It's time to play online

Chapter 257 Confident Li Muxuan

Chapter 257 Confident Li Muxuan
Before the start of the duel, the first is the competition of the lineups of the two sides.

First of all, the head chef, with all the chefs and handymen in the entire kitchen, has the maximum efficiency, but Wang Shuang suspects that the other party will affect the quality because he asks the chef to do the work.

On the other hand, Wang Shuang, although after Li Muxuan went out in person, there is basically no need to worry about the quality, but even the best quality needs to be piled up in quantity.If the number does not increase, it is useless.

Such a comparison can highlight the advantages of the head chef.The other party is probably working in the kitchen of the military camp all year round, and the control of speed and quality has reached a perfect point. If the speed is one point faster, the quality is likely to be three points less; one point more quality is likely to be three points less. speed.The Head Chef and the Chefs have long since exercised to the point where both can reach their peak.

Although Wang Shuang had only Li Muxuan on his side, when Wang Shuang twisted his neck, brother is also a human being, not to mention he has a follower!With a ding, Wang Shuang summoned Mi Luduo.

"Mi Luduo, come and help, let's compete with each other in cooking." Wang Shuang said while rolling up his sleeves.

"Culinary competition?" Mi Lu was stunned: "But I can't!"

Fuck, I know you don't know how to do it, can I let you work as a handyman?Wang Shuang explained to Mi Lu painfully for a while before he let the other party understand: "So that's it, I understand, so please feel free to call me wherever you can use me."

This is natural.Now Wang Shuang and Mi Luduo separated, Li Muxuan stood in front of a cutting board and wok, everything was ready.

"Diamond fish?" Li Muxuan grabbed the first ingredient and looked at it: "You can make homemade tooth fish! We will start preparing immediately."

Wang Shuang nodded, and Li Muxuan's fingers began to move quickly, and at the same time, she couldn't help explaining: "Because the ingredients have been processed in advance, we simply rinse them with water, wash them and change them twice, and fry the pan at the same time. Preheat the oil inside."

Hearing this, Wang Shuang hurriedly picked up the wok and oil, and at the same time couldn't help reminding: "Time, time is also very important, pay attention to efficiency!"

"Understood my lord." Li Muxuan nodded, and suddenly shouted: "Pick out the green onion, ginger and garlic first, and pork belly!"

Wang Shuang was taken aback, and quickly pulled Li Muxuan to find pork belly among the ingredients, and grabbed a handful of onions, ginger and garlic and put them on the cutting board.Li Muxuan didn't even look at it. She picked up the knife and dropped it on the cutting board at will. The onion was cut into sections in an instant, and the ginger and garlic were also cut into thin slices of uniform thickness. Sweeping the kitchen knife to the side, the pork belly slapped on the cutting board, and the knife was lifted and cut into slices.

After everything was ready, Li Muxuan put the freshly processed fish into the pot, fried it on both sides, and then fished it out.

When the fish comes out, put it in a bowl and cover it to prevent the heat from being lost along with the flavor.Then Li Muxuan poured some oil into the pot again, and dropped all the onions, ginger, garlic, and pork belly that had been processed before into the pot in one go. The oil foam sprayed with the shovel, and a faint fragrance could be smelled soon.

"Cooking wine, soy sauce, salt, monosodium glutamate, sugar." Li Muxuan's mouth sprayed out all these words like a machine gun.

Wang Shuang and Mi Luduo searched for a long time on the cooking table on one side, and finally found all of them.Li Muxuan put all these seasonings into the pot, and then took out the tooth sliced ​​fish from the previous frying pan and put it into the pot.

"Okay, let's do something else." Li Muxuan clapped her hands and said.

"Is this the end?" Wang Shuang was taken aback for a moment.

"No no, let it cook slowly by itself, I remember the time." Li Muxuan glanced back: "The slow fire tastes good, the fish is tender and does not thicken. The purpose of adding sugar and vinegar is to remove the fishy smell. Don’t put too much flavor, so as not to appear sweet and sour. When the heat is about the same, the adults come back and turn it over and cook for a while, then it can be out of the pot.”

"Now let's move on to the next dish." Li Muxuan looked back to the ingredients: "What should I do... Hey, there are quite a lot of apples!"

Wang Shuang nodded when he heard the words: "I also remember peeling a lot of apples and many types of fish just now. It seems that there are streams and apple trees near the Gate of Floating Life!"

"My lord, let me see if there are any other seasonings." Li Muxuan pushed Wang Shuang away, rushed to the seasoning table, glanced at the things on it, and couldn't help admiring: "Everything is available! Now I am completely relieved gone."

"Honey, we're cooking a fish right now, is it really okay?" Wang Shuang glanced at the other chefs with some concern, as if they had already cooked a dish.

"It's okay, we can catch up. According to them, we divide the tasks in half, so we just need to prepare food for more than 1 people, right?"

"Baby, it's true to say so, but we only have 4 hours left, is it really too late?" Wang Shuang asked urgently.

"Don't worry, just leave it to me." Li Muxuan said.

"The next thing to do is soft fried apples. First, take the peeled apples." After Li Muxuan took an apple, she waved the blade in her hand neatly, a flash of the knife flashed, and the apples fell into pieces and fell into the dinner plate inside.Then Li Muxuan took another apple, chopped it repeatedly, and then threw it all into a large dinner plate.

