It's time to play online

Chapter 256 Cooking Showdown

Chapter 256 Cooking Showdown
In a military camp kitchen near the Gate of Floating Life, Wang Shuang was struggling desperately.


System prompt: You have completed the cooking task "Scrape off fish scales", you will get 6 experience points, your follower Li Muxuan will get 6 experience points, and your follower Mi Luduo will get 6 experience points.


System prompt: You have completed the cooking task "washing apples", you get 2 experience points, your follower Li Muxuan gets 2 experience points, and your follower Mi Luduo gets 2 experience points.


System prompt: You have completed the cooking task "Processing Mutton with Bone", you will get 8 experience points, your follower Li Muxuan will get 8 experience points, and your follower Mi Luduo will get 8 experience points.


One cooking task after another was completed in Wang Shuang's hands, and at the same time Wang Shuang became more and more anxious.What's going on, why is it like this, sometimes with the addition of luck, it should be an easy thing for him to comprehend cooking skills!I have completed more than a dozen cooking tasks, why still can't understand?

At this time, the sausage mouth from before came over and took a look at Wang Shuang. His narrowed eyes stayed on Wang Shuang's hand for a while, then his eyes moved to Wang Shuang's face, and he sneered and said, "Look, sometimes people You just have to be a little self-aware.”

"Fuck!" Wang Shuang was trembling with anger, wanting to slap the sausage mouth for a while, but then he thought that this guy was probably the head chef of the military camp, if I beat him up, maybe these chefs would not be able to complete the task!If these cooks cannot complete the task, the food in the barracks will be affected, the training effect of soldiers who are not full will also decrease, and their combat effectiveness will also decrease when they go to the battlefield, which may even cause them to lose the war against the undead!

Fuck, this task is really painful, but I just can't kill the guy in front of me.Wang Shuang let go of his hand angrily, and after thinking about it, he should go offline from the head office.Can't afford to offend, brother can't afford to hide!
"See you again!" Wang Shuang snorted and went offline directly.I can't learn this cooking skill, maybe it's because of the chef's uniform on my body and my low luck, but there is always a way to solve cooking skills, so don't worry.

Wang Shuang got off the line and smelled a faint fragrance after taking off his helmet.Walking out of the room, Wang Shuang was slightly surprised to see two boxes of... Takeaway?
"I see that you don't plan to go out to eat, so I ordered takeaway." Ji Ge came out of the kitchen, saw Wang Shuang also came out, sat down at the table and patted one of the vacant seats: "Sit down." , I should be tired after playing games all morning."

"You order me takeaway out of your own pocket?" Wang Shuang sat down and picked up chopsticks to eat.

"Of course, but anyway, the money can be reimbursed by your mother." Ji Ge said, took off the chopsticks and began to eat the lunch box in front of him.

"Just look for me from now on, don't look for my mother." Wang Shuang frowned upon hearing this, "I've left home now, and I have to rely on my own ability to live."

"Then I'll help you clean up at your side every month, and you will pay for the daily care?" Ji Ge put his chin on his hands and tilted his head with a smile.

"Okay, I'll pay!" Wang Shuang said boldly with a wave of his hand.

"Haha." Ji Ge smiled, took a look at Wang Shuang's face as he went down to eat again, and couldn't help laughing: "Why do you look like a pig when you eat? How about I call you Zhuzhu from now on?"

"This won't work, it's too ugly and vulgar!" Wang Shuang immediately refused after hearing the words.

"Pig, pig? Hehehe..." Ji Ge started to giggle as he read.

"...Forget it, do as you please." Anyway, if you just call it that in private, it's nothing.What's more, the girl's tone of voice is not offensive.

After Wang Shuang finished eating, just as he was about to pick up the lunch box and throw it away, Ji Ge suddenly rushed up and snatched the lunch box from Wang Shuang's hand, and then smiled at him: "This kind of thing should be mine in the first place." Work, leave it to me to do it."

"Oh, oh..." Wang Shuang nodded blankly.

Seeing Ji Ge's busy appearance, Wang Shuang suddenly remembered something.After Ji Ge came out with the dishcloth from the kitchen, Wang Shuang stepped forward and stopped him: "You played all night last night, you should be basically familiar with character operation and start killing monsters, right?"

"I'm level three." Ji Ge said in a daze.

"What profession do you play?"

Ji Ge was taken aback for a moment: "You can only choose a career after changing jobs at the tenth level."

"I said what profession are you going to play?"

"Me? I feel that the mage is good..."

Wang Shuang snorted, "That's not bad. I just happen to have cloth armor and equipment that I don't need. When you level up, I'll find some mage equipment for you."

Ji Ge smiled sweetly when he heard the words: "I'm going back to practice now."

Wang Shuang chuckled: "Go, I'm going to go online and continue to sprint."

Returning to the room and putting on the helmet, Wang Shuang continued his journey.It is still the familiar kitchen, and the cooks and handymen around are working hard in their respective positions.

