It's time to play online

Chapter 240 The task of breaking the clue

Chapter 240 The task of breaking the clue

Legion of Radiance, Cosma's office.

As soon as Wang Shuang opened the door and entered, he suddenly found that the scale of the office was much higher than before. Last time he came to this room, most of the places were still empty. A lot more decorations.Kesma sat on the chair in the center, handling official duties with vigor.

"Adventurer, you are finally here!" Seeing Wang Shuang, Kesma threw the official business in her hand aside, walked up with a smile and shook hands with Wang Shuang.Wang Shuang was instantly flattered. Although he had been warmly received by Kesma before, this level of enthusiasm was the first time.

"I'm here to receive the task reward." Wang Shuang was also infected by the other party's enthusiasm, smiled embarrassedly, and scratched his head.

"It's easy to say, as the number one hero of Saiyan City, you are eligible to receive your reward." Kesma said with a smile: "Come on, adventurer, this is what you won."


System prompt: You have completed the orange-level task "eradicating future troubles", you will get 2800W experience rewards, 3W gold coins as rewards, your follower Li Muxuan will get 2800W experience points, and your follower Mi Luduo will get 2800W experience points rewards , your reputation in Lionheart Kingdom is 10000, your reputation in Saiyan City is 27W, you get 80 free attribute points, you get 20 points of all attribute bonus, and you get the equipment "Sigh of Despair".


System prompt: Your reputation in the Lionheart Kingdom has changed to "Respected.".

System prompt: Your reputation in Saiyan City has changed to "Extremely Worshiped".

System prompt: You have reached level 57.

System prompt: Your follower Li Muxuan has reached level 54.

System prompt: Your follower Mirudo has reached level 56.


Cool!Wang Shuang was so happy that he almost jumped up.Leaving aside the prestige rewards, there are only 80 free attribute points and 20 all attribute bonuses!This has gone far beyond general tasks to rewards.Generally, you will be given equipment, props, and at most followers and pets. These things are either time-sensitive, or require too much time and energy to cultivate, or are not powerful enough even if they are cultivated to the top.

But it was the first time to directly reward free attribute points, and directly gave 80 free attribute points at once!what does this mean?It means that Wang Shuang directly has 80 more free attribute points than others out of thin air, which is equivalent to 16 more upgrade rewards than others in one breath!
Yes, players will get 5 free attribute points every time they level up. Completing special tasks, learning some passive skills, and equipping some equipment may all get permanent attribute bonuses.But the system is generally very stingy with such rewards.It is estimated that there is nothing to send for orange-level missions, so let's just reward attributes directly!I like this reward, it's equivalent to my stats being 16 levels higher than people of the same level!
Combined with the other skills of my brother who add full attributes, I will definitely be the boss among players in the later stage!

Thinking of the future, Wang Shuang became very excited. At this time, Kesma patted him on the shoulder vigorously, pulling him back to reality: "Adventurer, you have really helped me a lot this time, not only completely eradicating the evil spirits in our Saiyan City, A great calamity, guaranteed the peace and stability of the sea area around Saiyan City, and let me be promoted again, the scenery is boundless!"

Fuck, Wang Shuang almost spit out old blood when he heard this, how much reward did you deduct this time, so that you can be promoted to another level?Wang Shuang, who felt that the fruits of his victory were divided by others, immediately felt uncomfortable.Fortunately, Kesma is also an old acquaintance, so I will send more tasks to my brother in the future to make up for my loss!

System prompt: Because of your plentiful battle results, the leader of the Legion of Glory, Kesma Aida, has a 28 favorability with you, and the current favorability is 100/100.

System prompt: Kesma Aida, head of the Legion of Radiance, has changed his favorability towards you to "Respect", current favorability: 50/100.

Revere, reverence is good.Wang Shuang nodded. Although I don't know what the use is, it's always good for another NPC to have a good impression of my brother!Now after getting excited, Kesma also slowly walked back to her desk and sat down.After Wang Shuang allocated 5 free attribute points and [-] free attribute points for upgrade rewards, he approached Kesma again.

Wang Shuang said: "Now that I have cleared all the pirates on the Sighing Islands, let me finish the cyan-level task before, or it will take up my task bar."

Kesma was slightly taken aback: "Cyan? Oh, I have already distributed the reward for that mission to you, as for the follow-up of the mission, it has nothing to do with me."

What the hell, Nani?Wang Shuang froze in place as if struck by lightning, then quickly opened the task bar, and turned over the cyan-level task.

8. [Cyan level task] Pirates attack - reward stay.

