It's time to play online

Chapter 262 NPCs outside the Lionheart Kingdom

Chapter 262 NPCs outside the Lionheart Kingdom
Glancing at the blood on Xue Liwei's head, Xue Yique patted her chest in relief: "Thanks for your hard work, Li Wei, you did a great job."

Xue Liwei nodded, but her eyes fell on Xue Yique's claws on her chest.Seeing this, Xue Yique smiled awkwardly: "I can't pat your shoulder!"

"En." Xue Liwei agreed, then bent down suddenly, and put her shoulders in front of Xue Yique.Xue Yique was taken aback for a moment, then suddenly smiled evilly, raised his hand and rubbed Xue Liwei's hair vigorously, causing the latter to whimper, and looked at Xue Yique with his head in his arms: "Woo... President!"

"Hahaha, interesting and interesting." Xue Yique couldn't help but burst out laughing, then waved his hand, turned his head away, and opened the friend list to send messages with others.

"Hey, I avenged you, why don't you want to thank me?" Xue Yique picked up the equipment on the ground, except for the one that the god of war Qingfeng exploded before, the other one was from Longteng Xingchen fell down.Just one glance at the quality made Xue Yique almost reluctant to let go.This is actually a Tier 2 piece of equipment, and it's not a low-grade blue grade!
"Okay, thank you, I'll treat you to dinner later." With a ding, Qingfeng, God of War, quickly replied.

"Bring me to dinner?" Xue Yique was stunned, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Are you trying to ask me out in disguise, huh?"

"No, no, it's easy to say, let's thank you later, hehe, hehe..." The new message slipped in, and it was still from the god of war, Qingfeng.

Xue Yique just took a look, this time she didn't reply, but closed the chat window, and turned to look at the remaining members of the Longteng guild in front of her.Compared to the joy of the God of War Alliance and the Blood Seal Guild, most members of the Longteng Guild were in a sluggish state, watching Xue Yique pick up the equipment of Longteng Xingchen in a daze, not knowing how to react for a while.

"Liuguang Qingming, quickly organize people to kill the remaining NPCs, lead everyone into the city to wipe out all the NPCs in the city lord's mansion, and then capture Kuoye City!" Bei Jianzhu was the first to react, and sent a message to shake the dazed Long Teng Liu Guang and Long Teng Qingming were awakened by the shock.

Longteng Liuguang and Longteng Qingming also woke up like a dream. They have always prioritized strengthening all their power on Longteng Xingchen. At first, they thought that Wang Shuang might not be Longteng Xingchen's opponent, but they didn't expect a sudden rush out. The unknown pawn unexpectedly killed the president who invested a lot of resources in one blow.

However, the current situation does not allow them to stop in the slightest. Longteng Liuguang immediately organized the members of the guild to mobilize everyone. Some people stayed to resist and block the progress of several guilds, some killed NPCs, and some broke through the city. The wall of players at the gate rushed into Kuano City and captured the City Lord's Mansion.On the other side, Long Teng Qingming gave orders to several revived monsters and humans respectively, ignoring everything they saw on the road and heading straight into the city!
The two NPCs who had just escaped from the armed mode and unloaded their light armor rushed towards the gate of the city quickly, and other monsters summoned by the mechanical ring also squeezed towards the gate of the city.The players at the gate of the city are still killing some low-level monsters to pick up equipment, wanting to get more money before they die. Unexpectedly, a large number of monsters and skeletons descended together. After passing them, the herd summoner Leva Zhusa suddenly glanced at them With a glance and a gesture of raising his hand, a wild boar made of white bones appeared out of thin air!
"Quickly enter the city to defend, the Longteng Guild is coming!" The players who knew that they would not be able to avoid this calamity yelled towards the city and the walls, hoping that someone would hear their words and do something quickly.But what is regrettable is that as soon as a few players on the city wall responded, they were kicked down forcefully.Then the flag on the city wall was changed, and it became the guild badge of the Longteng guild: "Haha, it's a pity, you have no chance. Fa Shen, Huo Lie, Po Fa, group skills, let me smash it!"

"Received!" Longteng Fashen, Longteng Huolie, and Longteng Pofawenyan agreed together. The three moved in unison and almost simultaneously rubbed fireballs in their hands, and then threw them into the air and turned into pieces of burning clouds.There were bursts of roaring from inside the cloud, and burning stones mixed with gray dust fell one after another, densely like raindrops, but with the power of arrows piercing through the air, falling on the group of players, on the city wall and on the corpses Afterwards, both exploded and burned blazingly, creating a temporary small-scale sea of ​​flames that continued to burn enemies within the range.

The vitality and blood on the players' heads were all lost almost at the same time. Except for the players who escaped from the city wall, the rest of the players in the city were baptized by a wave of meteor showers, and the blood bars on their heads were reduced by half in an instant.They screamed and squeezed each other, but they couldn't leave because there were too many people.

