Chapter 239
When he woke up the next day, Wang Shuang opened his eyes in a daze, touched the door of the toilet, and suddenly heard the sound of splashing water, and suddenly felt a little puzzled in his heart: Didn't brother turn off the tap in the toilet last night?
Fuck, it's shameful to waste water resources!Wang Shuang thought so, continued to rub his eyes and yawned and pushed open the toilet door.The door opened, and a girl who had rubbed her head full of foam turned her head to look at Wang Shuang in surprise. Shining brightly under the light.

Not only the girl was stunned, but Wang Shuang was also stunned. Before he woke up and didn't even understand what happened, the girl picked up the washbasin and threw it over.

With a bang, the stainless steel washbasin hit his forehead, and Wang Shuang fell backwards with a scream.

Is it a dream?Fuck, brother has never had such a painful dream!But if it wasn't a dream, why would there be a girl taking a bath in the bathroom of his home?When he fell on the floor, Wang Shuang suddenly remembered what happened last night, that charming girl, and the picture of her lowering her eyes and telling her that she had a criminal record.

Wang Shuang struggled for a while, scratched the ground with his hands for a while, then touched the wall and slowly climbed up.Opening her eyes, the girl in front of her had already wrapped her body with a bath towel, her haughty eyes were as dark as a bottomless pit, looking down at Wang Shuang from top to bottom.

"Why didn't you knock on the door when you entered the bathroom, didn't you hear the sound of water inside?" She spoke with a sullen look on her face.

Angry?Of course!Wang Shuang supported the ground with his hands, but it went limp, so he could only lie on the ground and waved his hands in horror: "I, I just woke up, so I don't know much about it, and I'm used to living alone, so of course I don't know what to do." This awareness."

"Then you have to remember to knock on the door in the future, or I'll throw you out." Ji Ge thought for a while, then pursed his lips and snorted softly, then turned his head and slammed the bathroom door shut, and the sound of the shower came again.

Fuck, so there's no more?Wang Shuang worked hard, got up from the ground and patted his buttocks, staring blankly at the bathroom door.Originally, I thought that the other party would be so angry that he would leave here directly, or that he would make trouble, so why did he just say a few words and be fine?Fuck, good roommate in China!Brother forcefully asks this kind of person to be brother's roommate, even if he is kicked out every day!
Wang Shuang suddenly wanted to ask her why she came so early. It was only seven o'clock in the morning. Normally, college students should have class at eight o'clock. What is she doing here instead of going to class?
Wait, maybe there is another possibility.Wang Shuang was stunned for a moment, turned his head and ran to another room, opened the door suddenly, and found that the game equipment inside was still lit with weak lights.Walking into the room, I touched the edge of the bed and the helmet, both of which were still a little warm.

She played games here all night?
Wang Shuang was a little puzzled by the other party's thoughts. He originally wanted to brush his teeth, wash his face and have breakfast, but now that the bathroom was occupied, he could only wait.Wang Shuang left the room and sat in the living room for a while.Not long after, Ji Ge came out of the bathroom and changed into the clothes he wore when he entered the room yesterday.

"I'm going to school, give me a ride." She said naturally, combing the ponytail on the back of her head with one hand, pinching the rubber band with the other hand, biting the rubber band with her mouth, holding it, and then The ponytail on the back of the head was put on and tied in a knot.Then he took out the makeup pencil in his pocket and traced it on his face casually.

In just a few minutes, Ji Ge changed from an extroverted girl who looked a bit flamboyant to a well-behaved schoolgirl, and the pink rabbit hairpin looked more innocent.

Wang Shuang's jaw dropped, and he looked at her in a daze, "Well, can I ask why I sent you to school?"

"Aren't you going out for breakfast?" Ji Ge took a first look at Wang Shuang as a matter of course, went back to the room and turned off the power of the game device, picked up his schoolbag and walked out.

"Go eat...wait a minute." Wang Shuang yelled, but the other party had already walked out of the door of the house on his own.Wang Shuang sighed, went back to the room and grabbed the keys and mobile phone, locked the door and followed Ji Ge out.

"Didn't you agree to come over at [-]:[-] noon and [-]:[-] pm? Why did you play all night last night?" Wang Shuang asked after catching up in the corridor.

Ji Ge turned his head and glanced at him, then casually threw the schoolbag in his hand to Wang Shuang, took out his mobile phone from his pocket and swiped the web page: "It's nothing, at that time I thought this game was only averagely fun, but I didn't expect a I can't stop playing."

That's for sure, how many players didn't close their eyes for three days and three nights when the server was launched, fighting monsters all night to clear the dungeon!Wang Shuang took two steps forward and caught the schoolbag thrown by the other party: "So you decided to stay for one night?"

"Yeah, I don't think you would object to having an unsuspecting girl living in your house, would you?" Ji Ge suddenly smiled sweetly at Wang Shuang, which made him feel excited.