What's the matter with this reward stay?Isn't it your reward?Wang Shuang hurriedly asked: "Could it be that you have misremembered it, and I clearly wrote reward stay here? If you don't believe me, take a look." He said and showed the screenshot of the task in his task bar.

Fuck, can NPCs see it?When Wang Shuang saw the other party squinting his eyes, he seemed to have seen it, right?how?

After reading it, Kesma frowned and waved her hand: "It has nothing to do with me. I said at that time that my task rewards will be issued to you in advance, so when this task ends here, my work is considered complete. As for the latter part, it has nothing to do with me."

Fuck, you are my brother, okay?Finish this task!Is brother going to carry on with such pain, this task that can't be completed for some reason?

Seeing that Kesma was about to start handling official business again, Wang Shuang threw himself on the other party's desk in a hurry, stared into the other party's eyes and said, "Commander Kesma, I took this task from you, and you are responsible for the whole task. I am issuing instructions and rewards, and now the pirates are dead, but there is a problem with the mission, should you help me solve it?"

Now Wang Shuang is looking forward to his own skills, and the purple-level discussion technique can work.After all, after my brother has been reversed by his talent, his success rate is frighteningly high!But this time it seems that even this god-like skill has failed, Kesma shook her head expressionlessly, and sighed: "Adventurer, don't try hard, it's useless, I said the last time, This task is beyond my competence and I cannot solve it."

What do you mean, what is beyond your ability?Is it beyond the authority of your NPC?But since the other party told Wang Shuang not to entangle, Wang Shuang also began to hesitate whether to continue asking.

But if you don't ask, the clue will be broken!Wang Shuang racked his brains and thought about it, and decided to take a side-by-side first: "Okay, so is there anything else in this city that I can help with?"

Kesma groaned and shook her head: "Now there is peace inside and outside the city. If there is a mission, I will tell you as soon as possible."

Fuck, NPCs are talking about this, so there is really no follow-up mission!At this moment, Wang Shuang felt extremely painful.But what else can I do?I can only go back and talk about it.Thinking that the clue to this mission was cut off like this, and he would go around with an unclear mission in the future, Wang Shuang was so angry that his teeth itched.At this time, he could only smile and say: "Okay, then I'll take my leave first, and come to the head of the group for tea when I have time."

"Hehe, walk slowly." Kesma's office door closed behind him.

Wang Shuang walked downstairs, walked past a few players with his head down, and left the barracks. Looking at the task in his task bar, he was entangled for a long time. Dry rice, after trying all kinds of methods, there is no way to take it out. When I stir the root of my tongue, I feel my throat being pricked.

Ignore this painful thing, or go to solve other things first.

Wang Shuang was refreshed and organized his thoughts.Now is the time to turn around. Do you want to find a place to practice leveling, brush up equipment and gold coins, and then take the opportunity to exchange for a wave of soft sister coins?
After this update of the Star Wish system, in addition to the official trading system, second-tier dungeons in various races also began to emerge and surfaced.For example, there is one next to the Saiyan City where Wang Shuang is located. In the entire territory of the Lionheart Kingdom, there are about 1000 such second-level dungeons, which are rarer than the first-level dungeons that can be seen everywhere.

Anyway, brother is now in the time of turning around, so let's go and brush up the copy.Wang Shuang sighed, because he had repaired the equipment and replenished the potion before, so he went out of the city directly and ran to the location of the copy.

The dungeon next to Saiyan City is called Howling Abyss, and Wang Shuang only saw others mention it when browsing the forum.At this time, on the way to the dungeon, Wang Shuang opened the forum and searched for posts about the Howling Abyss.


System prompt: 143 related posts were found.

That's all?Wang Shuang was slightly taken aback, and while he was on his way, he found a few posts and clicked on them.Logically speaking, there is only a Tier [-] dungeon next to Saiyan City, and now that most players have changed jobs, they will definitely go to upgrade some Tier [-] equipment, right?

But Wang Shuang didn't expect that when he opened the post, what he saw was a different scene.

Landlord: I just completed the job transfer task today. I checked and found that there is a second-level dungeon called Howling Abyss next to Kuano City. I am planning to go there. I don’t know if anyone has gone to explore the way and share the strategy with LZ?
Floor 2: LZ advises you to go home now and continue to farm mobs.That dungeon is really not something that a player who has just changed his job can beat, even if it is a white grade!
Floor 3: That's right, it's too strong. I advise you to fill up a set of white equipment first, and fill up the attributes and strange books such as Strong Body King Kong, and then try it.

(End of this chapter)

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