Some players who were close to the city wall wanted to rush up and kill the players of the Dragon Soaring Guild, but they were all wiped out by the fifth and sixth battle groups arranged by the Dragon Soaring Guild on the stairs.At the same time, the three mages who had just escaped the meteor shower began to chant again, this time it was a lightning storm that also dealt very high damage.

A huge thundercloud condensed in the sky, covering the entire sky in this area.The black and thick clouds made everyone's hearts seem to be shrouded in a layer of night, and then thunderbolts with the thickness of arms descended in groups in an instant, the ground was scorched black by the electricity, and the ground was also overturned by the electricity. All corners were shattered by the thunder, and countless players cried and howled under the thunder.

After the lightning storm ended, a large area was vacated in the city in an instant, and only a few players were left standing in place in a daze.

"Huh, there are still people who are still alive?" Long Tengfa said miraculously.

"It's their talent." On the other side, Long Teng said lazily.

Indeed, as Long Teng Huo Lie said, they performed a fireball technique on the remaining few people, and they also turned into a white light and went back to be reborn.Some people blasted two fireballs, but the blood on their heads remained motionless.But after the Longteng guild stopped attacking, it fell instead.

Talent, Unyielding Fighting Spirit: You can still fight in a near-death state for 7 seconds after death, and then die immediately.

Talent, Kanzaki Physique: When receiving fatal damage, immune to this damage and gain a shield that can absorb 10x current level point damage, cooldown time is 36000 seconds.


The players at the gate of the city were almost wiped out, and the Longteng Guild and other monsters summoned outside the gate easily rushed into Kuano City and began to rush to the City Lord's Mansion with all their strength.Outside Kuoye City, because the city wall has been controlled by the players of Longteng Guild, the city gate was closed again.When the rushing team killed a group of Longteng guild players and low-level monsters and arrived at the gate of the city, they couldn't help being stunned.

——Moire City Gate (Yellow-Kuoye City Gate): Durability 100000000, vitality 10, physical defense 10000, physical resistance 0? ? ?Magic defense 16000, magic resistance 0?

"Damn, 1 million blood!" The Star of the World couldn't help cursing after seeing it: "This should be a problem for the Dragon Association, so why is it being used to trap us now?"

"Damn it, we didn't consider Longteng Guild's tactics at all. We did make a mistake this time!" Xue Yique's eyes were full of resentment. He landed a dagger on the city gate, and the gate sparks jingled. With [-] points, she can't even do the most basic defense breaking, let alone consume [-] million blood!
"Are we really going to stop here?" God of War Bai Yu sighed in disappointment.

"No, I think we still have a chance." Molu Shengxiao suddenly interrupted everyone, and asked back: "If this city gate is really set to be impenetrable, then the players in Kuoye City only need to close the gate once." Well, what if the Dragon Guild has two level 80 monsters to help out? The average HP of our players after the job change is around 9000, the average physical attack is 2400, and the average physical defense is 2600. The attributes of this city gate are simply heaven and earth. do not!"

"So?" Bloody Xingbai tried to ask.

"So, there must be another way to enter the city!" Molu Shengxiao insisted.

"...No, it's too late." The Star of the World suddenly sighed, and shook his head in disappointment: "I can also see that we may indeed have a way to get in, and the NPC on the other side of the city wall who has been watching coldly may have a way." , but this method may take a lot of effort. Maybe before we enter Kuano City, they will sweep all the NPCs in the City Lord's Mansion of Kuano City."

"How will you know if you don't try!" Molu Shengxiao quickly rushed over, looking at the NPC with a neutral yellow name on his head, couldn't help but be surprised: "This guy is actually a level 100 NPC!"

"Adventurer, do you want to enter the city?" He looked at Molu Shengxiao and asked suddenly.

"Think, what can you do?" Molu Shengxiao asked.

"Go and clear the Kuye Plain before you come to me. Be quick, you only have 10 minutes."

"Huh?" Molu Shengxiao was dumbfounded.

"In 10 minutes, we won't be in charge of Kuano City before we finish cleaning up the Longteng Guild." The Star of the World and others came up from behind, seeing Molu Shengxiao's unconvinced look, the Star of the World sighed Tone: "It's useless, the Longteng Guild probably investigated such an obvious matter a long time ago."

"Did you see what that group of players—that group of adventurers did!" Molu Shengxiao asked.

"I see, what's the matter?" NPC asked indifferently.

Molu Shengxiao was stunned: "They killed the lord of Kuoye City, don't you have any idea?"

"Thoughts?" The NPC sneered: "The matter of the Lionheart Kingdom has nothing to do with me? How they like to fight for power has nothing to do with me. I just need someone to help me clean up the monsters on the Kuanye Plain."

"Isn't this guy from the Lionheart Kingdom?" Molu Baicai looked a little surprised: "But he's obviously a human..."

"Humans don't seem to represent the Lion Heart Kingdom, right? We seem to subconsciously regard all human NPCs as people from the Lion Heart Kingdom." Xue Yique sighed.

(End of this chapter)

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