Wang Shuang was instantly killed, and he muttered for a while, but he couldn't say anything in the end.

All the way without words.They followed the corridor to the first floor and left the apartment building where Wang Shuang was.The dazzling sunlight shone on Wang Shuang and Ji Ge, and the warm light circulated on Wang Shuang.Glancing at Ji Ge who was concentrating on playing with his mobile phone, Wang Shuang coughed: "Are you so proactive in everything you do? I don't think it matters. Didn't anyone else say anything?"

"I said it, but when I asked them if it was right for me to do so, they nodded incredulously."

Wang Shuang was speechless for a while: "Then from now on, am I going to send you to class every morning?"

"So you don't want to?"

"...I don't care."

Ji Ge laughed silently.

Ji Ge was walking in a direction that Wang Shuang didn't often take before. About 10 minutes later, at [-]:[-], Ji Ge suddenly stopped and patted Wang Shuang: "Okay, you're here." It's fine here."

"Huh?" Wang Shuang was taken aback, and the other party snatched the schoolbag inadvertently, and strode forward.Wang Shuang looked at the back of the other party, shook his head helplessly, and turned his head to go home.

At this time, Ji Ge's voice came from behind: "Hey, don't go, I asked you to come here for breakfast, why are you in such a hurry to leave?"

breakfast?Wang Shuang recalled what he said before he left, yes, he did come out for breakfast.But there are restaurants everywhere outside, just find a place to order noodles or eat a meal, why do you want to eat here?

At this time, Wang Shuang suddenly noticed that Ji Ge smiled at him, picked up his schoolbag and ran away in another direction, couldn't help being startled, did she walk this distance specially to let brother come over for breakfast, In fact, her school is not in this direction?
Ji Ge's back has gradually disappeared on the road, Wang Shuang wanted to ask, but there was no one to ask at this time, so he hesitated for a while before entering the restaurant Ji Ge mentioned just now.

Strictly speaking, this is not a restaurant, but a bun shop.Hot steam was coming out of each wooden drawer. Someone came out from inside and uncovered the top layer, and the aroma of buns and hot steam spread instantly.Wang Shuang couldn't help sighing as he felt the huge wave of aroma and steam.

He didn't know how long it had been since he had a proper breakfast.

Eat casually, eat late, or even skip eating when you are not free.Wang Shuang suddenly realized that he had been living in a muddle for a while, and it seemed that Ji Ge's appearance was a good thing, at least she could change his brother's habits.

Although her way is really unexpected.

Soon, two curry meat buns and a cup of soy milk were eaten, and Wang Shuang was steaming and flushed after eating.After checking out and leaving, Wang Shuang felt as if he had been reborn.

Now that he had eaten breakfast with some energy and strength, Wang Shuang started to change from walking to running halfway, and ran back home slowly, then changed his clothes and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

Walking out of the bathroom, Wang Shuang couldn't help but let out a long breath.Brother, reborn!According to the current state, brother can play ten online!Not much to say, Wang Shuang put on the game helmet and went online immediately. After selecting the characters and clicking to enter the game, after waiting for a while, the surroundings began to appear bright, and the surrounding scenery gradually became clearer.


System prompt: You have two unread emails.

Nani, as soon as I came up, someone sent me an email?Today is the time when the time is turning. Wang Shuang was thinking of taking this opportunity to go out and look for dungeons to brush up, but he didn't expect that someone would look for him as soon as he came up.

The first unread email was from Molu Shengxiao, the president of the Molu Tragedy Guild.Wang Shuang clicked on the email to check for a while, and found that the other party said that he could sell him twenty copies of the Vajra Book, and asked him where he wanted to trade.

By the way, I asked her to buy two sets of King Kong Strange Books, two sets of Boiling Strange Books and two sets of Magic Gang Strange Books from her. These three sets of books respectively correspond to a permanent increase of 30? ? ?Defense, 30? ? ?attack and 30? ? ?defense.But now there is something unexpected - brother's followers have changed from one to two, and now brother needs three sets of such wonderful books!
Wang Shuang could only feedback his situation to the other party in the form of an e-mail. After sending the message, the other party replied quickly: "Okay, it's not a problem. I just gave you the book of madness and the book of strength." A set. Although these things are still in short supply, they actually cost nothing to synthesize, and it depends on the players to brush them up. Don’t worry, I’ll get them together soon.”

Wang Shuang replied with a smile: "Then there will be Chairman Lao Shengxiao!"

After closing the email, Wang Shuang looked at the other one——the other one was from the God of War, Qingfeng, and the title was that the Sighing Islands have been completely recovered, and you can go back to claim the rewards of the orange mission.

Has the day finally come?Wang Shuang cheered up, quickly replied thank you, and then rushed to Saiyan City at full speed, the office of the Glorious Legion.

(End of this chapter)

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