It's time to play online

Chapter 254 Starting from the kitchen chores

Chapter 254 Starting from the kitchen chores

At the front of the line, Sun Huoyu was about to argue with two NPCs. At this time, an NPC suddenly rushed out from the side, glanced at Sun Huoyu, and said coldly: "Whoever gets in the way dies."

The opponent didn't have any weapon in his hand, but he lightly kicked Sun Huoyu with a kick, and Sun Huoyu felt his body fly backwards uncontrollably, and then was smashed deeply into the wall , the blood vessels on the head were directly emptied, with a whimper, the body turned into white light and dissipated away.

The players on the scene suddenly fell silent!

"Don't clamor and provoke troubles when the whole country's monarchs and ministers are working together, even adventurers are the same. Listen to me. Those who don't pay the transmission fee will go if they like it."

After speaking, he raised his cloak coldly and left calmly.

"Damn it, who is this NPC? It's so cold and stylish!" A girl from the undead tribe suddenly showed a nympho-like fascination.

"It's a pity, I can't see the name clearly from too far away, it seems to be doing his mission, maybe there is a chance to increase my goodwill, and I can spend more time with him!" Another girl seconded.

The male players were stunned, saying that this NPC is very good at playing cool. "But look at the name on his head, it seems to be covered with a layer of gold, right? Is it the mark after the third job change after the eighty-level? Are there only those death lords?"

"You mean, this guy is one of the ten death lords?"


On the Sun Guild's side, the members who were still at the scene sent condolences to the president and asked if they would continue to participate in the expedition.When Sun Huoyu was revived in the church, he was so angry that this NPC actually killed me in front of so many players in front of the public!Kill players for no reason!Damn it, when did the NPC get so pissed off?

Sun Huoyu even imagined that this matter went to the forum and was discussed by other people, and he trembled with anger.He's already seen a future where he's the laughing stock of undead players.

Thinking about it carefully, Taiyang Huoyu finally sighed, and after calming down his emotions, he replied: "It's okay, you go, this expedition is a rare red-level mission, let alone you, I will mess around later Go in and sneak into the expeditionary army."

"Okay, come on, President, we support you." A Sun Guild player sneered after closing the private chat channel, asking you just to save face, even if you say everyone don't go, I won't listen to you , At worst, quit the union, spend some money to buy a name change card, and a new number.

After the start of the road to recovery, Wang Shuang was discussing other things with his mentor.Now Wang Shuang has changed the topic from "gaining more followers" to "strengthening existing followers".It is not difficult to strengthen Li Muxuan, as long as the opponent destroys a few more dark realms, Li Muxuan can be promoted again, and be promoted to the ranks of cyan-level followers.

But Mi Luduo is a troublesome problem. Her level has been fixed at the black level, and there is no way to strengthen the task.This means that she will always be a black-grade dark elf. From the perspective of a vase, Miludo is still qualified, she can act coquettishly and be cute, and she doesn't mind rubbing against Wang Shuang to seduce him from time to time.

It's just that this game can't do things that cross the border, no matter how much you seduce brother, it will only make him more painful, lonely and cold!

In terms of combat, Mi Luduo is useless except to solve Wang Shuang's current lack of a front row.In terms of output, both Li Muxuan and Wang Shuang finished popping rice.Since the output is not good enough, he should pile up blood and defensive equipment. Wang Shuang decided to let Mi Lu develop more attributes in terms of physical defense and blood.


System prompt: Your talent Reversal of Fortune has been triggered.

Wang Shuang was taken aback for a moment, then glanced at the time, it was already twelve noon?
That guy is probably coming soon.Thinking of Ji Ge, Wang Shuang wondered if it was time for him to have lunch?

Wang Shuang can now basically see that there is no way to improve himself with the mentor for the time being, and it is useless to talk nonsense with him. It is better to get out of the road of recovery and face reality.When Wang Shuang was about to leave, Chick suddenly stopped him: "Are you leaving now? You are the first guy to talk to me in 1000 years, and this time it will be gone in ten minutes?"

Wang Shuang said in pain: "Teacher, I can see that you have no choice but to force me to talk, just to relieve the loneliness in your heart. But now I am carrying the hope of the human race, and we are already in dire straits , if I don’t go back, the human race will be lost!”

Although it's useless for brother to go back, at least leave here first.Sure enough, Chick heaved a long sigh after hearing what Wang Shuang said: "Okay, you go. Remember to come back at level 60, and then I will teach you another skill."

Wang Shuang shook his head and nodded.

"Also, don't forget about my offspring!" Chick said again suddenly.

"Got it, got it." Wang Shuang's scalp tingled, he said a few words casually, and then rushed out the door, crossing the road of awakening, leading to reality——


Wang Shuang fell back to reality and found himself lying in a room full of people.Countless NPCs are busy walking back and forth, holding all kinds of metal utensils, meat and vegetables in their hands, what are they doing?
"New adventurer, are you finally awake?" At this time, a guy with a menacing face rushed over, wearing a long chef's hat, with upside-down eyebrows, straight nose, and thick lips like sausages : "Get up and work, listlessly thinking about what to do!"

