Chapter 253
After the door was kicked open, Wang Shuang rushed in hastily. After rushing in, he saw his mentor Chick Beiweiou sitting on a wooden chair and coughing lightly.

I got sick?Wang Shuang was slightly startled, and immediately rushed forward and said, "Teacher, what's the matter with you, Teacher, it's useless even if you pretend to be sick, just obediently hand over all your body skills and unique skills, as well as all the gold coins on your body! "

"Why did you suddenly have to learn skills?" Cheek asked with a sigh.

"I received a mission to guard the Gate of Floating Life!" Wang Shuang replied.

"The Gate of Floating Life..." Chick showed nostalgia on his face, and sighed slightly: "I didn't expect to become undead—oh, it belongs to your human race now! The Gate of Floating Life used to be, but we What about the elves. It seems that the outside world has changed rapidly in the past 1000 years."

Nani, used to be owned by the elves?Wang Shuang shrank his head, and suddenly remembered that he had played a trick last time, describing the current situation of the human race as extremely tragic. Since it is extremely tragic, why would he guard the gate of floating life?But after taking a look at Chick, the other party didn't seem to notice any problems, and was still thinking calmly.

In short, it's fine if you don't expose it.

Qi Ke suddenly glanced at Wang Shuang, coughed and shook his head, and said, "As for skills, you can only continue to learn after your level is higher. It's not that I don't want to teach you, but that you really can't learn now, and neither do I." Method."

Is there a level limit for skill learning?I understand!But what about coins and gear?Even if there is nothing, at least some useful suggestions!
"But there is more than one way to improve your strength. Do you still remember what I mentioned to you last time?" Chick asked suddenly.

"What's the matter?" Wang Shuang was taken aback and shook his head.

Qi Ke looked at Wang Shuang fixedly, and shook his head: "Just look at your task bar."

Wang Shuang opened his task bar and glanced from top to bottom, and suddenly saw the task of "Finding the Descendants of Inheritance Power", what the hell!Wang Shuang was taken aback, and said loudly: "Teacher, I didn't come here on the territory of the elves this time, but I used props to enter the dreamland on the human side!"

"Props?" Chic frowned: "Hypnotic props?"

"That's right, it's called Dreaming Hourglass." Wang Shuang said.

Chick sighed heavily when he heard the words: "These crooked things look like masterpieces of the undead. But now you can only fall asleep in this way, and I can't stop you from continuing to use it..."

A masterpiece of the undead?Wang Shuang was taken aback when he heard the words, and would think of the strange grocery store and the dark room before, as if it really had the feeling of the dark background of the undead?

"Will there be any side effects after using this thing?" Wang Shuang asked quickly.

"It's best not to even touch the things of the undead." Chick solemnly advised.

Wang Shuang was speechless for a moment, then nodded in agreement.

"As for what you said, you want to increase your strength in a short period of time..." Chick groaned and shook his head: "I can tell you that there are only two ways, one is to practice on the battlefield and sharpen your strength from practice The other is to accompany the training in the military camp. Although the speed of gaining experience points in the military camp training is faster, this method also has an upper limit, and it can only increase your experience points for a period of time."

"Accompaniment for training?" Wang Shuang was slightly taken aback: "How about an accompanying method?"

Chick got stuck for a while, then smiled wryly: "It's been so long, I've almost forgotten about the things outside, but there won't be any missing things after you go out."

"Oh..." Wang Shuang nodded: "Why did the tutor suddenly mention this matter?"

"Because of your current situation, if you want to move forward, conquering followers is the fastest way. Although you need to invest a lot of resources and strength to cultivate followers after conquering them, you put the same amount of resources on yourself There is not much room for improvement, and it is not easy to directly subdue a follower."

In other words, if I want to make achievements in the mission now, I have to collect a few more followers?Fuck, it’s annoying enough to have two vases every day and my brother’s experience, the key is that their level is not high, and the low level means that the effect of investing resources is worse than other followers, my brother hurts!
If there are two or three more followers, my brother will be able to move around in this quest, but after killing a monster and doing a quest, only one-fifth of the experience will be left!Brother, if you want to rush to level 80, what year and month will you have to wait?

Wang Shuang's side is in pain, but on the other side, the Kingdom of Eternal Night is full of excitement.

It is estimated that the most lively thing this morning is this group of undead players who usually keep a low profile, apart from the sudden clearing activity held by the Longteng Guild.In the morning, the king of the Eternal Night Kingdom suddenly walked out of the palace and launched an expedition call to all undead players.This is a faction mission, and the ultimate goal of the mission is to regain the Floating Life Gate.