"My lord, take that bag of baking powder with you and stir it all in." Li Muxuan said suddenly.

Upon hearing this, Wang Shuang immediately looked for baking powder on the seasoning table.At this time, Li Muxuan turned her head and glanced at Mi Luduo, then pointed to the wok on the side: "Go and turn the fish inside."

"Okay, okay!" It was the first time that Mi Luduo was directly commanded by Li Muxuan. After receiving the order, he trotted all the way to open the lid of the pot, turned the tooth sliced ​​fish over, and then put the lid on the pot.

At this time, Wang Shuang also completed the task, and then saw Li Muxuan lift up the plate and put all the apples inside.After every piece of apple was soaked in the paste, he walked over with the whole bowl.

At this time, the tooth slice fish was almost cooked, Li Muxuan took the tooth slice fish out of the pot, and then shook it vigorously, all the remaining oil and soup in the pot disappeared, leaving only a faint heat.Li Muxuan poured the oil back on, and after heating the pan, threw all the soaked apples into the frying pan and fried them piece by piece.

"Prepare three or four dinner plates and honey." Li Muxuan instructed Wang Shuang and Mi Luduo without looking at them.

After all the apples were fried until they were golden and crisp, Li Muxuan quickly took them out of the pan, and then put the remaining unfried apples into the pan again... Repeating this several times, several plates of soft fried apples quickly filled a corner of the dining table.

After covering everything with a lid to prevent the loss of heat and aroma, Li Muxuan clapped her hands and looked at the others who were about to start cooking the second course, showing a slight sneer without any disgust.

Wang Shuang couldn't help wondering: "Why, it doesn't make sense, they just finished the first course, why haven't they started the second course yet?"

Li Muxuan explained after hearing the words: "My lord, because you are an adventurer, there are some things you won't understand."

Wang Shuang groaned, remembering that He Kun also said similar things to himself when he seemed to be repairing the Dragon Tooth Boat.If it is an NPC, it will take a long time to repair the ship, but if it is an adventurer, it will be completed in a second.

Then Li Muxuan made several dishes with the same method.Due to the scarcity of materials and the limitation of time and space, Li Muxuan basically cooks dishes made of fish, apples and some wild vegetables in the mountains.The other party is similar, and compared with Wang Shuang and the others, although the sausage mouth is temporarily ahead in quantity, the quality is far inferior to the gorgeous and fragrant dishes that Li Muxuan finished cooking.

Even Sausage Mouth couldn't help but look back frequently: "It's amazing, it's amazing! I have to say, adventurer, you are indeed a guy who is good at performing miracles!"

"Many people have commented on Brother like that before." Wang Shuang chuckled, then shook his head and said, "But Brother's way of pretending is far more than that."

In the next few hours, Li Muxuan used the remaining ingredients to make foods that Wang Shuang had never heard of, such as "sweet and sour mixed vegetables", "shredded yam", "dry fried whitebait".Until the end, the sausage mouth side was finished half an hour earlier, while Li Muxuan and Wang Shuang's side was delayed until 5 minutes before the end.

After an afternoon of work, I finally got it all done.Wang Shuang was so tired that he almost collapsed in front of the condiment table. Fortunately, there were continuous task rewards during this process. After an afternoon of hard work, Wang Shuang's level also rose to level 58, and two followers also followed Wang Shuang. level one.

Is it time to decide the winner?In fact, it is very obvious who wins and who loses. The food made by Li Muxuan "glows" when it comes out of the pan like the ones on TV, but the chefs under Sausage Mouth make it very plain.

"Hmph, if you don't finish it, you don't even have the qualifications to compete." Sausage Mouth snorted, glanced at Li Muxuan's home-made grilled fish with tooth slices, and nodded with satisfaction: "It looks good, but the actual situation is still good." It's up to the generals and the soldiers to judge."

"Now." The sausage mouth turned cold, and waved his big hand: "Take out all the dishes, take out the big pot of rice and steamer rice, and prepare to cook!"

"Understood!" The cooks put down their kitchen knives, and the handymen also rolled up their sleeves and prepared to serve the dishes.At this time, Sausage Mouth suddenly pointed at Wang Shuang: "You, help me together."

"Me too?" Wang Shuang was slightly startled.

"Nonsense, before you beat me, just do odd jobs honestly. Now that the victory is not decided, you still have to listen to me!"

I do!Wang Shuang couldn't help but slandered more than a dozen bad words about Sausage Mouth, and finally joined the army serving dishes. Five minutes later, Wang Shuang suddenly felt a tremor on the ground, as if there was something... No, it was a lot of people, a lot of people were rushing towards the cafeteria!
For the Black Feather Legion, after a day of training, the soldiers were sweating a lot, and they were so hungry that they were ready to eat.Wang Shuang saw many soldiers taking off their armor while walking, revealing the untidy cloth armor inside. After a while, the whole cafeteria was surrounded by a smell of sweat.

This time, almost all the soldiers found that the dining table in the canteen was divided into two parts. One part had dishes they were familiar with, and the other part had many dishes they hadn't seen before.Obviously, the unseen dish on this table was made by another person...

(End of this chapter)

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