It's time to play online

Chapter 242 I Met Wang Shuang

Chapter 242 I Met Wang Shuang
Wang Shuang returned to Kuoye City, not only in Kuoye City, but because Wang Shuang is near Kuoye City now, he chose this place as the first place to compete.

But Wang Shuang regretted it as soon as he came, because the NPC who signed up for Kuoye City was actually the bearded man who withheld Wang Shuang's reward before.

"...Why you?" Wang Shuang stared at him as soon as he came over.

"It's me, why, do you have any objections, adventurer?" The bearded man raised his eyebrows and stared at him with rounded eyes.

Wang Shuang said annoyedly, "Okay, I have no objections. I want to sign up for the Star Wish Professional League."

The bearded man snorted, and waved his hand to reject Wang Shuang: "No, I don't qualify for registration here to those who can't complete daily tasks. Anyway, even if a guy like you gets in, he will probably be brushed out soon. I advise you not to waste this time."

"Damn it." Wang Shuang was so angry that he summoned two of his followers. There are so many of them. Brother, I will put pressure on you now!Li Muxuan and Mi Luduo stood on both sides of Wang Shuang. Sure enough, at this moment Wang Shuang felt that he was not alone: ​​"You look down on people with a big beard. I am not targeting anyone. I mean that the group of adventurers in the arena are all Spicy chicken, they have the ability to step on brother's face and give him a slap in the ear? This is what I said here, whoever refuses to accept it just come here."

"Hmph, an adventurer who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth." The bearded man also blew his beard and stared. Just when the other party wanted to continue to say something, his face suddenly froze and his expression became very rich.

what's the situation?Wang Shuang was stunned for a moment, and looked at the other party blankly, what's wrong, did brother say or do something, why did this guy suddenly get stuck?Could it be my brother's words that caused the BUG again?Although this guy made my brother unhappy twice, but there is no need to get stuck in a BUG and disappear like this.Just when Wang Shuang was a little irritable, the other party suddenly came back to his senses and snorted coldly: "You are lucky, adventurer, I don't know why I suddenly feel so good that I want to agree to your request, and I have already submitted your application materials. gone."

"Huh?" Wang Shuang was completely stunned this time. What's going on? Is it really a bug?Suddenly, Wang Shuang recalled his purple-level discussion skills, and suddenly realized.It turned out that my brother's skill was reversed by the talent at this time and took effect.

Then came the belated system bell.


System prompt: You have successfully activated the persuasion effect of the purple-level discussion technique, and your skill purple-level discussion technique has accumulated 10 experience points.

Didn't get a ton of extra experience because the chances were too low, but that's not bad.Anyway, the low skill of this purple-level discussion technique is still a good thing for Wang Shuang, because when the skill is low, it means that Wang Shuang has a high success rate after the reversal, 90? ? ?The success rate is high, which is enough for Wang Shuang to cope with the usual plot development and communication with NPCs.

Although Wang Shuang has just successfully persuaded an NPC, the other party is still frowning tightly, as if he is not satisfied with his decision.Seeing Wang Shuang happily preparing to leave, the bearded man suddenly said again: "However, because you uttered wild words before and despised the level of all other adventurers, if you are defeated more than twice in a day, don't even think about it." Then get the qualification to participate in the Terran Professional League from me."

Wang Shuang was taken aback for a moment, what the hell, is this really something that a small daily task NPC like you can decide?However, although there were no system prompts or task prompts, Wang Shuang did not dare to doubt the other party's words.After thinking about it, Wang Shuang suddenly showed a smile: "Why? Besides, what if I win the championship?"

"Cut, whimsical, ignorant frog in a well." The bearded man shook his head and sighed, as if completely disappointed by Wang Shuang's ignorance.

Wang Shuang was not annoyed when he saw the bearded man, but continued to stare into his eyes and asked, "I said, what if I become the champion?"

"What else do you want to do after becoming the champion?" The bearded man began to blow his beard and stare again: "It's just a small adventurer league, and it's nothing in our eyes. Could it be that you still want to usurp my Dragon Light Legion The position of deputy head?"

"Fuck, you are the deputy commander of the Kuano City Guard Legion, the Longguang Legion?" Wang Shuang was caught off guard and was taken aback.

"Otherwise, what do you think?" The other party exploded in anger, stood up and pointed at Wang Shuang's nose and yelled.


System prompt: Because of your ignorance, Ilida Longsheng, the deputy head of the Longguang Legion, has a favorable opinion of you -7, and the current favorable opinion is 24/100.

Fuck, ignorant and ignorant peat!And why did you lose my brother's favor with just a few words, can this game be played?Wang Shuang was in pain, and then suddenly came to his senses: Why is this NPC so self-willed, even the deputy head of the Longguang Legion has no reason, brother's task rewards can be deducted, and brother's professional league qualifications can also be deducted A one-sentence veto, and because of his own bad temper, he restricted his brother to lose more than two games and get out immediately?