As for the level of this task?Of course, it is undoubtedly red, and it is a bright blood red.Many undead players who have never seen a quest above the cyan level climax collectively, cheering and shouting.The entire undead players received a notice about the expedition to the Gate of Floating Life this morning, or after going online.

In this expedition to the Gate of Floating Life, in addition to player forces, NPC forces will also be mobilized.Belucio Mudron, the general of the Night Burial Group of the Eternal Night Kingdom, personally commanded an army of [-] skeletons, and set off with [-] vampires and [-] dark knights.Following the expedition were ten famous death lords of the Eternal Night Kingdom, who rode skeleton rhinos and rushed to the outpost to rectify morale.

The human race is now besieged on all sides, and in the case of fighting with the orcs, they cannot send too many people. Only Li Yongzhi, the third general of the Li family, led [-] heavy armored spearmen, [-] cavalry, and [-] archers.

Judging from the comparison in terms of numbers, the undead side is an overwhelming victory, but in terms of quality, it is hard to say which one is stronger and weaker.Moreover, the elves also symbolically lined up two thousand elf marksmen to support the human army this time. If the tactics are well arranged, the humans and elves can completely crush the undead with their long-range advantages.

But there is a very fatal flaw on the side of the human race and the elf race: players are not allowed to participate in this mission.Yes, probably except for Wang Shuang and Longteng Xingchen, the others all thought that this was a benefit for undead players, a great benefit for brushing human NPCs and elf NPCs to earn meritorious growth.

At this time, in the dark temple of the Eternal Night Kingdom, a guy who had a relationship with Wang Shuang had just taken over the mission.Looking at the slightly flashing red task in the task bar, Sun Fire Feather, this former elf player completed a special task. With the consent of most guild players, he led the entire guild away from the elves and invested in it. In the embrace of the undead, and began to grow rapidly.

When Wang Shuang was passing through the territory of the elves, he finally wanted to commit suicide and come back, so he provoked their Sun Guild and killed their president Sun Huoyu.Originally thought that he would be cut into pieces by angry players, but to Wang Shuang's great disappointment, this group of guys was nothing but a piece of sand without the president, and was easily found by the boss and broke out. After that, Wang Shuang could only watch them being wiped out by the boss group.

What made Wang Shuang even more speechless at that time was that the BOSS was also burned to death by his own skills, causing him to jump off a cliff and commit suicide before returning to the church in Saiyan City.

Sun Huoyu is a little excited now.That's right, at first he wasn't sure whether his decision was wise or not. He jumped to the side of the undead and never went back. However, most people in the guild supported him without thinking, which gave him a lot of support. Information, my heart skipped a beat, what the heck!
Sun Huoyu ignored the fact that the guys in their guild were a bunch of funny guys, otherwise it wouldn't be so easy to listen to the opinions of a few capable players under him.Now Sun Huoyu is very excited, yes very excited, because two days after they just jumped over, the undead players immediately received a faction mission, a red-level mission that all undead players can participate in!
As for those elf players?Hehe, just watch it, you won't be envious if you see through it, because you can't participate in this battle!As for whether they will win this battle, Sun Huoyu is not worried at all.Not only do they have an absolute advantage in NPCs, but they also have this group of players who can't be killed no matter what, even if the players are used as cannon fodder, and they all rush to the front and die, they can kill a few rows of NPCs on the opposite side, right?
When the NPC army on my side starts to attack, there is a huge disparity in the strength of the two sides, and there are many players mixing meritorious deeds to grab equipment, so what if the human NPC and the elf NPC join forces?There is a dead end!

The NPC expeditionary forces assembled in various towns at noon today. Because the teleportation arrays of the undead are quite developed, even some small places, such as some novice villages with very basic equipment, also have teleportation arrays. Looking at the NPC expeditionary troops Slowly pouring into the portal like a tide, Sun Huoyu even faintly became anxious.

He is afraid that there are not a few people who think like this. If he goes late and all the NPCs on the opposite side are killed by his own people, then the rewards for this mission are estimated to be quite small for him.If you want to grab the head, you must see the opportunity, first of all, you must be present, and you must be able to make a quick move!
A few players from the Sun Guild silently mixed in with the expedition team, slowly approaching the portal.Sun Huoyu even jumped in line all the way, causing the team to jump around in several places, and then came to the portal.

Sun Huoyu just wanted to rush in, but was stopped by two NPCs on both sides: "Wait a minute, pay the teleportation fee first!"

"Isn't there usually no fee!" Sun Huoyu was startled and angry, and couldn't help cursing: "Fuck, you are taking advantage of this time of the expedition to earn our gold coins?"

"What's the matter, it seems that someone is arguing with the NPC in front?" The players who were waiting bored behind were immediately attracted.

(End of this chapter)

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