"Adventurer, adventurer!" The voice of the sausage mouth from a distance startled Wang Shuang: "Adventurer, do you know how much we have fallen behind in the progress of the task during the time you have been away?" ?”

"Fuck, you also know that I'm an adventurer, and if I'm an adventurer, I'm going to go offline to rest!" Wang Shuang couldn't help it this time, and straightened his back and Nucao sausage mouth.

"I don't care about that." Sausage Mouth snorted coldly: "Whether you want to rest or practice with the soldiers, as long as you complete your cooking tasks, I have no problem!"

In other words, brother must complete the daily tasks first?Wang Shuang couldn't help feeling a burst of sadness in his heart.I don’t want to do it, I can’t comprehend cooking skills even if I do it, or in other words, the probability of comprehension is very low!
And if I want to waste time on this, I might as well continue to do the task of collecting red weapons!Wang Shuang thought of the way to leave here. It seemed that the only way was to use cooking skills to defeat the sausage mouth in front of him.

Cooking is a life skill, right?Suddenly Wang Shuang thought of Li Muxuan's pet Li Er, wondering if it could replace brother in the competition?
"Can I ask my followers to come out and help?" Wang Shuang asked tentatively.

"Any way will do." Sausage Mouth snorted.

You can come out and do cooking tasks!Wang Shuang nodded, then summoned Li Muxuan, and then Li Er crawled out from under Li Muxuan's neck.As soon as he came out, he met Wang Shuang's eyes.

Li Er was taken aback for a moment, and then said happily: "Oh, stupid adventurer, you still take the initiative to accept the task today, so listen carefully, today's topic is..."

"Damn it!" Wang Shuang felt so pained, he had no choice but to patiently listen to Li Er's question, search for the answer, and then received a prompt about the correct answer.

"Li Er, I need your help with something." Wang Shuang said after answering the question.By this time the sausage mouth had stolen elsewhere to supervise other cooks and handymen.

"What's the matter meow?"

"You know how to cook, right? Use your cooking skills to defeat that guy." Wang Shuang said, pointing to the sausage mouth in front.

"Why use cooking skills to defeat him?" Li Er yawned loudly and asked in puzzlement.

"Because this guy won't let me go out, shit." Wang Shuang said angrily, "If I don't defeat him, I'll have to peel potatoes and apples here... so sad."

"Oh, what does this have to do with me?" Li Er continued to ask.

"..." Wang Shuang was silent for a while, then suddenly turned to look at Li Muxuan: "Baby, let your pet enter the soul pet mode, and then use cooking skills to help me defeat this guy."

"Understood, my lord." Li Muxuan clasped her fists and said.

Looking at the unwilling Li Er, Wang Shuang snorted lightly, fighting with me?You are still young!

"What are you doing, do something quickly." At this time, Sausage Mouth also came over, seeing that Wang Shuang was still with his hands idle, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and was about to come up and teach Wang Shuang a lesson.

Damn, labor and management have tolerated you for a long time!Wang Shuang turned to stare at him, and waved his hand arrogantly: "I want to compete with you in cooking, if I win, you have to let me leave here."

Sausage Mouth was stunned for a long time, then suddenly sneered.He rolled up his sleeves and walked up slowly: "I've seen crazy people, but I've never seen someone as crazy as you. Should I say you don't have self-knowledge, or do you have a good personality?"

"Look, that new adventurer has only done a few cooking tasks, and he plans to challenge the head chef without even comprehending cooking skills!"

"Going for a dead end, hey, after the estimate fails, the head chef will increase the workload for him again."

"It's better for us not to talk too much, or the chef will vent his anger on us later..."

"Yes, cut vegetables quickly, cook quickly!"

Sausage Mouth looked around the kitchen, and then set his eyes on Wang Shuang: "Before we start, adventurer, I don't think you know the rules of our game, do you?"

Wang Shuang was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head: "I don't know, what's the rule?"

The chill in Sausage Mouth's eyes deepened: "You dare to mess around without knowing the rules, it seems that you are not confident, you are completely challenging my patience!"

After a pause, Sausage Mouth continued: "This is the kitchen of the military camp. Our rule is that in the next serving time, we must prepare enough food for the entire military camp. You know, delicious food comes second. , the most important thing is to feed the soldiers, make the soldiers feel strong, and let the generals refresh themselves, so that they can continue to fight the enemy on the battlefield!"

Wang Shuang nodded, Sausage Mouth glanced at Wang Shuang, and continued: "Also, because this is the land we just won, we can only use local materials, so the ingredients are very limited. The ingredients we can collect every day are often If it doesn’t fit our recipe, we need to modify the recipe and make it taste similar to the original!”

"Ingredients! Weight! Last but not least is the taste, needless to say. This is the rule of the Black Hell Legion barracks kitchen! And all the cooks in the entire kitchen will work for me!" Sausage Mouth said, raising his arms, and immediately attracted people around Responses from other cooks and handymen.

Wang Shuang felt a little bit in trouble, no matter how powerful they are, but in the situation where only Li Muxuan can do it, are they really sure of winning?

(End of this chapter)

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