Chapter 252

The same as what Longteng Xingchen roared, the things crawling out of this mechanical ring are all stooped servants, beasts and skeletons.They have different attributes, and their levels are also very different.Some beasts are as high as level 76, and some skeletons are as low as level [-] or [-]. Although the quality varies, the victory lies in balance.

And at this time, these monsters are friendly green names to everyone in the Longteng guild.But in the eyes of Molu Xinghe and others hiding in the bushes, it is a dazzling red name.

After seeing this scene, Molu Xinghe and the others short-circuited their heads almost immediately, staring blankly at these red-named monsters, not knowing how to react for a long time.Seeing Long Teng Xingchen and others start to gather these monsters that kept crawling out, Molu Xinghe was the first to react, opened the friend list first, took a screenshot of the scene in front of him, and immediately sent it to Molu Shengxiao.

"Give your president a screenshot to report the situation!" Molu Shengxiao hurriedly said.

"Oh." The other people acted as if they had just woken up from a big dream, and quickly activated the screenshot function, and they had to follow Molu Xinghe's example and take a screenshot of the scene in front of them and send it to their respective guild leaders.But at this moment, a player from the Dragon Soaring Guild suddenly trembled, turned his head suddenly, and saw several people hiding behind the bushes.

There were thousands of people in the Longteng Guild present, why was he able to detect and immediately find the positions of these few people when no one else responded?This is when it comes to this player's annoying talent.Before being approached by players, taking screenshots, mentioning his ID around, attacking, using skills, using props, or being shrouded in halos, he will feel his heart.Just sensing, no system prompts, nor any other prompts and instructions.

He can only know that someone is going to do something to him from a certain direction. As for whether this trick refers to using skills or approaching, he doesn't know.It just so happened that this guy remembered that there was no one else behind him. At this time, he suddenly felt the trigger of a gifted sensor in a certain direction behind him, and subconsciously looked back.

It didn’t matter if he looked at it, he saw a few players hiding behind the bushes, his pupils shrank, and he suddenly shouted: “There are guys from other guilds, the bushes in that direction, the output next to them quickly catch up , be sure to eliminate them as soon as possible!"

This shout surprised almost all the players of the Longteng guild, and Longteng Xingchen was so frightened that he almost stepped on the foot of a skeleton shooter.Turning his head, he quickly saw a few people running away in a panic. He was taken aback for a moment, and then he flew into a rage: "Fuck, kill them, kill them quickly! Liu Guang, Jian Zhu, Qing Ming, point out these monsters quickly!" The way, point them in the direction and make them move!"

The three vice presidents were taken aback when they heard the words, and seeing that the anxiety on Long Teng Xingchen's face was almost overflowing, they also became anxious unconsciously: "Where are you going, where are you going?"

"Whatever, choose either Saiyan City or Kuye City!" Long Teng Xingchen shouted loudly.

Both Bei Jianzhu and Long Teng Qingming were still in a daze, Long Teng Liuguang was the first to react, and waved his hand with a stern expression: "Go, set off immediately, and charge towards Kuoye City to lead the way!"

"Let's go, let's go!" Bei Jianzhu came to his senses later, waved his hand and said: "All the main team that is fine, come with me and Liu Guang, come as planned, and set off for Kuoye City!"

At this time, Longteng Xingchen had activated all his acceleration skills, as fast as a gust of wind, he overtook everyone in Longteng Guild and rushed towards Molu Xinghe and the others.Molu Xinghe looked back and found that Longteng Xingchen was approaching at a super speed. He turned back quickly like a frightened rabbit and shouted: "Hurry up, hurry up, the other party is catching up!"

Unfortunately, in the game, their movement speed is limited by the system, and they can only run as fast as the character should move at.Seeing Longteng Xingchen approaching their backs like a shooting star, a person from Dark Rose roared, stopped and turned around and said, "What are you running for, anyway, you're going to be overtaken anyway, why don't you try to fight back?" He once, there are so many of us, so what if he is the leader of the Longteng guild?"

"Hmph." Long Teng Xingchen snorted softly, and glanced ahead. At this time, the other players of Gloomy Rose seemed to be moved, and they slowed down and turned to look at this person.Long Teng Xingchen pulled out the blade of the sword he was carrying from his back, danced it in the air, like an arrow, and stabbed straight at the chest of the guy who stopped, as fast as a bolt of lightning.

After the blade pierced into the opponent's chest, Long Teng Xingchen pulled out the blade without looking at it, and then made a beautiful turn, with the blade in his hand carried on his shoulder, and followed his movement around, and the person in front of him A deep bloodstain was left on the player's neck.Long Teng Xingchen put down the player and continued to chase.

The player squirmed his lips, as if he wanted to say something, but the blood bar on his head was taken away by 90 when he was stabbed for the first time? ? ?Blood, the second attack directly emptied his blood tank.He could only slowly knelt down on the ground, turned into a white light and flew away.