This is no longer an NPC, and it has nothing to do with the distribution of IQ. This nima is completely changed by the master of the system, right?And you get angry as soon as you say it, so emotional, are you an uncle?

In short, now that the qualifications for the competition have been obtained, Wang Shuang snorted softly, turned his head and walked out of the door of the room.

Next, because I got the certificate of participation, the next step is to participate in the competition, right?I originally planned to go to the dungeon first, but now it seems that the dungeon can also be put aside temporarily. After all, my brother is already in the city now, so I should just finish playing the professional league and then go to the dungeon.After all, it is estimated that few of those players have Tier [-] equipment.

Wang Shuang walked to the field teleportation field in Kuye City. A beautiful customer service MM first saluted him with a smile: "Adventurers from afar, welcome to the Star Wish Professional League. Would you like to participate directly?"

Although it's a professional league, the participants are not professional players, casual amateur players like brother can also come to join in the fun.

Wang Shuang chose to participate directly, and then saw the customer service MM smiling at him gently, and then everything in front of Wang Shuang became dark.

Just when Wang Shuang didn't know what to do, suddenly a screen in front of him lit up, showing the reminder that Wang Shuang still had five chances to compete today.Since Wang Shuang just signed up, it is natural for him to come here five times. Everyone has five opportunities to participate in the competition every day.


System prompt: You have been matched with a comparable opponent, entering the arena... building the arena frame... buying the front row audience... cleaning the seats...

System prompt: The preparation is complete, and now you will be transferred to the arena.

The reminder that there are still five competitions left in front of him disappeared instantly, and Wang Shuang turned into a competition stage like the arena in front of him, with layers of audience seats on both sides like clouds, but there was no audience on the seats.In front of Wang Shuang, the soldiers on the opposite side also cast their eyes on him.

"Wang Shuang?" The other party frowned the moment he saw Wang Shuang.

"Eh?" Wang Shuang couldn't help being slightly stunned when he saw the other party. He didn't expect to be so lucky. The first match was Long Teng Fufeng.

"It's time to reckon with the grievances at Tianpo Mountain!" Long Teng Fufeng licked his lips and smiled ferociously, and pulled out a long axe that was taller than others from behind.

"What grievances, why don't I remember?" Wang Shuang also said with a smile, and at the same time raised his hand, ready to summon his two followers.


System prompt: Only one follower is allowed to be summoned in this competitive mode.

"Huh?" Wang Shuang was in pain for a while after seeing this prompt: "Isn't this embarrassing a player with many followers like Brother? Forget it, there is no need for followers, Brother can handle you alone."

"Hmph, you have followers, so of course I have pets." Long Teng Fufeng snorted softly, and summoned a giant bear with golden luster all over his body.What the hell is going on with this shiny gold thing?Frightened, Wang Shuang hurriedly checked the attributes of the opponent's pet, and then heaved a sigh of relief.Fortunately, this is just a special effect for the appearance of yellow-grade pets.

Wang Shuang found that his body was still unable to move. It seemed that the match hadn't officially started yet, and the opponent's appearance probably meant the same.Soon, a countdown began to appear on the big screen.

"I met Wang Shuang." At this moment, Long Teng Fufeng seemed to start a voice call with someone suddenly, and soon, three or four players appeared in the auditorium of the arena.

"It's really Wang Shuang!" The leader was shocked when he saw Wang Shuang, and his face was slightly dignified.That person was none other than Long Teng Qianqiu who "shared troubles" with Wang Shuang and killed the boss together.As the leader of the second team, when he was learning skills in a certain human town, he suddenly received a voice call from Long Teng Fufeng meeting Wang Shuang. He was naturally taken aback, put down what he was doing and rushed over immediately.


System prompt: time is up, the battle begins!
Now that it started, there was nothing to say. Wang Shuang drew out his dagger and rushed forward, aiming at Long Teng Fufeng's neck and slashing fiercely.Long Teng Fufeng is naturally not a fool. Since he is the striker and tank shield of the second group, although he usually only takes damage, he also has a certain level of skill. His parry and block postures are very correct, and the probability is higher than that of ordinary players. a lot of.

But Wang Shuang belongs to the kind of player who doesn't know much about technology, but simply reacts quickly.Because Wang Shuang has not received systematic training, but Wang Shuang has played various games since he was a child, and Wang Shuang already has the reaction speed required by most games.Now seeing Long Teng Fufeng put on a defensive action all of a sudden, he couldn't help smiling, and when the dagger was about to cut on the opponent's weapon, he suddenly changed direction, staggered, and cut to the opponent's arm.

The speed of this dislocation was very fast, so fast that even Long Teng Qianqiu felt a blur in front of him, Wang Shuang's dagger suddenly appeared on Long Teng Fufeng's arm, and took up the armor, bringing out a twisted metal strip on the arm armor scars.

Long Teng Fufeng's body swayed, and one-third of the blood on his head suddenly dropped.

(End of this chapter)

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