Fuck, I ordered my brother as soon as I came up, who are you.Wang Shuang couldn't help but asked in confusion: "Didn't I be sent here to guard the Gate of Floating Life? What is this place?"

"Guard the Gate of Floating Life?" The sausage mouth couldn't help being happy when he heard it, and shouted to several NPCs who were working around with his hands like a trumpet: "Have you heard that, this adventurer is coming to guard the Gate of Floating Life?" Door, it's amazing!"

"That's right, hahaha!" A few NPCs beside him also laughed, looking at Wang Shuang with contempt.

Fuck!Wang Shuang was about to explode when he saw the sausage mouth walking in front of him again, handing over a snow-white chef uniform to Wang Shuang: "Here, from now on, you are a handyman in the military camp. He will be killed immediately! Why don’t you just do chores in the kitchen, and then go out to receive training with ordinary soldiers when you are free, and then talk in your sleep after improving your strength!”

Do odd jobs?Wang Shuang suddenly came to his senses, it turned out that brother had gone right, this place was indeed near the Gate of Floating Life, but this group of garbage NPCs looked down on his strength and refused to let him go to the front line!

Don't let my brother go to the front line and come here to do nothing!Wang Shuang angrily pushed the chef's uniform in front of the sausage mouth: "No, I'm here to kill monsters, why should I do chores?"

"Kill monsters?" Seeing Wang Shuang's extremely arrogant appearance again and again, Sausage Mouth's face also became gloomy.After being silent for a while, he suddenly asked, "With your current strength, what can you do when you go out? What contribution can you make to our Black Feather Legion?"

"I..." Wang Shuang wanted to say that this afternoon was when he was at his strongest. The chances of timing ensured his critical strike probability, and 50% of his physical attack and physical defense? ? ?It further enhanced Wang Shuang's offense and defense. The crit damage is now 330? ? ?That's right, it's equivalent to the attack power of a level [-] monster, plus I have two followers to help out, if you go out to kill monsters, the leveling up will definitely fly fast!

Even if I can't beat a group, I can always beat one!But Wang Shuang couldn't explain this!Although the critical hit probability reversal, the bonus of physical attack and defense, these things are understood by players, but explaining them to NPCs will not work.So in the eyes of NPC, if your level is low, you are weak, and you should not be able to beat them.

"I won't argue with you." Wang Shuang rolled his eyes, turned his head, and immediately lurked away in the dark.Anyway, he is an assassin now, so it won't be easy if he wants to leave?Once you get out of this kitchen, you can go outside and kill monsters as you like!
But at this moment, Wang Shuang suddenly received a system notification.


System prompt: Li Sheyan, Pillar of the Remaining Dragon, activated the skill "Odor Tracking" and saw through your stealth state. You are now exposed in the opponent's field of vision!
"What the hell is the smell tracking and stepping on the horse? I'm not the prey!" Wang Shuang almost spat out a mouthful of old blood when he saw it. At the same time, there was a rush of footsteps behind him, and Wang Shuang was thrown back. out of the kitchen.

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and call your servants. Many soldiers have been fighting bloody battles all day, and they are already very hungry. If there is a mistake on your side in our kitchen, the entire barracks, from generals to soldiers, will not be able to eat. You Just wait to be sent back directly!"

"Why can you send me back directly!" Wang Shuang said excitedly, "Thank you so much."

"Hmph, don't even think about it, unless your cooking skills can surpass mine sometime!" Sausage Mouth finished with a stare, then ignored Wang Shuang, and went back to greet other handymen and chefs.

Wang Shuang hesitated on the spot for a while, and sighed after his egg hurt. Since this guy said to let his brother work in the kitchen temporarily, it's better to stay in peace for the time being.This may be a systematic arrangement. Since I was sent to the kitchen as soon as I came here, then the follow-up plot should be that I work in the kitchen most of the time, go out to fight monsters for a small part of the time, and spend even less time with the soldiers. Let's practice and upgrade quickly.

When it finally rises to the same level as a monster, at this time, because of the needs of the plot, my cooking skills should be able to surpass this sausage mouth, and then I can go out to experience uncontrollably, and finally establish meritorious deeds, helping the human race to completely wipe out the undead army. Repelled, the meritorious deeds returned to Saiyan City, and received praise from the city lord Victor and the leader of the Glorious Legion, Kesma!
This plot is perfect. After receiving the red-level task reward, my strength has improved to a higher level. After returning to Saiyan City, I can trample on the trash of the Dragon Guild. Now, my brother seems to have taken this matter as a entertainment?But who told them to cook, and kept jumping in front of brother?Haha, wahahahaha!
(End of this chapter)

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