It's time to play online

Chapter 241 It's Good to Smash Your Faces, Brother

Chapter 241 It's Good to Smash Your Faces, Brother

Fuck, is brother ahead again?But those guys from the Dragon Soaring Guild are also able to defeat the monsters in the trial dungeon just like my brother.Is it because they are so numerous that they are less obvious?Wang Shuang pondered for a long time, but finally couldn't figure out why no one came to play the second-tier dungeon now.

No matter, Brother Longtan and Tiger Cave will also go for a break, and you will know after passing.Wang Shuang was about to roll up his sleeves and pick up the dagger. Anyway, with the addition of two followers and talents, Wang Shuang was almost invincible and unstoppable.

But at this moment, there was a sudden ding, and a new message popped up next to the friends list.

Why are people looking for my brother so frequently recently?Wang Shuang clicked on the friend list, and the person who wrote the letter was June Feixu.

June Feixu: "Wang Shuang, how are you doing recently?"

ha?Wang Shuang was slightly taken aback, how could my brother live, of course it was time to fight monsters, to do missions, to download dungeons.

Looking at the short message sent by the other party, Wang Shuang couldn't help but feel pained, and replied: "It's nothing, why did Sister Feixu suddenly ask this question?"

June Feixu: "I'm asking this on behalf of sister Qianli, so don't worry about it. But you probably didn't read the full server announcement in the morning, did you?"

Wang Shuang shook his head subconsciously, remembering that this was chatting and typing, and continued to type slowly on the keyboard: "No, what happened, has anyone cleared any dungeons or killed any monsters?"

June Feixu: "Sure enough, I didn't watch it. Do you still remember the wandering sword soul last time?"

Wang Shuang pondered for a long time: "I remember this name, but I forgot what he did."

June Feixu sent a sighing expression: "I know you don't care about this. Fortunately, our guild's intelligence department has been initially established. As far as we know, Wandering Sword Soul is an elf player and belongs to the Wandering World Guild , used to be just an ordinary guild member, but the rapid upgrade some time ago and becoming the first player to reach level 50 in all Huaxia servers quickly attracted the attention of the guild."

Seeing this, Wang Shuang suddenly realized: "Oh, oh, the first player to reach level [-] was rewarded with an orange-level follower, right?"

June Feixu: "That's right, it's him."

Fuck!Wang Shuang felt depressed when he thought of this incident. Although Wang Shuang's leveling speed was not slow at that time, even a few points faster than that guy, and it was only one step away from level [-], but the helpless thing was that Wang Shuang was Before the talent was awakened, it was too weak. It was so weak that it could only brush monsters seven or eight levels lower than itself, which made the upgrade speed very slow.

Fortunately, in the early stage, no matter how little monster experience is, there will be no loss. Killing a few more monsters can always level up.However, since the change of job, the update speed and replacement speed of equipment have increased a lot. Although Wang Shuang has some skills in fighting monsters, which is better than ordinary rookies, he can never lose equipment when killing monsters. Orders and gold coin tasks, resulting in their own inability to develop.

So Wang Shuang started a vicious cycle of poor attributes, killing low-level monsters, less gold coins, barely completing orders, and further reducing the experience of low-level monsters after upgrading, and further deteriorating attributes compared to players of the same level.

Brother lagging behind others in the early stage is really stepping too much!
Sighing, Wang Shuang shook his head. In short, it's good to try to make up for it now. Although No. 50 at level 1 is lost, No. 80 at level 1 is still there, isn't it?

Wang Shuang suddenly remembered that the last time a guy cleared the level 45 yellow level dungeon, and it was also posted on the server announcement. At that time, Wang Shuang was there, and he just saw this news. It seems to be the masterpiece of this wandering sword soul?It's a pity that I didn't meet such an interesting guy when I was wandering around the elf player's territory, otherwise I must give him a try.

Thinking of this, Wang Shuang's fingers crackled on the keyboard: "What's wrong with him, he's on the full server announcement again?"

June Feixu: "That's right, it's him again this time. Not only has he been on the full server announcement, but he has also opened up a new pattern for all races in the Huaxia District."

Wang Shuang was slightly surprised: "New pattern?"

Just about to ask something, June Feixu then sent a message: "This matter is a bit complicated, and I'm tired of typing like this. Why don't you change the method."

Another way?

Wang Shuang was about to ask what method to change, when suddenly the chat box in front of him quickly extended an extended window, and a strip-shaped microphone was constantly beating.


System prompt: Player June Feixu requests to have a voice call with you.

Voice calls!And me?Wang Shuang was excited and clicked agree.

Then there was a slightly fluctuating electromagnetic sound in Wang Shuang's ears, and a woman coughed softly on the phone: "Wang Shuang, can you hear me?"

