skills inherited from Lier?
It doesn't matter what it is, now Li Muxuan has quickly come to the edge of the hole in the shell, pressing one hand tightly on the ship, and stretching out the other hand towards the hole.A progress bar began to appear on Li Muxuan's head, and after a few seconds, the hole in the hull of the ship was successfully repaired.

After all this was done, Li Muxuan quickly climbed up again, turned over the railing with one hand, and landed firmly on the side of the boat with both feet.

(End of this chapter)

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