"Hold the grass, hold it like this!" The few who hesitated were so frightened that they were about to speed up, but Longteng Xingchen, who was chasing up, quickly waved the blade in his hand, like a swift butterfly fluttering its wings. Shuttle back and forth, between the elegant figure, but the gaze has been falling on the position above the middle of the blade of his own.

"Wuxiang Crazy Slash." Long Teng Xingchen whispered softly.He raised the blade, and the long sword held in both hands shone like the most holy light in the world under the sunlight, shining so that one's heart palpitated.He swung the sword extremely fast, only stopping when the movement of the sword was in place, and his gaze was always on his own blade.Like a swordsman obsessed with swordsmanship.

When he stopped this Wuxiang Crazy Slash, five or six players around him fell to their knees and disappeared into white light.Long Teng Xingchen raised his head and looked forward, Molu Xinghe also stopped at this moment, looking at him slightly panting.

"What on earth do you want to summon those monsters for? Why don't they attack you?" Molu Xinghe calmed down and asked reluctantly.

"Do you think you have the capital to ask me questions if you know this in advance?" Long Teng Xingchen sneered, and stabbed Molu Xinghe with the long sword in his hand.With a clang, Molu Xinghe blocked it with his magic staff, and then his eyes flashed, the blood on her head dropped by 60 at this moment?

Realizing that he couldn't bear the next attack, Molu Xinghe immediately raised his hand and waved a holy light on his chest. While recovering a little bit of blood, he became transparent and escaped into the shadows. This is the job of an assassin. Skill - Stealth.Long Teng Xingchen squinted his eyes, feeling a little surprised, but he just sneered, suddenly raised the long sword in his hand, and struck out at the position where Molu Xinghe was hidden.

With a clang, Molu Xinghe continued to block with his staff, and successfully parried Long Teng's attack.But she suddenly took two steps back, shook her body, and looked up at the blood bar on her head, only 10? ? ?Even with two more treatments, it would not be able to stop Longteng Xingchen's last attack.

"Do you want to use the power of monsters to attack those guilds that oppose you?" Molu Xinghe simply gave up struggling, put away his weapons and shouted at Longteng Xingchen.

"You can take this question to the church and ask the priest!" Long Teng Xingchen cut the cloth armor on Molu Xinghe's chest with his last sword, exposing the delicate snow-white skin that was also stained with traces of blood.Molu Xinghe struggled a bit, his legs softened and he knelt on the ground, his upper body fell to the ground as if he had lost strength.

White light, endless white light, three to five seconds later, Molu Xinghe was revived in the church in Kuye City.

Glancing at the constantly flashing friend list, Molu Xinghe was slightly startled, remembering that he fled too hastily just now, and didn't even see the president's reply, so he regretted it and was about to open it to see Molu Shengxiao's reply .

At this time, an abrupt system prompt interrupted Molu Xinghe's movements.


System prompt: Longteng Guild triggers the regional plot "Grandma of the Millennium War". Half an hour later, Kuano City will be attacked by a large number of monsters.Players in Kuano City are asked to choose to stay in the city, or find out the portal for the summoning ceremony.When Kuano City is captured or the portal is destroyed, the regional story ends.


System prompt: Every player who participates in the plot will receive meritorious rewards from Kuano City. If the defenders win, the meritorious value of each player will be tripled.However, if the players or monsters of the Longteng Guild successfully break through the city lord's mansion of Kuano City, it will be declared that the Longteng Guild has won, and the Longteng Guild will gain control of Kuye City.

"Wow, getting the control of Kuano City, Longteng Xingchen is going to be the city lord of Kuano City!" Molu Xinghe was so surprised that he almost sat on the ground after watching it.

Recalling Long Teng Xingchen's last crazy look, he knew how much he attached importance to this event.Molu Xinghe sighed, raising his eyebrows slightly.This matter must be reported to the chairman immediately.

On the other side, Wang Shuang was still seducing the nightmare mobs in the dream dungeon to kill one by one. Suddenly, there was a system notification, and Wang Shuang didn't even see it clearly. Suddenly, the scene changed and he came to a familiar road.


System prompt: You have entered the hidden copy "Road to Awakening".

This is about to wake up?what happened?Wang Shuang was confused for a moment, and looked at the mission time, oh shit, it's time for teleportation, so as long as I walk through the road of awakening, I will be the entrance to the Gate of Floating Life after I get out?
Fuck, it turns out that if you teleport out from the dream, you have to go through the road to awakening first!That's right, this road is just a process of waking up for other players. It won't take long to get to the end and wake up, but it doesn't mean much to brother!
Wang Shuang turned his head at the starting point of the road to recovery, touched the stone wall behind him, sighed, and imitated Li Muxuan's last kick, kicked up, and with a bang, the seemingly solid stone wall opened like a door.

(End of this chapter)

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