Wang Shuang nodded subconsciously when he heard the words, but immediately realized that this was not a call in a face-to-face situation, so he could only say: "I can hear you, please tell me, Miss Feixu."

"Then I'll say it." June Feixu's voice was still so clear and pleasant, like a wind chime slightly blowing in the wind: "The Wandering Sword Soul completed a task of unknown grade at 04:30 last night. It triggered an automatic system update. This automatic update and the voice function seem to be functions that were released by the update of Star Wish’s game console.”

Wang Shuang hummed: "Understood, it means that he triggered something, which led to the emergence of a new system. Then, what is the function of this new system, and what does it have to do with us?"

June Feixu snorted unhappily: "The relationship is getting bigger, Star Wish officially stated that since the first player successfully changed his job, all races and players in Huaxia District have also crossed the second job transfer period." Threshold, successfully advanced the profession and obtained more powerful attributes. In the current Huaxia District, the number of players who have passed the second job transfer has exceeded 30 of the total number of players???Because the wandering sword soul has completed the task, it is now open Star wish player ranking mode."

Wang Shuang snorted: "What impact does this ranking mode have on us? Is it to save points to exchange props and equipment? Is it the same as the arena? I feel that if you have that time, why don't you just farm more monsters yourself? The overall benefit is a little bit more.”

June Feixu clicked his tongue softly on the other side of the microphone: "It's not that simple. In this ranking mode, Star Wish Company has also played a cruel hand, and directly transferred money to your bank card without rewarding equipment. This The ranking event is settled once a month, and each time the top three can get three levels of rewards: 8000 Soft Girl Coins, 2W Soft Girl Coins and 5W Soft Girl Coins!"

Hearing this, Wang Shuang jumped up from the spot: "Fuck, where is the No. 15W soft girl coin, where is it, how to sign up, I'm going!"

Ever since Xingyuan started messing with the trading system, revoked the trading system and modified it back, and added a handling fee, many funders began to disappear.As a result, gold coins and equipment became difficult to sell, and many studios chose to close down and transform.Luo Xueqianli and the others directly incorporated all the studio members into the guild, and began to recruit recruits aggressively, otherwise it is estimated that they will not escape the fate of transformation.

But if there is a trading system, there must be an exchange between virtual currency and real currency.Now if you look carefully, you can still find someone who collects gold coins.But in this situation, can others still maintain the ratio of 6 gold coins for 1 soft girl coin?Not to mention the issue of transaction fees, but the gold coins have started to depreciate sharply. Many players spend a week, and it is not a problem to spend [-] gold coins!
So what is the ratio of gold coins to soft sister coins now? 50:1, that's right, after a week of hard work, now only two hundred Ruanmei coins are left for the hard work.This market situation caused many players to leave the studio one after another. Wang Shuang also went shopping before. When he had tens of thousands of gold coins on hand, he wanted to exchange some living expenses, but after looking at the market, Wang Shuang finally shook his head and withdrew. back.

This ratio is too low, and there is not much money in exchange for all the money on hand!What's more, his gold coins are used to maintain the expenses of the three of them. Just the potions and equipment maintenance for him, Mi Luduo and Li Muxuan are enough for him to drink a pot.

At this time, the news sounded like a voice from outside the sky, which suddenly made Wang Shuang extremely excited.5W a month, even ordinary professional players don't have this income!That guy named Wandering Sword Soul, I really have to thank him next time I see him!

From Feixu in June, Wang Shuang got relevant information about the Star Wish Professional League.This league seems to start its first season today, and it will end at 31:0 pm on the 1st of this month.The process of the game is similar to that of the arena. Participate in five games a day, and get 3 point for winning. After winning 1 games in a row, you will get an extra point for each victory. No points for losing.

As for the rules, it is a bit special.The first is about the rules of participation. In the Wishing Star Professional League, any player in the Huaxia District who is above level 50 and has completed the second job transfer will be automatically matched with a player with a similar level who is waiting at the same time. Once found Immediately enter the competition.

Players are matched completely randomly.what does this mean?Just said that the number of players who have passed the second job change has exceeded 30? ? ?How many players are there in Huaxia District?One month after the opening of the server, the number of players officially given by Star Wish is 7000 million.Now it is estimated that it has exceeded 2500 million, right?From this point of view, there should be at least [-] million people who have passed the second job change.

Another point is that the opponents matched by the system must be of the same race, because in the eyes of NPCs and human NPCs, this activity was proposed and implemented by the high-level officials of their kingdom to encourage adventurers to improve their strength, so Wang Shuang 100% of the players encountered during the match are human players.

Human race is good, if you are a human race player, do you have a high probability of encountering Long Teng's guy?Those guys seem to call me a garbage player every day and want to step on me, right?Waiting for the Star Wish Professional League, how about crushing your faces?

(End of this chapter)

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